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Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

glimse ,

I do not want to see polls added unless it's only moderators and admins who can post them. If Lemmy is anything like reddit (it is), the vast majority of them will be useless clutter...people posting polls as "content."

It encourages clicking a button over leaving a reply. We'll get a thousand "Do you think [thing] or [other thing]" posts with very little engagement.

glimse ,

Lemmy is not 99% memes. I have most meme communities blocked and I never run out of posts on my feed

glimse ,

"I read what you wrote as a standalone comment instead of as a reply so I ignored all context"


If the person I replied to was correct in saying that 99% of Lemmy is memes and I have memes blocked, that would mean I am only seeing 1% of posts when I browse. I am saying that if that was true, I would run out of posts quite quickly and that has not been my experience at all. I'd wager it's much closer to 50% memes than 99%

glimse ,

Oh man, when I meet an autistic person who shares a common interest....yes please give me that info dump. Not only am I interested but your enthusiasm is infectious, too.

glimse ,

Wow how did you know? That was my exact first question!

glimse ,

Are you really going to leave me hanging after offering???

glimse OP ,

I'm with you there. It took me a bit to block some trans communities because I felt like it made me a bigot despite being an ally. I just have nothing to add to the conversation so it's the same as sports communities - just something I scrolled past anyway

glimse OP ,

The worst part about meme subs is that they have a decade of subreddits to repost from. I know...insert xkcd comic about being the lucky 10,000...but personally I've seen all those reposts of overused templates 100 times over the years and don't want to see them again

glimse OP ,

Yes. Not sure what app you use but for me I click the dots in the corner of a post and pick Block Community and Block User

glimse OP ,

How do you know what to sub to? I've found Lemmy's search to be even worse than reddit's due to federation causing tons of "duplicate" communities

glimse OP ,

Porn: there's so much of it on here. If I didn't block most of it, it'd be half my feed

Sports: I simply do not give a shit about the stats of some cricket game I didn't know about

Anime: I'm frankly just sick of the art style that so much of it shares. I don't dislike anime as a rule but for a lot of shows, you could drop any character into another anime and they'd fit right in. And on top of that, I can't stand the hyper sexualization of immature female characters that is so prevalent in the genre. I don't think middle schoolers are hot so I don't like when "sexy" characters act like one

glimse OP ,

I actually really like the regional communities lol

I know a lot about Bedfordshire now!

glimse OP ,

Wow that's a lot of users!

glimse OP ,

Meme communities are "content" in the worst sense of the word. No substance, just sludge

glimse OP ,

I get you but I disagree about Far Side because it's almost entirely wholesome. Boomer humor is comics complaining about social issues or how awful your wife is

glimse OP ,

It adds up!

glimse OP ,

I'm "atheist" but I can't stand the atheism subs. There's just not much to talk about. You could replace them with one post titled "religion sure is stupid, right??" and nothing would be lost.

glimse OP ,

If a community only has posts I scroll past anyway, why have them show up at all? I want to see an interesting post followed by an interesting post even if it means running out of posts. It's why I can't enjoy Instagram...every other post is an ad I have to scroll past to see what my friends post

glimse OP ,

I don't think I've seen any far right stuff but I'm on .world which probably defederated already

glimse OP ,

Since you're an anime enjoyer, I have a question: do you ever find that there's a lack of variety in the art styles? I was pretty into it in the 90s/2000s but it seems like there's a new anime every week that looks identical to the one before it

glimse OP ,

There's way too many communities consisting solely of bots reposting from the subreddit of the same name. I do not understand why anyone would want that. There's rarely comments

glimse OP ,

I totally agree. Before I found the option to disable custom display names, I found that guy insufferable...2024 equivalent of xXxUSERNAMExXx. I don't think I've noticed him since, though I'm sure I've read his comments

glimse OP ,

bot-generated content, and overly prolific meme communities.

What, do you want to relive Reddit's Greatest Hits 20 different communities??

glimse OP ,

"I NEED to be the first to post this popular sentiment but I have literally nothing else to add"

glimse OP ,

Yep. I don't like calling myself an atheist because I can't stand emphatic atheists. I'm not gonna define my identity by what I don't believe and I could not care less about what other people believe as long as what they practice isn't harmful. If religion brings you joy and you aren't oppressing someone in it's practice, why should I have an opinion on it? You do you!

glimse OP ,

You probably blocked Risa for the same reason I did....wayyyyyy too many posts. It was half my feed before I blocked it.

