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captainlezbian ,

Gut, ich spreche eine sprechen besser

Or maybe you prefer my native language

aut lingua mea pessimi

The best linguistic contribution the French gave the world was in sign language

captainlezbian ,

Yeah without the singular they your English is bad. Sucks for non native speakers but it’s how our language works.

The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?

If inciting an insurrection towards their own government is an action without legal repercussions, I don't see how the law would be less lenient about straight up firing a gun at an opponent....

captainlezbian ,

That wouldn’t be an official act as president. What would be an official act as president would be nuking mar a lago, calling a special forces strike on trump, or possibly even getting him sent to Guantanamo

captainlezbian ,

They hate me online more than irl. And I’m under the impression I’m generally well regarded online

captainlezbian ,

No it really isn’t. The hard of hearing are considered deaf. There’s complete deafness, much like there’s complete blindness, but the fact that you’re calling it hearing impairment instead of hard of hearing indicates you aren’t as well versed in Deafness (not to be confused with deafness) as you think

captainlezbian ,

So imagine you’re listening to rap. But you’re hard of hearing. The beats still slap, but the words aren’t intelligible. Hell the beats are even better because you got a subwoofer that shakes the floor. But you know it’s poetry, it’s about the words as much as the beats. So of course you’d want to read along

captainlezbian ,

Why would I care if straight people got engaged in June? It’s a lovely time to get engaged.

Pride month can’t get canceled, it’s like Labor Day, if you let it be ceremonial it will, and if you don’t we won’t.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah either of those scenarios makes me think one of them is eventually turning back to gay sex. Sure bisexuals can have lifelong monogamous relationships with people of a different gender and they often do it happily, but how happily do they tend to do it with people bragging about how they defeated their partner’s queerness?

captainlezbian ,

Eh, it’s more that pride is a rejection of the shame we’ve been taught to feel. But then you get into the fact that we aren’t telling straight people to be ashamed, we’re telling bigots that if anyone should be ashamed it’s them

captainlezbian ,

There’s a reason they keep you focused on the first two amendments. Don’t want you realizing how comfortable they are with unregulated search and seizure.

Honestly idk how the civil forfeiture can possibly be considered constitutional

captainlezbian ,

Soldiers keep trying to sleep with your spouse?

captainlezbian ,

Yeah a handful of people, but I’m terminally online when I’m between my terminally offline tasks

captainlezbian ,

Damn we’re already at the people have transitioned because of this social media site stage?

captainlezbian ,

I’m smart and had middle class parents and went into the family profession. I have a friend who’s smart as hell, but had unsupportive and poor parents, she’s just learned she’s a perfect match for a variety of office work, as well as learning that given her talents and what she likes there’s a well paid and respected profession that she could do well in. When I was her age I had my degree and was working in my field for middle class pay.

I’ve been coming to harsh understanding of how deep inter generational wealth and class goes through knowing her

captainlezbian ,

It absolutely does though. You can’t elect worker ownership of the means of production but you sure can elect anything from fascists to social democrats. I for one don’t want fascists to control my government

captainlezbian ,

I fully agree. But people get better things. Not voting means they don’t. Not voting means the people who want worse things get what they want

captainlezbian ,

It’s one thing to know the symptoms, but it’s a whole other thing to know how it feels and what it actually looks like.

Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN ( )

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement....

captainlezbian , (edited )

I wonder why gay people keep feeling called to the vocations that don’t let you marry and instead surround you with people of your gender

captainlezbian ,

Yes. Well no, but yes. Hemisphere on the whole? No. Land in the hemisphere? No. Land in the hemisphere that isn’t Antarctica? Yes, it’s much more likely to be located closer to the equator. Of the 6 inhabited continents 3 (North America, Europe, and Asia) are entirely located in the northern hemisphere.

You have some areas like Patagonia that are akin to somewhere like europe, but the equator is lower on every continent it passes through than you probably think. The equator in South America is found in the Amazon basin. In Africa it’s in in the Congo and a bit above Nairobi (Johannesburg is the northernmost major city in Africa below the southern tropics). In the Asian sphere it passes through Indonesia. About half of Australia is tropical.

