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Gaza: After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours ( )

Palestinian Territory - Israel continues to ignore orders from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), including the Court’s most recent ruling. This ruling requires Israel to halt its military assault on the Rafah Governorate in the southern Gaza Strip and reopen the Rafah border crossing to facilitate the movement of...

givesomefucks ,

Fuck any politician who thinks they can support this shit and I'll ever support them again.

They know this isn't what their voters want, but:

What are you gonna do, vote Republican?

No, they're just not going to vote, even though trump is terrible. It's like Biden trump as an excuse to just not give a fuck. Hillary did too.

The last 12 years, and they're still going with it.

As much as moderates bitch about trump they love him, it's the only way to get people to vote for moderates.

givesomefucks ,

I'll vote for the candidate that deserves my vote.

If that's "none of the above" like from Brewster's Millions, well, that would make sense considering both candidates are running for president like the last thing they want is to be president, they just can't drop out of the election.

If the DNC wants more votes next election, maybe they shouldn't run an 82 year old conservative who went around Congress to fund a genocide then blamed peaceful protestors when zionists and cops attack them?

Seems kind of common sense, the left wing part should be left wing...

But it is what it is.

If you don't like it, why try to convince 100s if millions of people to vote for someone they disagree with rather than the handful of people at the DNC that decide who the candidate is, to pick a better candidate to push thru the primary next time?

I would have said convince Biden to do anything, but we all know he's going to do whatever the fuck he wants. He's 82 years old, and that's what that generation thinks a leader is. Just like trump.

The problem is the majority of voters are half their age and we're just not into that shit.

givesomefucks ,


If it's already set up like that, you'd just have to connect a new one to wifi...

givesomefucks ,

If your lifespan was an hour, every generation that witnessed a sunrise or sunset would freak the fuck out and think the world was ending.

I've always thought of entropy like that, it seems one direction, but only because we're on a comparativly tiny timescale.

Used to subscribe to the "big crunch" theory that it'll just all start over. But the more Penrose and Hawking I read, the more I think the Big Bang just isn't that unique.

There's a lot of signs that the vast majority of existence is dark matter, and with how it interacts with regular matter, I don't think we have sequential big bangs like a single light slowly flashing. I think it's more like fireworks in the sky.

There's probably not anyway to travel through the dark matter to get to another "bubble", and even if we did, that bubbles laws of physics could be drastically incompatible with us.

Like, if you remember the Narnia books it's like that "main world" where it was just an infinite number of ponds and jumping into one shoots you out to some world world everything works better. I think The Magicians kind of ripped off the idea, and by now more people may be familiar with that then one of the least popular (but underrated) books in a children's series from ww2.

Entropy is functionally persistent, but only because everything we can see and interact isnt all there is. There could be multiple other bubbles of matter happening right now, it's just about what frame of reference we have.

givesomefucks ,

Lewis' prequels > Lucas's prequels

UCLA police make first arrest in mob attack on pro-Palestinian encampment ( )

LOS ANGELES, May 24 (Reuters) - Three weeks after a mob attacked pro-Palestinian activists encamped at the University of California, Los Angeles, police have made their first arrest in the violence, a man they say was seen in video footage beating victims with a wooden pole....

givesomefucks ,

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block, testifying Thursday before a U.S. congressional hearing into the protests, said his school should have been prepared to immediately remove the protest encampment "if and when the safety of our community was put at risk."

The violence took place two days after a pro-Israel group, the Israeli American Council, held a rally next to the UCLA encampment, with the council's leader, Elan Carr, urging his supporters to “take back our campuses" from pro-Palestinian protesters. Scuffles broke out between the two sides.

So zionists showed up, said people should attack peaceful protesters, then attacked the peaceful protestors, and days later came back with weapons for a coordinated early morning attack...

So the cops then raid the peaceful protesters?

And the schools take away was "we should have had the cops attack earlier"

Fucking insane.

This is what happens when foreign countries buy both parties and take over our education system. It's no coincidence all these schools are siding with the genociders.

givesomefucks ,

It's weird how much people shit on Coi Leray.

I mean sure, she's a music nepo baby and wouldn't be famous if her dad wasn't a music producer. But Huddy was good, and that song where she used that old Juvenile beat slaps.

It's not like anyone says she's great, but she gets shit on so much when she's just middle of the pack average.

givesomefucks ,

They also accomplish absolutely nothing.

People don't care about anti piracy warnings, and AI companies and date compilers sure as shit don't care if you copy/paste something.

They blatantly stole Scar Jo's voice and bragged about it on Twitter. They're gonna use your comments

givesomefucks ,

Before they had bots, they had the app.

People could submit random social media comments/posts that were critical of Israel, and if you went to that site and commented, you got "points" that could be redeemed for gift cards.

