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captainlezbian ,

Yeah, like the point wasn’t a “here’s how much i like it” it was “here’s a reward for providing such good content”. I would never give someone this, but old gold, maybe

captainlezbian ,

Yeah no famous artist has ever felt the need to pain me ugly. Hell the most artistic depiction of me is a charcoal drawing by a guy who didn’t know we’d gone out for hookah a few times a few years prior. But regardless artists are only depicting her poorly because of how poorly she behaves.

captainlezbian ,

Just invite some Russians with communist leanings. Soviets did it, not rusofascists

captainlezbian ,

Oh good, that’s actually what Stalin was so let them have this one

captainlezbian ,

It’s a rich neighborhood now.

But also it makes sense, it’s like Italians and their Roman heritage. A reminder of when they were relevant on a world stage

captainlezbian ,

Listen, it’s one kind of wrong to declare trans and nonbinary people as mentally ill, but like i really don’t see how my mental health impacts the genital structure I was born with

captainlezbian ,

Oh yeah, but that’s like saying that having been to war is a mental disorder. Like as someone both trans and intersex, the former is an acknowledgment of an inner truth where all expressions of it are filtered through the brain at some point, but the latter idk what to tell people it’s like having a sixth toe (in the condition I’m thinking of of mine). You may not like it, and people may try to “fix” it or make me feel bad about it, but it was just there before my bottom surgery.

In a similar vein I have a cousin with (iirc) mono X. It’s definitely had negative impacts on her life and mental health but it’s a chromosomal condition not a mental condition

captainlezbian ,

Really? It’s like a joke in the trans lesbian community that we’re all poly, and most cis bi women I know are poly.

captainlezbian ,

Exactly, I can’t imagine a situation beyond sheer desperation that I’d go to a black market grocer

captainlezbian ,

Higher car theft per capita than Chicago these days. Turns out financial conservatism creates desperate people

captainlezbian ,

You’d know it’s not a joke if you’d ever been to Columbus. It’s on par with a polyamorous witch doing a commencement speech.

captainlezbian ,

Because terfs think assigned sex is the thing to be accepted and not transness. Part of me sorta sees it when I look from a lens that completely ignores my experiences as a trans person and the experiences of every trans person I’ve spoken to. Misogyny is fucking rough, I get thinking people would do anything to avoid dealing with it. Dysphoria would’ve driven me to suicide though so I suck up the misogyny while I fight against it

captainlezbian ,

In this instance, ok. Bodily autonomy and all that.

captainlezbian ,

Technology connections convinced you too?

captainlezbian ,

Yeah, even assholes who do such things deserve to live indoors

captainlezbian ,

Why don’t we like that though? Social workers are great. They’re people we hire to do shit for people who need it. We do get value out of them and they often save us money or provide quite a bit of value

captainlezbian ,

I’m sure it’ll be helpful for some people who just want an os that does what they’re used to, but I’ve been using libre for like a decade for a reason

captainlezbian ,

That makes sense and good on them for conscription not caring about gender

captainlezbian ,

The mass stabbing in Australia the other week had a victim count that wouldn’t even make national news in America, but in Australia it was so bad that the pope commented

captainlezbian ,

I wouldn’t say hipster, I’d say nerd. Hipster implies that they think it’s cool

captainlezbian ,

Everything to be like when they were a kid. Uncomplicated, no real problems like nowadays with the wokes and the taxes

captainlezbian ,

Have those numbers been going up? Are their deaths directly because they’re men (ie not related to high risk situations like engaging in violent crime or refusing to follow best practices in such situations)?

Like go ahead and argue for an end to misandristic violence if you’d like. I don’t think anyone should be hurt because of their gender. You could probably find a lot of support once you start bringing in evidence. Something similar was done in the USA for black men specifically. Police see them as a threat and thus they’re the face of police violence victims these days.

captainlezbian ,

Because we already have crime prevention? You’re the one who brought “what about the men” into it. Listen dude, I’m just some drunk lady on the internet and you clearly have some issues here. So how about whatever your problem is, you organize about it.

