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@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar


@[email protected]

I have to be like this 'cause this is what I'm like.
—the Doctor, Doctor Who

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filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic anyone else tired of always having to be the better person at work?

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic for me it is the “just let all the abuse just roll off your back" thing

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic it's a lot of passive aggressive stuff so it's more subtle and harder to actual bring up to powers that be

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic apparently the OG poster from is also seeing a high engagement on this post as i am

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic at a very large choral concert to support friends in the chorus and every time i attend one of these, its extremely draining — good thing i have Monday off

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar
filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@gary_alderson @actuallyautistic i'd think it make it worse but i guess time will tell

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@gary_alderson @actuallyautistic from your toot to the powers that be's eyes

NightlyBye , to ActuallyAutistic group
@NightlyBye@gaypirates.club avatar


folks in the UK - have you ever used a "guaranteed interview/assessment" scheme for a job application, and ended up getting the job?

I'm weighing up "don't disclose anything until you have a job because it might put them off even if they HAVE to give you an interview" with "do everything you can to get to the interview stage then hopefully you can really impress them".

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@NightlyBye @actuallyautistic i'm not in the UK, so curious what this process is.

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Jobob @NightlyBye @actuallyautistic not sure i've ever heard of something like that in the US

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

hallelujah -- i found the mute function for specific chats in Teams

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic any advice on how to tactfully tell co-workers who are excessively using Teams chat that you’re not interested in the chatter without coming across as “uncooperative", “rude", “not a team player" etc.

chevalier26 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Do any of y'all have EXTREME heat intolerance? It's like the older I get the more I can't put up with hot weather. I've always been very "hot-natured," prefer winter over summer, etc. but this year I think my intolerance has been the worst yet. Friends are telling me how it's peak summer weather (90 degrees is comfortable?!?) meanwhile I start sweating when it's 70+ degrees Fahrenheit outside. What gives?

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic i've never done well in heat and i grew up on the East Coast. i have always loved Autumn since it was a perfect level of chill for me.

i moved to Seattle since (27 years ago) the weather was much milder than the East Coast. and since it is gray 9 months of the year, less irritating sunlight.

but as the world changes I now have 2 air conditioners since even in Seattle the summers make it a must.

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic just started yet another documentary series on Jonestown (my 4th now), and while i consider movies/tv and true crime among my special interests, is watching multiple versions of something on the same topic a special interest or just a part of the master ones?

also, this new series is by far the worst so far -- very superficial. all the others have given me new information that the others had not.

chevalier26 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Does it bother anyone else when someone folds your laundry for you? I do appreciate the effort and the intention, but half the time I have to go back and refold everything because it wasn’t folded the way I need it to be for me to put it away or organize it properly. I would rather just do all the folding myself lol. Idk, I know that probably seems selfish but it does irk me sometimes.

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic i tend to like to fold since i find it calming -- plus when other people were in my house, they would leave stuff out and never do anything with it, so i just needed to clear the clutter

18+ filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic is it me or are some of these options to these questions offensive?

apologies for the pics, was hard to get all the text in one post


filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Jobob @UnCoveredMyths @actuallyautistic this is a job evaluaiton form

the examples are perceptions of behavior and that behavior is subjective to a neurotypcial mindset that is preferred to the exclusion of ignoring that there are neurodivergents among them

and while in a reasonable setting showing examples of your work being as valid, this isn't the form the subject fills out -- it's what others are filling out about them -- and that is the problem

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic was in a group meeting with mostly well intentioned neurotypicals who just kept going on and on in the most ableist way about everything

for context, migraine started at the top of the meeting andis going unabated as we speak

autism101 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@autism101@mstdn.social avatar

Do you have any clothing routines? I own eight gray plain t-shirts with no tags which I love. I often will just wear them over and over again.


filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@autism101 @actuallyautistic i've always bought similar of certain things since they're comfortable. just started wearing pajama pants for working from home.

also have “brand loyalty" for my shoes.

