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givesomefucks ,

When people try to claim that the US defense industry is needed to stimulate the economy...

I always think they're literally just blowing up money. We could have just as much industry doing things like healthcare, aid, education, infrastructure...

Literally fucking anything.

givesomefucks ,

what does your comment have to do with the article at all?

That if my tax dollars went to aid nstead of bombs to commit war crimes, there'd be less dead in Sudan

I thought it was pretty obvious.

givesomefucks ,

This is most likely a consolidation of power because the left and right are both calling for elections and Bibi knows he ain't going to win an election.

This isn't a good sign of things to come

givesomefucks ,

Among the hardest hit are the Mughrabi family: more than 70 were killed in a single Israeli airstrike in December. The Abu Najas: over 50 were killed in October strikes, including at least two pregnant women. The large Doghmush clan lost at least 44 members in a strike on a mosque and the total soared over 100 weeks later; by spring, over 80 members of the Abu al-Qumssan family had been killed.

All it took to radicalize Luke Skywalker into blowing up a military installation with millions of people living in it was a dead Aunt and Uncle...

And people act like they don't understand why Hamas keeps getting recruits.

Imagine you were hanging out at a neighbors place and came home to see 70 members of your family dead and your whole neighborhood leveled.

givesomefucks ,

Only if you start the series in the middle of the timeline like George Lucas...

givesomefucks ,

During his hearing Monday, Black said he was invited to Russia by Aleksandra Vaschuk, and he went here to be with her, according to local Russian media.


Dudes not getting bailed out by the military either, because he didn't disclose the trip when taking leave.

Even when he gets out of Russia, he's gonna face UCMJ charges. He'll likely get the boot without benefits, but might even end up having to do some time if they want to make an example

With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?

Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play....

givesomefucks ,

Here's a podcast about a study

Normally I'd just link studies...

But I feel like if you're this opinionated about things we figured out long ago, maybe listening would help more than reading.

Because it wouldn't have taken much for you to Google this at some point and realize we've been studying this for decades, and maybe, just maybe, science is better than your assumptions.

There are a lot of factors in play, and you seem to think it's because of...

What exactly?

Like it seems like you're just arguing women are bad at chess?

Never buy .xyz

I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any notice. After a while of troubleshooting, I found...

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, dude tried to open his own personal Netflix and is surprised it got taken down.

From post history he managed to keep it up for less than a month.

I'm betting by "friends" he meant either online friends he's never met, or people he wanted to impress.

So they gave zero fucks and handed it out to more people. Like, just the idea that you're giving it to so many people that you actually buy a domain?

There's a reason everyone isn't already doing it already.

givesomefucks ,

Probably depends on your state, but in mine it just has to be a nurse.

Like, literally any nurse. So just call around to clinics and even pharmacies.

I got mine at a very young age, so it was an elementary school nurse most of the year, and then a small local clinic for summer shots.

Like, you're already walking into clinic, just have them give you the shot. They're 100% gonna call the cops if people are injecting each other in the lobby. If your partner is in healthcare, I have zero idea why that's being considered as a legit option.

UN food agency pauses its aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns, in latest setback ( )

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the U.N. World Food Program said Sunday the program has “paused” its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza, saying she was “concerned about the safety of our people” after what had been one of the deadliest days of the war there....

givesomefucks ,

Completed in mid-May, the U.S. pier was operational for only about a week before being knocked offline by storm damage for two weeks. After repairs, it returned to operation again Saturday, bringing in 1.1 million pounds (492 metric tons) of food and other aid, before McCain said her agency was pausing its humanitarian work there.

Israel also blew up two nearby warehouses were food was kept.

And used this area as a landing zone...

givesomefucks ,

No, it says the pier wasn't used just right next to it...

Video circulating online Saturday shows an IDF helicopter taking off from the beach with the U.S. pier in the backdrop. Two U.S. officials told CBS News that the U.S. pier was not used in the IDF operation. It is offshore to assist delivery of humanitarian aid. A U.S. official explained that the helicopter landed south of the facility on a beach but not within the cordoned area of the pier.

Which is why I said "this area" and not "the pier"

But honestly, it should be pretty clear what I'm talking about about. The article is about the warehouses next to the pier, they're also not actually on the pier. So I don't know how anyone would think "this area" means literally and only on this tiny tiny pier that's been used for civilian aid for like what? 2 weeks total?

It might have been longer but Israel pulled this shit almost as soon as it opened, and I'm sure you're about to tell us how that's a total coincidence....

givesomefucks ,

I mean, the only person who would want it is a nazi...

If you knew a blacksmith they might smelt it, but I don't even know if that would be a waste of money/effort for them. Maybe one would do it for the symbolism? Same for a scrap recycling place.