We care about misogynistic violence because women are tired of our gender getting us killed and we organized about it. Black men got tired of their race and gender combination getting them killed and so they organized about it. Whatever your problem is, either speak to a psychologist or organize about it. I think I know which one is more likely to help. But yeah you aren’t gonna get what you need or seem to want posting “what about men?” in a post about people doing something about violence against women. Unless you want to be mad for no reason and come off poorly, but even then you’re being inefficient about it, try making a scene to a minimum wage or tip worker if that’s your goal.

captainlezbian , (edited )

Yeah I feel like it’s an attempt to resolve the Deaf stance that deafness isn’t a disability. The general stance of the Deaf community is closer to that of the queer community than that of say the paraplegic community. It sees deafness as a disability constructed by a society unwilling to communicate visually and to teach signed languages to all people able to use them.

Mind you we’re the contentious portion of the disabled world. The Deaf are as bad as lesbians I tell ya.

But on point, “differently abled” feels like it washes away the struggle. I am disabled. I’m disabled by a society that taught my great grandparents, my grandparents, and my parents not to teach their hard of hearing children sign language because otherwise we won’t use English. I’m disabled by a society that doesn’t include visual signals in emergency sounds even when it’s easy to do. I’m disabled by a society where people, including cops, will speak to the back of my head and not even consider that I didn’t respond because I didn’t hear. And I’m disabled by the assumption my life has to be worse for having less sound as though I’m not extremely literate and completely capable of using a signed language. I’m not “differently abled” I’m completely able in most ways everyone else is, and people who can’t learn to communicate visually are just as disabled as people who can’t learn to communicate audibly.

captainlezbian ,

Because they kinda suck in a way wheelchairs don’t. Wheelchairs grant an alternative to ambulation. Cochlear implants give a new sense, one that those born without it literally don’t have the brain buildup to deal with. Like, look into those who got it and don’t use it. And often they’re forced on children by parents who will never learn sign language. I’m on board with children getting CIs as a teenager if a mental health professional with expertise in the deaf signs off that they weren’t unduly coerced, but it’s a major medical decision often forced or coerced on infants and young children by hearing parents and a hearing society to serve the interests of the hearing rather than the deaf child.

Fucking hell, hearing aids are uncomfortable. And not just because it’s something inside your ears. Like, it’s not the same as natural hearing (my loss is degenerative, I’ve had both). The sound filtration is worse and it overstimulates the brain. But hearing people get angry when you turn your ears off because you need a break because to many hearing people the point is to make you not deaf/hard of hearing. But the fact is we always are, it’s just that sometimes we’re using an assistive device that is often uncomfortable or outright painful.

Cochlear implants might be better seen as a lesbian having a platonic husband instead of a romantic wife. It’s uncomfortable assimilation and a worse solution in the absence of social pressure, and it gives the pressure ammunition. Absent the social pressures, it’s your choice. And to be upfront, I expect to get them once my hearing reaches the point they’re better than hearing aids. And also if I was a native signer they would have to earn a place in my skull and I’m angry that I’m not a native signer. As I implied, my hearing loss is genetic, and it fits pretty well to what your middle school taught you about a mono-allele dominant trait.

Wheelchairs are often seen as liberating to their users. Hearing aids and cochlear implants are often seen as burdens to their users. Nobody has to punish their child or nag their spouse into using their wheelchair, but for hearing devices, it’s common, it’s expected, it’s something you’re warned about beforehand. Please be understanding of the Deaf, we may not always be the nicest or easiest to understand, but nobody understands deafness better than us.

captainlezbian ,

The deaf argument is that there’s no need for assistance of assistive tools. An all deaf town would experience no undue hardships unlike an all blind town.

I’m personally on the fence about it, but trust me when I write that we’ve seen whatever your gut instinct on this is before. Your gut take is just a hearing person speaking against Deaf theory written by Deaf people and the people far more involved in it are probably not going to see it because the Deaf don’t deal with the hearing as much as other disabled groups do, for obvious reasons.

captainlezbian ,

There’s a variety of opinions. Born deaf often don’t like it. The later deafened you are the more you tend to want hearing back.

