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Israel releases director of hospital it says was used as a Hamas base. He alleges abuse in custody ( )

Israel released the director of Gaza’s main hospital on Monday after holding him for seven months without charge or trial over allegations the facility had been used as a Hamas command center. He said he and other detainees were held under harsh conditions and tortured....

geneva_convenience ,

Did the IDF forget to force a metal pipe up his asshole to find evidence of a Hamas tunnel network?

geneva_convenience ,

The new Nazis and the old Nazis teaming up is a sight to behold.

geneva_convenience ,

Answering this question would have impact on my ability to acquire German citizenship.

geneva_convenience ,

Do you mean you support Russian ownership of Crimea?

geneva_convenience ,

What makes it different from Israel on occupied Palestine?

geneva_convenience ,

Then why isn't Germany recognizing Palestine? Those people have been there quite a while.

Only the 75 year old Israel appears to enjoy existence for Germany. Of course supporting Israel's now open and blatant annexation of the West Bank and planned annexation of Gaza.

geneva_convenience ,

Germany is famous for being a primary enabler of the Genocide in Gaza. Only beaten by America the original Nazis from Manifest Destiny.

Supporting the white nationalist ethnostate of Israel only solidifies the Nazi reputation of Germany being as strong as ever.

This pretense of antisemitism is just a dogwhistle for white nationalists to hide their racism

geneva_convenience ,

Jew constantly whining about people being uninformed about antisemitism spreads blatantly uninformed Islamophobia

geneva_convenience ,

Jew is not an ethnicity. The "Jew as a race" was invented by the Nazis.

When your knowledge of Islam is 2002 Fox News it would be a great idea to not type comments on the internet. Or at least get slightly informed beforehand because everything you are saying is comically stupid and actually incredibly racist.

Only able bodied people are commanded to make the Pilgrimage once in their lifetime. Nobody is commanded to die for it. Most of the deaths are unregistered people that did not pass a health check.

But this new mythical Atheist belief that God will let nobody that's on God's path die is incredibly weird.

When you read almost any religion you will find even the prophets, the people selected by God, had many hardships and many people died in battles and even of sicknesses. God did not give them an autowin and invincibility by being on his side. Would make for incredibly boring stories too.

geneva_convenience ,

I hate to break it to you but this definition of Jew it's just a racist way to describe Eastern Europeans. Your ancestors were likely Ashkenazi Jews. Polish or Ukrainian or Romanian or Russian etc. Ashkenazim would be a way to describe yourself. Not "Jewish", as you say you are not a Jew.

This is akin to conflating Muslims with Arabs. Very easy and convenient for people that don't know better. Used to be true most of the time, but factually not correct. Many TV shows and Muslims self-described all Arabs as Muslims. In the 90's and 2000's nobody cared about using the correct naming for things and racist misnomers were fine. Larry David used to play religiously Jewish characters all the time he didn't mind the trope.

But most people now understand these are not the same and 2000's entertainment was not an accurate representation of reality. Just a racist one.

geneva_convenience ,

The blatant Islamophobia is what I really missed from Reddit. Thank you for filling that hole

geneva_convenience ,

The pelgrimage to Mekka where Muslims worship uuuuuhhhhh....

Mohammed! Their God!

Which uhhhh

frantically pastes generic poorly researched Wikipedia article full of contradictions


Don't look up the history of anyone from before the 20th century when these supposed Christians suddenly reached enlightenment. The inclusion of Christians is especially weird since they always pushed for younger ages of marriage than Muslims in the middle ages. Back then the Muslims were supposedly prudes.

Wonder why everyone didn't wait until they were 35 to get married in a time where the average life expectancy was 31 years.

geneva_convenience ,

When people start dropping Anti Semitic comments everyone gets up in arms. Blatant Islamophobia gets unequivocal praise.

A true Reddit moment.

geneva_convenience ,

Presentism is the fallacy you are looking for.

Humans have even changed their bodies since the middle ages. Menstrual periods are later. Maturity goes slower. People don't die in 30 years.

Children having their parents die when they are 10 and get married at 20. Or children getting married at 10 and having their parents die at 20. All great choices which we don't have to make and can moral high ground about.

I could ask why you think dating an 18 year old is fine but a 17 year old is not. Because modern research suggests the brain only finishes development at 25. But of course our sense of "morals" is solely based on arbitrary laws in < present time > in < present location >.

geneva_convenience , (edited )

You striped away points never mentioned and did not answer the question about the age of 25.

100 years ago the age of consent in Delaware was 7 years old. Your argument has been a non issue for the entire history of humanity until last 100 year until your magic universal definition of a chil turning adult at 18 took place.

