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echodot ,

They already are illegal. The problem is the police are corrupt and they're bought off, and the central government doesn't really care that much, so they don't do anything about it.

If you actually report these people sometimes they do get arrested, it just depends on who the chief of police in that area is. There's a reason they're all in the same part of India and it's because the police in that area have been bought off.

echodot ,

Your comprehension of this technology is so limited that you actually think that's how it works.

The letter simply indicates that the physical wiring in the cable is different to a previous iteration of the USB standard. There isn't a great deal of reason that they would change that now it has a pretty good potential for energy transfer and high data transfer speeds. In 15 years they might be looking at changing it but not any time soon.

Usb and B came out at the same time in the '90s for god's sake.

echodot ,

If I traveled 100 years into the future I actually wouldn't be surprised if they're still using USB-C. A different version of USBC but it'll still be the same cable, the only reason they would upgrade to another cable is if they decided for some reason that it needed to be able to carry enough current to vaporize you.

echodot ,

Yeah, there was a BBC documentary with him in it, and they actually demonstrate this. Various scammers are arrested and even sentenced, and then for some totally innocent reason a mistrial gets called, and it all has to go to trial again, and surprise surprise in the intervening time the police have managed to lose all of the evidence.

The only good thing about that whole case was that when they were arrested the scammers faces were broadcast all over national television in both India and the UK. Not that been shown in the UK will do everything, but I'm sure they don't have a great time in India because the locals hate them. Oh and also when the police are showing off their scammers, for some reason they make them hold hands with the police. It's really funny how unhappy they look about it.

echodot ,

Well fortunately we have you. Who contribute a great deal I'm sure

echodot ,

Pretty well paid then

echodot ,

Yeah I used to be guilty of this. Although in slight defense of myself I never used to use random sites like that I always used to pull everything from Google CDN since I can't see that changing hands.

They may very well shut it down without warning, but they're probably not going to sell it to anyone.

echodot ,

I'm sure that will be really helpful, I bet they're really well trained and have lots of modern equipment that isn't just painted wood.

echodot ,

The best tactic Ukraine could have at this point would just be to encourage the North Koreans to defect. Can't imagine it'll be particularly difficult, "hey switch sides and we won't kill you, and here's a free house with electricity, water and indoor plumbing".

It would be like trying to convince people to leave the 15th century.

echodot , (edited )

I will never understand why the American military think it's a good idea to send them tanks that are so complicated. Especially when they're going up against cold war era relics.

echodot ,

Pretty asymmetric that isn't it. On one side you have a nation that is rapidly running out of, well basically everything, and on the other side you've got an alliance of nation states which contain among many other things the largest most powerful military on the planet.

Finally the nation that is running out of resources is now getting military support from quite possibly the worst place they could get it from.

It's going to be one of those ridiculous situations that only happens in Civilization, where you're bombing cavemen with nukes because your adversary has failed to advance through the tech tree fast enough.

echodot ,

It never leads anywhere though. North Korea has always been fobbed off with decades-old technology,it's not like they will know.

So everyone continues to ignore them because they continue not to be a threat. It's not in Russia's interest to give them anything really advanced, assuming they have anything left to give them. The best thing Russia could give them would be infrastructure engineers but they're probably not interested in their own populace enough to consider that a worthy exchange.

echodot ,

Military experts say Ukraine's ability to use Western-supplied weapons in Russia is aiding its fightback.

Wow, thank God for that expert analysis.

echodot ,

Obvious troll is obvious. Grow up

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

echodot ,

It's a bit first but if their primary motivation was performance improvements they wouldn't be soldering 16 GB.

If you're going to weld shoes to your feet, you better at least make sure that they're good shoes.

echodot ,

No you don't understand the architecture is different and so the laws of physics don't apply. Constantly energizing and de-energizing capacitors can only increase life expectancy, everyone knows that.

echodot ,

Yeah but if you're only putting 8 GB of RAM on then you're also going to be constantly querying the hard drive. So any performance gain you get from soldering, is lost by going all the way to the hard drive every 3 microseconds.

It's only better performance on paper in reality there's no real benefit. If you can run an application entirely entirely within the 8 GB of RAM, and assuming you're not running anything else, then maybe you get better performance.

echodot ,

I can't tell if you're a stooge or if you really think that. I hope you are stooge, because otherwise that's a really stupid position you've decided to take and you clearly don't actually understand the issue.

YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

echodot ,

I'll remember this the next time I feel like going to the US

echodot ,

If you want ethanol then vodka would be better than beer as it has fewer other components

echodot ,

His lawyers are literally advocating that he should be able to have political opponents killed what the hell are you talking about?

echodot ,

It was actually Harry Kim but his character was so undeveloped that we never noticed.

echodot ,

And also the time she thought she was a ballroom singer. And the moment she switches back to seven you can see it in the way she stands.

echodot ,

One of the reasons that Voyage's writing is so terrible is because all of the good ideas got knocked back. For example the ship was supposed to get progressively more damaged over time, patched up with improvised repairs. That's why the engineer was a Marquee, because they were used to having to do that sort of thing so they'd have experience that Starfleet engineers wouldn't have. That's why she was promoted over a Starfleet engineer. In the rewrite none of that comes through and it looks a bit pointless.