It’s not even about the communication per se, it’s also about the physical act of hearing which can be uncomfortable

captainlezbian ,

Yeah, you can build it up, but it’s unpleasant and slow and idk if it can get all the way.

Basically (from what I remember/understand) your body loves “use it or lose it” on anything resource intensive, and nothing uses resources like brain. So if you aren’t getting sound you let other stuff butt in on that area and you never build up auditory processing. Add in the fact that CIs don’t work the same as biological cochleas (seriously there’s videos with sound replicating various CIs) and you basically have to relearn how to hear.

Another connection is actually autistic people with issues with verbal communication often don’t have those issues with sign language. It’s processed differently but not in a way that makes it super hard to learn, it’s honestly easier to pick up than most languages.

captainlezbian ,

Everything about it sounds awful, but especially thr people. Like, LinkedIn for unemployed douchebags

Fediverse follows the goals better

captainlezbian ,

There are two ways to solve for this: private ownership by a dedicated individual, and worker cooperative ownership with a strong culture.

captainlezbian ,

Microsoft getting back to the business strategy that made them successful

captainlezbian ,

I am Lemmy’s token syndicalist lol. I love democracy so much I think we should have it at work too.

captainlezbian ,

Probably a union hall. Maybe try the Wobblies. Definitely join me in propagandizing. But yeah organize in some way, you can probably find the hand of syndicalists somewhere in your local leftism scene, we’re notorious for being well organized as we’re where anarchism meets “ok but like we need a plan and some clear goals”.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms ( )

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....

captainlezbian ,

A lot of Jewish groups have protested Israel and their Jewishness has been ignored and them been called antisemites or they’ve been called self hating Jews.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah it’s weird how computers are still so grounded in weirdo cultures but because everyone has to use them and they’re the foundation of modern society and economy these people often run into something they aren’t prepared to deal with whether it’s copy left and the open source movement or it’s terminology and naming with an irreverent flair.

This is also how you wind up with me casually talking about linux and home servers with a bunch of anarchists as we fix up old bikes while I know engineers and tech chasers who are scared of such things.

captainlezbian ,

I did too, but I was a child and in retrospect I feel like that made me the target audience.

Like I get that Microsoft has for a long time been trying to make tech and computers feel non threatening. And clippy feels like a reasonable attempt especially within the program it was created for Microsoft Bob which was something I can totally see a world in which it had been popular

captainlezbian ,

Ah yes, employees are only mad because they don’t understand the finances. Like, no, we’re disgruntled by layoffs no matter what. Layoffs trade morale and productivity for cash

captainlezbian ,

“There wouldn’t be a morale problem if our employees weren’t so stupid”

captainlezbian ,

Oh yeah sales people always think bringing an engineer onto a call is a great idea until they try it a few times. We’re a blunt people who want a fair exchange

captainlezbian ,

Exactly, the reasons I’m an engineer are very tied to the reasons I helped a coworker with her kid’s math homework the other day. I just want to help, to understand things, and to help people understand things

captainlezbian ,

I personally blame the failure of the United States, United Kingdom, and United Soviet Socialist Republics for their failure to deal with the humanitarian crisis of 1930s Germany (read: accept all Jewish refugees) resulting in a traumatized stateless people feeling they needed to reclaim their ancestral home by any means necessary as an existential crisis. From there we have seen failure after failure to attempt peaceful coexistence from either side or to attempt safe and peaceful decolonization from the Israeli government or any other world government or for the world to accept Palestinians’ right to create a nation

captainlezbian ,

That being said Israel is a colonizer state and an apartheid state. Who is to blame for what is currently happening? Israel and Hamas. Who is the victim? The people of Palestine. A people who are overwhelmingly too young to have voted in the last election. Since that point Hamas has refused to hold elections and has moved from moderate anti colonial to this. Furthermore Israel has spent the time since the nakba more or less going full USA on their colonized people.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah Hijra, Kathoey, two spirit, femineillo… One thing (ok two spirit is a lot of things, but this is one) interpreted through many cultural lenses. We are everywhere, we have always been. It has often been difficult for us, but for fucks sake it doesn’t have to be.

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