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drmoose ,

I'm sorry but no sane individual should pay 4000$ for a bike. That's insane.

drmoose ,

but discord is simply less accessible than any other option. I can't even login without identifying 25 bicycles lmao

drmoose ,

Surprise surprise. Peaceful protests yet again did nothing against totalitarians.

Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes, search under way ( )

DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told Reuters, and rescuers were struggling to reach the site of the incident....

drmoose ,

Are we allowed to celebrate someones death in this lemmy community? If so color me celebrated!

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' ( )

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine's partners "are afraid of Russia losing the war" and would like Kyiv "to win in such a way that Russia does not lose," Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

drmoose ,

The west is legit afraid of Russia's collapse because once again someone will have to bail Russia out and it'll either be another 1988 mess or a new toy for China.

What will happen to Russia once it's fully in "war economy" and loses the war?

drmoose ,

Ok watching the video and where's the assault? What a clickbait dude

drmoose ,

Eh the article makes it sound like its a more serious attack than a retirement home scuffle

drmoose ,

Shadow banning is definitely too much imo. It's simply unethical no matter how you look at it.

First, it doesn't do anything to prevent bots. It takes less than a second for a bot to check whether they are shadow banned. It's simply a tool to bully and gaslight people - just block them. Why these abusive games?

drmoose ,

Effectiveness is irrelevant here. Breaking troll's kneecaps would be very effective too.

This mental manipulation and gaslighting has no place in our society. We're literally suffering the consequences of this right now.

drmoose ,

It's definitely morally bankrupt imo and we can agree to disagree here as I don't think this topic can be expanded further.

drmoose ,

The rise of alt-right and conspiracies would be a one obvious one.

drmoose ,

You don't see how opaque manipulation fuels conspiracies and paranoia? Come on dude.

drmoose ,

You have real stats to back that claim? Because leaving this up to benevolent dictators is kinda silly.

drmoose ,

I never said it was a singular cause just a contributor

drmoose ,

Nah man it's completely different when society regulates itself through transparent rules vs opaque ones. It's more organized and self balancing.

drmoose ,

It's unrelated to the current topic but yes. Terms of service should be both ways. We already do that for user data through GDPR and similar laws and inevitably all users will have more rights including right to transparency.

I find it kinda funny that you argue against this on a platform that was founded because reddit was extremely opaque. We even have a transparent mod log here. So you really need more examples that transparency is good?

drmoose ,

This form of propaganda is my pet peeve. It's not "your posts" as soon as you put something to public you don't get to eat your cake. It's out there, you shared it. Don't share it if you don't want humanity to ingest and use it.

drmoose ,

Fediverse is designed to do exactly that. It's free flow of information which is a good thing. Don't let corporations hijack this beautiful concept. We all want information to be free.

drmoose ,

It's the opposite!
There's legal precedence that scraping public data is 100% legal in the US.

There are few countries where scraping is illegal though like Japan and China. European countries often also have things called "database protection" laws that forbid replicating public databases through scraping or any other means but that has to be a big chunk of overal database. Also there are personally identifiable info (PII) protection laws that protect storing of people data without their consent (like GDPR).

Source: I work with anti bot tech and we have to explain this to almost every customer who wants to "sue the web scrapers" that lol if Linkedin couldn't do it, you're not sueing anyone.

drmoose ,

Scraping at scale is actually cheaper than buying API access. It's a massive rising market, try googling "web scraping service" and there are hundreds of services that provide API to scrape any public web page and bypass the blocks for you and render all of the javascript.

drmoose ,

Following a developing thread is a very tiny use case I'd imagine and even then you can just scrape the backend API that is used on the public page for the same results as private API.

drmoose ,

yeah but you don't get to choose that. You give away that right as soon as you participate in public discourse. It's a zero sum game - either it's a public for everyone or no one.

Don't get me wrong, Reddit is a bitch but I think people want to cut their noses off to spite their faces here. It's much more important to have free information flow than to fuck reddit.