Not much money, but it was all online so people from a lower income country could make decent money off it compared to local employment.

After blow back they delisted the app

Now I think it's just a website instead.

It's good people are finally talking about all the propaganda Israel puts out tho. But it's not a new development. They're just switching from humans in poverty to AI.

Hell, we're probably better off if they think AI can do as good of a job at this as humans.

Quick edit:

Mentioning the app on Reddit used to get you banned from a lot of the major news/politics subs

So it was really hard to talk about.

givesomefucks ,

Unpopular opinion: “the other side is just bots” is the new “the other side is just paid protestors.”

That's literally what's happening here...

They use to pay people thru an app to do this, now they use bots...

Like, I got called a racist once for telling another white employee that if they wanted the admin leave for an office holiday party, they had to stay at work till it started.

That obviously doesn't make me a racist, but if you put on an Obama mask and started making monkey noises... That's still racist, even tho that old guy called me racist for not letting him leave before the holiday party started.

givesomefucks ,


The US did overthrow most of the others to install religious extremists because it's easier to bribe a few people into cheap oil than an entire country of democratic voters...

It's like popping the tires of a coworker you like on the night shift so you're their only option for a ride home. It's true, but you're the reason you're her only option, and she really shouldn't get in your car.

givesomefucks ,

Hawaii is fucking wild with roaches...

I think every single species is active, at least on Oahu.

There's "B52s" that live outside in dumpster/trash. They're big enough that if you see one on the ground you immediately think it's fake. And when they're flying at night you can't see them in the air, but you can fucking hear them which is even more terrifying. They're technically just American cockroaches, but because the island life (especially Waikiki) is pretty much perfect for them, they just keep getting bigger and bigger on the island.

Plus with all the people around, they're not really scared of humans. These aren't the roaches in movies that scatter when a light comes on or they see a person. They're used to us by now.

And with so many people riding scooters...

Getting hit with a giant flying cockroach in the face at 40mph isn't exactly fun, but it's definitely memorable.

All the hotels, restaurants, and buildings are infested with the smaller breeds. There's just nothing to do when conditions are fine for them to live outside all year. Even if you somehow killed every one in your building, more are just going to come in from outside to fill the void.

givesomefucks ,

Eh, the further South you go the more common it is to just see them out in nature.

South Carolina has "palmetto bugs" which are the same species as Hawaii's B52s, just a little smaller.

In places where roaches can survive outside making it impossible to really prevent them from coming inside, people just tend to call them a new name.

givesomefucks ,

Wait till you hear about operation Condor...

Or what Hillary said Dems would have done for the 06 Palestinian election:

Regarding the election, in which Hamas beat Fatah by 74 to 45 seats, Clinton said "I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win."

Regardless of the party in charge, America does a lot of fucked up shit.

If you're American and want it to stop, you can't keep voting for people willing to start civil wars, rig elections, and fund genocides.

If we don't have standards, we can't act mad that our politicians have the same.

People literally die horrible deaths because of the "lesser of two evils".

givesomefucks ,

Some things are worth caring about.

What the people we vote into power do with that power is a pretty big one.

givesomefucks ,

I don't think the green party is the right path. Especially if it involves Jill Stein

Bernie had it right, we have to save the Dem party before we can use it to save the country.

The problem is ever since Obama beat Hillary, the party keeps taking steps to prevent upsets against their picks, and no one seems to care.

givesomefucks ,


Vote progressive in the primary?

Even after the party told a judge they can't be guilty of bias because a primary is nonbinding and the party can just ignore the results?

NH was doing that, then they got told they could either break their state election laws or not have their votes counted.

That's not a rhetorical question, how do we move the Overton window when the party seizes power from the party and flat out says they'll ignore results they don't like if their cheating still prevents those results...

How are voters supposed to have any say in their candidates let alone moving the Overton window?

Hell, the party called this primary after what, five states held a primary?

And one of those literally didn't count, but the party and Biden still spent a bunch of money to win a "write in campaign" and tried to make it sound like an underdog victory.

givesomefucks ,

Give Dems consistent and overwhelming wins.

So we can get the presidency, the House, and the Senate?

We've done that, it doesn't work out as well as you'd think...

We can't just keep adding Dems, because lots of them are waaaay more "moderate" then their constituents. Because they've held office for decades.

For a healthy party, we need fair primaries. And we don't get them anymore.

A few rotten apples spoil the bunch. We can't just leave the rotten ones in there and try to outnumber the rotten ones. We need to get them the fuck out of the barrel.

givesomefucks OP ,

Biden's really willing to fuck around and let trump win...

All he has do is chill out for 6 fucking months and keep his hands clean, but this is how he's always responded to people challenging him.

What sank his 88 run wasn't the plagiarism, it was how he treated reporters that would ask him about.

