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cm0002 ,

A simple scan is fine, but to actually image a dying drive for recovery purposes, you should absolutely be doing a direct connection

cm0002 ,

Sprint was genuinely struggling.

They were on the verge of bankruptcy, really the 2 options were

  1. Let T-Mobile (a distant third competitor to the big 2) buy them

  2. Let sprint die, the big 2 buy large chucks of sprint anyways for pennies on the dollar post-bankruptcy and make their distance from T-Mobile even bigger.

If you need another reason, AT&T was very against the deal, so you KNOW what they think is bad is probably actually good for consumers

cm0002 ,

Not until we're having to sit through upwards of 20 minutes on ads per "1 hour" episode

cm0002 ,

While Google should open source it, it's important to note that Google never actually wanted to run or implement RCS. It was supposed to be the carriers, but they never did and even Google spent years pushing them to get off their ass and they still didn't. It was years before Google finally went "Fine, I'll just fucking do it myself"

cm0002 ,

You don't care, because you're an adult, what you or I see as a simple visual indicator is yet another thing that HS teens will use to bully and peer pressure with.

But you should care in the sense that Apple is exploiting teens still developing brains and maturity with dark patterns to get them "hooked for life" in a way.

cm0002 ,

For one, Google never wanted to implement or run RCS, the carriers were supposed to do that specifically to prevent the fragmentation issue. But they couldn't get off their ass, even after Google spent years pushing them to do so.

For two, even after Google said fuck the carriers I'll do it myself, Apple was invited to participate in its implementation and Apple refused. They could have worked with Google to implement RCS across all devices. They didn't because they want to keep people locked into their ecosystem. They had a great opportunity to ensure all the privacy and encryption features were implemented how they liked.

cm0002 ,

who owns RCS and has more sway on carriers

If that were true, RCS would have been implemented by carriers LONG ago like they were supposed to (the original spec was launched in 2008), well before imessage came out in 2011 and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But you know who actually does have a TON of sway with Carriers? Apple. You know who probably could have actually gotten them to implement RCS? Apple. Apple could have solved the RCS dilemma even before Google decided to do things themselves.

Apple didn't even need to do much, just drop the mere hint that if carriers didn't start implementing RCS they might stop selling the iPhone through them and they would have bent over backwards to get it done.

They didn't because iMessage is just another tool to keep people locked into their ecosystem, and they've admitted as much. And any excuse of "Oh we wanted to work with the GSM consortium blah blah blah" is just that, an excuse for Apple fanboys like you to latch onto and parrot.

cm0002 ,

Nowadays, they are boring.

Fr, the foldy phones have been the biggest good innovation in like a decade. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck, I've had a taste and I can't go back now. It's like moving up to multiple monitors and then trying to go back to a single monitor setup after awhile

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

cm0002 ,

BUT BUT you'll get 5% fasTEr SpeED!!! And MOrE seCuRiTy!!!

cm0002 ,

Probably because of the nukes, if you have a weapons platform in orbit you can do something like launch large metal rods and it'll have the same destructive force without any of the nasty radioactive fallout

cm0002 ,

Someone could legitimately challenge Google on search right now

Not really, unfortunately, because of the sheer mass of the internet the infrastructure to just support the index of it requires massive funding. Even other giants like MS with Bing struggled with this. Short of a radical new way to run a search engine without a massive index, I just don't see it happening.

cm0002 ,

Kagis ok, it's better than Google now, but not the Google of the past and only if what you were looking for is recent and indexed. If not, it just falls back to the same Google results. Good if you want separation and not having Google know what you're searching for, but beyond that...meh.

cm0002 ,

Tbf, in order for humanity to get where they're at in the Star Trek timeline they had to go through WWIII: Nuclear edition

cm0002 ,

Iirc, it wasn't just that as far as Star Trek goes. Iirc, most world governments and economic systems were destroyed, humanity was a mere fraction of its peak population. Humanity literally physically came together because it was necessary to rebuild.

