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givesomefucks ,

The only evidence of Jesus, is a few random mentions of someone named Jesus.

And it wasn't exactly a rare name.

Like, if I found written evidence of a dude named Paul, that doesn't mean Paul Bunyan was real.

It just means some dude named Paul was real.

All the crazy claims about being a Messiah wasnt until long after he was dead.

givesomefucks ,

Literary proof is, but also doesn't exist for Jesus Christ.

There's a few mentions of just a "Jesus" but its not like no one else was named Jesus, and those don't really make any mention of him being remarkable in any way.

There's just no evidence

givesomefucks ,

A) yes there is.

I don't believe that, and since it's impossible to show evidence something doesn't exist, the people claiming evidence Jesus existed is gonna have to do some linking...

that’s not the standard

You mean evidence?

Evidence isn't the standard for things existing?

What exactly is the standard in your mind for whether a historical figure existed?

givesomefucks ,

Corroborating records are

And there's not enough to prove that Jesus Christ existed...

There's a Jesus that got crucified, but no mention about him being able to perform miracles

Like a third of the bible

I don't think any of it was written till decades after he supposedly died tho...

Like, there's lots of information about Bilbo Baggins in Lotr, that doesn't mean it was written in the third age of Middle Earth homie.

There are plenty of historical figures who we mostly agree existed despite having approximately the same amount of proof as for Jesus.

Name one and I'll disporve it.

givesomefucks ,

There was a Paul that lived in Midwest America

Is that proof he had a big blue ox?

Like, you know the Romans were pretty big fans of crucifying people for pretty much anything?

Like, we have that elusive physical evidence that 6,000 of Sparticus' followers were crucified...

There's a pretty good chance at least one of those guys was named Jesus too mate, it was a pretty common name

givesomefucks ,

Okay but it was written by people who claim they were there and met him personally.

Not really, and definitely not the 1/3 you were claiming...

Like, where are you getting any of this?

It sounds like what they teach at one of those "bible colleges"

givesomefucks ,


His life was written about while it happened in the Irish Annals...

That is contemporary literary evidence of his existence.

Not just some dude named Diarmait existed in Ireland at some point.

givesomefucks ,

I do not understand

That is clear.

Go on then. Show us the evidence.

You want me to physically show you? Like roll up to your house with it?

Can't I just give you a link that provides the info about it?

And you definitely didn't understand that last bit you quoted...

You haven't understood all of this.

I get it man, you have "faith" but that's not evidence.

It doesn't mean anything

givesomefucks ,

A bunch of the books in the new testament are claim to be letters written by Jesus’s followers

givesomefucks ,


So you're arguing that "anything is possible" and that means you "won" if someone can't prove something isn't real?

You can't prove I'm not 6 year old baby Jesus on a time traveling Blackberry...

But anyone that believes that doesn't have a rationally sound mind.

givesomefucks ,

You just made up #2 and apparently don't know what contemporary means...

But I don't think explaining is going to help.

givesomefucks OP ,

The arrival of the USS Theodore Roosevelt strike group in Busan came a day after South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to protest a major deal between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un this week.

The agreement pledges mutual defense assistance in the event of war. South Korea says the deal poses a threat to its security and warned that it could consider sending arms to Ukraine to help fight off the Russian invasion as a response — a move that would surely ruin its relations with Moscow.

Hezbollah is also part of the 4+1 treaty involving other Middle East countries and Russia. And Israel is ramping up attacks against them. Russia signing with NK could draw them into that too.

Russia is using Israel to threaten WW3. They'll likely push for parts of Ukraine in exchange to giving Israel land from its Middle East allies.

givesomefucks OP ,

There is a very real chance that Biden's unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.

Bibi knows whatever happens, Biden will always have his back. He can't get that loyalty from any other US president, he's counting on every other country recognizing that, but with the way Israel is acting they all assume Israel won't stop with their current victims.

It's stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly.

givesomefucks OP , (edited )

You can stick your head in sand at the beach, but with climate change the tides may be unpredictable.

But I thought when I typed this:

It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly

I thought it was clear I was talking about the countries unfortunate enough to share a border with a country ruled by a power hungry madman actively invading other countries.

With the way this is splitting, both sides are going to have at least one.

Geopolitically speaking, there's no "good side" which I guess history is like when you're unfortunate enough to live thru it.

givesomefucks OP ,

This isn't happening in a vacuum.

