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UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter ( )

The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The move drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to...

davel , avatar
davel , (edited ) avatar

If people haven’t figured out by now that the US doesn’t give a rats ass about the Palestinians, I don’t know what to tell you.


Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia.

Neither China nor Russia is going to give Israel the time of day. I can think of no reason why India would, either.
Full text: China-France Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East

(The latter is becoming unlikely as Russia begins to unravel).


davel , avatar

Despite being an admin I’m not expert on this, but from what I’ve been told, a community on instance A won’t sync with instance B unless there is at least one user on instance B who is a member of that instance A community. And so the smaller a community is, the more likely this will happen.

davel , avatar

no thanks xi

It’s coming from inside the Instagram! specter

How much US military-industrial Kool-Aid have you drunk?

davel , avatar
davel , avatar

Headline is not dumb. There are reasons to make a distinction between the two, the most salient one being that capacitors are several orders of magnitude faster to charge and discharge.

davel , avatar

Because our bourgeois state propaganda and corporate media tell us that they are, because it’s in their best interest that we believe it.

davel , avatar

The Democracy Index published by the Economist Group

Neoliberal corporate media are defining what is to be considered “democratic”? You don’t have to drink this Kool-Aid.

davel , avatar
davel , avatar

You can see the parallels with fascism.

Totalitarianism, AKA authoritarianism. Hannah Arendt came from wealth and so unsurprisingly was anticommunist. Her work was financially supported and promoted by the CIA. This is a bourgeois liberal, intentionally anticommunist construct that lumps fascism and communism in the same bucket.

Monthly Review, The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited

U.S. and European anticommunist publications receiving direct or indirect funding included Partisan Review, Kenyon Review, New Leader, Encounter and many others. Among the intellectuals who were funded and promoted by the CIA were Irving Kristol, Melvin Lasky, Isaiah Berlin, Stephen Spender, Sidney Hook, Daniel Bell, Dwight MacDonald, Robert Lowell, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, and numerous others in the United States and Europe. In Europe, the CIA was particularly interested in and promoted the “Democratic Left” and ex-leftists, including Ignacio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, Raymond Aron, Anthony Crosland, Michael Josselson, and George Orwell.

If fact almost all of the “Western left” (that wasn’t crushed by red scares) was captured by the imperial core’s propaganda machine: Imperialist Propaganda and the Ideology of the Western Left Intelligentsia: From Anticommunism and Identity Politics to Democratic Illusions and Fascism

davel , avatar

Yes, they have a single party: the dictatorship of the proletariat, also known as proletarian democracy.

But we too have a single party: the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, also known as bourgeois democracy.

[Princeton] Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

davel , avatar

Like, what countries do you think are communist?

None, as any communist country will tell you. They are socialist states working toward communism, meaning a classless society, and, by their own theory of state, a stateless society.

davel , avatar

That’s why Russians aren’t “white” anymore. They’ve been downgraded to asiatic horde again, which is why NATOpedia has trotted out meat wave theory again. Like authoritarianism, whiteness is also an ever-shifting construct of imperialism/colonialism.

davel , avatar

Liberalism is founded on facts and logic, therefore liberals have an inalienable right to expound on unfounded ideas.


Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn't that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful. How can a Communist keep his eyes shut and talk nonsense?

It won't do!

It won't do!

You must investigate!

You must not talk nonsense!

davel , avatar

This Soviet World

Most Americans shrink from the word “dictatorship.” “I don’t want to be dictated to,” they say. Neither, in fact, does anyone. But why do they instinctively take the word in its passive meaning, and see themselves as the recipients of orders? Why do they never think that they might be the dictators? Is that such an impossible idea? Is it because they have been so long hammered by the subtly misleading propaganda about personal dictatorships, or is it because they have been so long accustomed to seek the right to life through a boss who hires them, that the word dictatorship arouses for them the utterly incredible picture of one man giving everybody orders?

No country is ruled by one man. This assumption is a favorite red herring to disguise the real rule. Power resides in ownership of the means of production—by private capitalists in Italy, Germany and also in America, by all workers jointly in the USSR. This is the real difference which today divides the world into two systems, in respect to the ultimate location of power. When a Marxist uses the word “dictatorship,” he is not alluding to personal rulers or to methods of voting; he is contrasting rule by property with rule by workers.

The heads of government in America are not the real rulers. I have talked with many of them from the President down. Some of them would really like to use power for the people. They feel baffled by their inability to do so; they blame other branches of government, legislatures, courts. But they haven’t analyzed the real reason. The difficulty is that they haven’t power to use. Neither the President nor Congress nor the common people, under any form of organization whatever, can legally dispose of the oil of Rockefeller or the gold in the vaults of Morgan. If they try, they will be checked by other branches of government, which was designed as a system of checks and balances precisely to prevent such “usurpation of power.” Private capitalists own the means of production and thus rule the lives of millions. Government, however chosen, is limited to the function of making regulations which will help capitalism run more easily by adjusting relations between property and protecting it against the “lawless” demands of non-owners. This constitutes what Marxists call the dictatorship of property. “The talk about pure democracy is but a bourgeois screen,” says Stalin, “to conceal the fact that equality between exploiters and exploited is impossible. . . . It was invented to hide the sores of capitalism . . . and lend it moral strength.”

