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Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K,...

dubyakay ,

Where do you live that only has 5mbps? It must be somewhere really remote.

dubyakay ,

Tax that shit more. Higher taxation is proven to cause a decline in consumption rate. Along with the added benefit of increasing revenue that can be used for enforcement, prevention, rehabilitation and care.

dubyakay ,

It's not. The Hungarian government is a dictatorship though that controls the media and thus the narrative. It has an aging population glued to the radio and television.

The language barrier is the biggest hurdle to overcome. Magyar is so unlike any other language in Europe, many never made the effort to learn another, where it's not just different words that they would have to learn, but entirely different syntax, grammar and intonation as well.

Budapest is like a beacon of enlightenment within a country of darkness. They just need to launch a bunch of rpgs from the top of Gellért Hill towards the Parliament when it's in session. They can always rebuild it again later.

dubyakay ,

Because I'm not gonna watch it unless it's about something that really interests me, but OP didn't even bother to post it with a summary and their train of thought on it.

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  • dubyakay ,

    One would have to consider that all the legumes listed are not sources of complete protein and would need to be complemented with rice for example. The protein percentages per 100g is also fairly low in comparison, this means that it's likely more carbohydrates.

    I'd argue that pork chops are the most optimal source of full protein along with the fat it offers.

    To get the same amount of protein and fat from tofu, the best vegan option, one would need to eat twice as much as one would eat chops.

    But I don't see tofu listed on this graph.

    dubyakay ,

    Do you have DoH enabled in FF by any chance?

    dubyakay ,

    Happens to me all the time. Exempt website from DoH, works like a charm. Remove exemption, doesn't load.

    dubyakay ,

    There's nothing to fix. DNS-Over-HTTPS is entirety at the mercy of the DNS server you add in the configuration. I'm using Mullvad's I believe, so if something doesn't resolve over their DNS, then it could be that they are either blocked or throttled in resolving the target.

    dubyakay ,

    The best management is the one that also gets their hands dirty.

    dubyakay ,

    What's wrong with a dispensary in Thailand?

    dubyakay ,

    Thailand decriminalized Cannabis use in 2022. They've tightened the rules here and there a bit, but it's the Mecca of Cannabis in Asia basically.

    dubyakay ,

    You completely fell for it. The problem is not being resources sucked away by immigrants, and there not being enough left for the regular folk.

    The problem is the rich not having the same burden as the poor due to wealth not being taxed. It's called having a shitty quality of life and high costs of living.

    dubyakay ,

    You are wrong and short-sighted, and I will tell you why:

    1. income disparity between rich and regular folks: if you look at graphs from studies on wealth inequality, it will show you how the rich get richer, while the poor get (especially relative to their cost of living) poorer. And by poor I mean the average folk.
    2. Immigrants have always been there: both the US and Canada have been built on the backs of immigrants, and are also kept afloat by them. Should we slow down a bit? Perhaps. Should we focus more on the regular folks that already live there? Definitely. But immigration and better social services for those already there are not mutually exclusive. Assuming there are funds for it
    3. The rich are lobbying the governments to do their bidding: The few hold all the power again, just like in feudalism. And they don't want to give that up at any cost. This creates a perpetual cycle where they make money to gain power to make more money to gain more power to make... you get the ghist.
    4. The rich has a lower burden in taxes: A regular folk will get taxed on their income and purchases for a cumulative burden of around 45%. However someone rich will live off of their wealth creating more wealth instead, while foregoing income and thus income tax. Additionally when it comes to cost of living, even if a rich person would pay equal percentage in taxes to a regular folk, that 45% in cumulative taxes will leave the regular folk with say $5.5k to budget for everything on a 10k/mo salary, while a rich individual will have $55k to budget on a 100k/mo salary.
    5. Immigrants are not taking anyone's job: In reality new immigrants work all the shitty jobs that no one else wants to or can take anyway. They are either low wage service workers or gig workers, or are actual skilled worker immigrants that are in high demand. Either way they are likely exploited in the low wage position or as the new hire.

    Let me know if I should continue. Or maybe someone else will chime in.

    dubyakay ,

    So this is not really google's fault then but rather while people were using it to find answers in links, they expected shitty SEO and LLM written articles to not mess with the results.

    Israel’s obstruction of investigation into 7 October rape allegations risks truth never being found, advocates warn ( www.middleeastmonitor.com )

    Israel’s leadership is pushing the allegations that Hamas fighters raped Israeli women during the October 7 attacks for its own political objectives while the government’s ongoing refusal to allow the United Nations to conduct a full investigation into the matter threatens to hinder any evidence, advocates have warned.

    dubyakay ,

    The easiest way to get rid of Linkerbaan and Hamas is to stop the genocide.

    dubyakay ,
    • Plug lightning cable of faux-wired headphones into a charger brick.
    • Turn on Bluetooth and connect the faux wired headphones via BT while it not being connected to the phone via cable.


    dubyakay ,

    Curious, are you from the UK?

