@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml cover
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar


@[email protected]

“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || readsettlers.org || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

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frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I'm convinced this is what death of attention span looks like

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

That could be someone's creative output. Hell, that could be the paycheck someone's eating off of-- and you and others like you out here "can it be condensed? I rly don't wanna hear it". If it's not death of attention span, then it's atomized, anti-social fuckshit; so either way this ain't the defense strat you think it is

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It's the principle of the thing. You clearly have the free-time, otherwise you wouldn't be here. You clearly have the interest, otherwise you wouldn't be in this thread. And yet, you demand an abridging of someone's creative output to suit your entitlement. Tfu.

If you only have the time to demand abridgings of people's work, maybe you shouldn't be on this site. I'm sure twitter or reddit would be more your speed.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Still not a defense for demanding abridgings to suit one's entitlement. If I think something is sensationalized or clickbait, I move the fuck on without demanding somebody else play stenographer for me.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Any build is a dex build if the STR character throws them

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

10 years strong. Thinking about changing my phone number; because ever since my mother spoke dirt on my name to the whole family, I never changed it. Anyone who wanted to find out what the score was could have called or texted. For ten years, they could've called or texted. Not one of them has. Not one of them has come to ask what the story was from my side. They just let her lie on my name and did no further investigation, so...

Fuck 'em. I probably should change my number, maybe even change my name while I'm at it. Make a full severing of it.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Not any of our problems; if you willfully work for Meta after everything that has come out about them, you're a scab against the people and shouldn't be regarded past that point. Fuck should I care about techbros who wouldn't know solidarity if it popped out of a manhole and blew a new hole in their ass for?

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The PM of China has nothing to fucking do with Mark Lizardman Zuckerberg wanting your data, please shut the fuck up if you're going to be verifiably ignorant

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar
frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Still not my problem; my man you should not be talking about jobs and who holds 'em when Amerika is looking at a job shortage because of all the offshoring. I said what I said with my whole chest; if you work for them in any form, facility, or function, or uplift those who do, I consider you an opp

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Bigoted and trying to hide it behind "buhhhh buhhh it's just a joke guise" like that tactic hasn't been cracked for like a decade

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Why is Ukraine still welcome at Eurovision? Extremely bad look, to invite a genocidal nazi country to your... 'Festival of togetherness', ig. Guess all of Europe is a collaborating entity.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Sounds like a stockholder opinion. Devs need unions, the vulture capitalists need their backs broken; plain and simple.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I said what I said. That's just the thing: I don't want them dead anymore. I want them deprived of power, deprived of agency, and forced to watch the world they ruined actually repaired. Alive.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Death to Amerika, death to the settlers

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Shut the fuck up, collaborator.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

No one cares about the uninformed State-Department-regurgitation you call an 'opinion' except for other uninformed settler wastrels sipping the same governmental vomitus; you collaborating dog.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It is wild how all through the Trump presidency, "fact-checkers" gleefully and loudly documented thousands upon thousands of lies from white to blood-red on the part of Trump and his administration-- but all of a sudden when it comes time to fact-check Biden, hella folk start quitting, and you never really hear about it til someone like you pulls up with the links

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Since there's more than one of you ignorant settler narcissists replying to the above comment to the tune of "as long as I'm not inconvenienced...", I'm not taking the time to respond to all of you individually: WHAT DO YOU THINK THE POINT OF A PROTEST IS, YOU COMFORTABLE SUBURBANITE COLONOIDS? THE POINT IS TO BE SEEN! THE POINT IS TO DRAW ATTENTION TO AN INJUSTICE!

Now it shouldn't surprise me that the sons and daughters of Kent State's protestors have this take, but it disgusts me; because y'all wanna talk all this bullshit about failures of civics classes when your blueanon genocidairés fail to get the votes you think they're automatically entitled to, then you'll say some bullshit like "I'm against any protest I can't ignore". I hope you keep that same energy when it's your face the government is forcing its boot down on; 'cause I'll be dead by then-- and if I wasn't? I'd laugh at you. I'd make jokes at your expense. I'd spit on your cause as I walked by. Finally, after all that got boring, I'd ignore you. THE EXACT SAME WAY Y'ALL DO RIGHT NOW.

Death to the settlers. John Brown should've killed more slavers; maybe we'd have less settler treatbrains to deal with in the here-and-now.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Maybe if you crackers would quit validating their lyrics, we wouldn't still be quoting them. Crazy how that works, ain't it?

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar


frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Okay I hate the West as much as any other guy, but

but you're about to power right on through that, aren't you?

otherwise you’re treated like the Uighurs.

Shot, chaser. Thanks for giving me a three-line lib Bingo, btw; the last space I needed was 'someone trying to resurrect Adrian Zenz in this thread'.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And who maintains the status quo, that there is no local opportunity so they have to coon out to FIVE-EYES nations?