The more people that protest for him to stop funding a genocide, the more he's going to lash out like this, and the more voters will equate him to trump.

Which is incredibly dangerous when the most common reason for voting Biden is:

He's not trump

givesomefucks ,

I'm so glad they haven't sold out to a large American corporation yet.

It's gotta be hard to turn down all that money, but large American corporations would want to buy it just to squash the competition

givesomefucks ,

Tencent wants market share, not money.

The money comes later, like how Uber used to be a good service.

givesomefucks ,

Biden can't save him, because we wouldn't agree to the Rome act because we thought that somehow meant we couldn't be charged at the Hauge for our war crimes. That's not true tho, we don't have to agree to it.

Israel and the United States are not members of the ICC. However, the ICC claims to have jurisdiction over Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank after Palestinian leaders formally agreed to be bound by the court’s founding principles in 2015.

givesomefucks ,

They can't make a country arrest it's own leader.

But if they travel to any UN country, the country is supposed to arrest them, or coordinate with countries willing to.

So these are more like an exile than anything.

Kind of like a sanction but instead of money it's on personal travel.

Sanctions are still waaaaaay more effective though and what we should be doing. Money is what these despots care about.

givesomefucks ,

If the person who beats him wants too...

And if Netenyahu even lets Israel have elections. Before 10/7 he was already in the process of getting kicked out of office, the only reason he's still in power is 10/7.

givesomefucks ,

By your logic the nazis shouldn't have been tried at the Hauge...

Is that what youre intentionally saying? Or did you not think it through?

Like even this bit:

And the United States has a law that says it will militarily invade The Hague if any US service member is arrested and held by the court. It came about along with all the other legislative bullshit in the years after 9/11/01. The US had previously been a founding member of the ICC, but withdrew for reasons of sovereignty.

If no US service member could be tried at the Hauge because the US didn't sign the Rome agreement...

Why pass a law saying we're not subject to it?

And when did Bibi join the US military anyways?

I missed that one...

givesomefucks ,

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

givesomefucks ,

They can also point out code violations (and I’m not sure how expensive that can get… they may mandate you fix it

That's a reason not to get it tho...

My Mom sold without an inspection because of little things like putting a ceiling fan on a dimmer to control the speed of the fan.

Everything was done by licensed contractors, just small town bullshit where people do what they want. Especially when a house hasn't been sold for 50 years, small stuff like that adds up until a sale happens.

Could she have updated everything that was like that before the sale? Sure, but it would have been a huge hassle and in today's market she could just sell "as is" with no hit to price.

Now, as a buyer would I trust a seller I didn't know?

Fuck no.

But I grew up in that house, I know what happened.

givesomefucks ,

But the OP’s perspective is as a buyer,

You didn't even make it all the way thru my comment before deciding to weigh in, did you?

Now, as a buyer would I trust a seller I didn’t know?

Fuck no.

This isn't the first time I've seen your account do this stupid shit, but it's the last time I'll ever see you do anything.

givesomefucks ,

In the US, the estimated net price (after rebates) of Wegovy is $809 per month. In Denmark, the price is $186 per month. A study by researchers at Yale estimated that drugs like Wegovy can be profitably manufactured for less than $5 per month.

Sounds like we already got the solution...

What band or music group would you not have minded if they didn't have a certain band member? ( )

My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole....

givesomefucks ,

I really don't think their music would have changed much if Milli or Vanilli wasn't in Milli Vanilli.

Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

givesomefucks ,

The main difference is:

Republicans do stuff then Democrats challenge it thru the courts.

Dems challenge their own stuff first, and if they think it's right after a year or two, they start talking about if they should do it. And Republicans will still challenge it thru the courts.

You can argue over which path is morally the right one.

But no one has a legitimate argument that says republicans aren't more effective.

They're skipping steps that take us years to complete.

I mean, Biden talked about all types of shit he would do when elected. And his first day he said he'd start looking into if he was allowed to do any of it.

trump ain't waiting to ask anyone if he can do something. He's just going to do shit, and we're going to have to try and fight a bunch of battles at once, all the while his policies are in effect.

It's not that they're fighting dirty and we're fighting clean.

It's that when the gun goes off to start the race, we start stretching so we won't cramp up.

Doesn't matter how slow Republicans are if we give them a 10 minute head start on a 100m sprint.

givesomefucks ,

The package can be blocked by Congress if a majority in both chambers object.

Reminder that Biden has already went around Congress this year to send weapons to Israel.

Checks and balances only matter when it can be used to stop things voters want for some reason.

givesomefucks ,


Anything with hard water, just soak with vinegar.

You can even fill a ziplock bag and tie it on a faucet.

If your water is really hard, pour vinegar into that little tube in your toilet too, the jets get clogged easily and that flushes them out and prevents them from blocking up. If they are blocked, the vinegar will eventually open them up if you don't regularly.