And let's not forget the age of consent being 12 in many American places up to recently.

But nonetheless nobody takes this dumb moral highgrounding serious as the secular west is currently committing a Genocide on mostly children in a concentration camp in Gaza. But those are of course not children they are "terrorists" who are allowed to be killed.

geneva_convenience ,

Back then you would die of what are now easily treatable diseases.

geneva_convenience , (edited )

You are ascribing evolution to a society of warmongers committing Genocide on children in Palestine. A society addicted more to wealth than human suffering trying to lecture people on what correct morals are.

A society with an abundance of food where people are starving.

I would reconsider how correct the Wests morals are.

geneva_convenience ,

Society committing Genocide on children and calling them terrorists suddenly are very worried about when a girl of menstrual age willingly gets married.

geneva_convenience ,

You are doing that indeed

geneva_convenience , (edited )

Yes all Muslims are married to 9 year olds this is clearly observable by anyone not falling for them trying to hide it in public.

Thanks for your racism.

geneva_convenience , (edited )

Who is having a meltdown, you?

If she had a menstruation she was of menstrual age. And if she then willingly got married that's her own decision.

You were bringing up moral "evolution".

Simply pointing out that a society electing leaders knowing they will commit Genocide on little babies does not appear morally evolved really hits a nerve.

Would you suggest I refer to all Americans as "baby murderers"?

geneva_convenience ,

The average age going up appears to directly correlate with the heightening of the definition of adulthood.

If humans could live to 1000 we would call a 600 year old dating a 40 year old a pedo

geneva_convenience , (edited )

According to random internet person you are incorrect. Though I have not fact checked this much your comment sounds extremely improbable.

'You will find a lot of confusion in the discussion of this legislation on the web. My understanding is that, while they did introduce an element of parental involvement in approving a marriage, the Acts left the accepted minimum ages where they were in traditional canon (that is church) law. So it was possible for a girl to marry at 12 and a boy at 14. Even if the parents disagreed with the decision, there were perfectly legal ways in which the marriage could take place.

And we are still all teaching teenage "kids" about sexuality and "experimenting" is totally fine. Do the sex thing "kids"! As long as they do it with other "kids"....

As for the rest of the Euro moral high grounding I don't know which history books you have been reading but marrying young and the monarchy was a rather popular combo. Plenty of kings with brides even younger than 9.

Even now our leading Elites enjoy private Epstein island visits filled with girls not considered legal age.

geneva_convenience ,

It is forbidden for Muslims to worship any prophet or anything that outside of God. That would be idolatry.

geneva_convenience ,

Is it the fault of Christianity when a Christian does not abide by its rules?

geneva_convenience ,

The discussion is so shunned in Western society that it is well understood one should always repeat your opinion in public and never question it.

I would once again ask why teenagers having sex is regarded as totally normal as long as long as the person they are having sex with is not 18 yet.

If teenagers truly should not be subject to sexual experiences because they are not ready then surely this would not be normal. Or is it okay if a victim performs the deed?

geneva_convenience ,

Society had no issues with this for the past millenia. This new social construct of adulthood and finding it weird is far more recent. Mohammed's first wife was 41 when he was 25. Age differences at the time were far more usual.

Granted that our culture now changes so fast that it would mean someone that grew up with Madonna and someone that grows up with Skibidi toilet would get together. The generational cultural gaps are far greater than in the past. But this is overcome when people spend time together.

The only real reason that people can use is that a younger person can be easier to manipulate. Which holds an element of truth but the question remains at what age we allow a person full control over their actions. Currently this is 18. Yet research suggests the brain is only fully matured at 25. So will the new age be 25?

The Leonardo DiCaprio example is a classic one. Most people that say they would never act similar to Dicaprio will do so once they are actually presented with the option. It is moral highgrounding purely based on never having been presented with the option.

geneva_convenience ,

You are correct in your assessment of perfection. But the question is what is perfect morality. And mostly one of where to draw the line. The equation with stealing and murder is questionable as that has been a moral wrong through all of humanity. Whereas this debate is mostly one of the last 100 years. In the past this objective morality had never existed thus I question whether it is as objective as you make it seem. When you go a few generations back you'll usually find your great-great grandfather was a 25 year old dude that married as 13-15 year old.

Flipping to the modern age I knew a 19 year old guy that was ashamed of dating a 17 year old because he felt other people thought there was too big of an age gap. A mere two year difference. The "objective morality" on this subject really appears to be "whatever everyone else thinks about it". Even funnier is that a 60 year old dating a 30 year old is suddenly becoming predatory too. The last 10-20 years people are starting to condemn two "mature adults" with a large age gap for having a relationship. DiCaprio is a perfect example of this. He violates no laws nor "morals" but somehow is wrong.

