@gregorum@lemm.ee cover
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Not exactly. Lemmy (like Reddit) is a social news/link aggregator. So it’s not social media per se, but it’s certainly social media adjacent.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Lemme isn’t a social network like Facebook or Instagram or TikTok

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

you're using a pretty arbitrary definition for your opinion, and i disagree.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

It’s true. I quit Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and now I think I’m better than everybody.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

yeah, the ad was bad, but this seems like a bit of an overreaction.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Since lemmy is decentralized, the demographics are going to vary greatly depending on the instance. You’d have to create a pretty generalized poll and then post to most of the major instances to get anything close to even a general read.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

On Hexbear, for example, everyone shares their Russian heritage and, presumably, the same genes


gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I know well enough to have that instance blocked

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

When the red flag parade comes to town, that’s the signal to leave.

When you’ve already dodged 1000 bullets, why dodge more?

He’s told you he’s just the worst. Why do you need more convincing?


gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Then you should know: You just gotta click through to see the dick.

gregorum , (edited )
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I really wish this were true. And if it is, please, please, please provide even the tiniest shred of proof.

Bonus points if it made Steve Jobs angry.

Edit: if this is not true at all, at least write some fun fanfic about it. Who wouldn’t enjoy an episode of Golden Girls: a Day at Apple, 1996?

Edit 2: Gil Amelio— he wouldn’t like that.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

If you keep clicking long enough, you’ll cum. I promise.

Please donate to my PayPal tip link…

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Lmao, go on…

(Although, I’m pretty sure Woz would be very amused by this)

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Isn’t that just the NBA? And what are those guys doing in business meetings?

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Embarrassed after the WNBA had a killer season

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

climate change doesn't have dark skin or speak a different language...

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

That is still a pretty serious issue. It’s not something you should downplay

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Ugh, I hate to be the one to say this, but…

Futurama predicted it

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Personally, I’ve installed it on at least a couple of dozen machines that definitely weren’t from system 76, and not one of them them had a problem.

I’m curious, what sort of issues did you have?

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Care to elaborate on what really sold you on fedora?

Also, the new cosmic DE will be available for all distros

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar


gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I’m sorry you think that.

Get out more.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

No, you’re thinking of SUSE, which is German for “boringbutstablelinuxdistribution”.

Oddly, that short word-long word English/German translation thing works both ways.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

During the install it had already messed with the hard drive partitions in order to run the live environment, which is a big no-no for me.


Ok, I’ve been dealing with this distribution for close to a decade and I’ve installed it on over a dozen machines of all sorts of configurations. I’ve never heard of this. I’m very curious as to hooooow this happened.

From all of my experience and everything I know, this absolutely should not have happened and could only be the result of some sort of mistake or bug or some usual circumstance. This is not the typical or normal experience.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Funny, it used to stand for “payfortwentyfloppiesorcompileitfromscratchwedareyou”

It only took me 28 hours after a seven day download at 28.8 KBPS on my 25MHz 486 Packard Bell POS, but those motherfuckers never got a penny from me!

gregorum OP , (edited )
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Don’t you even fucking get me started, I am so serious, lol

Edit: gentoo was why I said, “fuck this, I’m buying a Mac,” and refused to even think about Linux again for 5-6 years. And I have the OS X/macOS’s being UNIX to thank for that, btw.

The “shield” Apple puts over its OS can be pierced by powerusers who know how to use the terminal, and there are package managers like Homebrew that allow users to install ports of Linux/UNIX/BSD userland apps. In reality, macOS is an extremely-customized build of BSD that’s locked down in many ways, and runs a proprietary filesystem and on property hardware. (That’s a lot of suck, yes). But, otherwise, it’s still POSIX, and so similar to Linux as to easily facilitate a transition. And, because of it, I drifted back to Linux.

Not necessarily because of macOS’s shortcomings, but because I like to tinker and fiddle, and Linux scratches that itch.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Like, as a bug, right? Not as SOP?

I mean, I get that - as a rare occurrence - shit can go wrong. I wouldn’t blame openSUSE (for example) if that happened during an install. I’d just assume it was a bug and that I was having a shitty day.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

What distro do you use, out of curiosity? System V?

J/k. What do you run?

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

What year was this? Very rarely, I have heard bad experiences like this, but they were from a long time ago. From everything I’ve heard since (I’ve never had to contact their support, myself), their support - and their hardware - has massively improved.

Edit: I also have heard (unconfirmed) that they have a separate B2B unit now that has a separate support unit, too.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Really? That recently? I’m really quite surprised. Especially at the low quality of customer support you received.

Of course, this should never have happened. A live install medium should never make alterations to an internal drive. I really just don’t know how that could’ve happened. Or why it happened. It must obviously have been a bug of some sort. My mind is boggled.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I get where you’re coming from, it just blows my mind that you encountered this outrageously rare problem that must certainly have been a bug.