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic just updated my standard bio for first time in decades — from the most recent episode of

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic what are everyone’s thoughts on signing cards (birthday, etc.) at work, where you do not really know the person, but there is an implied expectation that you do so

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic my office is really big into kudoboard.com -- i’ve had to do 4-5 in the past 3 weeks -- all for people i do not really know or care to know

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic it's one of those presumed niceties that neurotypicals assume everyone wants and you get judged for not taking part

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic true, but it still feels insincere

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic has anyone tried this and if so, how did it work for you…

Autism & Emails Does A Disclaimer Help Misunderstanding


filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@willaful @actuallyautistic i was looking for some passive way to disclose and stumbled upon the article -- i am still early days in my diagnosis relatively and my toxic work environment is becoming less tolerable since it

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @willaful @actuallyautistic i briefly thought about disclosing at work to try to put them on notice that they were acting discriminatory to a person under a protected class, but realized it wouldn't change their behavior at the end of the day

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic i do a lot of meeting requests and receive a lot of emails that start like this:

"Good morning!

I hope you all had excellent weekends.”

I start mine like this, and because of this, am considered an asshole:

“[Name] would like to set up a one hour call on this topic. Please let me know if any of the following times work:”

…because heaven forbid we be efficient and clear in our communication

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@punishmenthurts @actuallyautistic i have a lot of rage about this stuff since (a) i pride myself on clear and direct communication and (b) with the volume of emails and work i have, there is no time to read a lot of fluff for no reason.

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@punishmenthurts @actuallyautistic and that is another reason i do not even try

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic has anyone had a supervisor act so passive aggressively all the time it feels like they are goading you into a meltdown?

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@punkcoder @actuallyautistic this particular asshole has been doing things for the past 5 years and i was only diagnosed a few months ago so i never know anymore.

i work from home primarily now (and trying to make that permanent) so my meltdown moments are at least in private.

filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic looking for non-rabid fans for discussions of both the classic and revival series

and by non-rabid, i mean people not on the “it’s gone woke”, “Jodi Whittaker destroyed the series”, etc. bandwagon

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@mjgardner @actuallyautistic THANK YOU! he wasted Jodi’s first season and it’s totally unfair the shit she gets.

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@timelordiroh @actuallyautistic this season is great — Dot and Bubble’s ending has me wondering if i’m seeing what i was seeing or if i was just projecting

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Old_IT_geek @mjgardner @actuallyautistic noticing her accent is my American ignorance

i thought she did an amazing job and really enjoyed her in Broadchurch (also a Chibnal property)

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Old_IT_geek @mjgardner @actuallyautistic i’ve been watching British TV for over 30 years so i notice the distinction in sound but couldn’t determine a region

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@jherazob @actuallyautistic i’m in that boat on some of my other shows so i can relate

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Susan60 @actuallyautistic i do have concerns over Disney’s potential influence but i’m willing to give RTD the benefit of the doubt for at least now

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Susan60 @actuallyautistic your examples are what make me wonder how much input Disney is being allowed

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Susan60 @actuallyautistic i’d be fine with Disney infusing cash and distribution but staying completely out of creative matters

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@DoctorDisco @lexx3000 @Susan60 @actuallyautistic RTD tends to build to a bigger payoff so
some of the lesser stories may have a reason in the end

filmfreak75 OP ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Susan60 @manu @actuallyautistic RTD and Moffat were great in my book.

Chibnal was obsessed with his “soft reboot” bullshit and instead of insisting not to make a big deal of the female regeneration, did the opposite.

kkffoo , to ActuallyAutistic group
@kkffoo@mastodon.social avatar

I found this way of looking at autistic and allistic communication preferences quite clear and interesting. https://youtu.be/H6Wf8Q3e6lg?si=acKu3fQaGPyEy9bf

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@kkffoo @actuallyautistic this is spot on and makes a lot of sense to why i have issues at work

Ilovechai , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Ilovechai@sciences.social avatar

I don't have the spoons to explain why I feel my neurodivergence is making this worse, but I need feedback or insight from other ND people on a unique experience. This will be a long thread (added in replies) but I'm hopeful there will be a few kind readers who either relate or have something supportive to share.
Here goes:
@actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd

filmfreak75 ,
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@Ilovechai @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd there is a new discord from Mike at AutisticAF on YouTube as part of his Patreon



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