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djsoren19 ,

It's only okay when the alternative is "your entire population is killed." If you're not fighting a defensive war with high stakes, then it's just a way to kill poor people and political dissidents.

djsoren19 ,

It's only 20% off, but Alpha Protocol has returned to Steam just in time for the sale!

djsoren19 ,

Woot woot! Hopefully going to pick up Balatro on sale this weekend.

djsoren19 ,

My raidteam managed to get a server first boss kill while raiding Mythic Tomb of Sargeras in World of Warcraft:Legion. I was so proud of our teams achievement, I actually got a tattoo of the Mark of the Kirin Tor, a symbol for my mage character, in commemoration of the achievement.

djsoren19 ,

This almost feels like bait, your instance is The ml stands for Marxist-Leninist, your home instance is literally the home for far-left ideology. You'll still see a leftist bant for the reasons commenters have mentioned, but the single biggest reason is that your instance is owned and operated by them.

djsoren19 ,

It blows my mind that we're still getting uninspired shitty adaptations after Fallout, The Last of Us, honestly even stuff like Sonic and Mario showed suits that people will praise any adaptation as long as it shows them what they know.

djsoren19 ,

The first Tales was well received, but it was made by Telltale and much closer to the Borderlands 2 era. Gearbox made another one recently that was terrible and panned.

I think you're right in saying the franchise is just dead. As someone who played actually thousands of hours of BL2 in my youth, I have zero interest in the rumored Borderlands 4. I think I own all the DLC for 3 and just never bothered to play through all of it.

djsoren19 ,

This is the game series that seriously gave a quest where you tried to rename one of the enemies to Bonerfarts, and this movie is failing to even hit that level of unfunny.

I guess it's PG, so maybe it'll hit Gearbox's new target audience; 10 year old boys.

djsoren19 ,

This kinda shit is exactly why I love Icefrog. They're never content with the game being balanced, once they get almost every hero to around 50% winrate they love to add a new piece to the Jenga tower of mechanics.

This patch is such an elegant solution to a bunch of very minor hero issues, while also providing a ton of shiny new toys.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it ( )

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...

djsoren19 ,

I'm sorry, your take is that we need to shame people for ...standing against a genocide? for deciding that supporting the deaths of an entire culture of people is the line too far for their conscience to support? You think that deserves to be attacked and shamed?

The U.S. has no obligation to participate in genocide, and can start withholding aid at any time. If Democrat leadership has decided it's more important to exterminate Palestine than prevent a Trump election, that's going to remain on the Democrats.

djsoren19 ,

The reasoning is nonsensical and requires several baseless leaps of logic to even begin with, of course it will get downvoted. OP's kinda the confused one here, they should have expected bad faith arguments in response to this post if it wasn't just bait, but hopefully they've learned what American Libertarianism is actually like now.

djsoren19 ,

There's also no longer any button on the mobile web client. Your options are to upvote, downvote, or click on the three dots to expand every other option, including reply, all at once.

djsoren19 ,

Then why the fuck did they send so many troops to Libya?!

I guess I shouldn't complain too hard, you never want to correct an enemy when they're making a mistake.

djsoren19 ,

“Hundreds of targets have already been attacked,” Yoav Gallant, Israel’s defense minister, said after meeting with commanders in the Rafah area. “This operation will continue.”

"Yeah, hundreds have already been attacked. What's a few hundred more," the justifications of a fucking psychopath.

djsoren19 ,

Nah he's great. He should take the rest of those brain worms, I think the worms should be in charge!