Its one thing to have a common enemy/suffering without changing anything else as far as governments and social systems goes. It's completely different when you not only have the enemy/suffering but to also need to literally rebuild everything from scratch

cm0002 ,

Ah yea it looks like I was forgetting large parts, either way I think it still reinforces my main point, we will probably go through a lot more pain and suffering before we can even come close to Star Treks timeline

cm0002 ,

When I got hired at my job where I could write and dictate policy, the first thing I did was write up a new IT Purchasing Policy with a "Banned Manufacturers" section right up top with HP right at #1 and Dell at #2

cm0002 ,

Lately, Lenovo. It was Asus and Lenovo, but lately they've been shitting the bed IMO. And MSI is about to join HP and Dell if I have to replace one more of their damn shitty ass fans

cm0002 , (edited )

Where's the trombone @FlyingSquid lmao

Using HA to start my work laptop

No major question here, just thought you might find this interesting. It's an example of the kind of (off-the-wall) things you can do with HA that aren't immediately obvious. When I was starting out with HA, I enjoyed reading these examples, because it gave me ideas for my own setup. And, I wrote many automations that should...

cm0002 ,

Wait, you guys are turning off your laptops?

cm0002 ,

Exactly, they're tools like any other and like any other tool it's not going to do the whole job for you and you're going to need to learn how to use it well to get the most out of it

It's neither magic, like the AI/tech bros would like you to think nor is it the harbinger of doom and some evil thing that need to be squashed like the anti-AI bros want you to think

cm0002 ,

I think so, the federation is often seen and portrayed as close as you can get to a utopia (Since it's practically impossible to achieve a "true" utopia). They still have issues, make mistakes and wrong calls, and even some (albeit greatly reduced) crime.

So having more positive association/references for the term socialist, a term that most general people can have a connection with, cant hurt.

cm0002 ,

I'm going through it rn for Proxmox, it's a pain in the ass.

I think it was better a tad on ESXi, but VMware stuff is a non starter for me at this point.

cm0002 ,

I see junk, kid toys

Ok good, I'm not the only one LMAO

be4foss , to KDE avatar

MacBook Air owner?

2018/2019 models are losing support.

with / to keep your device in use! These machines will run beautifully for many years to come.

Not only wallet friendly, keeps CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Ca. 75% of Apple's emissions comes from production alone (details in alt text).

Sustainable, independent : Better for users, best for the .


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  • cm0002 ,

    It's worthless when you can't upgrade a damn thing, it's frankly unacceptable to produce a laptop with soldered RAM and a soldered SSD (with no expansion options)

    Apple claims it's for speed and performance, which is technically true, but you're not going to notice that 10% difference between a good quality NVMe and some speedy DDR5 RAM

    But you will notice when you try to save some money on base RAM and base storage and then realize, you can't upgrade shit a year or 2 later and your only option is to drop another couple grand for a whole new device

    Fuck Apple.

    cm0002 ,

    $300k might be worth the sacrifice

    Right? I realistically just need 150k/yr to be stable in my area, I could chuck the other 150k/yr into savings and quit after 3 years with 450k in the bank

    Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says | ProPublica Investigation ( )

    Former employee says software giant dismissed his warnings about a critical flaw because it feared losing government business. Russian hackers later used the weakness to breach the National Nuclear Security Administration, among others....

    cm0002 ,

    They've been unsafe for years now, since they got bought out by some Chinese company known for shenanigans

    cm0002 ,

    Wow, wtf Firefox? Not even Chrome is blocking some of the add-ons...

    Guess enshittification is starting to creep into Firefox now too

    cm0002 ,

    Mozilla is a for-profit company, "temporary" = "quiet permanent" especially coupled with the secrecy and attempts to keep things quiet.