Obviously water softener if you don't have one, but depending what your waters like you may have to do more.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • givesomefucks ,

    I've seen people wonder why Israel doesnt respect Biden considering how vital America is to their defense...

    It's because Biden acts like a little bitch, and as he's been openly saying over his 50 years political career:

    "I'm a Zionist" and "Nothing will ever change my support of Israel".

    It's like going to buy a car and telling the salesperson "I don't care what it costs, I want that one"

    givesomefucks OP ,

    I am shocked Biden went back on his word so quickly...


    givesomefucks OP ,
    1. Why are you so sure no amount of pressure from voters will ever make Biden stop funding a genocide?

    2. Do you believe he's like this about everything or just the genocide of brown people?

    3. Why do you support a candidate for the Dem nomination who doesn't listen to the people he needs votes from?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    but I’m voting for him to avoid the US becoming a theocratic fascist state…

    It's not avoiding it, it's making it happen slower.

    I think you've forgotten how religious Biden is and how much he's talked about that influencing his positions.

    Why do you think he's essentially ignored Roe V Wade being overturned? He doesn't want abortion to be legal due to his religious views.

    He did an executive order, but it accomplished nothing. And that was just because midterms were coming.

    And the way he's encouraging cops to go after peaceful protesters?

    He's saying the same bullshit about protesters trump said about BLM protesters.

    Biden isn't against fascism, he's against the other team being in charge of it.

    That's what happens when one side turns the fascism up to 11, and the only other option is obsessed with meeting them half way.

    The best result is slightly more than half fascist.

    And that hurts turnout, and low turnout is when the fascists win.

    The best way to stop the fascists, is to fight them, not compromise with them. That shit doesn't work.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Oh yes, because Christianity is so evil,

    It is...

    it proliferated compassion across the world

    It didn't...

    It ended slavery

    The Bible is pro slavery...

    created Just War Theory (a moral approach to war),


    proliferated the concept of human rights

    It supports fucking slavery and says a wife is a husband property, and sexual acts unless for reproduction is a sin and should be illegal...

    I'm not going to keep going, because I haven't hit a truthful thing you've said yet.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Can you explain to me rationally why you think Hamas doesn’t deserve to be wiped out after Oct 7th?


    You want me to explain why a foreign government shouldn't be "wiped out" for a war crime?

    By that logic, why shouldn't Israel's government be "wiped out" for the attacks on civilians leading up to it?

    Or at least for their actions after it where they killed 10x more civilians and destroyed billions in infrastructure?

    And that's not even getting into how Israels government draws no distinction from someone who lives and Gaza and belongs to Hamas.

    Your logic just doesn't seem to be consistent, and you're focusing on the one time Hamas did anything comparable to how Israel has treated Palestinian civilians over 70 years...

    givesomefucks OP ,


    So why aren't you calling for Israel's government to be wiped out when they've spent decades killing way more civilians?

    I don't think you understand that part.

    If you think that should happen to Hamas, but not Israel's government.

    Then you're just saying Palestinians have no human rights but Israelis do.

    Like, you're mad at someone punching back, but not the person who spent decades punching first.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    So why didn't we do anything when Israel is doing even worse?

    Literally, right now they're doing worse to a lot more people...

    And before 10/7, they were still doing worse to even more people...

    So why focus on that one day and ignore literally everything else?

    Like, you realize the people from Hamas on 10/7 are the families of Israels prior victims?

    If Israel is justified in what they're doing because of 10/7, why wasn't 10/7 justified?

    If none of it is acceptable, why are you only focusing on the one day Israel's were the victim over every other day they were the attackers?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Here's an example from 2021

    But you keep saying you have no knowledge on this subject at all...

    You shouldn't be asking for random social media accounts to explain shit like this.

    Like, is this really how you think it's best to learn about geopolitics?

    Asking strangers online?

    It's not like this is some crazy niche.

    It's just hard for me to believe you're sincerely asking these questions and are so opinionated that Israel is in the right. I'm not responding anymore.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Sure, so you want to treat this conflict like it didn’t start on 10/7. Ok.

    I don't know why a logical peraon wouldn't...

    Or why I should continue conversations with people who do

    givesomefucks ,

    Life like animals?

    Or plants?

    Plant growth 100% changes shit, but as far as would a globe unrecognizable?

    No, the general shape would be the same, but coastlines would be a lot different.

    givesomefucks ,


    The land would look like Mars except with oceans.

    But even tidal forces wouldn't substantial change the shape of continents on the globe.

    There's not much that effects plate tectonics. What happen would have always happened.

    givesomefucks ,

    Lol. That was even worse than I expected, how many people do you think have blocked you because of the type of person you are?

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