Hezbollah and Russia have a defense treaty with some others like Iraq and Iran. Russia and NK just signed one.

Russia is losing in Ukraine, and none of the countries next to Israel can stand against a US backed Israel.

WW2 was because some minor dude got shot and treaties pulled everyone in. What's going on now could definitely make WW3 pop off, it doesn't take much historically

givesomefucks OP ,

and Donald Trump will be 1000000x worse

Who's disagreeing with you?

givesomefucks OP ,

he is the only choice

The DNC hasn't held their convention yet...

It's almost two months away still.

Biden is not the nominee yet and there is still time to run someone who not only has a better shot at beating trump. But would be better in office as well.

The DNC are the ones who set that date, they choose when someone becomes the nominee. If you think they should have set it earlier, remember Biden appointed Jamie Harrison to run it.

givesomefucks OP ,

So, you agree that he's not the nominee because the convention when the nominee is named is almost two months away still?

Just want to clarify that you're admitting you're wrong.

givesomefucks OP ,

He will be the nominee,

Unless we change him out for someone who will not only stop supporting a genocide, but because of that will stand a better chance at beating trump.

We good now?

You understand we're not stuck with Biden, that there's time for better options, and you haven't insulted me in a couple replies now.

I'm pretty proud of this, greatly exceed all expectations!

givesomefucks OP ,


I thought we were there, where did I lose you?

  1. Biden is not the Dem candidate

  2. The candidate will be named Aug 24th

  3. Beating trump is the most important thing

  4. Dem voters are more left leaning than Biden

  5. A candidate voters want, would get more votes

  6. We should run the candidate with the best shot of beating trump.

If you can tell me which of those you don't think are true we can try and work it out.

Or do you agree and just need help putting it together?

givesomefucks OP ,

So you agree with all 6?

You just think Biden and the DNC aren't doing everything they can to win?

I'd agree with that. So looks like we agree.

I'm just mad at the people in power for not doing everything they can to beat Trump...

And your mad at me for talking about it.

givesomefucks OP ,

I disagree with your entire premise

C'mon mate...

I listed all the steps next to numbers so you could easily identify what you needed help with.

It's starting to feel like you're not being honest about why you feel like Biden has to be the nominee. Like there's one position Biden holds and if we ran a candidate Dem voters want, the popular candidate likely wouldn't hold that specific opinion.

I honestly thought I could help, but I don't think there's a way if you're not being honest.

By all logic, we would be on the same page right now if all you wanted was to beat trump.

givesomefucks OP ,

News alert, they don’t give a fuck about you or what you think.

That's not news...

Biden appointed Jamie Harrison as head of the DNC.

The DNC took away NH' s primary delegates because they keep voting progressive.

It's blatantly obvious the DNC and Biden dont care what voters want and despite what they say are not doing all they can to prevent trump. That's literally what you called me an idiot for and started this whole long chain

I legitimately don't understand why you're upset at me for any of this unless you're not being honest about why you want Biden and not a candidate more likely to beat Trump.

Why are you, Biden. And the DNC willing to risk trump?

Why aren't you taking that risk seriously?

Dont you understand how bad trump would be?

givesomefucks OP ,

Biden has been saying for 50 years nothing will ever stop his support of Israel...

Are you asking if I believe him when he says that?

Or that no other US president can be depended on for that level of commitment?

givesomefucks OP ,

I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden


Pretty much every other president from either party has had to put Israel in place at least once during their time in office.

trump is corrupt enough to support anything, but he's unreliable. If you need him his price keeps going up till you can't afford him. No one can rely on trump, I feel like I won't get push ack on that.

There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.

We're not talking potential, we're talking actual US Presidents, there's a finate number of them...

givesomefucks OP ,

So you don't see any possibility where Biden would step aside for the good of the country to stop trump?

Do you think he honestly believes he's the best shot against trump? Or is just willing to risk it?

givesomefucks OP ,

I'm saying if Israel didn't have unconditional support from America, they wouldn't be causing so much drama.

They're the bully that picks on kids when the teacher is in the room, knowing the teacher will always take their side.

Biden is the teacher letting it happen.

Except in this scenario the bullying is a fucking genocide.

And you're blaming another kid for standing up to the bully, and can't figure out why the teachers actions are a problem. Is it Biden's fault Israel is a bully? No, but it's his fault the bully gets to do whatever they want, and is acting like it

givesomefucks ,

Well, it's not going to explode because it already has...

