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boonhet ,

Cool, a replacement for GIFs too.

Next you'll tell me you can add sound to it and make AVIFs with sound, won't you?


Someone once said something to the tune of "Imagine if GIFs could have sound", to which people pointed out that those are just called videos.

boonhet ,

Hosting services behind a VPN I suppose

boonhet ,

Visited upstate NY a couple of years ago. They accounted for I'd say 30-40% of all traffic. Of course, upstate NY is basically the southern US of the northern US if you know what I mean.

boonhet ,

I was near lake Erie personally

boonhet ,

Higher-end motherboards have LCDs for that now

Otherwise I believe many still have lights?

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

boonhet ,

I feel that if Apple could have soldered the RAM back then, they would have.

Apple used to ship repair and upgrade kits with guides on how to apply them. Not sure they were as anti-repair then as they are now.

boonhet ,

Once met a man who said he loved assembly language because it was so much nicer than punch cards and FORTRAN, but C was OK too.

This was last year. In his defense though, he's been retired for years, used to work as a professor.

boonhet , (edited )
  1. Is that a real thing or a joke I'm too European to get?

  2. Where can I get this if it's real?

  3. Where can I just get Flamin' Hot Cheetos? Because they don't sell the damn thing in my country :(

Yours sincerely,

flaming anus enjoyer

boonhet ,

ARM and RISC-V are entirely different in that neither one is based on the other, but what they have in common is that they're both RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architectures. RISC is what makes ARM CPUs (in your phone, etc) so efficient and hopefully RISC-V will get there too.

x86 by comparison is Complex Instruction Set Computing, which allows for more performance in some cases, but isn't as efficient.

boonhet ,

Nah, the Complex instructions are ridiculously complex and the Reduced ones can still do a lot of stuff.

boonhet ,

You set out a container of water and wait for it to heat to 50C

But to be fair, the evaporation will cool it too much for this to work

boonhet ,

Cars too. Lots of marque or model specific forums still kicking it.

boonhet ,

I'm actually looking at something else for my first bike, but it does have a forum because it seems to have a huge fan base - I'm looking at older Ducati Monsters, particularly the 620.

boonhet ,

Lifelong iOS hater who moved to iOS 2 years ago here. They're different strokes for different folks.

If you're like I used to be, get an Android! Flash a custom ROM on it! All the freedom is amazing.

Now I have an iPhone. It may even lack some features Android has. It gets them slower. But the experience is ridiculously polished and consistent. This is a device I can't have fail on me.

I still use Linux on my gaming PC and one of my work laptops. I love it. I love fiddling with things. I just want my phone to be an appliance like my fridge now. I buy it and forget it for the next few years.

boonhet ,

I've done that once. Then I made the mistake of updating past the Android version it came with. Suddenly it was no better than most of the cheap androids I'd owned before that. It was the Oneplus 7 Pro and it just started lagging like hell 2 years in.

I'm now 2 years into my iPhone 13 mini, have also kept up with software updates and it hasn't slowed down at all.

boonhet ,

Worked at a company where the previous devs had implemented their own frameworks for front and backend. Obviously 200 was the only possible code.

boonhet ,

I had a cottonelle puppy so basically a toilet paper ad. But it's not even sold in my country, we have other brands.

boonhet ,

Religion, capitalism. Powerful groups want more people to have more children.

Luckily I'm in a progressive enough country that even in school we were taught that masturbation is a thing and not necessarily bad.

As for negative effects - if you do it TOO much, particularly with a very strong grip, then don't be surprised if, when having actual intercourse, you're just not feeling much and might be unable to reach orgasm. You might even be uninterested in your partner sexually. A few days without masturbation will fix it though, doesn't seem to be permanent. Day 2 without doing it and I couldn't keep my eyes (or hands) off my wife's body.

Sex was very infrequent for me and my wife in the last few months of her pregnancy, so that's how I know. Soon as we started doing it on a somewhat regular basis again, I opted to quit jerking it because I wanted to enjoy the real thing more, even if it's not every single day. No long-term negative effects that I've noticed.

boonhet ,

It's powered by there being enough of us wage slaves, which requires us to procreate, which is why red states in the US ban sex education, abortion, etc.

Of course, other capitalists have realized they can show ads on porn

boonhet , (edited )

Depends on the situation. I'm working and my wife is currently a SAHM because the little one is quite tiny indeed. When I get home after work I take the baby off her hands for a while because I KNOW my wife had a more exhausting day than I did because of the little demonsangels. And anything the 3yo needs, I'll be there for her so she doesn't bother mom with everything.

Sometimes it does feel like I'm babysitting or giving her a break, because she for sure spends way more time and energy on them throughout the day.

boonhet ,

For real, does the entirety of a sexual encounter consist of penis-in-vagina for him? I prefer there to be like an hour of foreplay and I'm a dude. I mean I could go right away too, but the feeling is very, very different for myself too, not just my partner.

boonhet ,

It might power 36k households on average but definitely not during times of any serious load.

At night all I've got running for several hours is my fridge.

boonhet ,

Battery degradation is ridiculously unpredictable. I've seen 100 cycle batteries at 75% and 2500 cycle batteries over 90%. I only dealt with like 5 MacBook models

boonhet ,

But also keep in mind that it's usually air temperature being measured, with surface temperatures being even worse than that!

boonhet ,

See on väärt oskus, meid on lausa tosinaid!

boonhet ,

Saw an article that said that some execs demanded for search to have better user retention. I.e make the user search multiple times to find what they're looking for, so they can be shown more ads.

boonhet ,

I ran Gentoo for about 3 years (and will likely return soon) and I reckon there are plenty of really advanced Ubuntu users who know more about how my system works than I do.

Any mainstream general purpose distro can do mostly anything and can be used by power users. Some should ONLY be used by power users, but that doesn't make them inherently better than a distro that both a newbie and a power user can understand and use.

You know why I use Gentoo? Literally the bragging rights. I doubt I'm optimizing things THAT much with my fancy compiler flags.

boonhet ,

But GNOME itself is odd now. Or unfamiliar at least.

boonhet ,

Mine nearly doubled over 2 years. They cited increased costs of parts and repair work. Might be true, might not be. Might be they increased prices more than their costs did.

boonhet ,

I've honestly been considering giving up my car for an electric scooter for the summer - my wife will keep her car, so we can still go to places with the family, but I don't need a car for my work commute. At the same time, I'm too lazy to wake up early enough to walk.

Helps that I live in a medium sized European town. Escooters and bikes are very viable - and you can rent them for a low fee too, from multiple providers (I do wish they didn't each require their own app, but of course they do).

Which movies have aged like fine wine? (either in their message or cinematography)

I recently saw 'Don't Look Now' (1973). Good picture, a little slow perhaps by today's standards but worthy of any movie enjoyer's time! So this movie was shot in Venice. Venice itself being an already beautiful spot to film even today. The way we get to look in a time capsule of Venice in the 70s makes the movie that much...

boonhet ,

It's a novelty account. They promo the Barbie movie whereever possible.

How do you stop making excuses?

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the issue of making excuses for everything. I don't just mean excusing your unfinished chores by saying "I have ADHD", I mean excuses and fabrications in general - at work, you might say you're nearly finished with a project, but really you're halfway done at best, at home you might say you...

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