You must understand, this was not intended behavior, nor should this ever have happened. I’m very sorry for your experience.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I’m gonna venture to guess that your problems are not with your operating systems. Best of luck to you.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Lemme guess: arch? ;)

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Popos has only been around for 6 1/2 years. Linux has been around since the 90s.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Right? I’m ok with my computer being a bit of a hobby, but it shouldn’t be a side-job unless I’m getting paid, goddammit.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Like… I like to tinker and fiddle, but, at the end of the day, I want stable and reliable. So I love PopOS, but should I really be on Fedora or openSUSE Tumbleweed? Like… eh… am i old?


gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Oh, sorry, I missed that, lol

I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again! ( i.imgur.com )

Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory....

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Tell me the specific model of the Mac, and I will give you a specific recommendation for the hardware

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Archey is dead. Move on

gregorum OP , (edited )
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Ok, so, for the 2008-2010 machines, depending on the memory available, you can try Linux Mint, EndeavorOS, or, maaaaaybe (on the ones with dGPUs and more memory), Pop!_OS.

For everything post-2010, Pop!_OS. Maybe Endeavor OS of you happen to like it, but I think Pop!_OS has really done a lot of work to become the new, de facto “where to start with Linux” distro after Ubuntu got enshittified (Linux Mint for older machines)— especially because popOS has a custom-spun NVidia version that is one of the few out-of-the-box distros that “just works” with NVidia cards.

Edit: after some tinkering, you may pick LM over Endeavor for the older ones, or just Endeavor for all. I’ve never used it, so I don’t know how well it will do on older hardware, but LM is great for that.

popOS, on the other hand, is great for hardware that can run it (and a lot can), so check that out. It’s my favorite, and a daily driver in my server and another machine I have, both older Macs.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Interesting. I’ll consider that.

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

You’re never too Young to learn to fucking kill Nazis

gregorum OP ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Toshiba satellite C655

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

Ok, wow. Thank you for educating me on a great deal I didn’t know when I asked the question. And while it does a great deal to bridge that gap… the question remains unanswered: how is this breakthrough achieved?

When you get a call from a middle-aged male coworker who had tried to coerce you (younger female) into letting him drop you off at home on a Saturday night: do you call back, text, email, or ignore?

Please read post for full context; any help or input is appreciated! I disclosed sensitive info to a close female coworker (let's say Ann), who is best friends with the male coworker mentioned (Ned). I'm sure she told him, but then they both seemed to want me to still tell him directly. I did because I believe in doing the right...

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

You will survive the consequences better than he will. Whatever you may suffer as consequences in the aftermath, you will still have your dignity, intact, and that is what matters. Do you have to do, move on, and survive. And seriously, fuck this guy. You owe him nothing, and he is sucking the life out of you. Cast him away, once and for all.

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I gotta be honest: I didn’t even read the story. I just read your headline and advised you to contact HR.

The rest of it is irrelevant. This person is toxic and terrible, and it sounds like you very much know that. It also sounds like you know what to do, and you don’t need anyone else’s permission to do it.

Take care of yourself, and best of luck!

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

I don’t want you to think that I’m discounting your story or that I don’t think it matters. Of course what you’re going through matters. What I mean by what I said is that the red flags and the hitting the “get the fuck out of here” button was evident in your headline. I didn’t need to hear the “why”. I’d already heard enough.

You’re smart enough to know that some Fuckery is going on and that it is wrong. You’re strong enough to stand up and say, “this is wrong! “. And while you are here, making sure to confirm that you’re not crazy, let me at least say: you’re not crazy! Do something to protect yourself and fight back! And if you can’t, get the fuck out of this situation!

Sadly, your company’s HR will side with the company and to try to protect itself should you complain to them. So, when you do, keep that in mind. What I mean by this is that you must frame both your complaint AND your approach in such a way that I dressing your complaints is in their best interest.

HOW they do this, however, is the dice-roll. The reasonable and rational way may not be the way that is the most expedient “protect the companies ass” way. Maybe you look out and get a great HR person who really is on your side and does the right thing. But the likelihood of that is very low. It’s more likely that the HR person is going to try to protect the company and deal with the situation as a bothersome annoyance, dealing with his situation in a “both sides” manner in order to appear neutral and make the problem just go away.

Prepare for this.

Unless you can provide a mountain of evidence of egregious offense, by this other person, this could blow back on you. If you can, good, but even still, there could be consequences. I’m sorry, there shouldn’t be, and there are technically legal protections against us, but shitty workplaces and toxic workplace cultures, always find their way around these sorts of things. This may not apply where you work, but you should still be prepared for it nonetheless.

However, you should not let any of this dissuade you from doing what is right in standing out to yourself and making sure that you have a safe workplace. Be brave.

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