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fishos , avatar

It's like weapons testing. You only move to ban testing after you've developed it yourself.

fishos , (edited ) avatar

Sorry you're being downvotted by the misinformed. It's not even in the format for ChatGPT, especially the part about being out of tokens. It's been pointed out already that that is psuedo-code, not actual code. It's meant to look like something ChatGPT would say.

It's a troll/ragebait account.

This isn't news. At all. This is basically reporting on "the hacker known as 4Chan".

fishos , avatar

WTF NO! You suggested that bullshit? I wondered why everything was so goddamn clunky.

"HE HAS", NOT "HE HAVE". And should be the ability.

The way it's written now sounds EXACTLY like someone who's first language ISNT English trying to teach someone else English. It's butchered terribly.

fishos , avatar

"He have" instead of "he has," etc.

Then you meant to write "'He has' instead of 'he have'". You wrote it backwards. Thanks for the downvote for YOUR mistake.

fishos , (edited ) avatar

Fyi, math and science is philosophy. Science is how philosophy started to actually get answers to the questions it was asking(the scientific method) and math is one of the languages it did it through. The Cult of Pythagoras was a group that believed all answers could be found through numbers and math.

Philosophy helped birth both of those fields.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

fishos , (edited ) avatar

If you don't know the answer is bad, which confident idiots spouting off on reddit and being upvoted into infinity has proven is common, then you won't refine your search. You'll just accept the bad answer and move on.

Your logic doesn't follow. If someone doesn't know the answer and are searching for it, they likely won't be able to tell if the answer is correct. We literally already have that problem with misinformation. And what sounds more confident than an AI?

fishos , avatar

"Hey! Stop that! Be genocided in peace! How dare you fight back!"

Look, if we're gonna agree that Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and abusing them for decades, at a certain point you need to admit that Hamas isn't 100% at fault. Just like how the USs actions in the Middle East increased extremism and terrorism, so has Israel's. You can't keep murdering mothers and fathers and expect the children to grow up thinking that "peace as dictated by your oppressors" is the solution.

fishos , avatar

How many rockets has Israel launched? Defending yourself with 8 rockets vs hundreds? Get real

fishos , avatar

Or you do nothing and get completely walked all over.

Because what's your solution? Words aren't doing shit.

fishos , avatar

$3600 to build a media server anyone can access...... Bro is delusional. Not to mention, how are you gonna put a single thing on it without breaking the law? The moment there is a single video there that you don't have license/copyright to, the whole thing gets shut down. Especially if you charge for access, which you will have to, otherwise your bandwidth will be gone in a second. And you want to complicate this further by making it international.

Cool idea, but the logistics alone make this nearly impossible. This would only work in a pro-piracy community that understands that what they are doing is technically illegal.

Also, whatcha gonna do when the first CSAM gets uploaded and now suddenly you gotta follow legal regulations of numerous countries on how to properly report/sanitize the server?

fishos , avatar

You realize that with CSAM, you need to know the laws of every country you operate in and the laws surrounding that, right? Do you know an international lawyer willing to donate their time for free to make sure youre compliant with every regulation?

What about GDPR? Similar rules in other countries?

And again, how are you gonna put copyrighted material on it and NOT get shut down?

And imagine the best case scenario: you create a free media server for anyone to use. Wanna guess how long it'll take before you're out of bandwidth? Video streaming is bandwidth intensive. You're just gonna give all that out for free? Because remember, if you charge for it and a single copyrighted video is on there, you're looking at numerous criminal charges for facilitating it.

It's just not feasible unless you cram it full of ads or neuter it so much it's worthless. Stop being delusional. If this was on a piracy community I'd be on board because they at least understand that what they are doing isnt legal and would take proper precautions to try and stay under the radar. You'd expect it to one day get shut down.

fishos , avatar

Seconding this. If they don't click, they still feel in. They gotta CLICK. For people new to building, you gotta press harder than you probably feel comfortable pressing.

fishos , avatar

You're literally asking a question for other people to answer. How is that any less social media than Twitter or Facebook? People post their personal achievements all the time, etc. If you respond to me, are we not having a social interaction?

How is it not social media?

fishos , avatar

Then what about the self help communities? They largely share stories and personal experiences.

Or the meme communities largely made up of 2 heavy posters that other people follow?

Acting like Lemmy is only a link aggregator is being obtuse.

fishos , (edited ) avatar

You can't just handwave away 90% of the content and claim that all these sites are really about the links.

For God's sake, you're citing reddit, a site renowned for people reading only the headline and then jumping into the comments to socially engage about the topic.

Or let's point to "we did it reddit!". That wasn't a social collaboration? Or r/place? Or AMA?

Yeah, if you ignore all of the social interaction, reddit is a link aggregator. But if you really think reddit is equivalent to an RSS feed, you're either being a troll or just oblivious.

Do you really think there's an important distinction to be made or do you just not want to admit that you're no different from the people who scroll Facebook all day? If it's the latter, maybe it's yourself you're more upset with than the term.

fishos , (edited ) avatar

A "Thomas Midgley Jr."

Alfred Nobel might be considered a runner up, but I feel he recovered his reputation. That and I don't think anyone but himself really was upset with the path his invention took.

I know you wanted a word, but I nominate "Midgley" to be the new word for that. "To midgley something" is to attempt to create something of value that instead only makes things worse. It's an improvement in the negative direction.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

fishos , avatar

Some people see "to reduce animal cruelty" as judgy because that's just how nature is. The moral superiority comes from you acting like you're somehow above everyone and everything else. It's entirely in your wording and the implications that if you eat meat, you enjoy animal suffering vs seeing it as a natural outcome of nature.

fishos , avatar

We're a constitutional Republic, dipshit. We're not even a true democracy and calling us the oldest when there are PUBS older than our country is ridiculous. We are YOUNG.

fishos , avatar

Exactly. Less bootlickering and more "Leopards Ate My Face" material. This was heavily forseable. If they did this as a protest against copyright and announced it from the start, it would be one thing. But this was just incompetence and ignorance at a level that will likely ruin them.

fishos , avatar

You're literally proving their point. You're saying "I don't see anything wrong with this, it's perfectly normal to me and I'm fine if this kind of thing dominates my feed". Their entire complaint is how normalized this kind of rhetoric has become and how pervasive it is and your response is basically "this is fine" dog.

fishos , avatar

I love how it's "the evil Republicans" doing all of this. Plenty of us are Democrats who think Taylor is incredibly hypocritical for not practicing exactly what she preaches. And least you forget, she's a literal billionaire. That "1%" we point to as the worst contributors. And oh look, there she is, being just like the people she vilifies.

She's a hypocrite plain and simple and the facade is starting to finally break. Her entire persona is manufactured by teams of publicists. She's no different that the other billionaires, but she has you convinced she's your best buddy.

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