But they decided that was too expensive, so they didn't do it. In all fairness to them with the special effects they had at the time, it would have been extremely expensive, but it would have made the show so much better.

echodot ,

It was always socialist. That was blindingly obvious even from the days of TOS. Remember, Star wars universe everyone had just come out of the third world war, practically everything had been destroyed and there was virtually no infrastructure left, people were willing to take pretty much any kind of government going.

Then replicators were invented and once you've got that it's pretty difficult to have anything other than a socialist government or a dictatorship.

echodot ,

Right but they get all that energy from atom to energy conversion. The starships get that from antimatter reactors but I'm pretty certain that planet-based installations probably just put a bunch of trees and gravel in as base material, convert that to energy and then convert that back into useful atoms.

If you can do matter conversion, then power generation is almost certainly trivially easy.

echodot ,

The transports don't use antimatter. And too much or is just used for power generation the transport has just run on that power.

echodot ,

I'm confused you just randomly have the lotto numbers from a decade back memorized?

echodot ,

there is a narrow alleyway near me that all the GPS systems seem to think is a road. It isn't a road, you cannot travel down it. It's bugged me for years, if we updated in this app will I fix it for other GPS systems or is this a standalone thing that only nerds use?

echodot ,

Like Wikipedia, and articles that don't use semicoulons correctly.

echodot ,

So is Reduced Instruction Set like in the old assembly days where you couldn't do multiplication, as there wasn't a command for it, so you had to do multiple loops of addition?

echodot , (edited )

Anybody who is seriously in the software industry should have realized the crypto was a giant pyramid scheme that they would definitely at the bottom of.

And if one person tells me that it's not fiat one more time they're going to get a slap. Absolutely 100% is fiat shut up.

echodot , (edited )

What your telling me the EYE R S (they actually spelled it like that) doesn't want me to give them $10,000 in Apple gift cards? Also I'm not American but who's counting?

echodot ,

Yep, 👍 mine 🫵 does that. Don't 🚫 know 🧠 why ❓ anyone would use it as it's stupid

echodot ,

It's sold as a money making scheme not as an alternative form of currency. If you just use it as an alternative form of currency to get around some kind of restriction then it's fine but the crypto bros don't use it like that. They think it's going to manifest some kind of will for them. Of course they're being tricked by other people who've already invested. Who themselves were tricked by other people who already invested. It's literally a pyramid scheme. The only way anybody makes money is to get other saps involved.

echodot , (edited )

I haven't run a BB forum for probably well over 15 years but in my experience the best thing was to just limit the ability to post for 24 hours after the account is being created (that makes getting caught and banned a bit more of a pain point because they have to wait 24 hours before they can do anything again) combined with just blocking Russian and Chinese IP addresses.

It's surprising how much rubbish that stops.

echodot ,

It's always fake passport scams that I get, where they will offer people fake passports but of course they don't actually have any capacity to make them, so they just take your money. Is there really a massive demand for fake passports all of a sudden?

echodot ,

I still don't understand who the pro was actually for. Everyone who had one said exactly the same thing about it which was they couldn't understand how to use it productively for anything.

echodot ,

Yeah right. Surely it would have been a good idea to take the money for the last 5 years.

echodot , (edited )

The problem with it being a dev kit is that I don't know what features are and are not going to be on the more consumer model, so I can't really develop anything for it.

Will the consumer version have the truly excellent depth tracking or will it use the cheaper but more traditional point tracking system, because that will inform my UI decisions. Will it have iris recognition for logins or will I need to build that functionality in, will they please include controllers, will they please fix it so that you can pin things to a location, and not have them close just because you leave that location? I don't know, as they haven't communicated anything about it.

echodot ,

For some reason a lot of parts of Europe seem to want to elect hard right borderline neo Nazis. Many cases, not even borderline.

God knows what the appeal is. Since the hard right and every particularly interested in protecting their own more interested in protecting their wallets. Not a concern that the vast majority of the populace are really going to empathise with.

echodot ,

I think the reason people don't really like the theme song very much is because it isn't the classic instrumental. All of the other Star Treks have been very obviously Star Trek from the opening few tones. Enterprise isn't like that.

Strange New Worlds got this, even though it was a brand new piece of music just the first few notes, you can tell it's Star Trek without even looking at the screen.

echodot ,

Starfield's big problem is it's a huge universe built on an engine that really can't support massive worlds like that. The reason you can't fly around on the surface of a planet is because their crappy engine can't cope with that much space existing, and it can't load more environment when you get to the edges like every other game does because their engine doesn't support proper level streaming.

If you mod the game to force the issue it gets glitchy very very quickly.

echodot ,

The thing is when people put games on Steam they account for the fee that they take. So in a sort of way the lawsuit is right, Valve are effectively causing players to get overcharged for games.

But if I put the same game on both Steam and GoG And make the gog one 20% cheaper, I still get more sales on the Steam page. If I only have it on GOG people actually complain even when you point out that it's cheaper that way.

So Valve are causing players to get overcharged but players are forcing publishers to put their games on Steam. So players are causing players to get overcharged, so what can you do?

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

echodot ,

I've never understood the supposed problem. Either AI is a gimmick, in which case you don't need to worry about it. Or it's real, in which case no one's going to use it to automate art, don't worry.

echodot ,

The blockchain bubble burst because everyone with a brain could see from the start that it wasn't really a useful technology. AI actually does have some advantages so they won't go completely bust as long as they don't go completely mad and start declaring that it can do things it can't do.

echodot ,

The fact that it is useful technology though means they'll always have a fullback. It's not going to go way like bitcoin I guarantee it.

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