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ebc ,

I fail to see how that's relevant here. The guy isn't a US national and wasn't in the US when he committed his alleged "crime".

He has absolutely no duty towards the US and is 100% free to associate with whoever he wants, and yes, even Russia.

US has no standing whatsoever in this situation, and it's a travesty of international law that Sweden and the UK even entertained the idea of extraditing him. The response should've been "go sue the American who actually committed that crime on American soil. Oh wait, you've already convicted her, and she's already out after serving her sentence? WTF are you going on about then?"

ebc ,

Yes, but that's not treason. It could be treason if he was American, but he isn't.

ebc ,

Even if Assange himself was openly interfering in US politics, how is that relevant? If he isn't a US person, and he's not on US soil, why would he be bound by US law? US law isn't universal law, you know.

ebc ,

From this thread, looks like you're right, sadly...

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

ebc ,

Isn't that already illegal? As far as I remember, ad breaks during my morning cartoons were either for other shows on the network or Swiffer and laundry detergent.

Just finished the first Honor Harrington book

...maybe a little too on the nose with channeling Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey, there's some truly problematic stuff with the native Medusans that goes all but uncommented upon, there's some reactionary politics that may just be de rigeur for 20th century military sci-fi (I don't know... would be happy to be educated), and...

ebc ,

I've read all of them, and I really enjoyed them. It's true that it's basically "Royal Navy in space", and it might be a little cheezy, but it's a pretty relaxing read.

The space combat stuff gets much better in the later books, Weber managed to build satisfying mechanics for it. There's some good political intrigue too. The one thing that pulled me "out" of the books a couple times were some character names, some of them are pretty ridiculous (Queen Elizabeth III for example).

ebc ,

Haven't watched the video, but what do you think circularization is? If you're “just a circulization away from orbit”, you are indeed going a bit slower than orbital velocity. There's no point to going orbital velocity if your trajectory still brings you back inside the atmosphere. To get to orbit you want to raise your periapsis outside the atmosphere, and you do that by doing a burn at the apoapsis, which is what we commonly call "circularization".

ebc ,

Going from this random 2016 Harley for ~$18k, there are a lot of good boats that are cheaper and would qualify as a yacht per your definition (sleeping cabin, 33+ feet)

Overall, there are ~3 price ranges for used sailboats: Under $10k, you'll have small-ish boats (under 27 ft) in pretty good condition or medium-ish boats (25-35 ft) that need a little work. Around $50k you'll get older (1980's), medium-large boats (35-45ft) in good condition, or smaller ones in very good condition. And at $100k-$200k you'll get much newer medium-large boats (2005+).

For reference, my first sailboat cost me $2k.

ebc ,

Licensing isn't really a thing in North America (except maybe the $50 card we have to get here in Canada), insurance can get complicated / pricey but you only really need liability which is much cheaper, and all the fire & safety stuff usually comes with the boat and isn't that expensive anyway.

You can obviously go crazy on electronics, and boy are these expensive indeed, but you can also just use any old tablet* with Aquamaps or Navionics installed. Try to get one that's waterproof or get a waterproof case.

The most expensive part, honestly, is where you park it.

So yeah, it's a money-pit, but it's possible to keep costs under control.

(*) You need a tablet with a GPS receiver. iPads used to only have it on cellular models (no need for a plan), but most Android tablets have it.

ebc ,

Just be aware that there's a huge difference between coastal sailing and bluewater sailing. You can sail "on the ocean" but stay relatively near shore in a lot of boats. All the ones I've mentioned would be good for coastal sailing, where you're never more than a few hours away from shore.

To go truly offshore and cross an ocean you really want something more substantial. Why? It's mostly because you're much more likely to get caught in bad weather or to get something that breaks, so you need a lot more redundancy (spare parts, etc) and the boat needs to be built to withstand a lot more forces. Offshore you're also constantly moving because of waves; something that flexes a little when you hit a large-ish wave will maybe flex 3-4 times during an outing in coastal or protected waters, but will flex every ~4 seconds for 20 days during an Atlantic crossing which adds up to about a half-million times. This can break a lot of stainless parts on your boat.