The brain would ideally be fully matured before one is to take life-long decisions, however 25 years is an awful lot of time.

If were morally consistent we would acknowledge that if the brain is "fully matured" at 25 that the age of consent would be 25...But as that is currently not the societal norm we see no reason to accept this. If society had already changed into this logic I am quite sure you would adhere to it as well. Especially seeing that there would now be a "scientific reasoning" behind it. And it would be even more difficult to convince you because now I would have to argue with science. Yet we stick to this very arbitrary number of 18. Even you are saying 18 is okay and 16 is weird. I cannot comprehend this. Make it 25.

Just so happens that we’re trying not to behave like wild beasts anymore.

The question of consent is a very emphasized one that was introduced back then. Before the prophet consent was an arbitrary cause. Women were regarded as property at that time. Suddenly men had to actually appeal to a woman to marry her. Even in modern day if a woman does not wish to get married at a young age there is absolutely no reason for her to do so. The legal permissible age refers to the age at which a woman gets control to decide. It does not force her to get married. It only presents her with the right to do so.

We still condone sexual intercourse between teenagers and accept that when they reach puberty some have a desire to become sexually active. We have not mitigated this in fact we promote safe sex in schools and say experimenting is totally fine. We have only restricted it to other "children". We made the age gap a defining factor in what we deem okay, and don't say that "children" are being "raped" by other "children". Once again, I can't find moral consistency in this. If the brain's finished age is 25 why do we condone a 17 and 15 year old, but not a 19 and 17 year old? And now even between "adults" this age gap is coming into play.

There appears to be no coherent argument. Everything that is deemed okay is based on current traditions and the "science" is ignored.

geneva_convenience OP ,

This is the type of comment written by people that talk about .ml but never actually go to .ml

Plenty of uncensored criticism of both China and Russia. Just don't scream at everyone that they are a tankie.

geneva_convenience OP ,

Thanks for linking this, this is indeed more censorship than I have seen from other users and this does adjust my opinion of their censorship. Most of your comment is not entirely accurate (and weird as infrastructure is what the public uses) but this line does stand out

They should not have their entire population as slaves

Anyway I don't think that deserves a ban. Thanks for the heads up.

geneva_convenience OP ,

One could argue Americans are also slaves. Spam lists like this one. Japan is another Asian society with extreme workloads but they don't get these comments.

The standard of living has massive increased in China over the last 50 years. Their population has been worked to the bone, but it didn't just lead to nothing. We deem China to be almost a first world country. Often slightly worse but on the upper end of the second world. The rail infrastructure part is an example of what it did achieve which is why it's weird to "China bad" on that specific post.

Nonetheless I'd rather have seen a discussion than the mods just banning you.

geneva_convenience ,

George W. Bush Institute, will be featured as part of Disney’s enduring admiration for those who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and veterans

Damn America goes hard on propaganda.

geneva_convenience , (edited )

Then he should solve the issue by requiring the code to be hosted on American servers with source code inspection.

Not by making them unaffordable.

geneva_convenience ,

Then he should solve the issue by requiring the code to be hosted on American servers with source code inspection.

Not by making EVs unaffordable.

geneva_convenience ,

Then make it so the manufacturer cannot just push cloud updates without permission from an oversight committee.

Raising the price does nothing at all to fix the security issues.

US report on Israel’s wartime conduct in Gaza delayed, aides say ( )

The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed and will no longer be released Wednesday as planned, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO....

geneva_convenience ,

Calling people that question known propaganda sources which even very recently made false accusations claiming they had evidence "tankies".

What do we call that?

geneva_convenience ,

Pointing out that consent is manufactured is minimizing?

geneva_convenience ,

Capturing people that try to kill you is a lot different than randomly kidnapping people from the street.

And the entire sex slave rape fantasy people are writing about doesn't check out either. But I would not expect any less from people that verbatim repeat any Islamophobic propaganda they have read and never fact check it.

geneva_convenience ,

If they were following Islamic law and this actually happened these three men would now have to be stoned to death.

geneva_convenience ,

You just pastebinned a generic unresearched islamophobia comment and did not manage to quote the scripture for any of your claim. Good job proving my point.

geneva_convenience ,

Weird the Hadith is the scripture? You must be an expert.

geneva_convenience ,

I can see you lack basic reading comprehension because none if the verses you quoted support what you are saying.

Did you even read what you posted by the way? I hope you did not write it yourself because else your interpretations are very... Special.

"Murder of those who question Islam and decide it's wrong:

"Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.""

geneva_convenience ,

Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed,

Has anyone told you about the concept of hell yet?

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