But if it's really so old that it's lead you should be careful. Is it an antique clock where it has value sentimental or other? If not just toss it.

The mechanism is pretty standard, so if you really want to salvage it, you can replace that (and keep the same hands) but definitely mask up and take it outside to clean the corrosion off. If it's an antique then this has already happened at least once.

is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit?

Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address [email protected] saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would...

givesomefucks ,

Did you mean to post to /noonedownvoteme instead?

Like, people answered yout question, what more did you want? A gold star?

givesomefucks ,

You don’t start a career as a CEO.

But they often start as "executives" which is a huge problem.

Very few modern CEOs have ever actually worked a day in their lives. They move around between various different industries with no knowledge of what's important.

Their only concern is making stock price go up over a short timeframe

Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer?

I live in a pretty old house in the midwest, built 1929, bought in '21, single-story, ~1300ish sqft, and with a large, spacious basement. Every time summer comes around I've had issues with the basement getting MUCH colder than the rest of the house (like >10 degrees F difference), presumably due to poorly-insulated floors and...

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, the basement is going to be colder...

You can circulate the air if you want to balance it out, but the basement is going to get colder again.

If you're talking about saving energy:

At about 3pm circulate the air. That's a little before your AC is going to start experiencing it's highest workload.

At around 6pm or when ever, stop.

Try it for a couple of days with just a fan. If it's a noticeable difference and you like it, you can get a vent installed that pushes up from the basement, and another somewhere else that just goes straight to the basement. You can put the fan/blower on a timer. I'd recommend one of those "smart plug" things, they work as a timer and you can also controll locally from your phone.

But if you're circulating air 24/7, it's just making your AC cool even more air.

So you just want to use it to dump a bunch of cold air when you need it most, and then let it naturally cool down the rest of the nigh/day.

Whether or not this adds up to more than negligible benefits for energy use...

I have zero idea.

But it's essentially just an inefficient heat pump. The theory behind it is sound.

givesomefucks ,

He's not saying it should be run by then, but "in cooperation" with them.

That likely means Israel does whatever it wants, that's their definition of "compromise".

A long with that bit about "re-education" this isn't a good thing.

givesomefucks ,

If the US joins Israel, that pulls in Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and since Russia and NK just did their deal. Likely NK as well.

AIPAC has bought off enough of both sides of the aisle, that our politicians will say we join.

This ain't the same WW3 shit we've been hearing about since the 50s. This shit can pop off at any moment.

Israel isn't acting rationally and Biden has repeatedly said he will support them under any possible circumstances. So what the fuck is going to happen?

givesomefucks ,

Every language initially embraced words for black and white, symbolizing darkness and light, followed by red, associated with blood and wine. Subsequently, yellow and green entered linguistic lexicons, with blue consistently lagging behind as the last hue universally recognized.

Israel Has “Systematically Violated” Laws Regarding Civilian Harm, UN Finds ( )

Israeli forces have demonstrated a pattern of systematically targeting densely populated civilian areas across hundreds of attacks in Gaza that likely violate international wartime laws, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) found in a report released Wednesday....

givesomefucks ,

Meanwhile, the very use of 2,000, 1,000 and 250 pound bombs in these densely populated areas could amount to wartime violations.

What Biden keeps "selling" Israel in exchange for our tax money we gave them...

Especially with how he went around congress, I don't understand how people keep saying he's innocent.

He's breaking US and international law and us ignoring it because he has a D by his name is taking us down the same path that led republicans to trump.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

givesomefucks ,

stereotypical foods associated with black Americans

It was a money thing. Poor people ate chicken, rich people ate beef or pork. It didn't just start with slaves, the frying method is literally Scottish in origin, which is why hillbillies were doing it too.

The insulting part was in ministrel shows, it was portrayed as "a taste of the highlife".

That they were excited for something hillbillies considered normal food. And most people looked down on hillbillies.

There's nothing wrong with fried chicken and watermelon. It's that for a serious event, they're having fried chicken and watermelon.

Like, imagine you have a big event, and that's what there is. Regardless of how much you like it, there's gonna be a pause.

That being said, I'm white, and fried chicken was literally the main course at every family event including weddings growing up. But that's because my family is all hillbillies. That's just what we do. We sure as shit didn't have someone cook it for us that didn't know how, it's one thing when the recipe is 200 years old and the same that your family has always been eating.

