@catswhocode@mastodon.art cover
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar


@[email protected]

This is now my main account! I hope to share some drawings and paintings here and get inspired by other fedi artists! I occasionally build furniture as well, but am still practicing at that! Also, I'm bisexual and genderfluid. (I do not think of myself as a furry - the name comes from my cat.)

P.S. I have a brain injury and am #ActuallyAutistic

Retrospring: https://retrospring.net/@BobOmbMonkey

Profile pic: An orange tabby cat dressed like the Mona Lisa painting.

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catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic I re-took the RAADS-R and scored a 142, which is "The mean score of autistic people; strong evidence for autism." :blobfoxlaugh: I figured as much

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic Strangely enough, I do like to socialize, but it may be that I'm both sensory-seeking and sensory avoidant, like someone who's AuDHD :blobfoxthinkanime:

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd I had mentioned earworms another time on here, but I found an interesting study about "stuck song syndrome" that I thought some people might appreciate here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4723199/ it's specifically correlated to OCD, but I think we experience it too!

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic Who posted that ADHD vs. autism chart? I found that really interesting but I can't seem to find the original post!

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic I've said this before, but I have many traits of both; some of those can be attributed to the brain injury, because that also causes executive function issues. But I had sensory and social issues as a child even before that! :autism: :da_fist: so complicated, right? @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@jenzi Wow! That's a great idea!! Nice to meet a fellow person with a brain injury 🤝 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@jenzi specifically, my brain injury is from an intraventricular meningioma that I had at a young age (not sure exactly how old) @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@jenzi That's too bad that it turned out like that, but at least she saved your life! @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @braininjury

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@jenzi What kind of certifications? Like for programming? I know what you mean, they can be very overwhelming @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @braininjury

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@Zumbador Yes, thank you!! @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@IzabelaKaramia Isn't that nuts?? we're from the same decade then :blobfoxlaugh: @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd I've mentioned him on here before, but have you all heard of the artist Steven Rhodes? My wife and I both love his shirts because they combine vintage designs with morbid themes, like zombies, witches, the grim reaper, etc. I've noticed there are a lot of people in this community who like horror as well.

If you're not into that kind of thing, I understand too, though :blobfoxwink:

olena , to ActuallyAutistic group
@olena@mementomori.social avatar

We got free lunches at work: on the weekend, they send the menu, people choose between three options for each of two meals for each workday, and the food is delivered every day fresh from a restaurant nearby(not a fancy one, typical “homemade” food). If you need, they provide options for vegans or food restricting diets.

I am the only person in the office not doing that. I cannot explain to my coworkers why.
No, I don’t think the food is bad. No, I am not dieting, I am not looking for ‘something healthy’, I am not counting calories.

I am eating at work my fruit and yogurt every day, not being restricted to the time when their food arrives, and I am happy.

I can’t explain to them that I can’t carry such a commitment as decide on a weekend what to eat each day, and have to follow that. What if I don’t feel like that food? What if it’s not what I pictured in my head when ordering? What if I am not hungry? What if I get hungry earlier? And I just can’t do a full meal in the middle of a day and work after that. The meal should be at home, with some rest after it, or in the restaurant, with a good walk before and after, and good conversation during it. And I don’t want to eat a salad if it wasn’t done this very second right here because of frivolous microbiology thoughts. And anyway I prefer to cook myself, when I know perfectly well what it is, how it is done, and I balance the tastes and flavors to my own liking(I like to go to gourmet places somewhere, but it’s not an everyday experience, I doubt I’d be able to eat out every day anyway)

So, I’ve been asked again and again why wouldn’t I order something for myself, and every time I have to say ‘no, thanks’ and can’t tell why.

Apparently I am a picky eater.


catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@Murdoc super-taster! I like that term!! @olena @actuallyautistic

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic I was tempted to just shout "Hey! I'm autistic!" on the mainstream social media, but I think my parents might react weirdly :blobfoxlaugh: pretty sure they're autistic or AuDHD too though @actuallyadhd

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd Is it an ADHD/autistic thing to have tons of tabs open in your browser? I do this :blobfoxlaughsweat: what happens is I'll think of something, open a tab, and then forget that I opened it

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@EVDHmn 645??! Wow, I don't think I've ever opened that many! :blobfoxlaugh: I wonder what the maximum number you can open is 🤣 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@manu thank you, I should use that!! @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@punishmenthurts oh dear, I am certainly not a "normal person" :blobfoxlaughsweat: @tine_schreibt @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@AnAutieAtUni wow, that happens to me too! I sometimes open IMDb, for instance, and then I don't recall why I opened it 😆 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@punishmenthurts sometimes I read the "normal" stuff for someone else's benefit - like people often ask how to questions on fedi, and I try to find something that explains it as simply as possible if they're a beginner 😜 @tine_schreibt @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@james that's also a good idea! I might use the temp folder too. people have given a lot of good suggestions in this thread! @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic the other thing that happens to me, similarly, is that I have tons of notifications and don't get to looking at all of them, so I just clear the whole thing @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@james Whoa, I should do that! Bookmark party 🥳 :da_dance: @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd I got one of those sunflower pins for the airport that means I have an "invisible disability," and I'm tempted to wear it other times, but people probably wouldn't know what it means :abunhdsadpat:

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@Neige Yes, isn't that cool?! @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

chevalier26 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic In the process of completing my online faculty training course to be a GSA next year...literally EVERYTHING is so vague and confusing.