For another comparison the top of the Tropic of Cancer (northern one) is in the middle of the Sahara, below New Delhi, right above Hong Kong, and about in the middle of Mexico.

captainlezbian ,

Jokes on you I met my players in my local bdsm community. I couldn’t think of a place more likely to have a bunch of socially capable people interested in pf2

captainlezbian ,

He seems to acknowledge they had a strong socialist element, it’s why he says he doesn’t support them

captainlezbian ,

Very true. I learned I could become a girl and suddenly I was trans if I ever stopped re insisting I was a boy.

captainlezbian ,

I hate that people just assume no immigrants are excited to be part of their new culture and leave the old one behind. I once knew an Iranian lesbian who was so excited to get to try being an American

captainlezbian ,

Yeah under polyamory the only reason some men might lose out on a girlfriend they may have in monogamy is if they’re merely better than nothing. And the guys with multiple poly girlfriends aren’t “chads” they’re the kind of guy who can have a good time hanging out with their wife’s partners.

captainlezbian ,

Because we’re old.

Also because it’s garish to us. It’s the trend we rejected because it looked terrible on gen X

captainlezbian ,

Yeah I use tumblr occasionally but I just don’t like the “follow people” model of social media. Communities make for more interesting content in my experience. I’d rather discuss than merely consume and I don’t really care what someone who has great takes on lesbian discourse has to say about a manga I have no intention on reading unless it’s relevant.

captainlezbian ,

Is he back on fox? Last I heard they fired him last year

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  • captainlezbian ,

    Don’t speak for the disabled here unless you’re one of us. I can buy hearing aids off Google as I well should be able to.

    captainlezbian ,

    It absolutely is in the same realm. Now if you wanted to compare surgery to surgery sure, but self administered medical devices can be compared to self administered medications. Now, prescription to prescription let’s talk contact lenses.

    But ultimately I wouldn’t be so angry if they weren’t restricting every legitimate means as well. This is like if the government were to make me jump through years of hoops to get hearing aids and then block me from buying some off a grey market medical device website. Rather than making mainstream options more available they’re pushing people further towards sketchier options.

    captainlezbian ,

    It happens in Catholicism sometimes because liberal Catholics just ignore shit and get ignored until they start leaving. The church has understood this since the Protestant reformation.

    captainlezbian ,

    Yeah I don’t believe in smartphones, I just have one. I don’t believe in crypto, I acknowledge it’s pointless.

    captainlezbian ,

    He just seems frustrated. And I respect that. I’m a nerd who’s often frustrated as well.

    captainlezbian ,

    I feel like he’s definitely the person to sit in Schwartz’s seat.

    captainlezbian ,

    If there is a hell may the demons tormenting him be women.

    captainlezbian ,

    No. It’s a theocracy and he doesn’t hold supreme power. Revolution in Iran will be a bloodbath. The best case scenario would’ve been something akin to the liberalization of Spain post Franco, but that’s highly unlikely.

    Theocracies aren’t known for their long term stability, but Iran is known for its being absolute hell to invade. The regime is likely to starve itself of something, be it food, money, reproductive labor, or skilled labor. It will be slow, turbulent, and ugly

    captainlezbian ,

    But it’s important to remember economic collapse doesn’t end a totalitarian regime. It weakens it, but so long as they can feed enough of their people for revolution to not be a matter of survival and they have the arms to stop everyone else it becomes a matter of their will and their ability to maintain internal control.

    captainlezbian ,

    In the coming days we’ll see the course. Last year there were feminist revolts and protests, many women and girls were executed for them. It’s clear there’s still a divided political will, but the theocracy has maintained its monopoly on violence. If anything is going to change for the better it’s likely going to involve some assassinations

    They’re fast. Pedestrians are furious: ‘fat’ ebikes divide Australian beach suburbs ( )

    Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians

    captainlezbian ,

    I love being able to report badly parked scooters. In my city it’s unfortunate that it’s the scooter companies that park them badly like putting them in the bike rack outside a bike shop

    captainlezbian ,

    What year and country am I in?

    Russia, 1917.

    Unfortunately that doesn’t narrow down much except really telling you to get anywhere else asap

    Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals ( )

    The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...

    captainlezbian ,

    But that does spare them from the ravages of guacamole and nopales

    captainlezbian ,

    I remember absinthe as delightful but I don’t remember it real well

    captainlezbian ,

    Nah, I’m just a girl who spent half a decade in college lol

    captainlezbian ,

    May he go the same way Alexander II did.

    captainlezbian ,

    He died of a common condition that afflicted world leaders at the time: pissing off anarchists

    captainlezbian ,

    I know at least 10-15 trans people irl. I met my also trans wife irl and not at a trans specific event. We know a lot of us.

    Maybe it’s where you live

    captainlezbian ,

    Or it’s just that I hang in very queer spaces. Because this isn’t just one area. But I’m always involved in local gay and kink scenes.

    Or maybe you keep winding up in weird places. Or it could be different countries. Idk

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