Just break it and throw it away

givesomefucks OP ,

U.S. President Joe Biden last week announced a proposal for a phased plan for a cease-fire and hostage release, setting in motion the administration’s most concentrated diplomatic push for a truce.

Biden described it as an Israeli proposal, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly questioned some aspects of it, particularly its call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and a lasting truce. His ultranationalist coalition partners have threatened to bring down his government if he ends the war without destroying Hamas.

That appears to have only deepened suspicions on the part of Hamas, which has demanded international guarantees that the war will end. It’s unclear if such guarantees have been offered, and Hamas has not yet officially responded to the plan.

I feel like this would be a lot easier to work out, if Biden wasn't constantly lying to make it seem like Israel wanted peace...

givesomefucks OP , (edited )

I mean, before 10/7 it was about to be torn down by the left...

They still want to, because they still blame Bibi for letting things get this bad.

And now the right wants to as well, because Bibi might stop before the genocide is finished.

It's just a question if the sane people get control, or people even crazier than Bibi grap the reins.

givesomefucks ,

Article starts out with:

Israel said

And I don't know why anyone would believe anything after that....

UN adds Israel to blacklist for harming children in conflict zones ( )

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has notified Israel’s Defence Attache in the United States, Major General Hidai Zilberman, of his decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries and organisations harming children in conflict zones....

givesomefucks ,

They’re the proxy in the war against the middle East (namely Iran) and losing that would end up harming western interests.

What does the US have to gain?

This whole war has never been about Palestinians, they never would have had the funds to fight Israel on their own.

And Israel would never have the funds to commit a genocide without us...

We're just bringing money because politicians get AIPAC and defense industry kickbacks in the form of donations.

They can get those donations from any industry, and most of those don't come with a fucking genocide.

givesomefucks ,

What does the US have to gain? Location, pressure, denial of certain attacks (like Israel assassinating Iranian generals), being able to position nuclear weapons close to Iran, as well as distracting Iran from attacking US targets directly, among a host of other benefits. This also extends to other countries in the same vicinity.

I don't see anything that requires genocide, or that another country couldn't provide... Hell, we have a LHD out there 24/7 and SSBNs are kind of our thing if it goes nuclear, they can be anywhere and don't need to be close.

Israel would definitely have the funds to take out Palestinians if they weren’t being supported by external forces.

The only thing stopping other countries from holding Israel accountable is the US. Israel can genocide helpless civilians just fine, but not everyone else who has a distaste for genocide and a grudge against Israel anyways.

So, like I was saying, Israel needs the US waaaaaay more than the US needs Israel.

givesomefucks ,

You think Israel want’s to be killing civilians?

Yes. Clearly they do

givesomefucks ,

What kind of logic is that?

We could be genociding even harder, so no one complain

givesomefucks ,

He went around Congress to provide munitions to Israel to avoid a short delay to them committing genocide.

But wouldn't do it to help Ukraine

givesomefucks ,

McKinsey is the cause of a lot of issues...

It's all 20 something Ivy Leaguers that corporations pay a lot of money to be told the best path forward is:

Layoffs, cut benefits, give executives bonuses

Of course, they dabble in other shit as well.

When people complain about how capitalism is fucking shit up, there's usually some McKinsey employees (again, dumb rich 20 something's straight out of college) way back at the beginning of the problem telling everyone to do the thing that caused the problems.

They do an absolute dog shit job of helping, unless the only people you care about helping are the wealthiest. McKinsey always comes up with solutions that make the wealthy more money.

The wealthy already know those "solutions" they just need a third party to suggest it so when it hurts everyone else the wealthy can act like even the experts couldn't see the obvious downside coming.

givesomefucks ,

Full quote:

Time asked Biden whether he believed Netanyahu was “prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation”.

“I’m not going to comment on that,” the president said in response, but added: “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.”

But he still won't even fucking say it...

And people are already trying to frame this as him being "tough" on Israel.

No matter what happens, no matter what atrocities they commit, Biden will always be loyal to Israel over all else.

Which should be immediately disqualifying for president of America, for reasons that should be obvious by now.

givesomefucks , (edited )

The school’s demand stemmed from a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy that states schools “must not directly or indirectly restrict the sale or marketing of fluid milk.” Doing so would violate the rules of its participation in the National School Lunch Program, which all public — and many private — schools heavily rely on to subsidize their meals, and could result in fines and other corrective actions.

America doesn't have a political party that priotizes Americans over corporations....

Like the milk push was for childhood nutrition, but nowadays our main health problems with kids is obesity.

So pushing calorie dense milk on teenagers makes zero fucking sense.

We should be teaching these kids that water is supposed to be the main beverage.

