@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar


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bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I'd argue that searching around a slew of webpages to find a download button (without clicking an ad that imitates a download button), then running the .exe while making sure to uncheck the 4 or 5 pieces of adware they try to slip in without you noticing, then having to remember to update it manually now and then, is much more of a sketchy pain in the ass than running a single command to install everything from your kernel, to your web browser, all of which is tightly vetted and comes from a monitored set of servers.

Also, if you really want a "click to install" most DE's have a software store that either acts as a frontend for your package manager, or just uses flatpaks.

I'd argue this is just what people are used to, and Windows has taught people that terminal=scary/hacky.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

If you look into PlayStation from a software angle, it makes perfect sense. Sony has always been pretty pro-unix.

They had an official Linux kit for the PS2 (came with a custom Linux distro on a CD, a HDD, and a KB+M).

OtherOS was also a selling point on the PS3, and was only ditched when they realized it opened the door to major security risks.

Further, CellOS, the operating system for the PS3, and OrbisOS, which is the base operating system for the PS4 and PS5, are all based on FreeBSD.

So, a lot of their hardware is designed around Unix systems already. I know all their controllers since the Dualshock 3 are natively supported by the Linux kernel (no dongles or drivers needed in theory).

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Do you have examples of issues? The only hardware incompatibilities I've ever experienced were with my VR headset.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Me and my sister have a running joke casting for a movie of the Uncharted games, I'm pretty sure Danny DeVito was Sully and Mel Gibson was Elena. I'd rather watch something that stupid than something as uninspired as this.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah... i don't understand why this is a good move. Sacrificing an element that would noticably improve a core aspect of the games design for the sake of not looking at a picture for a few seconds on startup? Seems completely backwards if you ask me.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I did consider that when I made my comment. And keep in mind I do see where they're coming from. It's not like I'm calling them stupid for this decision. I personally just see it as a massive overcorrection for something that will, in the grand scheme, have virtually no effect on the quality of the game for literally anyone besides the person who made this decision.

I know it's not the best comparison, but to me it would be like if RTX support required an RTX logo, and a major studio just removed RTX from their game, not for any performance or quality issues, but solely for a logo. Again, it just seems like an overcorrection for a non-issue. I'll admit, I sometimes get annoyed by intro logos, but never enough to the point where I'd think it's worth removing features to get rid of them.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

You ever look at how much a basic, non-powered, used wheelchair costs?

These high prices come with the fact that by definition, the equipment can be incredibly specialized. Unfortunately this is something most people with any sort of disability are probably completely used to.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

The SOCOM and Syphon Filter games are great if you want some shooters.

Ratchet and Clank Size Matters rocks too

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Debian. Same base, no extra bs. Rock solid and reliable. Outdated packages are a non-issue for a casual user. Gaming needs a bit of configuration but it perfectly doable. Installation is apparently difficult but... I don't know where that comes from. It may not be Calameres-smooth but it's perfectly understandable even to a novice.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Man I've got really conflicted feelings about this game. I do think it's great, and will probably be picking up Phantom Liberty next sale, but I never know whether to appreciate the devs for sticking with it and making sure their work lived up to expectations, or to be frustrated that I basically had to wait a year for a full product after buying for $80 CAD on day one (my own mistake, I foolishly thought CD Project was immune to such blunders). I guess it's a bit of both. I do really appreciate all the hard work, I just wish that wasn't on top of a bunch of frustration and disappointment.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

This is true. However, even as a young person I remember the times where a game being released meant it was done, and if it was butchered, that was that. There was no second chance for the studio because the community absolutely wouldn't trust them.

Now, that's standard. Every AAA game is just assumed to basically be barely functional until 6+ months post launch. People have to say "why would you buy a game day one?" as if it's a ridiculous notion to want to purchase a product that has been released onto a market. That sucks. It sucks that something that used to be a fun hobby is now a seedy grey market full of vitriole.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Debian might at least be worth a look. It's been around for ages and is incredibly stable. No, it's not bleeding edge, but there's always Debian Sid (unstable).

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Never liked XBox controllers. They feel fat and clunky, especially trying to use the bumpers, I feel like I have to strain my fingers. I also hate the way the sticks feel in general, theres something about the friction curves that's just... off. Idk how to describe it. Also, no gyroscope. I will praise the triggers on the XBox one controllers though. I like the shape and the amount of travel they have, I think they rock for racing games.

My favourite controller is the Dualshock 4. Haven't had a chance to try the Dualsense but even that looks a little bloated. The DS4 is lean, has all the features I want, and those thumbsticks are the best I've used on a stock controller. You can practically use them like a trackpoint on a laptop, they're very precise and great for use with a linear response curve in shooters with zero deadzone.

I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again! ( i.imgur.com )

Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory....