US military says Gaza Strip pier project is completed, aid to soon flow as Israel-Hamas war rages on ( )

The U.S. military finished installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, with officials poised to begin ferrying badly needed humanitarian aid into the enclave besieged over seven months of intense fighting in the Israel-Hamas war....

djsoren19 ,

Look idc if no contact happens, what happened in Demolition Man seemed hot as hell.

djsoren19 ,

I don't know if I'm more worried about the potential you made this or the reality that you had it available. Why did I read it?

djsoren19 ,

Absolute champ with the necessary context in the comments. Ukraine is definitely getting desperate, but they're not getting depraved like Russia has. Not sure how successful this measure will be though, I think I'd still just prefer to serve out the remaining three years of my sentence, but I'm sure there's some patriotic prisoners who care more about their country than their sentence.

djsoren19 ,

It'll be interesting to see how this one plays out. In my head this argument is a little shaky, since it seems to be effectively arguing that Americans have the right to access foreign propoganda machines? There is legal precedent here, but the nature of propoganda has massively changed since the 60s.

This is going to be a very interesting court case that has broad reaching implications, but expect no Americans to give a shit because it's not going to feature a trash fire to gawk at.

djsoren19 ,

I'm aware of the precedent, but there's a pretty massive difference between being able to receive printed media, and being able to have continual access to post and contribute content to a foreign propoganda tool that uses an algorithm to purposefully suppress subjects the CCP disapproves of. I don't believe the precedent is going to be applicable here, but IANAL, and maybe ByteDance's lawyers think this defense will be a slam dunk.

djsoren19 ,

I can agree with that, but it becomes muddier when it's a social media platform where your participation on the platform lends it credibility. As an example, the Hong Kong protests were supressed on TikTok at the behest of the CCP. You could argue that by creating the content that ByteDance's algorithm used to bury the videos being posted on TikTok, regular unwitting Americans were assisting the CCP in covering up the protests.

It'll be on ByteDance to prove those kinds of concerns invalid, just as it will be the US' job to demonstrate the threat posed by TikTok to Americans.

djsoren19 ,

Sure, but if you tried to explain TikTok to the ruling judge on the 1965 case, I think their head would explode. The ruling isn't some all powerful precedent that shuts down the ban before the suit can begin, it's old and outdated. Something like TikTok was not even getting theorized at the time, you can't seriously expect it to be treated the same way.

djsoren19 ,

Propoganda does have a legal definition though, it's not nearly as nebulous as all biased information. It does need to be purposefully distorting, either by falsifying information or by withholding relevant information. It also needs to be produced by an organized group or government, just making up nonsense about yourself doesn't count.

djsoren19 ,

Yeah, except China has been committing a genocide and would gladly commit an atrocity on the scale of Israel x Palestine to Taiwan if the U.S. blinks.

Yes, the U.S. is evil as hell, and yet China is still worse. The U.S. doesn't have citizen reeducation camps, people don't get disappeared for talking out against dear leader. If you can't understand why giving an adversary like that unfettered access to people's minds is a security risk, I've no interest in arguing geopolitics with you.

djsoren19 ,

dunno if I would call going through a trauma arc "getting away with it." It's about the only time Luffy's faced any consequences.

djsoren19 ,

They're refusing the proposal, and they believe that the only reason the proposal was offered was to make Israel look bad by ...forcing them to refuse the proposal? As if a good faith effort to collaborate with two other powers in the region for a mutually beneficial ceasefire is an insult to them? As if Israel needs any help looking like the bad guys in this conflict?

djsoren19 ,

I mean, sure, technically. They'd have to know English, know the programming language that was used for the probe, know the transmission frequency that the probe accepts, know the boundaries and limitations of the probe so that they don't actually force any errors, and presumably would need to crack the encryption preventing anyone else from reprogramming Voyager 1. They'd also either need to be able to generate incredibly strong radio waves through space in order to transmit their code, or they'd need to be close enough to us that we'd be able to detect their presence.

While that's all technically possible, the odds of it happening are pretty low.

djsoren19 ,

Women should be more willing and able to kill a dangerous man. The real point of the question is that you're dealing with a dangerous animal in either situation. I personally think it's easier to attack a threatening man than a threatening bear, but that's to taste.

djsoren19 ,

I'm not saying you should attack them on sight as if you were a rabid animal. If a man approaches you, and you tell them to get away from you, force is authorized end of story imo.

djsoren19 ,

They haven't. Ghosts of Tsushima's PC release is going to require account-linking from day 1 for the online component. The only thing Sony has learned is that the shittiness has to be ready and working from the start.

djsoren19 ,

I never ended up refunding my copy, but I'm certainly not gonna give a single cent to the live service side of the game. I already hadn't paid for anything, but was considering it before this shitshow. Now, I think I'll just buy copies of Magicka and throw them at friends to try and support Arrowhead.

djsoren19 ,



I asked but was denied my first one, and did not submit a second one before Sony walked back the changes.

