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chiliedogg ,

They're not. The ship has 1 bad thruster, but need like a dozen to fail to make re-entry impossible. They could leave right now and everything would be just fine.

The thing is the module that's malfunctioning doesn't survive re-entry, so the only time to investigate the problem is before they head back.

chiliedogg ,

Carriers will offer better deals on the phones though if you're planning to stick with them.

I'm looking at a $1000 phone that ATT will give me for 2.99/month for 2 years. That's over 85% off on the phone. The trick is they give it to you by actually charging like $42/month, but then giving a $39 credit every bill for 2 years, so you have to pay the difference on the $1,000 phone if you jump carriers.

But since they're the only carrier that works at my office, and this is gonna be a work phone (my company pays me a monthly stipend for it), I can live with that.

chiliedogg ,

How much of this is regular people just not buying new computers anymore?

A lot of households that used to have had a laptop for each person have replaced those devices with phones and tablets. They weren't using Linux, so by removing them Linux market share would go up even if it hasn't actually grown.

Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

chiliedogg ,

We should be able to charge them for ad time. You want to paint an advertisement on my car you have to pay me. Why should it be any different when you want to put ads on my work computer screen when I'm working with clients?

chiliedogg ,

That's also most of what's on Amazon these days.

chiliedogg ,

Doom 2016 was just about perfect. It blended old-shool FPS fundamentals with modern aiming, collectibles, etc.

chiliedogg ,

Those who hate homosexuals and see them as the "other side" often believe that homosexuals view heterosexuals with the same malice.

Gay people know they're not the norm, and don't feel threatened by straight folk unless. They feel threatened by bigots.

chiliedogg ,

Word perfect in 1990 was better than Word is today.

chiliedogg ,

Robert E Lee was the Supreme commanding General of the Confederacy, which seceeded from the United States out of fear that Lincoln and his new, progressive Republican party (times have obviously changed) would outlaw slavery.

The resulting Civil War was by far the deadliest conflict the US has ever been in in terms of US casualties. But the bonus is that since the war over slavery had started anyway, we went ahead and outlawed most slavery while we were at it.

Anyway, a lot of states, especially in the South kept discriminatory laws on the books following the war. As the Civil Rights movements of the 50s and 60s approached, a lot of Southern cities and states started building monuments and dedicating government buildings and parks to Confederate "heroes" and leaders.

They romanticized the Confederacy as a major part of Southern heritage (even though it lasted less than 5 years), and rewrote the history taught in schools to teach that the war wasn't about slavery, but about the federal government trampling on states rights.

And it worked. Millions of people are brainwashed into thinking that the rebel flag is a racist symbol, but a symbol of individualism and freedom. They tricked generations of Southerners into thinking they aren't racist.

chiliedogg ,

Hidden manual releases that still require you to push the door through the windows trim. FFS people have already died because of this shit. Why the hell hasn't there been a mandatory recall on all Teslas over this?

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

chiliedogg ,

I'm a white Christian man in Texas. I know I'm privileged and that that privilege often comes with ignorance, so I used to be really nervous about offending people inadvertently.

But I eventually learned to just ask if I wasn't sure.

It did help that one of my best friends in college was a black lesbian who transitioned Jr year. I joked with him that he was my token "X" friend.

chiliedogg ,

This is why everyone should go into their phone settings and enable the lockdown mode option if it's avaialbe. When I get pulled over I hold the power button and choose lockdown mode and then the only thing that will unlock the phone is my password. But my camera still works.

If your phone doesn't have the option, just restart your phone. There's a reason phones require the password and not biometrics on startup.

chiliedogg ,

All of the sequels are weird since the first film is literally about the end of the immortals, but among the billion sequels and TV show, Highlander 2 is definitely the weirdest. I like how the rest of the sequels 100% ignore it.

Like: suddenly they're aliens and Sean Connery can be resurrected by shouting his name, and he can project a force from his hand, but it'll make him die again, and Connor is a scientist who made a shield to replace the Ozone in the future but the Ozone layer is actually fine so they have to destroy the shield generator in a Cyberpunk dystopia.

There's not enough cocaine on the planet to explain that script.

chiliedogg ,

Last I tried that was over 20 years ago, and I was getting bombed with 13,000 spam emails an hour.

Though I'd imagine privately-hosted spam filtering has gotten much better since then.

chiliedogg ,

No, "dog" clearly becomes "god." Hence the miracle.

chiliedogg ,

A breaker panel can be a kill switch in a server farm hosting the Ai.

chiliedogg ,

"We don't know how it works but released it anyway" is a perfectly good reason to be sued when you release a product that causes harm.

chiliedogg ,

She needs to apply for a jobs at these companies that use the software in order to generate damages she can sue over.

Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system?

I have been watching magnet fishing and people love to toss stuff over bridges without a second thought on the environmental impact. Hiding evidence I can almost understand but not lawnmowers, car batteries, etc....

chiliedogg ,

For big times like furniture, engines, toilets, construction debris, etc it's to save money. You can't throw those things in a dumpster, and a trip to my local dump costs $160.

chiliedogg , (edited )

There's so much NIMBY about landfills they're rare and very far apart, so they can get away with charging 4x what's fair.

chiliedogg ,

I'm staying. Just like I've stayed in Texas.