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Warms my crusty heard seeing tech saved from a landfill. Good job

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape ( www.gamespot.com )

I don't think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I'm letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

They've actually stated within the last year that they are in fact considering moving away from the games industry if certain things dont happen for them. This came out during the whole court proceedings surrounding their attempted Activision buyout.

I can't remember the details and I'm too lazy to look into it again lol. There are some interesting articles out there tho

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Ground Branch on PC has some of the best I've ever seen. NPCs will, for example, if shot in the neck, clutch their throat and dynamically transition into a ragdoll as their animations become more sloppy until they go completely limp. It's actually kind of unsettling how brutal it is.

What's sad is that this game is a low budget passion project made by former Rainbow Six devs (the OG R6 games), not a AAA game backed by a massive corperation.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I personally really like it. It's rough around the edges, but IMO it does a good job of bringing back the feel of those old R6 games. Enemy AI is really good and you can customize their skill in a pretty granular manor (cones of vision, reaction times, full auto burst lengths, and much more, rather than just Easy, Medium and Hard). There's a handful of nice levels each with a few types of missions, really nice weapon and gear customization, very snappy and authentic gunplay.

My biggest gripe is a lack of friendly AI. However, I believe this is planned, so it's just a matter of time. It's still a lot of fun lone wolf or co-op

How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas ( sherwood.news )

There are lots of reasons to want to shut off your car’s data collection. The Mozilla Foundation has called modern cars “surveillance machines on wheels” and ranked them worse than any other product category last year, with all 25 car brands they reviewed failing to offer adequate privacy protections....

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

2015 is about the absolute latest year I'll shop for for numerous reasons. Apparently privacy is a new one for that list.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

2010 to 2015 is my golden era. All the creature comforts like bluetooth, heated seats, etc, reliable, efficient engines (companies like Toyota and Honda still use most of the engines that were used in this era), but none of the big tech additions we've seen since.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

99% positive. Wayland works flawlessly. HDR didn't cause issues (all AMD hardware).

The only issues I have off the top of my head are

1: Some icons in the system tray and system settings menu (the 'Clipboard' icon on the dock and the 'Touchscreen' tab in settings, and a couple others) display as a blank rectangle sometimes. Other times, they display as they should. Haven't even bothered looking for a solution as it doesn't effect usability in the slightest.

2: Certain pop up menus for dock applets, ie the Bluetooth applet, display incorrectly. I actually saw a post of another user having this issue, where the window only shows as a small square, and can require a re-log to actually make it work.

Other than these minor glitches, nothing has given me any issues.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

One 1.5 cup french press in the morning. Very rarely, mainly if I'm really busy for an entire day straight, I'll grab an iced coffee from McDonalds or Starbucks sometime around lunch as a boost.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

My go-to for a workaround to networking issues is to use USB Tethering from my phone. Most Android phones from the past decade or so should support it, not sure about Apple. It's super handy because all the configuration is done via the phone, so the computer needs no drivers or settings. Just plug n play until you get things set up on the computer.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Bounced on my boys joystick to this for hours

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Wouldn't it be nice to not have your info spread across thosands of accounts that you yourself even implied you don't keep track of?

What sony pulled, and coporate moves like it, are at least in part a result of people saying "meh, what's one more account, I've already got thousands."

We as a community aren't an immaculate entity. Companies don't just make these moves out of nowhere, they analyze what we're willing to do so they can take advantage of those things to make money. That's not some sleazy secret scheme, thats basic market research. If we collectively show we do actually care about this stuff and won't supoort their business when they do it, it might not happen so often.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I mind.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Sony went back on the PSN requirement. No one on PC needs to sign in to anything other than Steam.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah as an Arch user I disagree. Imo a handheld meant to be a plug and play system would hugely benefit from a stable OS with a laid back update schedule. You don't see PlayStation pushing constant updates the second BSD packages get new versions.

As others have said, Valve has their own immutable release system, so it doesn't really matter. In this case, the rolling release has even less to do with it. They likely chose Arch due to the up to date packages which benefit gaming.

bigmclargehuge , (edited )
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Remember when telemetry/data collection across the internet was often optional and pretty minor?

The more shit we absentmindedly agree to because it's not really a big deal in the short term, the worse it gets in the long term.

If I play a game on Steam, then Playstation, EA, Ubisoft, etc should all fuck off. I already gave those companies my money, it's insulting that that isn't enough anymore.

Edit: great point I just saw someone else mention, the fact that Sony has allowed over 100 million users' data to be exposed due to various breaches by bad actors over the past 15 years. At least one of those times, the data was revealed to be nowhere near as secure as it should have been.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Why is that too high of a bar to clear? I'm not saying every game should be open source from day one (and tbh I think the people who say all software should be free have their head up their ass. People worked on it, some people want to get paid for that work).