    I was living in Hungary at that time, and of course ex-Yugoslavia being the southern neighbour, the news was non stop about it. However I have only learned of the genocide from watching Hotel Rwanda.

    dubyakay ,

    I doubt it. I'd sooner think it's a corporation or state actor.

    dubyakay ,

    Some news source released something that got redacted based on government pressure. Archive made a snapshot of the news source. Now the state actor goes after the Archive to prevent time sensitive information from spreading. They benefit from the information not being widely available immediately.

    dubyakay ,

    How would I know? The news source retracted their statement and archive.org is down...

    dubyakay ,

    Fresh bread tastes amazing. You overconsume by eating it by itself.

    Stale bread tastes... stale. You actually cut thin slices so you can top it with stuff that masks it.

    dubyakay ,

    That's not their argument though. Their argument is that despite the benevolent sub-$10k payment free licence, at the end of the day it's still a product that the independent farmers are beholden to. That, plus rice is windpollinating. So it's very easy for it to cross pollinate adjecent fields and potentially outperform heirloom species against the farmers' will.

    dubyakay ,

    How about we just introduce them to carrots as a crop?

    dubyakay ,

    You don't need to insinuate.

    Populations have been surviving in the Philippines for millennia without the need for a proprietary spliced rice enriched for Vit A. Just like most other places on earth. Local fauna and flora surely contains a source that met their needs previously.

    dubyakay ,

    Low vitamin A intake in the Philippines is primarily due to the lack of vitamin A-rich foods in the diet, particularly among low-income populations. Factors contributing to this include:

    1. Economic Constraints: Limited financial resources restrict access to diverse and nutrient-rich foods such as animal products (liver, eggs, dairy) and vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens).

    2. Dietary Habits: Traditional diets may not include sufficient amounts of vitamin A-rich foods. Staples like rice and fish, while important, are low in vitamin A.

    3. Agricultural Practices: Local agricultural practices might not prioritize the cultivation of vitamin A-rich crops due to various socio-economic and environmental factors.

    To address this, an introduction of non-GMO crops that are rich in vitamin A and unlikely to become invasive could be considered. One such crop could be carrots. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. They are:

    • Non-invasive: Carrots have controlled pollination, typically requiring insects for cross-pollination, thus reducing the risk of becoming invasive.
    • Adaptable: They can be cultivated in a variety of climates and soils, making them suitable for different regions.
    • Nutrient-dense: A good source of vitamin A, they can help improve dietary intake.

    Other potential crops include sweet potatoes (particularly the orange-fleshed varieties), which are also high in beta-carotene and have similar advantages regarding non-invasiveness and adaptability.

    Now the only thing I see as a barrier is that instead of waterlogged clay soil, carrots need Sandy well drained soil instead.

    Honestly, if the Golden rice wasn't under a patent (free or not) and wasn't likely to cross pollinate, I'd be all for it. But at this point I'd sooner the state or NGOs help instituting an egg a day policy over trying to hammer something in that might do more harm than good, more meddling, and may make a poor nation indebted to patent-coloinalism by the Swiss.

    dubyakay ,

    This is crazy and also scary. Crazy that pro-Russian elements would go to such lengths to fake anti-semitism. Scary that investigators were able to identify the perps through their cellphones leaking data.

    dubyakay ,

    Are you replying to the right comment?

    kde , to KDE
    @kde@floss.social avatar

    If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.


    They are not wrong.

    To mend your machine:

    1. Ditch Windows
    2. Install Plasma
    3. Your computer is ready.



    A laptop running the laters version of Plasma, Plasma 6.

    dubyakay ,

    Browsing All does that.

    Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( www.techradar.com )

    Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

    dubyakay ,

    My small ass original country with 9m pop has its own subtitle pages for pirated content. You just need to search by title + release group (+episode, if a TV show).

    I'm guessing most of them are created by some auto-subtitling services, because most are pretty horrible quality. But still better than nothing.

    dubyakay ,

    The release group or person is usually a tag at the end of the file name before the extension.

    You could try auto-translating the subtitle files content, see how well a job some of the translation services do.

    dubyakay ,

    I'm working in fintech, and we share pii through DMs all the time (for investigation purposes). I'd be really surprised if the AI would need to train on that.

    Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals ( www.theguardian.com )

    The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...

    dubyakay ,

    Carboniferous period. Jurassic was about 100m years later.

    dubyakay ,

    I just asked ChatGPT because I knew something was off.

    dubyakay ,

    Let's make s movie!

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