But I also don't have kids. My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children and I support that decision 100%. This is no place to raise a child.

chiliedogg , (edited )

I also use mine when starting a fire. Way easier than using a pot lid for stoking.

chiliedogg ,

Back when I used a Weber charcoal grill I'd bust out the blow dryer.

chiliedogg ,

It's almost like they have a financial incentive to pull this shit.

In 2000/2001 this same shit was being done in California, leading to rolling blackouts and record-high energy prices. One company was buying all the plants and shutting them down for "maintenance" specifically to increase energy prices.

There were going to be congressional hearings over it in early 2022, but that company was Enron, and at the end of 2001 they collapsed due to other bullshit they were pulling.

chiliedogg ,

Loose ammo can creep into all kinds of nooks when a box spills open. I've found rounds tucked into the fold of a range bag years after the spill.

It's exactly why my range bags and my travel bags nexer mix.

chiliedogg ,

Somebody goes on a hunting trip. Among other things they pack ammunition. The cardboard box of ammo breaks open and 100 rounds spill all over the inside of their bag. A year later they go on a different trip and bring the same bag with them, and there's a loose round in the folds of the bag they don't know about, but the dog sniffs it out.

That's why I have separate bags and cases specifically for traveling with ammunition.

chiliedogg ,

That's exactly what I'm fucking saying.

chiliedogg ,

I'm saying that people screw up and explaining a simple way to avoid the same mistake.

Here on Lemmy saying that you have bags just for carrying ammunition will get you labeled as a baby-killing MAGA extremist because you're so into guns you accessorize with custom luggage for your murder-toys.

I'm explaining that those ammo bags and cases are there specifically to avoid accidents just like this - not as a tacticool fashion statement.

chiliedogg ,

It's only 1 though. We need to talk with the sun about its flair.

It claimed it wanted to express itself, but the Crab Pulsar expresses itself every 0.8 seconds.

chiliedogg ,

People on here love to shit on Houston's massive expansion of I-10 as a failure.

It worked great for years, but the population continued to grow. Having 5 fewer lanes on each side would just make things worse or increase sprawl by pushing people further out to thin the traffic. They ain't gonna mass-adopt bicycles in a city where the heat index is 115° + for months at a time

chiliedogg , (edited )

What creates demand on I-10 in Houston is population growth. People haven't swapped from taking the bus to using a car. Houston leads the country in population growth. You add a couple million people to a me triplex and the infrastructure needs upgrading.

And trying to make people swap to a car by making traffic shitty works in some areas, but major cities that were largely developed after the invention of the car are almost impossible to retrofit for public transit. It's even worse in hot climates where the city was largely developed after air conditioning. My commute in a different Texas metroplex has gone from 45 minutes to 2 hours because of traffic, but between housing costs in the city and the lack of infrastructure to build transit I still drive every day and can't consider anything else.

Houston spends bonkers money on its light rail that nobody uses between May and October because last-mile transit is a problem in a city where you'll sweat through your clothes waiting 10 minutes at a bus stop. The office would smell like a gym if people used it.

I work in municipal development, and it's a rite of passage for planners to come in from out of state all excited to kill parking standards and shut down roads to make downtown pedestrian-only. Then they spend their first summer here and realize that when you have months of uninterrupted 100°+ days that you can't just wish away the necessity of door to door transportation.

chiliedogg ,

I work on the City side of the development world. We're always getting screamed at for taking 3 weeks to review a plan set by the same developers who want to meet with me every minute of every fucking day.

I've got 40 projects in my review queue and all of them are demanding a weekly meeting. When am I supposed to do the fucking reviews?

chiliedogg ,

I'm on the Municipal side. City Council ain't gonna raise taxes to hire more people.

I'll get burned out and leave soon enough. The longest-serving person in the development department has been here just over a year, and we pay nearly double what other cities in the area do.

chiliedogg ,

Interestingly though, on average, gay and lesbian married couples both make more money than heterosexual married couples.

chiliedogg ,

Raindrops are at least. Water vapor need consensation nuclei to form around to create a raindrop.

That's what cloud seeding is based on. They introduce particulates for the drops to form around and fall.

chiliedogg ,

Central Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity is a big concern for tech divers. We train for dealing with divers going into convulsions on deep dives all the time.

chiliedogg ,

We can and have improved things massively. What we cannot do is fix everything at one time. The most we can realistically hope for is marginal improvement. Demanding perfection or nothing results in us sliding backwards.

But look at 60 years ago. Racial discrimination wasn't only legal, but state-mandated in much of the country. Interracial marriage was illegal. Being homosexual was illegal. A woman could be fired for not sleeping with her boss or for becoming pregnant. Businesses couldn't operate on Sundays because it competed with church. Firearms could be purchased by anyone without a background check at any store. Politicians openly ran on the platform that the white race was superior. Poor kids and minorities were drafted and forced to fight in useless wars while rich people could get college deferments.