Power over the means of production—that gives rule. Men who have it are dictators. This is the power the workers of the Soviet Union seized in the October Revolution. They abolished the previously sacred right of men to live by ownership of private property. They substituted the rule: “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.” -

davel , avatar

The whole point of a communist system is a centrally planned, and controlled, economy.

This has not been universally true among socialist states.

This gives the state immense control

All states have immense control by virtue of having a monopoly on violence.

The capitalist class controls the state in capitalist countries, including ostensibly democratic” ones. They use the state to to rule the working class and to protect their private property.

self preservation at any cost.

This is practically every state that has ever existed.

“rules for rulers” by cgp grey,

cringe Maybe step away from the Polandballs and go read/listen to some books.

davel , avatar

If you’re saying authoritarianism can be explained by non-whiteness…

I’m not saying that. I’m saying that “whiteness” as a construct is a tool of capitalism/imperialism/colonialism. And that the Global North similarly tends to attribute “authoritarianism” to whichever states are acting insufficiently subservient to their imperialist interests at any given moment. And I’m saying that these two constructs have a tendency to be aligned with each other, because they’re both tools of capitalism/imperialism/colonialism.

But also saying that anyone opposing NATO become ipso facto non-white because it’s “an ever-shifting construct”…

Whiteness is as old as European colonialism, and has been baked into capitalism—which began in Europe—from the start. Whiteness has been twisted into all sorts of nonsensical logic pretzels. See for example honorary Aryans honorary whites. It has no explanatory power because it is simply a tool of power. Even the Irish, Italian, and other Catholic European immigrants have suffered it within our own country. As Josep Borrell has more-or-less said, the imperial core is the “garden”, and the rest of the world is the “jungle.” Imperialism uses race—which again is made-up bullshit—as a tool to justify their imperialism.

You’re saying “authoritarianism = non-whiteness = opposition to the NATO bloc”

I’m not saying that, but the NATO bloc often seems to imply it. international-community-1international-community-2

davel , (edited ) avatar

I already covered the origins of this propagandistic Western conceptualization of “authoritarianism”/“totalitarianism” in another comment in this post. But I’ll add a 1955 CIA report that was declassified in 2008.

Even in Stalin’s time there was collective leadership. The Western idea of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team and it seems obvious that Khrushchev will be the new captain.

davel , (edited ) avatar

Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: racism

We really ought to teach critical race theory in schools like conservative politicians and pundits claim.

davel , avatar
davel , avatar

This sounds like a neoliberal just-so story that may have come out of The Road to Serfdom.

China files more patents than the next nine countries combined:

China is first country to hold over 4 million domestic patents

The number of China's domestic valid patents does not include those held in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

davel , avatar

I think the myopic point you’re making is unintentionally promoting some heinous stuff, or else I have to wonder how you seemed to end up with a Lemmygrad alt account. I’m not seeing any “yanks” here being confused about race.

davel , (edited ) avatar

I think because they mod !noyank.

ETA: What a stupid, unproductive, corrosive thread this fucking was.

davel , avatar

The Nordic countries are at best welfare capitalist states, and that welfare relies on the super-exploitation of the Global South. No Nordic country is even gesturing toward the abolition of private ownership of the means of production. In fact they’re moving in the opposite direction, toward the neoliberal privatization of more and more of the commons and the financialization of everything, which is burying the working class in debt. The Eurozone is just the cartel of the European private banks, and it was designed to enforce neoclassical economics and preclude Keynsian economics.

davel , avatar

I mean, you’re asking about two separate political axis: economy, and control.


You may not realize that these are in no way orthogonal to each other, but the bourgeoisie certainly do, because they own the means of production, and they use the state to enforce the private ownership that perpetuates their control over the proletariat.

davel , avatar

If liberals are about intentions & sentiments then why do they keep telling me they’re about facts & logic? smuglord

davel , avatar

Perhaps, if NATOpedia’s raw data is to be trusted.

Incarceration rates and counts. From World Prison Brief

The World Prison Brief at is an online database providing free access to information on prison systems around the world. It is now hosted by the Institute For Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR), Birkbeck College, University of London.

It was previously hosted by the International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS). It was a research centre at the University of Essex. It was launched at the House of Lords on 4 April 2011. Between 1997 and 2010 ICPS was based in King's College London and was launched formally by Home Secretary Jack Straw in October 1997. In July 2010 the International Centre for Prison Studies incorporated and registered as a charity with the Charities Commission of England and Wales. From the outset the Centre was independent of governmental and intergovernmental agencies, although it would work closely with them.