Milk and juice can still be available, but shouldn't be the default, and soda shouldn't really be an option for most school kids.

But there's no "big water" lobby to push kids drinking more water. There's water lobbyists, but that's about taking water reserves from one area, and then shipping it all over the country to sell at ridiculous prices because it's been bottled.

givesomefucks ,

causing him to vanish and locking the Tardis.

Pretty sure that's been established.

If the Doctor isn't around, security measures lock it down, even preventing the use of keys.

After a long build up explaining just how serious the fairy circle is, it turns out no that’s just racist

I took that as a reference to how people don't believe in it, but that doesn't stop it from being real.

Dr Who magic isn't Tinkerbell magic, people don't need to believe in it for it to work.

So this woman makes everyone near her hate Ruby. Everyone. Why? Who fucking knows

I think it's not that she "says" anything, it's that standing next to an old her, and looking at present her "breaks their brains" due to fairy magic and perception filter being crammed together. They likely still just see the blur, but subconsciously the paradox ducks with them. Like how when multi doctor episodes happen, the younger versions forget it.

Then she goes back in time. How? Why? No idea. It just happens and you gotta deal with it.

Everything weird is because of the intersection of magic and time travel fields... Someone getting thrown back into time isn't that off the wall. Especially if viewing her life and the fairy circle as two never ending loops.

This. Makes. No. Sense.

It's Dr Who mate... Unbelievable things happen every episode, but will likely eventually be explained by really advanced tech

So as far as this season supposed to be supernatural...

  1. That's not new, in Dr Who the British royal family are all werewolves and vampires are real just aliens.

  2. Any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic. Even the Doctors tech is often confused with magic. It's entirely possible all the "magic" is going to be tech from some alien species (maybe more than one) living among humans for a very long time even under the Doctor's radar.

This year I think they're just waiting instead of explaining it away with timely whiney bits until later in the season when it all gets tied up with a bow.

givesomefucks ,

When the fans have to make up explanations for an episode


The show runner literally just said this season was moving away from self continaed episodes...

I don't agree with it, but we know it's happening.

We're not going to end every episode neatly wrapped on and on to the next planet. Before if that happened the episode was always advertised as "part 1". Now it's just going to be a more connected season.

I didn't know why the show runner felt the need to spoil the surprise till this exchange though.

givesomefucks ,

Why Netflix is doing it:

HDR video streaming can also consume 5% to 10% more data than SDR streaming, according to a Dolby executive (h/t: Pocket-Lint). That means there are potential bandwidth savings on offer by switching to SDR video, although this isn’t a given for every platform.

They serve less data for the same price

givesomefucks ,

That's not what you want for acoustics...

You're thinking of sound dampening.

Like acoustics make things sound good, it's honestly really complicated and hard to get right.

Having shit everywhere prevents noise from bouncing off things.

The confusion is probably because recording booths are sound dampened. That's not to make the record sound better, it's to isolate everything else so that the mix can be clean and prevent echos.

A good echo is literally what people stereotypically look for to gauge the acoustics of a space.

givesomefucks , (edited )

His comments highlight the complexity for firms desperately needing supplies and parts manufactured in China, but not the competition from complete kits made there that undercut Western firms.

We can't afford not to buy parts so other companies can assemble them...

But we also can't allow China to sell complete units because then those middle men companies can't make money...

I'm no climate scientist, but at this point I have no sympathy for energy companies or their profits.

It's insane lots of world leaders say climate change is an important issue, then turn around and tariff or outright ban green energy products from China because they're so cheap everyone would buy them.

Just sounds like corporate welfare where whatever maximizes their profits is necessary, and everything that doesn't gets banned.

givesomefucks ,

Imagine you were starving in the desert for weeks, finally stumble across a McDonald's, but then go "nah, I don't like their business decisions" and walking away...

Climate Change is kind of a big fucking deal

We constantly bail out industries, they can take a short term hit while they learn to compete.

It's better than causing long term damage to our entire fucking planet.

Jesus dude, just listen to yourself:

Short term profits are more important than the survival of intelligent life on Earth.

givesomefucks ,

Or 10 factories in China. 10 in US, 10 in Europe. All producing renewables.

What’s better for the environment?

If we could magically create the infrastructure from thin air you'd definitely have a point.

But we'd have to wait years, maybe even decades to scale up

We can start that, but we can't wait for it to be started.

givesomefucks ,


You agree with me that we should let people buy Chinese products while we build up our own infrastructure?

I'm just having trouble following you, your comments aren't really consistent

givesomefucks ,

But it's not just tariffs...

BYD electric cars can't even be sold in America...

Because they're not expensive enough.

