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dependencyinjection ,

They did in my city. Barclays got wrecked and closed. Good shit.

dependencyinjection ,

Although I agree that using cars on pointless journeys is a waste and not good for the planet, but using public transport isn’t always an option.

If I’m travelling 6 miles in to town then I’m taking the tram, but it really isn’t feasible when travelling 40 miles to work and back 3 times a week.
Sure there are trains, but I would have to get up an hour earlier, set off an hour earlier, wait 50 minutes for the train home, and get home two hours later. As I would also have to take the tram 40 minutes to the train station and walk 20 mins before that.

I have a car that I use for work. Outside of that I’m walking or taking public transport.

dependencyinjection ,

I live in Manchester. Which is an amazing city for public transport. I work in Cheshire which isn’t.

As I said. To take the train. I must walk from my town 20 minutes to the Metrolink, then take that 35-40 minutes into Manchester, then take the train 45 minutes to Cheshire, and then finally walk another 20 minutes to the office. That’s without counting any waiting periods in between. VS 75 minute drive.

We haven’t even factored in it rains 70% of days here. Or even the cost.

You can moan at my boss for not allowing fully WFH. But my point was some people can’t just commute everywhere. Perhaps when I’m more experienced I can find a job closer to home or more remote, but for now this is all I can do.

Edit: I have nothing to rebut to people online. I was merely giving an example. Get off your high horse mate.

dependencyinjection ,

Why are you so angry bro, can’t we just talk without the anger.

I clearly stated that Manchester has incredible public transport, sure the train prices could be improved as they’re some of the most expensive in Europe, but it isn’t a case of poor infrastructure. It’s just the nature of having to take multiple modes of transport to get to work. Do you want us to build train stations in every shitty little town? What are the implications of that undertaking for the very few people that have a commute like mine.

Imma say if you live in the US then you’re in no position to lecture me about our infrastructure.

As for the job. No there wasn’t a more suitable job for me. I’m a new software developer and I had 60+ interviews with many companies in Manchester and several in London and none of them would hire me, due to the unorthodox method I entered the trade.

Also, no I will not relocate away from my family to spend three days in the office.

You have unrealistic expectations on someone who is vastly in the minority with commutes like this.

Do you shop on Amazon? As I don’t, I don’t support businesses like that. What’s the carbon footprint I’m saving here.

Do you purchase from fast food places like McDonalds? Because I don’t. I don’t support businesses like.

In fact I rarely buy new things and if I do I am supporting my local businesses, even if it means I am paying more.

Do you consume alcohol and all the carbon footprint that that entails? As I don’t.

I’m a simple guy. I drive to work and i rarely leave my home town outside of that. I walk everywhere, 3.6 million steps a year, and on weekends I walk around the woods and just chill out. My commute leaves me driving 12k miles a year and that’s my largest carbon footprint. I don’t go on airplanes, I don’t take taxis as I can go anywhere in Britain on train, heck I can go across Europe on train.

dependencyinjection ,

Thanks for taking the time, you really didn’t have to.

The other person just seems unreasonable to me. All we can do is our best and try to make conscientious choices and hope we leave this place better than before we got here.

dependencyinjection ,

I’ll admit it was a reactionary comment as I see the sentiment a lot without any nuance and it kinda annoys me, considering I make conscientious choices all the time and people like you (maybe not you in this instance) will pass judgement and make me question myself.

It was also a little strange shitting on a places public transport infrastructure when my city likely has the second best in the whole of Britain, so it seemed like you’re coming from a place of ignorance rather than passion. Pretty easy to go online and check out the public transport in Manchester, and realise yeah they’ve got it good there. Although, the buses in smaller towns leave something to be desired.

dependencyinjection ,

The royal family are not the richest. Sure they have assets but most of it they can’t really sell.

They’re scroungers and I hope one day we oust them. How can we bang on about equality whilst holding parasites on a pedestal.

dependencyinjection ,

I’m shocked, but happy, that they actually got jail time.

4.5 years for the parents and 4 years for the son and his wife respectively. I think jail time for people like this is the only way we can make sure they don’t do it again, a fine is no use when you’re richer than god.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

Thanks for sharing.

Although, I abhor your countries neutrality. Take WWII for instance, being neutral kind of says yeah we are cool with both sides.

Also, your banking laws are a cancer on the rest of the world, but I shouldn’t throw stones from my glass house in the UK since we are also very good at offshoring money for deplorable people.