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Okay honestly as a fellow Muslim

So you're gonna minstrel out for the white man, parrot his bullshit when I know for a fact you've never once set foot near Xinjiang? Can you even pronounce Xinjiang? How about organizations of your presumed peers, since you wanna claim Islam like that, how about the OIC reports that found nothing worth talking about there? Why hasn't anyone in the middle east chatted shit about the Uyghurs? 🦝 shit if you actually are what you claim to be.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Amerika already is full-fascist; if you can't tell, you haven't been paying attention. Must be comfortable where you're at.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Did you really vote him out of office? I've got white-guy blindness; and the settler who currently occupies that seat has been seemingly carrying on a solid half of Trump's platform. Continued building the wall, continued funding ICE, continued funding 10-33, didn't mandate RICO charges against the Jan 6th protestors, but was more than happy to let RICOs fly on the Cop City protestors, didn't shut down the concentration caps on the southern border, I genuinely can't tell them apart.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

"Just assimilate into settler-vapidity and you won't get discriminated against anymore; won't keep the crackers from misidentifying where you're from and gunning you down in the street over it anyway."

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Oh they don't like remembering that. They don't like remembering the "Racial jungle" comments, how that cracker eulogized a FUCKIN KLANSMAN. If you make people remember that, blueanon can't cudgel Dem votes out of the Black community half as easy.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Jesus fuckin christ the last time I heard this much coonery in one place I was listening to Morehouse's faculty breathlessly justifying Biden giving a commencement speech in the midst of a verifiable genocide he aids and abets. You really think no one in that region has put eyes on the Xinjiang situation? You really think we have issues with Ukraine over the Zionist issue first and foremost when we've been VERY LOUD ABOUT THE NAZIS IN THEIR BRIGADES?? You might as well be Anglo-Amerikan for how you're talking right now.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Oh wow that's the first time in a loooooooooong minute I've seen someone use Luddite in its pre-corrupted state; I was about to be MAD AS SHIT.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It's genuinely criminal how badly their reputations got tarred; when I heard what they were actually about I was genuinely struck like "my god there WERE people who felt the way I do". Like-- I'm literally a communist, I don't believe there will ever be a point of human existence where meaningful, dignifying labor has been 'abolished'; nor do I think we should aspire to that.

Automate away the drudgery, the sinecurial, and the tedious, sure, that's all well and good and should be done; but that which lets a person create, to make something useful, that they could be proud of? Tech shouldn't be eliminating that, and that very much feels like the future we're going toward.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Pointing out hypocrisy on the part of the regime; that's -100 points to your FICO score; hand over the deed to your home

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And each modifier between "your" and "heart" increases the factor of how insulting they're trying to be by at least 2

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

jesse wtf are you talking about

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It's a question about languages and you're erroneously conflating that with race. Homie, this is not the hill for you to die on; and if you ever condescend to me like that again, we're gonna start having problems. Wanna sit there and talk about "siding with the racists" and then play paternalist at the tail end of your fuckoff statement, fuck is wrong with you?

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

So reality checking you didn't work; I'll tell it to you straight: log off for a week.

Your conflation is flatly wrong. Language and race are not some linked quantity. There is no gene preventing a white man from speaking Swahili, or a Black woman from speaking German, Dutch, Russian, and Gaelic.

Were I to allow that erroneous conflation to slide, I'd be committing a type of liberalism as we (unfortunately, as of right now) share a community. Your not even considering self-crit when it's made as clear as I possibly Can make it that you've got the wrong end of the hook here is another. Log out, touch grass, do better; otherwise don't darken my inbox again. I know what 'verbally looking for a fight' looks like; and you're doing it right now. Chill the fuck out and log off.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Is that really the kind of language you want to be using in this conversation?

Oh, it is; I've told you twice now to quit fuckin condescending to me and tryna cracker-talk your way out of being explicitly wrong. You don't listen; ergo, I don't want you even THINKING about continuing to talk to me. I genuinely don't have time for those who act like settlers and can't accept their own errors. If I wanted to get really uncharitable, I'd start listing off every single itemized thing I find wrong about you; but I'll leave it at don't you ever think to reply to my shit again if you won't get right.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Trying to tell a settler their haughty hill-to-die-on subject is indefensible ground, ifg. I had such high hopes for them, too. They seemed on the level for someone not from the twin flame instances til this past couple days.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How is licking the boots of the copyright office helping the people? I don't give the first fuck about individuals trying to hoard up IP anymore; IP hoarding-- and the very concept of IP in the first place-- is fuckin bullshit, fuck 'em if they got a problem with that take. We already have to pay through the nose for too much else in society, so why are you licking copyright-uplifting boots?

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Wikipedia? The free encyclopedia that only the State Department can edit? 🤣🙄

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing. Just another branch of the habitually pocket-ran and stolen-from finally adopting that stance, from where I sit.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

What the fuck do you think civil disobedience is you settler-assed windbag

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I've never seen someone self-report a failure of Amerikan History like this before. You must've missed THE ENTIRE Civil Rights Movement segment, or just tuned it out because it made you or someone close to you uncomfy to think about-- like I've asked another person in this thread, what the fuck do you think CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE means????

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I live every day of my life under a regime that steals my wages, calls it 'profit', and then in my face, gets away with pocketing it, with STEALING IT; that shit is ALREADY happening. At this point, it'd just even the playing field. If you want me to have solidarity with my fellow worker, you cannot have it both ways where you expect me to uplift the tools of capitalist theft too. Fuck out of my face if all you have is platitudes to capital.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And your attempted redress is bootlicking the mechanics by which capitalists steal from all of us. Sinclair was right; it really is impossible to get you people to understand shit when your material conditions are dependent on your not. And then you just smug around like you said some prosaic shit I am so sick of y'all.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

negl current-day krauts might be as bad as yankees

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Don't stumble down that slope jackass

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