Solar panels have flipped from banned to tariffs multiple times off the whims of American industries.

givesomefucks ,

Wilson last visited the DMV site last summer when she was renewing her disability parking placard online. At that time, she did not know that Google obtained her personal information when she filled out her application, communicated directly with the DMV, searched on the site, or clicked on various URLs, all of which she said revealed that either she had a disability or believed she had a disability.

Her complaint alleged that Google secretly gathers information about the contents of the DMV's online users’ searches, logging sensitive keywords like "teens," "disabled drivers," and any "inquiries regarding disabilities."

Google "knowingly" obtained this information, Wilson alleged, to quietly expand user profiles for ad targeting, "intentionally" disregarding DMV website users' "reasonable expectation of privacy."

So it's not like they were skimming the medical info provided, but if you went to the DMV page, Google knew what you clicked.

So they pulled all that.

But because they didn't set it up to exclude anything about disability plates, it violated a specific law in California from the 90s.

It's valid, although I doubt Google intended to gather info specifically on people with disabilities, they don't respect the law to ensure they follow it, they grab everything and pay settlements later if they need to.

This is America

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, like we don't even blink when someone's Google searches before a crime are brought up in a trial...

Like, they don't have a time machine to go check once your caught.

They can get it, because they're saving everyone's.

We don't have a real left wing party to fight for us on this stuff. Just two pro-corporate parties constantly after donations.

We need people to stop just accepting this is how it has to be, it's not like this in every country.

And lawsuits like this get us talking about it at least.

givesomefucks ,

In Europe...

givesomefucks ,

What you just did is the equivalent to replying all to a mass email chain telling people to stop replying all

givesomefucks ,

Weird you can comment on this chain without seeing it...

US defines 'major' Rafah operation that would change Israel policy ( )

The White House on Tuesday provided the most complete definition yet of what it considers a "major ground operation" in Rafah that could trigger a change in United States policy toward Israel, and said Israel's actions there have not yet reached that level....

givesomefucks ,

Why would Biden care what Dem voters think?

It's him or trump, and apparently that means he can do whatever the fuck he wants with zero consequences.

He feels entitled to votes just because he's not trump, so he's not going to make any compromises with progressives

givesomefucks ,

For everyone saying Israel doesn't have to listen to the ICC:

Israel, like the US, Russia and China, is not a member. After Palestine’s acceptance as an ICC member, any alleged war crimes – committed by those of any nationality – in occupied Palestinian territories now fell under Bensouda’s jurisdiction.

givesomefucks ,

This can also be very unwelcoming to new users though.

For like the first week of posting...

Then it's never an issue again.

But it's hard for trolls and bots to build that up for every account.

Theres been more than a few that just keep making new accounts on small instances the second they're banned

givesomefucks ,

It is an issue if you change instance

Again, only for like a week...

There's no valid reason to keep constantly churning accounts.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

givesomefucks ,

They keep saying it's impossible, when the truth is it's just expensive.

That's why they wont do it.

You could only train AI with good sources (scientific literature, not social media) and then pay experts to talk with the AI for long periods of time, giving feedback directly to the AI.

Essentially, if you want a smart AI you need to send it to college, not drop it off at the mall unsupervised for 22 years and hope for the best when you pick it back up.

givesomefucks ,

The issue is, it is much harder to figure out its bullshit.

Google AI suggested you put glue on your pizza because a troll said it on Reddit once...

Not all scientific literature is perfect. Which is one of the many factors that will stay make my plan expensive and time consuming.

You can't throw a toddler in a library and expect them to come out knowing everything in all the books.

AI needs that guided teaching too.

givesomefucks ,

Genuine question: do you know that’s what happened?


givesomefucks ,

They will always

for now.

Gaza: After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours ( )

Palestinian Territory - Israel continues to ignore orders from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), including the Court’s most recent ruling. This ruling requires Israel to halt its military assault on the Rafah Governorate in the southern Gaza Strip and reopen the Rafah border crossing to facilitate the movement of...

givesomefucks ,

The point that was made was they'll declare it over after the first handful of states, and if you keep voting progressive early, they'll take your delegates away.

A couple years ago the DNCs lawyers made another point to a judge:

It doesn't matter if we interfere in the primary, it's not real and we can just ignore the results.

Tell me again why anyone cares about the primary?

2020 we said it could pull Biden to the left. It did till the election, January wasn't even over before he said he couldn't change any Dem senator's mind so it would be a waste of time to try for anything.

So while letting the primary run to the convention would help the party's choice in the general, they're not prepared to take the risk of their pick losing and having to nominate against the primary result.

So please, let me know there's so magical way primary votes matter.

And what the ones of us in the 45 states that don't vote till long after the DNC declared a victory can do?

Hell, my ballot literally didn't even have a "undecided" option. There was one circle next to Biden's name and that was fucking it.

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