I don't actually have plans to return to the game, because Sony is consistently fucking with the dev team and the game has now accrued so much technical debt that the constant bugs and issues would impact me every time I log in.

I will also no longer be supporting Sony titles on PC. Even if they release my holy grail Bloodborne, I'll pirate it and play it offline.

Fuck Sony forever, and stop trying to gatekeep hating a company over their shitty practices.

djsoren19 ,

Helldivers 2 is pretty fun when it works, but the game is racking up technical debt at an alarming rate. There's been several updates and balance changes focused around fire damage, except the fire damage over time effect only works for the player hosting the game, and that bug has been in place for months. There's still tons of matchmaking bugs and crashes, such that you sometimes spend 15 minutes just trying to actually play the game. Arrowhead is aware of these technical issues, but has mentioned that they cannot fix them because pushing new content is a higher internal priority than maintenace, and their team is too small to effectively do both.

Honestly I wouldn't just avoid it, but I'd avoid any Sony published multiplayer title in general moving forward. It seems a lot of them end up in this situation where the game prioritizes adding more monetized content to the detriment of anything else.

djsoren19 ,

What do you want them to do, shout it from the rooftops so Spotify catches on? Some tools are better left quiet, so only people "in the know" use them.

djsoren19 ,

Have you already read through Plan 2025? It's kinda the latest huge report from the Heritage Foundation, and I'd say it does a pretty good job of outlining modern right-wing ideology. It can definitely be a hard read though, some of the things they want are really stomach churning to me.

djsoren19 ,

I think this is a little disingenous. Plenty of leftists are academics who have studied economic/political theory. If you're already willing to put yourself through reading Marx, you're probably also the type who's willing to read Milton.

djsoren19 ,

Gd, when even fucking Erdogan thinks you're going too far. I know they're a usually antagonistic force to the West, but they are a real player in the region, so this is still good pressure on Israel. Even if it happens to be opportunistic.

djsoren19 ,

60,000 of anything is basically a monster. I wouldn't even want to be confronted by 60,000 koalas.

djsoren19 ,

Yeah, the problem is that you have instances like Hexbear and that tread more into tankie territory, where if you argue anything less than the complete annihilation of the West and hail China, you're likely to get harassed. I think rational people can agree that there's a pretty gap between "The current system is corrupt" and "anyone who thinks differently than me should die,' but I've seen plenty of irrational leftists.

djsoren19 ,

I mean, I'm currently getting a ton of downvotes in .ml for suggesting the radical idea of voting for local leftist politicians over destabilizing all of Western civilization.

I'm even outwardly for the destabilization of all civilization, but apparently "actually trying to enact meaningful change" isn't what they're interested in, unless it involves someone else dying in their revolution.

djsoren19 ,

Yeah, and I'm sure they're dumb enough to fall for it the eighth time. Israel's definitely done genociding this time, they pinkie promised they won't come back and finish the job in another two decades when everyone forgets again. If only Hamas could be more reasonable and just accept Israel's incredibly generous offer to return to the status quo of Israeli settlers stealing Palestinian land and killing them when they protest!

djsoren19 ,

If you read my comment and seriously came away with the idea that I support what Israel is doing, I don't really know what the fuck to tell you.

djsoren19 ,

America has a serious Nazi problem, and unless they're willing to get real cool about the only ways to deal with Nazis, rich fucks like these are going to keep infecting institutions and making them more and more extreme. This dude is laying out a plan to ethnically cleanse San Francisco and not only is he allowed to walk its streets a free man, but he is allowed to organize other lunatics to follow him.

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