    Yea, no, this isn't going to be "temporary"

    cm0002 ,

    Yes, and I've already made a comment admitting as such in the relevant thread...and in the week since I made that comment Mozilla is in another scandal

    cm0002 ,

    As long as Raspberry Pi doesn't start ripping off their customers

    Give it 2 weeks (max) after the IPO

    Hell no, I'm not supporting the Chinese economy.

    Lol, I agree with you, but realistically you probably have only avoided a fraction of Chinese made crap

    Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices ( )

    The long-awaited day is here: Apple has announced that its Messages app will support RCS in iOS 18. The move comes after years of taunting, cajoling, and finally, some regulatory scrutiny from the EU....

    cm0002 ,

    Yea, but the real question is will the youth see through the BS or not? Before it wasn't just a color, green bubbles actively broke things in blue bubble group chats

    But once that's gone with (hopefully) the rollout of RCS (which should fix most, if not all, the things that broke gcs) it really would be "just a color"

    Ofc, Apple being Apple, I wouldn't put it past them to artificially "break" things or arbitrarily introduce limits between RCS and iMessage

    How dense would the atmosphere need to be to result in a cataclysmic chain reaction during a nuclear explosion?

    Famously, Oppenheimer and co worked out how close a nuclear bomb test would be to causing a chain reaction of nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. They made a lot of worst-case-scenario assumptions and still came to the conclusion that no, a nuclear bomb test wouldn’t scour the surface of the world....

    cm0002 ,

    I have no idea, commenting so I can remember to come back later

    cm0002 ,

    Yea but this plan worked, the notification from someone commenting that reminded me to come back LMAO

    cm0002 , (edited )

    A hairdryer or heatgun kinda work, but it's super easy to accidentally heat damage the display underneath (and it's sensitivity only gotten worse with these super fancy displays these days).

    It also doesn't spread the heat very well.

    This is a great solution because the bed is temp controlled and evenly spread

    cm0002 ,

    What scares me is sentient AI, none of our even best cybersecurity is prepared for such a day. Nothing is unhackable, the best hackers in the world can do damn near magic through layers of code, tools and abstraction...a sentient AI that could interact with anything network connected directly...would be damn hard to stop IMO

    cm0002 ,

    Well I am just shocked, SHOCKED. Well, not that shocked.

    cm0002 ,

    I thought their 40 series already did?

    cm0002 ,

    You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain

    cm0002 ,

    I have some questions, 1) Who is Axel Rose, 2) Why are we pissed at him and 3) Where the hell is the pitchfork guy??

    cm0002 ,

    People give HIPAA way too much credit all the time, it's fairly strict on who actually falls under it.

    cm0002 ,

    You're right they don't, but only for covered entities which MS is not in any shape or form

    It's just like when Grindr or whatever leaked people's STD status, they nor MS are a medical provider or "covered business entity"

    HIPAA is an ok privacy law, but it is not the all supreme health privacy law you think it is

    cm0002 ,

    Forreal, I highly doubt CSC has a big bounty program so why did they even bother? Guaranteed they were the "Teacher you forgot our homework" kids

    cm0002 ,

    Whatever you do don't ask ChatGPT or Gemini this, their boring ass Disney-fied answers ruin the joke.

    cm0002 ,

    Well I wasn't really disparaging AI in general, just Gemini and ChatGPT specifically, and not because they're AI, but because I feel their answers are genuinely neutered a bit aka "Disney-fied" which for this kinda joke is ehhh.

    cm0002 ,

    I don't know why everyone is all shocked all of a sudden, there have been various scraper bots collecting text info for...many years now, LONG before LLMs came onto the scene.

    Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

    I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

    cm0002 ,

    Yea, but propublica has money to hire lawyers and can actually take companies to court over it.

    Are you prepared to shell out potentially 10's of thousands of dollars to actually defend your license? That's my biggest question in this, because if not it really is a waste of time and effort.

    cm0002 ,

    I did, but you never really answer the question, are you financially prepared and willing to actually defend your license in court?

    And also your link has become incredibly obnoxious, you don't need all those "~"

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