We're so, so much better today than we were then. I don't want to rant forever, so let's focus on one issue and go even more recent:

30 years ago the general public was so homophobic that a Democratic President signed a law banning openly gay people from serving in the military. Clinton then followed it up by signing the Defense of Marriage Act barring federal recognition of same-sex marriage and allowing states to refuse to recognize marriages granted by another state - even though no states allowed it at the time.

20 years ago gay marriage was still illegal in all 50 states (next Friday is actually the 20th anniversary of gay marriage in Massachusetts!). It wasn't until 2012 that the first states legalized gay marriage through popular votes.

It's been less than 10 years since gay marriage was legalized nationwide.

In 2010 the majority of the country was opposed to gay marriage. Today nearly 80 percent supports it. That's remarkable.

We've improved so much very, very quickly. It's just hard to see when there's so much more work to be done.

But it took work to make the progress we have. If we'd given up and simply chosen not to vote we'd have empowered those who fought change.

Please vote.

chiliedogg ,

The FCC really started pushing for net neutrality in the Bush administration.

In 2005, the Madison River Telephone company (now Lumen/CenturyLink) blocked Vonage from using its networks and the FCC stepped in to stop them. They then established 4 principles of an Open Internet:

Consumers deserve access to the lawful Internet content of their choice.

Consumers should be allowed to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement

Consumers should be able to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network.

Consumers deserve to choose their network providers, application and service providers, and content providers of choice.

In 2009, they overtly added the principle of non-discrimination, and in 2010 they made the principles official with the Open Internet Order.

Comcast sued and got the order thrown out, so they started the prices of reclassifying broadband, and the fight reached fever pitch in 2014 when it looked like the FCC was finally going to win for us.

But between 2012 and 2016, the ISPs changed their tactics. They stated colluding with the major tech and streaming services pitching net neutrality as a good thing for the established businesses that could pay the ransom or engage in partnerships. A good example was T-Mobile exempting Netflix from their 2gig data limit on cellular plans. T-Mobile was able to advertise the partnership as a good thing instead of an assault on users and the open internet.

Then the Trump administration took over and took a huge steaming dump on the FCC along with everything else, and the Biden administration just spent the better part of 4 years just trying to seat a commissioner to reinstate open internet.

I'm not optimistic we'll have it for long.

chiliedogg ,

If they play it exclusively, sure. But people play tons of games on Gamepass. HiFi Rush and a dozen other games splitting that $15/month/account is a lot less rosy.

I've had Gamepass since the beginning, and since it was launched it I've bought maybe 1 or 2 Xbox games that weren't on gamepass, whereas I used to average 2-3 a month. My overall spending on games has dropped massively since getting gamepass - especially on Xbox.

chiliedogg , (edited )

I think they expected more casual gamers to sign up for game pass while the more dedicated among us would still be buying new products.

Honestly, they'd probably be doing better if they didn't put games on there day 1. Sony doesn't put their biggest titles on PS+ at launch for a reason.

Halo and starfield had shit sales because we didn't have to buy them. If they required people to buy the triple-A in-house titles at launch, the double-A stuff like HiFi Rush could still be released on gamepass day 1 as an incentive for people to subscribe.

As it stands, Starfield and Forza burned the money that should be used for HiFi Rush and Ori.

chiliedogg ,

I was talking to someone the other day who was really bent out of shape over an extremely unpleasant customer. The kind of interaction that sticks with you for years.

I told my perspective on people. We tend to remember remarkable things - stuff that really stands out from the normal. The news media does the same thing. Normal, everyday stuff isn't "newsworthy."

So when an asshole customer stands out that much, it's because it's such a rare experience. People are mostly good, so the goodness doesn't stand out.

chiliedogg ,

Not just any old malware, but insecure rootkits that allowed ANYONE to have total control over the system with their own malware above the OS-level with no way to even know the malware was there.

chiliedogg ,

That's easy to say when you aren't bombarded with 800 resumes submitted from headhunting call centers out of India for every job.

The purpose of these forms is to figure out which resumes are worth reading. It puts all the relevant information for a first-round elimination in a standard format.

Once the 80 percent of applicants that aren't worth any consideration are eliminated, you can start looking at the actual resumes.

chiliedogg ,

The shitty thing right now is grid connection is required by pretty much any building code, and the utilities are getting wise to solar. They're moving a lot of the fees from power use to connection and line maintenance. My family was looking at solar, but since 2/3 of their power bill is just to be connected to the grid it wouldn't save enough to make economic sense.

chiliedogg ,

It could always be used to level a foundation.

chiliedogg ,

And people forget how much of a PITA it is to get. Waiting in line for 4 hours to get an ID is something I'll do once a decade for my driver's license because I need it to drive and I drive several hours a day.

For people who don't have car, they may not consider the inconvenience worth it just to have the privilege of waiting a few more hours to vote.

"Motor Voter" laws that allowed people to register to vote while renewing their license were designed to make it harder for the poor to vote by making them go through a different process than drivers. Voter ID requirements took it to the next level by requiring them to ALSO go get a license to vote.

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