I will say I am fond of your progressive policies on terms of drug use and help for those that want it.

dependencyinjection ,

I just noticed some of the typos in my comment.

I hate iPhone predicative text changing my words and offering silly suggestions.

dependencyinjection ,

I’ve been single for 6 years and intend staying this way. I’ve had shit relationships and I don’t know anybody in a truly happy relationship.

I get to do what I want, when I want and don’t have to think about anybody else.

It isn’t because I’m socially incompetent, even though I’m a natural introvert I’ve had decades of socialising and am pretty damn good at talking to people and being a fake extrovert. I worked Apple retail where you have to be pretty outgoing to survive there and then moved to the Genius Bar where you need to be able to speak with angry customers.

Being single is just more fun for me and I’m not interested in having to care about someone else, for what I see as little benefit. Plus it’s hella expensive.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

A mountain of conjecture here my friend.

Faking extroversion in work isn’t indicative of my whole life.

I’ve had decades being social with my large group of friends, and I quite enjoy socialising, it’s just as a natural introvert I might need more alone time as it can be tiring.

I never said all my relationships have been shit. Sometimes I’ve been the shit partner. And I haven’t given up, I’ve realised that what makes me happy is my current lifestyle and I don’t have to conform to what society believes is normal.

Perhaps you should take an introspective look at why you would write the previous comment and wonder if there is something in your own life that you’re projecting.

I would never come at someone for their choice of being in a relationship, an open relationship, or whatever unconventional thing they’re into as I respect people’s choices and I assume people are being honest with others as I was in my first comment.

Also, I never said I can’t form meaningful connections, I’ve a group of about 20 friends that I’ve had many since 25 years ago. I make new friends and we have a ball. Male and female alike.

Do you think that everybody single is just waiting for the right person? Do you not believe you can be happy single?

dependencyinjection ,


I could leave my house right now, go and meet a girl, develop a long term relationship and I wouldn’t be happy. As it is not for everybody.

I get engrossed in my hobbies, and it’s not fair to put other people through that if I’m going to ignore them for a week because I decided I wanted to build a drone and obsess over it.

I don’t understand why you would think like you do. As if everybody on earth wants to be intimate with someone else and anybody that doesn’t is broken in some way.

Don’t confuse me being passionate about this topic as anger. I’m passionate because you’re fundamentally wrong and I don’t want other people seeing this, those who haven’t matured yet, and thinking they have to conform to what people like you believe as it’s simply not true.

I’ve said numerous times I don’t live in solitude. I finished work yesterday at 17:00 and was at my friends house with 6 others until 02:00. I woke up today, took a car for a test drive then went to town to join a protest and was chatting with many people. I’ve just been to my parents for dinner and I’m about to go to another friends with another 4 people. Just because I don’t want to live with someone or have an intimate relationship doesn’t mean I’m a recluse.

Perhaps your situation is different and you’re too socially inept to find someone, but don’t project that on to the rest of us. If you ever come to Manchester I’d love to socialise with you and show you around.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

There’s plenty of services like this that people use a firestick to connect too.

My friend uses one but I forget the name of it. You can find them online but people usually buy a package of say 20 connections and then sell them to friends and family. I’ll try and remember what to search for and come back.

Edit: IPTV is a good search term.

dependencyinjection ,

Nah just a regular dude trying to help others when I can.

dependencyinjection ,

That Israel is committing a genocide, and seemingly the majority of people don’t care or worse believe propaganda or dehumanise a whole population of people.

Also, when people defend massive corporations and don’t see the negative impact they have on industries.

dependencyinjection ,

Palestinians are not committing a genocide. Sure Hamas have done some terrible things, but the scale of the Israeli onslaught is abhorrent.

I support Israel giving land back that they’ve stolen and to stop murdering innocent people. I also support Palestinians being able to rebuild their country and voting out Hamas. Given the last vote was around 06 and the vast majority of Palestinians were not old enough to vote then they haven’t exactly chosen Hamas.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

So that means it’s fair game for Israel to just kill whoever they choose? They’re never going to wipe out Hamas. In fact they’re ensuring that the next generation will join because they killed their families.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

No need to be offensive, it’s not the way to converse with people and detracts from any argument you may want to convey.

You implied it by questioning my post about Israel committing a genocide and trying to justify it due to the actions of Hamas.

Whatever Hamas has done in killing innocent people doesn’t justify Israel killing 10-20x the number of innocent people.

dependencyinjection ,

I hardly think it hypocritical to condemn Israel for what they’re doing.

