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darkphotonstudio ,

Unless everyone stops using Google, trying to stop this is like fighting windmills.

darkphotonstudio ,

Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be because they’re a bunch of bigots in a delusional cult violating TOS agreements and generally being shitty people.

darkphotonstudio ,

I'd be interested if it was a proper application. But it's a web app.

darkphotonstudio ,

Until it goes offline for whatever reason after a few years. Then you're fucked. If it's in the cloud, it's on someone else's computer.

darkphotonstudio ,

They are discussing a very specific approach and a paper that lays out the issues with pursuing this one specific type of generative AI. It's not about AI in general. The headline is a bit click-baity.

darkphotonstudio ,

Just ignore this clown and his bullshit. Stop reporting on him and his companies, it'll drive him nuts.

darkphotonstudio ,

I'm not going to bother reading the empty headed thoughts of yet another techbro billionaire. I'd rather do just about anything else, like watch paint dry or grass grow, a far more productive use of my time.

darkphotonstudio ,

I've heard rocks bounce around in an empty, echo-y space in the past.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

Because they are. They are all very bad at social justice, probably because no matter the best intentions, humans are going to fuck it up. China isn't even communist, it's capitalist through and through. They have lousy worker protections, banks, housing markets, stock markets. The USSR was as expansionist and militaristic as any fascist regime, just like the current Russian one. Korea is essentially a tyrannical monarchy, no real communism to be found there. Why do you think the first ones to go up against the wall after a revolution are the true believers? Because they know it's all gone wrong.

When you have a lot of bullets, you will never run out of targets. Or in other words, if your revolution involves killing a lot of people in the name of the people, you're doing it wrong.

Edit: added another post that should go here, deleted the other one.

darkphotonstudio ,

A dictatorship is bad whether it carries a hammer and sickle or a wad of $100 bills

darkphotonstudio ,

I think people would have less issues with AI training if it was non-profit and for the common good. And there are open source AI projects, many in fact. But yeah, these deals by companies like this are sleazy.

darkphotonstudio ,

I don't think OpenAI actually released any FOSS code, did they?

darkphotonstudio ,

I would be making a huge mistake if I didn’t bring this up. A significant portion of the Nostr community loves Bitcoin, and many clients implement NIP-57 to hook into the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Fuck no.

darkphotonstudio ,

Very cool, but I assume the colour saturation was cranked up.

darkphotonstudio ,

"China home market." China is really bad at communism.

darkphotonstudio ,

This isn't a win. A win would be gaining something. This is just getting back what they stole.

darkphotonstudio ,

I'm seriously wondering. All these billionaire types seem to be getting a taste for attention and can't help shouting crazy bullshit at the top of their lungs. The louder these people are, the more scrutiny they will receive. Do they believe that will end well for them?

darkphotonstudio ,

It doesn't. Maybe you miss all the bots and trolls.

darkphotonstudio ,

No. Not unless you want a nasty-gram from your ISP.

darkphotonstudio ,

Nice additions. Shotcut is the editor I settled on because Kdenlive and Openshot…cut(?) we’re just too unstable and crashy.

Biden needs Blue Wall victories to win 2024 Electoral College map ( www.politico.com )

While polls broadly show Biden continuing to fall behind former President Donald Trump in swing states across the country, they consistently show the older, whiter states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as the most competitive for Biden. Trump has larger leads in the Sun Belt states, in large part owing to...

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

I have a hard time believing swing states want Trump. I have a hard time believing anyone outside his cult wants him. Either Americans really are all stupid and insane or the polls are flawed.

darkphotonstudio ,

Gnome might as well be proprietary with their shit attitude.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

I don’t think I’m saying anything new here, but if the free software is superior, then it’s easier to make the argument to try it out. If it just has similar functionality, then there’s little incentive to move over. A good example is GIMP being presented as an alternative to Photoshop. It’s not. Not even close. And I hate Adobe and refuse to pay for their crap. Even price isn’t enough. If your job/business depends on a piece of software that cost a lot of moolah Vs. an unknown free application, the free software loses. So you need a superior application plus an easy way to migrate all your data.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

Krita rocks! It's amazing if you're a freehand artist. I think the brush engine is better than PS. Krita is also fast and can handle large images with multiple layers with no problems.

darkphotonstudio ,

Has anyone here ever tried punching themselves in the dick repeatedly?

darkphotonstudio ,

I'm so sick of seeing his stupid, orange face pop up in my feeds for the last...8 fucking years!

darkphotonstudio ,

Where was all that outrage from you all when everyone was downloading and pirating copyrighted music by groups like Metallica? If you were around back then, my guess is, you were all firing up Kazaa and Napster and didn’t give a shit.

darkphotonstudio ,

This! Mobile operating systems are trash, and there's no good reason for it. I always see people parroting the same nonsense, "you have the power of a super computer in your pocket". Okay, then why can't I use it like a supercomputer? It's all crippled toy versions of the desktop applications, social media garbage, or microtransaction stuffed toilet games.

darkphotonstudio ,

I should be able to use it like a proper computer that can run full-fat applications, with a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Everyone loves to go on about how powerful phones are, so then why can’t I use that power?

darkphotonstudio ,

No matter how stupid the management is, I'll still use FF over Chrome. Even so, Mozilla is lost in their own bullshit. That "workshop" is like some crap from kindergarten. Just make a good browser ffs. They can't get it through their thick skulls that the browser isn't the destination, it’s the means to getting there.

darkphotonstudio ,

Yay, that one shitty billionaire is winning against the other shitty billionaire! As you can tell, I'm super invested in which of my favourite shitty billionaires is successful.

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