So who really knows what the quality of the data is without further investigation. But it seems to have been originally created by the UK’s military-intelligence-industrial complex.

davel , avatar

I don’t know why you’re doubling down on your confident incorrectness when you don’t even have Wikipedia-level understanding. The very first sentence from

Socialism is an economic and political philosophy encompassing diverse economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership.

And obviously the question who the state allows to own the means of production is very much political. Economics is politics.

davel , (edited ) avatar

@Pluto, you’re being a pain in the ass for mods and admins by blasting posts across a dozen comms, because it results in us getting reports from users. Lemmy is not Reddit. Many people read Lemmy by “All” or “Local,” and they don’t appreciate having their homepage filled up with the exact same post. I tried to tell you this yesterday, but you don’t seem to be listening.

davel , (edited ) avatar

It’s not uncommon for my phone voice to be misgendered. I don’t especially care, so I often don’t bother correcting them if I don’t expect to ever talk to them again.

take this picture of the friend for example

Hey I know this one. White and gold, final answer.

davel , avatar

Call me anything you like, just don’t call me late for dinner.

davel , avatar

Republicans will never blame capitalists or capitalism as such. Even welfare state liberals like Sanders won’t blame capitalism as such, they’ll blame über-capitalists and crony capitalism.

davel , avatar

The far right is not blaming capitalism, it is distracting people from capitalism, giving them a false consciousness to keep them from developing class consciousness. They know exactly what they’re doing by blaming the (((globalists))): it’s what fascists have been doing for the last century. They’re selling a false revolution that would only give the capitalist class even more power by stripping away the trappings of bourgeois democracy.

davel , avatar

Good luck with the deleting. It often just means UPDATE comments SET is_deleted = 1 WHERE ID = 666;.

davel , avatar

How is the west white supremecy?

Imperialist European powers invented “whiteness” almost 500 years ago as a justification for and a tool of imperialist domination, and the Global North is still doing it.

We really ought to teach CRT in schools like the conservatives claim we do.

davel , avatar

Full text: China-France Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East ( )

At the invitation of H.E. Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, paid a state visit to France from May 5 to 7, 2024. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East:...

davel , (edited ) avatar, otherwise known as & & &

I use it when Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox fails me. In fact BPC itself makes use of in some cases:

davel , avatar

You spelled bell¿ngcat wrong.

davel , (edited ) avatar

The Grayzone largely gets its funding from its reader- & viewership:

How Bellingcat Launders National Security State Talking Points into the Press

Who pays the piper?

In 2016 its founder, Eliot Higgins, dismissed the idea that his organization got money from the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as a ludicrous conspiracy theory. Yet, by the next year, he openly admitted the thing he had laughed off for so long was, in fact, true (Bellingcat’s latest available financial report confirms that they continue to receive financial assistance from the NED). As many MintPress readers will know, the NED was explicitly set up by the Reagan administration as a front for the CIA’s regime-change operations. “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” said the organization’s co-founder Allen Weinstein, proudly.

Higgins himself was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, NATO’s quasi-official think tank, from 2016 to 2019. The Atlantic Council’s board of directors is a who’s who of state power, from war planners like Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell to retired generals such as James “Mad Dog” Mattis and H.R. McMaster. It also features no fewer than seven former CIA directors. How Higgins could possibly see taking a paid position at an organization like this while he was still the face of a supposedly open and independent intelligence collective as being at all consistent is unclear.

Other questionable sources of income include the Human Rights Foundation, an international organization set up by Venezuelan activist Thor Halvorssen Mendoza. Halvorssen is the son of a former government official accused of being a CIA informant and a gunrunner for the agency’s dirty wars in Central America in the 1980s and the cousin of convicted terrorist Leopoldo Lopez. Lopez in turn was a leader in a U.S.-backed coup in 2002 and a wave of political terror in 2014 that killed at least 43 people and caused an estimated $15 billion worth of property damage. A major figure on the right-wing of Venezuelan politics, Lopez told journalists that he wants the United States to formally rule the country once President Nicolas Maduro is overthrown. With the help of the Spanish government, Lopez escaped from jail and fled to Spain last year.

Imagine, for one second, the opposite scenario: an “independent” Russian investigative website staffed partially with ex-KGB officials, funded by the Kremlin, with most of their research focused on the nefarious deeds of the U.S., U.K. and NATO. Would anyone take it seriously? And yet Bellingcat is consistently presented in corporate media as a liberatory organization; the Information Age’s gift to the people.

davel , avatar

Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Russian bot

Another day, another BlueAnon conspiracy theorist.

davel , avatar

You know, the fascist government that had an actual election as late as 2019 where southern and eastern regions largely voted for the person that won.

It’s too bad that actor who used to play president on TV and had zero actual political experience got steamrolled by the fascists once he got in office.

davel , avatar

China files more patents than the next nine countries combined:

China is first country to hold over 4 million domestic patents

The number of China's domestic valid patents does not include those held in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

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