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esc27 ,

I wonder if fossil fuel companies are pushing these stories to undermine support for climate change policies.

esc27 ,

I read that as commandlets and now I'm worried Powershell has given me brain damage...

  1. if ((Get-God).Count -gt 1){Set-God -Identity "YHWH"}
  2. Get-Idol | Remove-Idol
  3. foreach($godsname in ((Get-God).Name){ if (($speech -like "$godsname") -and ($speech.vain)) {$speech = ""}}
  4. Set-Reminder -Start (Get-Date "06/29/2024") -Reoccurance 7 -Subject "Holy"
  5. Set-Person -Relation "Mother" -Honor $true; Set-Person -Relation "Father" -Honor $true;
  6. $murder = $false
  7. $adultry = $false
  8. $stealing = $false
  9. if ((Get-Truth $speech) -eq $false){$speech = ""}
  10. $NoCovet=(Get-Property -SearchDepth 2) + (Get-Person -Relation "Neighbor")
esc27 ,

One thing I'm learning from these types of questions is that knowledge isn't power, money is. There is precious little I could do with future knolewedge outside of personal/family matters without first using that knowledge to make as much money as possible.

Hello GPT-4o ( )

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction—it accepts as input any combination of text, audio, and image and generates any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. It can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds,...

esc27 ,

5x usage limits (if they last) is the real news here. The current limits make it unusable for any meaningful projects.

I just dropped chatgpt plus because of those limits...

esc27 ,

They need to focus back on the base product instead of adding more features. It has been over 1 year and chatgpt using gpt4 is still crippled to the point of being useless.

The last thing I want is a search engine that works 10 times then tells me to come back in 4 hours to resume searching...

esc27 ,

Maybe like a subscription where people could pay a fee to avoid ads?

esc27 ,

Could it just be that whistleblowing is intensely stressful and difficult (reporters, lawyers, harassment from former coworkers and company fanboys, difficulty finding new employment, etc.) I imagine all of that makes whistleblowers far more susceptible to disease and mental issues.

We need stronger whistleblower protection laws. Not just in case companies put out a hit, but also to help the whistleblowers endure and recover from doing the right thing…

esc27 ,

Hmm. Does God know the largest prime? Does God know the last digit of pi?

esc27 ,

I think it might help to stabilize the region. If other countries that might want to attack Israel while they are distracted or even in defense of Gaza know that the US is still supporting them and providing weapons they will be less likely to do so. But of course that means there is basically nothing to stop Israel from finishing this genocide and Netanyahu knows it…

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