Anyway, still achievable, I just wanted to add some perspective

ebc ,

Sailboats like this are routinely called "yacht". Yacht is a very non descriptive term for boats that just means a pleasure boat. A lot of very different boats fit that description.

ebc ,

It's more of a "thousandaire" thing honestly

ebc ,

I just stumbled upon the article, and apparently it was this one. From a quick glance at the listing, I'd say this particular one is a ~$400k-$700k boat.

EDIT: I was wrong, it's more like $200k-$300k

ebc ,

My main gripe is that the web version only asks that once it spent ages loading the old version... And it's not even a choice because I already switched on desktop. Can't you just load the fucking new version to begin with?

ebc ,

Tu détestes le français spécifiquement, ou juste le fait d'avoir eu à apprendre une autre langue?

Le français, je peux comprendre un peu, il y a quant même plusieurs spécificités étranges à cette langue. Ce n'est pas pour rien qu'on passe plusieurs années à l'apprendre avant d'éventuellement passer à la littérature. Je crois que les cours d'anglais langue première font cette transition beaucoup plus tôt.

Détester le fait d'avoir eu à apprendre une autre langue, là je ne comprends pas du tout!

ebc ,

I guess I have my answer ;) I don't know Russian but I know enough Ukrainian to know you're talking about French and Italian, lol. And I know barely enough German to know you're talking about learning languages (Sprachen).

Not quite sure what you hate accoustically about French, though... The "r" sounds? I guess they're very different from most other languages, but you seem to like German... If you're comparing to Spanish (among others), I guess the overall stressing of sounds in a sentence is pretty different, too.

Also, what kind of French did you have to learn? France has a very different sound from Québec for example... Altough if I look closely I see you're on the instance and you mention having to learn it in school, which tends to indicate you're Canadian. I guess hating on French is par for the course, then...

ebc ,

Pour un apprenant anglophone, par exemple:

  • Les objets inanimés genrés
  • Les lettres muettes en fin de mot (s au pluriel, e final, etc)
  • Les différentes façons d'écrire un même son (é, er, et, ai)
  • Les différentes façons de prononcer une même lettre (c, s)
  • L'énorme quantité de conjugaisons de verbes possibles
ebc ,

Most Québécois would pronounce it just like Anglophones. I don't see how that's a trick question.

ebc ,

Sorry I mistook you for a Canadian. There were just a couple clues pointing in that direction. I totally get you though, loving or hating a language isn't something rational; I used to have a strong dislike for Spanish for pretty irrational reasons.

If you like rougher languages, you should listen to some Québec French, then. There's actually a song about how it sounds really different from France's French:

ebc ,

seventeen is said as ten-seven in French.

Belgium's got it, though: soixante, septante, huitante, nonante, cent

ebc ,

Yes, they do. I think the Swiss partly do a as well.

ebc ,

A 100k mile used car is already near the bottom of the depreciation curve, you probably sold it too cheap. Adjusting for inflation, $10k 10 years ago is $13k today. Covid did a number on the auto industry so all car prices skyrocketed, but they're starting to recover: your hypothetical is only 15% higher when you adjust for inflation, which looks about right.

Cheap new cars don't exist anymore because everyone want to buy fucking luxury SUVs or pickup trucks to drive their kids to school. It has nothing to do with EVs; we actually see this trend on the EV market too: GM abandoned their best-selling EV (Chevy Bolt) to instead focus on a bigger SUV (an electric Equinox, IIRC).

ebc ,

They already do: Ford has the Mach-E & F-150 Lightning plus a bunch of PHEVs, GM has (had) the Bolt, Stellantis makes a few PHEVs among which one of the the very few cars on the market that can carry 7 passengers on battery power (the Chrysler Pacifica) altough that one is made in Canada, not the US.

Oh, and all of Tesla.

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  • ebc ,

    Just got a 30, which apparently is in the 26-32 range for Asperger's. My wife keeps telling me she thinks I have it, looks like she might be right, lol.

    ebc ,

    When somebody doesn't want to give me a price, I've started asking them for an order of magnitude. Sometimes they still don't want to say a number, but when I ask "is it 2$, 20$, 200$, 2k$, 20k$?" they will usually give me a ballpark, along with the factors that'll make the price vary.

    ebc ,

    I went to Kamelot's show last weekend, if you don't know them definitely check them out. Opening act was Ad Infinitum, I didn't know them but I was blown away! Melissa Bonny is an amazing singer.

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