@halm@leminal.space cover

Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

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halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Well, fuck. It was fun while it lasted.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

It's definitely true that Twitter consistently failed to raise the expected profit for stockholders, which is probably why they appreciated the wild overshot that Musk offered. I sort of appreciated that the company could stay so uncommercial for as long as it did, running only on hype.

Did Nazis use to "run rampant" on there before? Maybe not straight up, clear cut Nazis but there were some people who really dogwhistled in that direction going way back.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Ooh, good one! I'll try to stick to the very basics that I've installed, different strokes for different use cases and all.

  • MicroG — a non-Google framework to circumvent annoying GSF dependencies.
  • DAVx5 — will sync calendars and contacts from your own cal/cardDAV instance.
  • ICSx5 — helps add external ICS calendars into your calendar.
  • Syncthing — keeps documents, pictures, etc synced between devices.
  • KISS launcher — search based launcher. No bloat, no muss, no fuss. Everything else seems to try too hard after KISS.
  • Fossify apps. There's a whole suite but I only use
    • Fossify calendar,
    • Fossify contacts,
    • Fossify SMS messenger.
  • Fennec — a Firefox that passes F-droid privacy muster.
  • K-9 mail — um, is this top grade email app named after the robot dog in Doctor Who? Affirmative.
  • Open camera — so much better than a basic Android camera app.
  • Authenticator Pro — 2-factor authetication (dunno why it's called "Pro", it's not like there's a paid tier)
  • Obtainium — another app manager, for the fringe cases where an app isn't on F-droid but you trust its source enough to download it from there.

Edited to add:

  • NewPipe! — third party YouTube player that puts a stick in Google's tracking and profiling.

Additional repositories

F-droid is great and all but its best feature really is that you can add other app repositories alongside the flagship one. IMO you absolutely need to add the following repos for the best selection (ie., adapted to my list above 😉)

Suggestions for more repos?

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Hmmm, so DivestOS supports bootloader relocking, huh? I'll have to give that a look.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Yeah, there are piracy websites that comply with DMCA notices but, like Youtube in the olden days, it's basically whack-a-mole on the copyright holders' part because they have to give individual notices for each pirated copy. So like you say, you can probably find other copies anyway.

The need for a Fedi Union.

tl;dr I propose a Fedi Union consisting of the developers of Phanpy, Pixelfed, Peertube, Lemmy, and PieFed. That will work as a way to fund all of the services collectively (with the option to still go to their individual patreons and fund them seperately) and as a way for them to communicate to help all the services be more...

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Phanpy, a mastodon frontend is somehow going to co-lead a battle against Meta? I'm not at all against unionising, but it sounds like you're cherry picking whatever you personally happen to use as representative of the fediverse.

There really won't be any Beatles music in the Beatles episode ( www.empireonline.com )

“I knew instantly you can never play Beatles songs on screen because the copyright is too expensive. So I’m thinking, ‘How would you do a Beatles episode without Beatles music?’ And that becomes the entire plot,” Davies explains. “That’s where the idea came from – copyright law!”

halm OP ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

OT: I swear, someday I'm going to find the sourpusses who'll downvote anything, even a straight, sourced quotation — and I'm going to give them a long, individual hug, because clearly that's what they really need.

ETA: I'm loving the passive hugaliciousness around this post and comment! Screw downvotes, they're digital hugsies 🤗

"I will never surrender!" The third 60th anniversary special script has a lovely, unfilmed coda for Wilfred Mott ( leminal.space )

A short while back the BBC added a batch of new/never before seen scripts to their Doctor Who database, including the 60th specials. Tucked away at the tail end of "The giggle" is an alternate ending scene featuring Wilfred Mott that the late Bernard Cribbins didn't shoot before his demise:...

halm OP ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

The only man who gets away with saluting the Tenth Doctor. Wilf was all our grandad.

halm OP ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Apologies, the link didn't register when I posted the quote. You can find the "Giggle" script here [PDF]. All available Whoniverse scripts here.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

I have an old Thinkpad, 32 bit and with such meager RAM it's not even tempting to run any modern home server thingamajik on it. Instead I installed Debian without a DE and set it to open Midnight Commander on boot. From there I can open the built-in text editor and start typing. My current documents and notes are synced in with Syncthing.

It's far from pocket sized but whenever one of my other, newer machines inevitably break down, that's what I pull off the shelf to keep working.

I love Mastodon and ActivityPub. But I think Nostr is going to win. Here's why.

Mastodon is a great platform. I have an account there, and I have been using it as a twitter replacement for several months. I have been using nostr for around two months. I have also read fairly deeply into how Mastodon and Nostr work. I think nostr is better. Here's why....

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Most people don’t understand cryptocurrency, and don’t want anything to do with it because of its association with scams

This is exactly why I won't touch Nostr or any blockchain project with a ten foot pole. The crypto Bros are really trying to legitimise the technology so one day they can use the Monopoly money they stashed away.

I'm sad that this connection is only mentioned in a third level comment, potential users should be aware what they're getting into with Nostr.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

Every time non-techies start adopting a blockchain project, the crypto bros win. Nobody else. The "crypto bro problem" is baked into Nostr, it's called blockchain.

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

So SBCs are shit now?

Nothing changed, the hardware is the same as before. Your little pi servers are still doing the exact same work they did before. The only variables are prices on SBCs vs used small factor x86s, and the short, short attention span of terminally online hobbyists.

Use whatever you like, no need to race after others' subjective (and often hyperbolic) judgment.

I guess Doctor Who twitter is now primarily made up of people who hate the show? ( nitter.net )

Some media outlets still use Twitter/X as a source for news and opinion, otherwise I wouldn't go near the site. Seeing some of the replies to a trailer for the upcoming Doctor who xmas special, I wonder why somebody feels the need to actively shit on a show they so clearly dislike:...

halm ,
@halm@leminal.space avatar

The original developer probably couldn't make ends meet on donations, and he sold the entire Simple suite to a shady commercial outfit that is notorious for filling their apps with ads and trackers.

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