Not to mention the most important part of a chicken fry is everyone getting together. My family bitched and fought all the time. But if chicken was being fried it was like an elite military operation.

So getting a plate of bland fried chicken and unsalted watermelon just strips every good part of the tradition away, while reminding you that you could be celebrating.

And leaves the racist connotation.

givesomefucks ,

Fried chicken is an ethnic food though.

Scottish/Irish brought the method over, and when slaves made it, they used African flavoring techniques. Which also caught on with hillbillies.

That led to hillbillies and slaves being the ones that popularized it.

And they were the two most looked down on ethnic groups in America for a long time. Especially because they were eating it because it was cheap. The lard and frying was to increase the calorie count, because there wasn't much to go around. Same with the heat, it made you eat the (relatively cheap, but still expensive) part slowly.

The big difference is authentic fried chicken, and instead being handed a watered down version of it.

Like, if for Cinco de Mayo they got Taco Bell...

givesomefucks ,

"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department," he admitted.

He's been brainwashed by his fans if he thinks that somehow makes it better.

Like, authenticy is good for good things, but it makes shitty things even shittier. It's not a value that's always good in every context. And the worst thing he could be doing is doubling down on his opinions and policy.

If he left the company is the only way this would help, he wouldn't even be a fall guy because most of this is entirely his fault

givesomefucks , (edited )

NOFX, how about Yes FX?

I heard that somewhere, and if anyone remembers where it came from that would be awesome.

I don't know if it was a TV show, movie, or an intro to another song. But it feels like step brothers even though I know it's not.

Quick edit:

Letterkenny? That's probably it.

givesomefucks , (edited )

Because what she said could be taken as her supporting the racists...

And well adjusted adults apologize after saying something the wrong way...

Seriously, I don't understand why you're so upset. Did you read the article and not understand what was happening?

Did you never learn to apologize for miscommunication?

Do you always just double down and if anyone ever apologizes you think they "lost"?

I am downright intrigued for why you think apologizing is a bad move here....

givesomefucks ,

"This team is truly exceptional. Just imagine if there were only white German players," the German lawmaker reportedly said in the now-deleted post on platform X, formerly Twitter.

After removing the post, Göring-Eckhardt apologized, saying: "I was upset that 21% of Germans would prefer to see more 'whites' in the national team."

"I am proud of this team, and I hope that we can convince the remaining 21%," she added. "I'm sorry about the way I worded it."

She said something that could be taken the opposite of what she meant, so she deleted it and apologized...

I have zero idea why people in this thread are upset about that.

Too many people these days think if you apologize it means the other person "wins" I guess. They're not interested in talking about stuff, just having slap fights. So someone acting like an adult just breaks their brains. They can't imagine someone handling it like a reasonable person.

givesomefucks ,

So is Quokka your other account, and you've just been talking to yourself?

Did you think I replied to you?

Did you think I was talking about you?

Are you just replying to every comment in this thread?

I really don't understand what you or that other account are doing, if you're the same person it starts making a little more sense. But I really don't think any of this is going to be productive.

Just trying to understand what's going on here and why people are upset someone apologized for phrasing something poorly.

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, the situation makes sense.

It's just the comments don't seem to have anything to do with the situation.

givesomefucks ,

The players on the team are there because they're the best available.

If you changed that based on race, then it's racist.

She meant that if the team picked the best white people, the team wouldn't be as good.

Just like if the team picked no white people, it wouldn't be the best.

I legitimately don't get why people think it's racist that she pointed out the team won while being mixed race, and might not have won if they tried to have a racially homogeneous team over just the best available players.

Like, can you explain your logic for saying her pointing out making race more important than skill would lead to a worse team is somehow racist?

I genuinely want to understand how you got to that conclusion, and no one else wants to explain how they did either.

givesomefucks ,

Oh ok.

So you think she said this in a vacuum, because you didn't hear what the racists had been saying?

That would make sense. With zero context, it's hard to understand.

She could’ve said

Yes, she's aware it didn't come across well...

That's why she deleted it and clarified....

Like, you know she's a native German speaking, and sometimes when someone is speaking a second language things come across not as clear?

givesomefucks ,

I mean, Roger Penrose is literally the most qualified, and his theory is quantum related, but not like how OPs video probably thinks it means.

We don't know how consciousness works, and we don't know how anesthesia works.

But anesthesia fucks with this quantum interaction in our brain and we lose consciousness. The numbers for when it happens doesn't line up neatly.

But there's likely something there to it

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