As for the rest of your rant about insulting people. I’m going to end the conversation here and wish you a nice weekend and perhaps you can reflect on how you speak to people online, as it says more about your mentality than it does mine.

dependencyinjection ,

What criticism exactly?

dependencyinjection ,

iOS users can press and hold the power and volume up button until the emergency call screen appears, then release. You now have to enter your PIN / Password to unlock again and not use TouchID / FaceID. Good luck trying to get me to tell you the code.

dependencyinjection ,

I can only count to three. 😔

dependencyinjection ,

Why don’t you share it here, I for one would be interesting in checking it out.

dependencyinjection ,


I guess I need to learn German now.

dependencyinjection ,

You see ads here?

I use Voyager, but Mlem is decent too.

dependencyinjection ,

Actual monsters. I know you don’t get this rich by being generous but god damn. Unless people like this do get jail time then nothing will change.

dependencyinjection ,

Yet they still take money every year. Scroungers and pedophiles.

dependencyinjection ,


I see and reply to u/FlyingSquid a lot.

I also see u/The_Picard_Manoeuvre or some variation. I only remember those two as I saw them a lot when I came here and still do.

dependencyinjection ,


I’m not on any of those places.

dependencyinjection ,

It’s cool. No need to be sorry. 😊

dependencyinjection ,

I’m suing you for suing Assman.

And I’m suing Assman for not being a Boobsman.

dependencyinjection ,

It is good.

I wonder how many other innocent people being murdered justifies saving other innocent people.

Can you kill 100 to rescue 4. What about 1000 or 10000.

The fact is they could have accepted any number of ceasefire deals to release these hostages, but they chose to keep murdering more people and further creating the next generation of Hamas signups.

dependencyinjection ,

Well from the other side the IDF are the terrorists, since they’re terrorising Gaza indiscriminately.

dependencyinjection ,

Yo mods why you remove my comment?

Edit: Essentially asking the same questions as JayTreeman.

Edit 2: It appears my comment was reinstated after I provided a source to counter the misinformation report. I would expect better of the mods to do some due diligence before just censoring comments. There is enough of this in the MSM and it does nothing to further allow people to see what is happening. Thank whichever mod undid the action, hoping it was little_cow but not sure.

dependencyinjection ,

So we agree Hamas and the IDF are terrorists. And you think a genocide is an acceptable response.

dependencyinjection ,

You’re just being disingenuous now.

How is anybody to take care of the Palestinian people when they essentially live in an apartheid state. They have been oppressed by the Israeli government you’re defending for decades now.

Go have a look at maps over the decades of how much land has been stolen. Regular bombing etc.

You could read some Finkelstein on the subject, you know the Jewish expert who has researched it most of his life.

Edit: Notice how I said both sides were terrorists and you only want to focus on one side. That’s called bias my friend.

Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone?

I'm asking because as a light-skinned male, I always use the standard Simpsons yellow. I don't really see other light-skinned people using an emoji that matches their skin tone, but often do see people of color use them. Maybe white people don't naturally realize a need to be explicit with emoji skin-tone or perhaps it's seen as...

dependencyinjection ,

I really don’t care what colours of emojis exist. Use them or don’t use them, it’s not that deep.

Actually spending time thinking about coloured emojis is a little strange to me. If someone wants to use a black one, white one, or yellow one just let it be.

You sound like the kind of people that would have proclaimed it’s idiotic to give women rights, or let them vote, or give LGBTQ+ people rights of marriage or whatever. Change is inevitable and just because something has no bearing on your life doesn’t mean it has no bearing on anybodies life.

dependencyinjection ,

Apple already have the perfect form factor, it’s called a phone.

dependencyinjection ,

It will just come as standard with phones. Apple made a deal with OpenAI so it’s only a matter of time until Samsung does the same. Then it becomes a selling point for the device.

dependencyinjection ,

I got diagnosed in my late thirties and went from an abject failure at life to making some pretty astounding changes.

I can’t take all the credit, I had quite a good support system to help me make the changes and I don’t think I’ll ever get over what I perceive as lost time or be fully happy, but it’s never too late.

dependencyinjection ,

Yeah and lots don’t.

Lots like short guys, and lots like tall guys.

Lots like ginger guys and lots don’t.

Almost like there isn’t a universal metric for what people like.

dependencyinjection ,

Thanks for saving my dumbass. Got enough going on to deal with skin cancer haha.

dependencyinjection ,

How would they know it had lights in it?

It could be a ravers led hat that isn’t turned on.

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