Science_memes is basically just a generic meme sub and is very close to hitting my blocklist for the same reason

Entomology...I don't even have a guess. Are you grossed out by bugs, maybe?

glimse OP ,

Hooollyy shit I totally forgot about those and had the exact same complaint! If I'm remembering correctly, at least some of those communities were from bots not flagged as bots. So you had people replying because they didn't know...

They were some of my early blocklist entries for sure

glimse OP ,

The second-to-last one made me actually laugh out loud. What the fuck is that title lol

Aboringdystopia is one of those communities that doesn't resemble its namesake at all. The subreddit had rules to match the theme but the Lemmy equivalent is just the same news articles of shitty things happening that appear on all the other news communities. They're so lax about what constitutes "a boring dystopia," it feels so lazy to me

glimse OP ,

Fair enough! It's nice that we can tailor our experiences in completely different ways.

glimse OP ,

I saw the first two seasons of AoT and liked it a lot. It has a well-defined art style. My only "complaint" is that I had a hard time telling a few characters apart

Do you know the word/name for the art style I described in my other comment? I call it "kawaii anime" but I know that's not right lol

glimse OP ,

Boomer humor is not all humor that boomers like. It's humor that was primarily popular in their era - like "I hate my wife" jokes fit because don't really play well anymore

glimse OP ,

I set my language and don't see a lot of non-English communities but I'm not sure if those two things are related. I don't mind filtering them out, it's no more than a couple per week

glimse OP ,

Lemmynsfw must not be federated with and that's where it's concentrated so that makes sense. Horny anime posts are an instant block for me and I think I've taken care of most of them. I usually just see the -moe communities pop up now.

glimse OP ,

Uhh that's why I browse All, my dude.

But thanks to your obnoxious comment, I now understand that sports, porn, and anime are a "worldview" and I'm unhealthy for blocking them. You are right, my life would be better if I knew that the Dodgers were trading Jimmy McBaseball. Not sure how I lived without seeing hardcore anal porn or Generic Anime on my feed every day

glimse OP ,

Does the app you use let you block posts from an instance while not blocking the comments? If so, something to consider for yiffit.

glimse OP ,

That community, as well as the subreddit it came from, is a dumpster fire. It'd 99% bait or popular opinions.

I do agree with their no politics stance, though. There's 473773 communities to argue politics on already

glimse OP ,

Well another commenter just told me that blocking sports and anime is equivalent to an echo chamber so we both better unblock them to have a healthier worldview /s

I forgot about the game subs in my estimate...I've got a lot of those blocked. I just don't care about patch notes for games I don't play.

glimse OP ,

Don't want to see people bitch about a site you don't use eh?

glimse OP ,

Niche communities are what makes the internet great.

It would be nice if you could select which topics interest you rather than having to block every community that does not.

I mean you kinda can do exactly that through subscriptions. Sub to the places you like and browse your main feed instead of All

glimse OP ,

It must suck to be a "normal" boomer in the internet getting lumped in with the shitheads of your demographic.'re the ones who pushed the civil rights movement.

It's a shame your generation (not you specifically, of course) fucked the world up to the point that every generation after you looks back in disgust and doesn't even consider the things you did right.

glimse OP ,

IKEA anime actually works really well for what I'm describing lol

Not necessarily bad but it is bland and unoriginal. The main difference for this analogy is that I wouldn't consider IKEA to be childlike

glimse OP ,

Eh I disagree unless you use the right wing definition of which is "politics is politics plus anything I don't like"

There's a ton of fun stuff to argue about.

glimse OP ,

I kinda like those regional communities for some reason!

glimse OP ,

Bot-driven communities feel like ads as opposed to communities with bots that post, say, game patch notes automatically. I want there to be a reason something is posted other than to fill a void

glimse OP ,

Whatcha got on there?

glimse OP ,

It's just a conversation starter. The comments in those posts about weird opinions can be pretty funny

glimse OP ,

I think it's really the policies pushed by the politicians that your generation voted in that led to the boomer hate. My generation will surely be remembered for Trump just like yours for Reagan

glimse OP ,

Sorry I think we're on the same page here, my generation is largely anti-trump but we're going to be remembered for voting him in. I was trying to draw the comparison of falsely placed blame.

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