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Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA ( arstechnica.com )

Alejandro Otero, owner of the Naples, Florida, home struck by the debris, was not home when part of a battery pack from the International Space Station crashed through his home on March 8. His son Daniel, 19, was home but escaped injury. NASA has confirmed the 1.6-pound object, made of the metal alloy Inconel, was part of a...

darkphotonstudio ,

I love space stuff and NASA (one of the few truly great things about the US) but they really shouldn't be yeeting things into orbit and hoping it takes care of itself.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

This barely qualifies as news. Anyone with half a functioning brain knows that site is infested with Russian bots.

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

darkphotonstudio ,

Bonus points for making Arch users seeth because you call Manjaro, Arch.

darkphotonstudio ,

If you like or need the latest software, use a rolling distro. I use Manjaro (boo, hiss) and really like it. But if you don't want the Arch users to beat you up and pants you, I hear Endeavour OS is pretty good.

darkphotonstudio ,

He said 1000 robots by next year. I can say I'll train myself to poop gold and be a billionaire by next year. Isn't it awesome how we can just make shit up and claim it to be real? The difference is, no one is buying stock in my gold poop scheme, which is about as legitimate as his 1000 autonomous robots claim.

darkphotonstudio ,

Tree fiddy.

darkphotonstudio ,

Experiencing humiliation requires a certain amount of self-awareness.

darkphotonstudio ,

Idk, I've blazed many times but never felt the need to constantly lie. That's a him problem, not a cannabis problem. However, I do think you make a good point about Transformers. He has the mind of a child stuck in the 80s. The future is Transformers, RoboCop, Bladerunner, Total Recall, etc., to him, anyway.

darkphotonstudio ,

Well, I can always do what tech startups do and just make shit up! No pun intended.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( www.theatlantic.com )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

darkphotonstudio ,

Knee-jerk stupidity. Not all AI development revolves around "tech bros".

darkphotonstudio ,

The internet was ruined before AI.

darkphotonstudio ,

Exactly, and if you are a trained artist, you can mop the floor with someone who only use prompts. I've been using the diffusion plugin for Krita and it is so powerful. You have the ability to paint, use layers and filters and near real-time AI fills. It's awesome and fun.

darkphotonstudio ,

I'm sure it will be used a lot in the corporate space, and porn. As someone who did b2b illustration, good riddance. I wouldn't wish that kind of shit "art" on anyone.

darkphotonstudio ,

I'm sorry, but it's over. Just like photography killed miniature portrait painting. Or Photoshop killing off lab editing and airbrush touchup. Corporate art illustration is done and over with. For now, technical illustration is viable but I don't know for how long. It sucks but this is the new reality.

darkphotonstudio ,

Yeah, that really sucks about the jobs. But that kind of work is soul sucking. Maybe some people like it, but I didn't.

darkphotonstudio ,

I wouldn't have a problem with all this scraping, if these companies had to release their models trained on this data as open source.

darkphotonstudio ,

Mozilla, I'm so disappointed but I shouldn't be surprised. I guess I'll be looking for a fork.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

There are already a bunch of Firefox forks so I'm not sure what you mean.

darkphotonstudio ,

All the Tesla robots have advanced AI, i.e. will actually be controlled virtually by people in India.

darkphotonstudio ,

I look at art without paying anyone, I guess I'm stealing.

darkphotonstudio ,

Targeting an open source project. So brave, what a statement. /s

This has 0 effect on all the big AI companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, etc. All this does is make it harder for FOSS projects and leaves the corporations to dominate.

darkphotonstudio ,

And how's that academic discourse working out on a service that caters to fascists and actively hates academia?

darkphotonstudio ,

Their prices are insane, $999.00 for a 11.5" tablet? $799.00 for a mini-PC? Are they fucking mental? Who would buy these?

darkphotonstudio ,

That really sucks and isn't a good look for Purism.

darkphotonstudio ,

With prices like this, it's kind of performative activism though. It severely limits access and makes it like privacy is a luxury only a few can afford. That's a weird message to be sending out.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

While I believe the World Wide Web is in trouble, the Internet is a different thing. This is survivalist/prepper paranoid bullshit. Some of you people sound like the misogynistic crap spewed by Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club, modern primitive nonsense. Get a fucking grip.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

Krita has mostly left GIMP in the dust, as far as UI and basic tools. The brush engine and ability to handle large files is so much better. It's vector and text tools need work, and so do the image filters and such. Even so, Krita destroys GIMP. Even the name, which isn't great, is leagues better.

darkphotonstudio ,

Krita has a better brush engine and the AI plugin is amazing. The live AI painting with layers is so cool. It's like magic

darkphotonstudio ,

We went through all this shit with Microsoft and Internet Explorer. It’s time to break up Google’s monopoly.

darkphotonstudio ,

Western education has failed. This is how a society is destroyed.

darkphotonstudio ,

Right-wing people.

darkphotonstudio ,

They need to be harassed back.

darkphotonstudio ,

I seriously doubt the USA will exist in 50 years. Probably less.

darkphotonstudio ,

Like Russia, it's the leftovers of a country clinging to a cold war military machine. When the US pissed away their manufacturing base and killed their unions in the 70s and 80s, it was over.

darkphotonstudio ,

You kind of stated pretty much what I did.

darkphotonstudio ,

I despise ads. I can't even bring myself to watch Netflix or Amazon Prime. If there is advertising, it ain't worth it, no matter how cheap.

darkphotonstudio , (edited )

Idk what age your dad is, but I'm 53 (gen-x) and my generation are notorious for being difficult to market to. Maybe he just blanks it out, like an automatic mute button. I used to do that but ads are far too mentally disruptive for me these days. I've had enough.

darkphotonstudio ,

How long before Google ends up on killedbygoogle.com?

darkphotonstudio ,

I wasn't aware of this search engine. Thanks!

darkphotonstudio ,

These people just need to stop. We don't need yet another social media service

darkphotonstudio ,

Small businesses that can’t afford a dedicated IT department and pro licenses are gonna love this. I’m sure Linux will pick up more users but the real winner will likely be Apple and Macs.

darkphotonstudio ,

That kind of depends on the business, doesn’t it? I’m sure there are plenty of small businesses that don’t even know what a SMB consulting space is. I suspect there a lot of people running businesses off their laptop. You might have a narrow view of what constitutes a small business.

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