@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social cover
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar


@[email protected]

i am enby, 44 years old, self-diagnosed autistic, have ADHD, pronouns are they/them.

you can call me Lexi.

i am anarchist and a communist, because those words literally mean the same thing. also, i like radio stuff, camping, sometimes a game of Go, and playing with operating systems.

being a tankie, playing neutral with tankies = instant block. read my pinned posts. no fucking around. fascists get the boot.

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olena , to ActuallyAutistic group
@olena@mementomori.social avatar

Do you guys also combine almost pathological conflict avoidance - and the brilliant talent to create a conflict out of nothing just trying to explain your point of view or to point out some factual error another person made while talking about your special interest?

I don’t defend myself, I don’t tell I don’t like something or that I see that I am being taken advantage of or being lied to, or that someone hurts me - I never raise a voice and tell that, or question them, or demand my rights and all - because I am terribly afraid on conflicts. Not even that I won’t be liked, or that there’s going to be some consequence or anything. Just a conflict itself. I’m scared even when there’s a conflict that doesn’t include me nearby, but even the shadow of an idea that something I may say may create a conflict makes me go silent, and just dodge and tolerate more, doesn’t matter how bad I feel.

But when just discussing something - I mean not something important, may be a birds name, a train route from 80-s, the way some thing works etc - any abstract staff that doesn’t correspond to my life in any way - especially when I clearly see the opponent is making the factual error or denying my actual experience with the topic - it does create a conflict, and people would say I am a conflicting person, I am the one who likes to just disagree and all.

Is that desire to avoid conflict at all costs - and the inability to actually spot when another person starts to see your discussion as a conflict - some thing?


crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@olena @actuallyautistic

these people are gaslighting you. they don't respect you or care about you if they treat you like that.

having a minor disagreement, or telling someone they made a mistake, shouldn't result in abuse like this. i've had enough of it myself, i'll make peoples' lives hell on purpose if they do this to me. if i have to live in social prison for them, they can live in hell for me.

foo , to ActuallyAutistic group
@foo@neurodifferent.me avatar

I'm compelled to attend a mandatory workshop being run by a business psychologist. Is there any evidence to show that popular psychology is invalid when applied to workers on the autistic spectrum? Because it really seems totally irrelevant and nonsensical , not to mention uncomfortable levels of sharing personal thoughts with other workers who haven't earned my respect @actuallyautistic

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@foo @actuallyautistic

wtf even is "business psychology"? sounds like quackery already.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@foo @actuallyautistic

i'd want to troll so badly

spika , to ActuallyAutistic group
@spika@neurodifferent.me avatar

How do you guys handle friends who have the sort of sense of humor where they "play fight" over trivial things for fun?

I find this sooooo triggering because I can't tell when good fun turns into abuse and controlling behavior so any hint of it even in good fun is really upsetting.


crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@spika @actuallyautistic i won't play Euchre because that's how people play.

melindrea , to ActuallyAutistic group
@melindrea@beige.party avatar

Reading wikipedia on autism for Reasons (tm).

I don't get it. Why is it so important that we don't stim? Like, there are some that are contextually inappropriate (loud noises when it might disturb others, for instance), but outside of those few things ... what's the problem with hand flapping, body wiggling, hair twirling, vocalizing in repetitive ways when it's not distracting/disturbing, etc, etc, etc?

Bah, humbug >.< @actuallyautistic

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@melindrea @actuallyautistic

probably something related to Catholicism and asylums. those people love ableist violence.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@violetmadder @melindrea @actuallyautistic

my parents often claimed, in my childhood, that they didn't know how to parent cause "there's no manual included", but i've often wondered "you had a childhood too, so what the fuck? did you learn nothing??"

i wonder how much of this is what was going on :P

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@violetmadder @melindrea @actuallyautistic

i'm aware that "manuals" exist, but that's not what they meant. it's more like they were saying they have no idea what they're doing, as if there were no examples to follow. it was also the 80s, when there wasn't a lot of talk of respecting children as people instead of as objects and property, so there wasn't a lot of help in that regard either. just those reactionary, homophobic "manuals".

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @violetmadder @melindrea @actuallyautistic

they failed immensely in that regard, if that's what they were trying to do.

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Need for self-defence know-how in public domain

I am sure some other anarchists might have already mentioned this (I dont know & cant remember), but towards the beginning of this genocide it occurred to me & I mentioned too.

The primary reason why Palestinians are oppressed (by extension everyone else who are oppressed across the world) is because they are systematically denied the tools of self-defence to free themselves of the oppression.

The reason why this genocide is going on now is because there is no deterrence for the oppressor (genocidal entity) for commiting the crimes its committing.

If Palestinians had weapons, this fascist entity would have never dared to commit the crimes it has been committing for nearly a century.

One thing is a given. Every oppressed population would want to fight back for their dignity incl Palestinians, but they are systematically denied the tools to defend themselves & one of the most important thing they need is weapons.

All "political solutions" without them having access to tools of self-defence will only be oppression with another name.

For those who dream of a society without oppression, without State, without Capital, without all other systems of domination (Fascism/Racism/Misogyny/Casteism/Religion/…), one of the most important thing is public dissemination of knowledge of weapon manufacturing.

Even in theory its impossible to emancipate without weapons when the enemy have them, this enemy not just some but have warehouses of them with an industrial pipeline filling its supply lines, while its oppressed have none.

The reason why State has "export controls", marks details as "classified"/"state secrets", makes its industries hide all of this under "know how", "trade secrets" (using the intellectual property scam), criminalises weapon manufacturing that it doesn't control is mainly because it wants its primary enemies (people it rules over) to not have any mechanism of self-defence to fight back.