My fear is that people will vote in some really dumb rules to spite AI and restrict free information flow accidentally.

drmoose ,

Where's the pact with the devil and can it teach me rust and what do I need to pay. Asking for a friend.

drmoose ,

Only linux newbies and weirdos hate on Ubuntu. It's a good all around operating system. Not the best choice and Canonical fails a lot but it's still a net good.

drmoose ,

It's mostly nerds who had the spine to migrate from Reddit rather than continueing to feed this machine that clearly brings no good for anyone.

drmoose ,

Inb4 "the pirates are destroying the industry"

drmoose ,

By far the most popular tip for travelers is to never take an opened drink and never lose your drink. Everyone should live by this rule though weddings is probably 1 exception where you can just chill.

drmoose ,

That's just nostalgia speaking. It was closed source OS that objectively sucked and had zero app support.

drmoose ,

It almost feels like if it wasn't for Microsoft Europe could have actually been a tech super power 🙄

drmoose ,

Cause typing in a password on a real keyboard is just as fast if not faster than a fingerprint scan.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

drmoose , (edited )

100% it's just cognative dissonance. Everyone knows meat is bad but most can't come to terms that they're too weak to quit it. This is especially painful when people are confronted directly and a self-defence mechanism kicks in.

It's ok to be a bit weak sometimes, everyone has a lot of going and has to choose their battles. Our contemporary culture hates to acknowledge this thus creating a lot of binary tension.

drmoose ,

Because it is a fact that ethically speaking meat is extremely cruel. You're proving my point exactly.

drmoose ,

Because we no monkey. No need unnecessary cruelty to live. Man not ruled by flavor. Simple enough?

drmoose ,

Yeah - no one who's seen industrial meat farming would say it's OK. Ever. You'd have to be a psychopath to justify this level of cruelty or distance yourself cognitively by justifying it.

drmoose ,

FYI 90% of those bots are scrapers and natural automation tools which are harmless.

drmoose ,

200usd is 10 months of chatgpt subscription. So it definitely has objective value. I'd buy it just make my own little bot or as casual toy. There's no subscription or anything either.

I agree that the hate is meme levels of stupid. Sure the device sucks but people pick on the weirdest shit like "it uses android" or "it runs VM for actions that have no API" - well duuuuh.

drmoose ,

You cant automate free chatgpt but you can easily automate rabbit's api

drmoose ,

Stolen ideas? Riscv is open source and a laptop is not exactly some unique intellectual property. You're just showing your xenophobia here.

drmoose ,

Nah dude it's a just a laptop lmao

drmoose ,

People being so cheap and refusing to pay 5-15$/mo for unlimited music streaming. What a weird reality we're living in 🙄

drmoose ,

but it's a free plan and if you can't afford 5-15$/mo for unlimited music and can afford to spend time complaining about this then you have some much bigger problems in your life.

drmoose ,

Not buying the argument that people don't have 5 usd to spare. People are just being cheap. Either pirate or pay for a service, asking for a free service is plain silly.

If you have ethical concerns then don't use Spotify at all.

drmoose ,

It's one thing to liberate IP and another to use someone's service.

drmoose ,

But Lemmy gives it to any web scraper for free

Which is good. You either have an open system or a closed one. There's no in-between.

If you want to have advantages of public free decentralized network you can't obfuscate and centralize bits and pieces of it. Also, it's 2024, we need to stop this misinformation that email address is supposed to be private. What is private is email address association with the owner and Lemmy doesn't leak or infringe on. The address is literally called address because it's supposed to be public.

drmoose ,

That's the entire game of security, not being perfect, but being good enough

Yes and good enough is so hard to reach that this is no way accomplished with Lemmys volunteer resources. We literally have full time people and massive AI driven systems doing this professionally. This is no way achievable in Lemmy if centralized Reddit with multi-million dollar budgets can't even get close to "good enough".

drmoose ,

nope. You can do IP analysis to ban IP's that belong to particular VPN but you can't ban VPN tech. There are so many VPN services and so many proxies and so easy to setup your own VPN that even Netflix struggles with that.

drmoose ,

Nah it has nothing to do with attitude but with practicality. This would mean people's fingerprints need to be public and shared between servers or some other hack. It's just possible in any safety and its not really a hill worth dying on. Do we really care about users dodging subreddit bans that much? Its silly.

drmoose ,

What it absolutely was a niche network to the point where if reddit was mentioned in mainstream media it made big waves. Dudes even had secret greetings like when does the narval bacon or smt like that I don't remember. But reddit was super niche and that's what made it special imo. The first secret santa exchanges were trully amazing, unique experiences that will never be replicated again and the platform was full of these niche little gems that are forever lost now.

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