However, how does it hurt Ubisoft to wait 5 or so years after shutting down the crew, then releasing the source code? By then, anything relevant to a competitor looking to ape off them, or a bad actor looking to cheat or carry out an attack would be irrelevant, and it would at least give the community a chance at creating something from the leftovers (even a dummy server that doesn't allow multiplayer, but just lets the game pass any "can I connect to the master server" checks, kind of like what the Single Player Tarkov mod does).

I mean, Doom is the prime example. Would people care anywhere near as much about Doom if it never went open source? It would be a great game, but it would probably no longer be relevant. I can't see that as being a bad thing for most companies (although I'm perfectly aware that the suits of major game studios will never see it that way).

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I got into linux right before all the snap drama really blew up (it did exist but didn't seem to be quite as hot of a topic). I really liked my experience with Ubuntu, but seeing where Canonical has taken it, I'd never recommend it to anyone. I'd honestly advise newbies to use Debian. It's incredibly stable, has a fantastic and well established community, and has everything an average user would want without adding layers of confusion with things like snap.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

The reason no one is making HL3 is because no one wants to, at least not long term.

Idk if you know much about how Valve is structured as a game studio, but it's a bit atypical. It's not like Gabe Newell comes in and says "today everybody starts working on HL3", projects get greenlit and then whichever employees want to work on them are free to do so, and if they decide they're uninterested, for whatever reason, they can leave the project.

What this means, is that if a project starts to pick up steam (no pun intended) within the company, more and more people join in, and this creates a passionate team. Various Half-Life projects since Ep2 have been started, none were finished (until Alyx), not because they were decisively axed for more corporate reasons like many other games, but because for one reason or another, the devs became uninterested or burned out, and went to work on other things they actually wanted to work on.

I think at this point, the only way we'll ever see HL3 is if a team comes up with something completely groundbreaking and is absolutely dedicated to getting it done. Apparently, there just hasn't been that winning combo yet. I can't blame them, because if they half assed any aspect of it, they'd never hear the end of it.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Eyes open for my countries petition. Been wanting to support this for a while

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I love tactical shooters and, at its core, EFT is one of the best. By core, I mean the movement, gunplay, physics, sound design, etc. When the going is good, there is almost no experience as visceral as EFT.

What I personally think fucking sucks is basically everything else. Especially the tryhard, creatine-powder-snorting, sweatband wearing *community that has zero sympathy for people who actually have a life and want a really detailed tactical shooter, without dedicating 15 hours a week into researching bullet penetration and common camping spots. Couple that with devs who seem to show active distaste for a lot of their more casual fans, and casual gamers in general, and you end up with a really mixed bag.

I'm one of the people who had this game completely revived for me by the single player mod, SPT-AKI. I can play on my own, with progression, and slightly more laid back difficulty, while still enjoying challenging AI and some of the best gunfights in gaming. I would absolutely love to play an official pve mode, I absolutely refuse to pay $250 for it.

*edit: this only obviously describes a portion of the community. Should clarify that I know there are plenty of players that this doesn't describe.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

It doesn't really matter though, because Wine is mature enough that it's not a hacky diy fix, it's a viable solution. None of the games I play run any worse on Linux than they did on Windows, and some run better. The vast majority of people don't care whether it's native or not, they just want it to work.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Worth mentioning that Helldivers is hugely and openly influenced by Starship troopers, which although not as big as something like D&D, is still pretty well known in pop-culture to this day, at least in the sci-fi circles.

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I have to say i own a decent amount of Corsair hardware (kb+m, RAM, SSD and PSU), and none has ever given me an issue. Most of it I got a few years back so maybe that was before they declined?

Compared to Razer, where I've owned 3 mice and all of them failed one way or another. Decent keyboards though.

Easily find program name from context menu/without terminal?

I occasionally need to know the names of programs. I asked here about "Run as Administrator" being added to the context menu (like in Windows), and the response was basically "can't be easily done". an example is if I wish to edit a config file it cannot be done without accessing the terminal. Knowing the name "gedit" is the...

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar


People want to know because you're asking how to do something that (whether you like it or not) is unorthodox and can cause issues. People want to know if the ROOT of your issue is solvable via orthodox means that won't cause issues.

Even in your other post, you were asking how to run a program with sudo via a context menu, but you didn't say why you needed to. You aren't giving us info on the root of your problem OR end goal, only the means you want to use to get there. There could easily be a simple way to achieve your goal, but via different means. People want to help but it can be difficult for them to give directions when they don't have a point of origin or a destination.

Not trying to be an ass, just trying to give some insight as to why you may not be getting the answers you hoped for, and why some people might seem like they're actively avoiding giving them to you.

bigmclargehuge OP ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Linux audio is really under appreciated. I'm one of the nutjobs that still uses a PCI sound card and I've never had to install a third party driver. I can manually adjust the output and EQ for every port, disable or enable them on the fly, etc. The only thing I'm missing is hardware EAX support for older games but I've kind of accepted that's just a dragon I'll always be chasing.

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