This way it can oppress "peacefully" while in the best case all its victims are allowed to do is "protest" aka so called "freedom of speech", … i.e go & shout till you exhaust yourself & nothing more.

@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel

the genocide has only escalated, it didn't just start. but yes, disarming Palestinians to make it easier to displace and dispossess them is part of that plan. that's why armed resistance groups exist and have funding and supplies from outside Gaza. armed resistance may as well happen because Israel will murder Palestinians whether they are armed or not.

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

A new bill in Congress would extend some U.S. military benefits to the estimated 20,000 Americans currently carrying out the Gaza genocide as members of the Israeli military.


@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@billclawson @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

the legions must be paid their bounty, you see.

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Canada’s largest private high school recently organized a genocide solidarity trip in which students cooked for Israeli soldiers. In a sane world, the school’s charitable status would be revoked.


@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

i'd boost if this didn't have sanist crap in it.

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History May 18, 1781: Tupac Amaru II was drawn and quartered in Plaza Mayor del Cuzco, Peru. Tupac II had led a large indigenous uprising against the Spanish conquistadors. As a result of his heroic efforts, he became an inspiration to others in the fight for indigenous rights and against colonialism. The uprising began because of “reforms” by the colonial administration that increased taxes and labor demands on both indigenous and creole populations. However, there was also an ongoing desire to overthrow European rule and restore the pre-conquest Incan empire. And though this would merely replace one feudal power with another, there were also Jacobin and proto-communist elements to the rebellion. Most of the Tupamarista soldiers were poor peasants, artisans and women who saw the uprising as an opportunity to create an egalitarian society, without the cast and class divisions of either the Spanish or Incan feudal systems.

The uprising began with the execution of Spanish colonial Governor Antonio de Arriaga by his own slave, Antonio Oblitas. Tupac Amaru II then made a proclamation claiming to be fighting against the abuses of Spain and for the peace and well-being of Indians, mestizos, mambos, native-born whites and blacks. They then proceeded to march toward Cuzco, killing Spaniards and looting their properties. Everywhere they went, they overthrew the Spanish authority. Tupac’s wife, Michaela Bastidas commanded a battalion of insurgents. Many claimed she was more daring and a superior strategist than her husband.

However, despite their strength and courage, the rebels failed to take Cuzco. The Spaniards brought in reinforcements from Lima. Many creoles abandoned the Inca army and joined the Spanish, fearing for their own safety after seeing the wanton slaughter of Spanish civilians. In the end, Tupac was betrayed by two of his officers and handed over to the Spanish. However, before they killed him, the Spanish forced him to watch them execute his wife, eldest son, uncle, brother-in-law, and several of his captains. They cut out both his wife’s and son’s tongue before hanging them.

As a result of Tupac’s leadership and success against the Spanish, he became a mythical figure in the Peruvian struggle for independence and in the indigenous rights movement. The Tupamaros revolutionary movement in Uruguay (1960s-1970s) took their name from him. As did the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary guerrilla group, in Peru, and the Venezuelan Marxist political party Tupamaro. American rapper, Tupac Amaru Shakur, was also named after him. Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, wrote a poem called “Tupac Amaru (1781).” And Clive Cussler’s book, “Inca Gold,” has a villain who claims to be descended from the revolutionary leader.


crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@MikeDunnAuthor @bookstadon Tupac Shakur is named after this person.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@MikeDunnAuthor @bookstadon oh, i missed that part.

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Congressional aides say that the Biden administration will send Israel another $1 billion in weapons and ammunition.


@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@readermom @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Joe Biden is a fascist.

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Joe Biden continues to fully support the Gaza genocide because he does not believe it will hurt him politically, and because he has no empathy for the Palestinians. This is the same arrogance that brought down LBJ over the Vietnam war.


@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

"beginning", lawl

people have had like 40 years to find out, it's not like he never mentioned his genocidal intentions before.

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Mayors, police chiefs, and university heads have defended their violent attacks on student protests by claiming “outside agitators” are the cause of unrest. This racist trope was used during the civil rights movement and is equally obscene today.


@palestine @israel

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

it was used by Lenin and Hitler as well.

pathfinder , to ActuallyAutistic group
@pathfinder@beige.party avatar


Autistic brains be stupid. Well, obviously not stupid, they just seem to work, or not work, in mysterious ways.

The main one that has always got me, about mine, is that I have no memory for sound, absolutely none. I can't remember a song, or a sound. I can't remember what my parents sounded like and none of my memories carry, for want of a better word, a soundtrack. I can remember what I was thinking and what others were saying, but not hearing them say it, nor any other sound. I also don't dream in sound, at least as far as I know. All my dreams are silent.

And yet, and it's a big yet. I have an excellent memory for voices and sounds. Like many autistics I have near perfect pitch, at least when I'm hearing others sing, or music playing. Just don't ask me to reproduce it, because I can't. If I meet someone I haven't met for a while, then I will almost certainly not recognise their face, or remember their name, but there is a very good chance that I will recognise them from their voice. I am also very good at detecting accents. Even the slightest hint of one in, say, an actor pretending to be an american, will get me searching Wikipedian to see if I am right about their actual nationality.

So, if I can tell the sound of a Honda CBR engine two blocks away, or a voice, or an accent buried deep, I must have the memories to compare against. And yet... nope.

So, as I said, autistic brains be stupid.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

watch The Prisoner, then watch Patrick McGoohan try to do a "neutral" USA accent in Danger Man. he always slips as soon as another British person is in the scene.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic the whole show is pretty goofy tbh. "NATO security", solves international theft and murder mysteries? wat?

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