Emailed the faculty coordinator about it and he told me that I was so ahead in the course that I was outpacing the course administrators. So basically, I'm working ahead so quickly that IT and my course instructor haven't had a chance to update my course info, so that's why everything is confusing.

massive eyeroll

catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@chevalier26 I feel that way a lot too! At the very least, my workplace seems pretty accommodating! @actuallyautistic

catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@chevalier26 I had something like that just today, in fact - I upload these documents to the cloud, and you're supposed to categorize them. I labeled a lot of them as "other" because none of the categories seemed to fit, but my supervisor said that "...most of them are listed there." @actuallyautistic

catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@chevalier26 I think that's a common ND belief! 😄 but I ask anyway because if I don't, I think it will cause problems down the road. @actuallyautistic

catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@chevalier26 It sounds like you're doing the right thing to me! but I'm also autistic/ND :blobfoxlaughsweat: @actuallyautistic

catswhocode ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@chevalier26 My current supervisor understands that I have difficulty remembering auditory instructions, so she's made a point of sending me visual ones or using a video. I appreciate that! @actuallyautistic

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic I love this group, btw - it makes me feel so seen!! it's nice to know that there are other people who feel/do the same things 😄

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd Another question for both groups: do you find you have "spiky intelligence"? As in, you might be amazing in some areas like math, programming, etc., but struggle with executive functions. I'm good with a lot of artistic fields, but definitely struggle with organization, finances, navigation, etc. My wife and I compensate for each others' challenges.

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@Elizabeth3 that's a good question! I mean, it does make life interesting, but also very challenging at times. @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@dpnash We sound so similar that way!! @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@dpnash and also like you, perhaps, I had a hard time with things like sculpting and 3d art, because one of my difficulties is in depth perception - that may be due to the brain injury I have. @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@OtterForce That's amazing!! I really wish there were more research about this...or is there and I'm just not aware?! 😺 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@EVDHmn thank you! yes, it's helped me 😄 I've been learning to do things like cross-stitching recently, which are more challenging in my case :mastodance: @OtterForce @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@dpnash I seriously want to punch the "NT people who don't experience this" sometimes, even though I don't actually do it :blobfoxlaugh: but they can be real jerks about it sometimes @OtterForce @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic do any of you find the social dynamics online to be hard to navigate sometimes? In person is hard enough, but each social network has its own subtleties and complications.

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic Do you ever question whether or not you're autistic? I do in part because some of the traits I have can also be attributed to my brain injury, so I don't know if it's one or both

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@DoctorDisco WelshPixie and I are buds too! I tried doing mandalas a long time ago but am way out of practice @playinprogress @AnAutieAtUni @actuallyautistic @welshpixie

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@pathfinder Right, I think my parents might look at it in terms of a mental illness, rather than a neurotype :da_dance: my mom has a lot of autistic traits, she likes routines, has sensory issues, and thinks literally, etc. @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@DoctorDisco don't get me started I might do the whole song :blobfoxlaugh: I've done some slam poetry competitions and won prizes in a few @wakame @playinprogress @actuallyautistic I apologize if this became a hellthread

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@pathfinder oh, of course! I just found it interesting. My sister thinks she's autistic too; we have a lot of similarities. @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@GinevraCat the community seems pretty welcoming to me! :da_ahoy: @pa @pathfinder @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@AnAutieAtUni Me too! Oddly enough, I didn't really start to enjoy math until after school! @Thebratdragon @DoctorDisco @playinprogress @actuallyautistic

catswhocode , to ActuallyAutistic group
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@actuallyautistic I'm curious, has anyone ever interpreted your infodumping as bragging? That happened to me on here a while ago - I was just talking about some trips I had taken or something, and the other person thought I was showing off 🙄 I think they were neurotypical.

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@jrdepriest I'm happy that she's gradually being able to do what she loves again!

Along those same lines, one of my wife's passions that isn't necessarily one of mine is sewing, but like you said, I love hearing her talk about it. I was starting to learn it a little too, but it doesn't come naturally to me, let's say! :blobfoxlaughsweat: @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@nellie_m I've noticed that too!! I was telling someone about how I sometimes watch music videos from the '60s and '70s, and on YouTube, all the comments are like "This was back when music was good," etc., and my first thought is "No, you're just stuck in that decade." I like current music as well. @Zumbador @miaoue @actuallyautistic

catswhocode OP ,
@catswhocode@mastodon.art avatar

@project1enigma UGH, that's terrible!! I would never do that. I'm genderfluid and a good friend of mine is transfem. @foolishowl @actuallyautistic

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