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bastion ,

I don't have a horse in this race, but man, let it drop. The person who's fighting for ridiculous improbabilities here is you. Nobody you're arguing with in this thread is even making a claim that Magic Jesus existed. Just that the man named Jesus who is talked about by the early Christians likely existed (which is scholarly consensus, not even a niche claim). They're specifically not claiming that the fantastical claims made by the early Christians about that man are true.

bastion ,

They are, in accordance with the teachings of Jim the Stegosaurus.

bastion ,

Kinda cringey.

bastion ,

Pretty clear that's the case here in the comments on this post.

bastion ,

shrug it's a post currently showing up in "all".

Go ahead and get another last word in if you like - you're arguing with your own ghosts, mostly. Have a good night.

bastion ,

It's kinda funny how fanatically people point out that it's the other side that's the problem.

bastion ,

Nah. Both sides are off their rockers. Absolute fucking nutters. One's just more violent. But neither can be trusted with any kind of control over others.

bastion ,

The debt is going to come calling, and I'm sure you'll blame Republicans, and I'm sure they'll blame you.

Perhaps I'll have my place self-sustaining by then, perhaps not. But I'll be sure to keep plenty of popcorn stocked.

bastion ,

Don't know why you were downvoted here..

bastion ,

What you probably want is a dmz or red/green localnets. A reverse proxy (as others have mentioned) like haproxy or nginx) are extremely unlikely to, themselves, be hacked. But they don't really add security, either.

What does add security is to have a router with a firewall, with one or more red networks, and a green network.

The red network has all of your public-facing servers. They have virtually no external access, and no internal access except to respond. It's even good to have a rule on the router that you can turn on/off that blocks all outbound connections from the red network to the external world. To upgrade a server, turn off the rule, upgrade, and then turn the rule on again. The router only forwards inbound connections from the internet on a specific port, and routes them to the server/servers on the red network(s) on a (possibly different) specific port.

Most ownage-style hacks involve (once compromised) either calling home (can't if the server is not allowed outbound connections) or opening an additional port (who cares, the router will never forward anything to that port).

Then, back up your important info, and keep multiple copies of that info - daily for a week, monthly for a few months, and yearly.

bastion ,

Indeed. It doesn't even trend towards consistency.

It's much like the pattern-matching layer of human consciousness. Its function isn't to filter for truth, its function is to match knowns and potentials to patterns in its environment.

AI has no notion of critical thinking. It is purely positive "thinking", in a technical sense - it is positing based on what it "knows", but there is no genuine concept of self, nor even of critical thinking, nor even a non-conceptual logic or consistency filter.

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

bastion ,

Third and fourth-gen nuclear would be helpful.

bastion ,

Speaking from seeing someone in this actual situation:

If you are treated like shit because you're the only white kid in a black school, and grow up fearing black people, rather than recognizing that that was a local cultural tendency towards racism, not some universal behavior that black people have, it's that racism?

Yes, it is racism. Even though in some cases, your fear is justified, thinking that black people in general will be racist is, itself, racist.

More to the point, though, it's trauma - and people should understand that as well. Sexism and racism are not OK, but they are understandable. They don't get fixed by only calling them out, though that is important. They require emotional work - both by people involved directly and by society at large.

So is OP's post sexist? Absolutely. Is it understandable? Absolutely. ..and both the sexism and the underlying causes that the sexism is a reaction to need to be addressed, by all parties.

bastion ,

Pretty solid take.

bastion ,


[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

bastion ,

I don't hate that people choose to be vegan. I hate the self-righteous bullshit humans get about veganism, science, religion, politics, and anything else they start considering a moral high ground.

You don't have a moral high ground. You have a biological and/or social niche. That's enough to be proud of, without dissing other people's shit, or pretending yours doesn't stink.

bastion ,

That moral high ground you're claiming looks to me like just another niche for life to exist. ..but you're not going to stop predation, carnivorous or omnivorous. That you think it's a good idea to do so is just eye-rollingly banal.

bastion ,

Yep. It's not the way of life, it's the pretentious self-righteousness, and most people aren't that way. Is like the 'bad Christians' fucking it up for all the ones that are basically love-and-forgiveness believers that are largely benign.

Most people - Christians, vegans, meat eaters, or whatever - are generally pretty chill. It's the inciters that suck.

bastion ,

I eat animals I grow, except in a few exceptional circumstances - minimal enough that, if everybody ate meat the way I do, the industry would fall.

It's good you're living up to what you believe in. It's a bad idea to live off of suffering you can't yourself bear.

bastion ,

Lol I didn't downvote you, and your self-righteousness is more of a block to getting the industry changed than it is a benefit.

Swallow your pride, don't be a dick. Be humble, be honest about how you feel, and live up to your own ideals. But being an insufferable twat just drives people away from your ideals - you should really only do that to insufferable twats, otherwise, the thing you stand for isn't saving animals, it's self-righteous intolerance - and people look at you and think "glad I'm not like that guy."

Win the hearts and minds, don't just stab people for being wrong - or you'll keep stabbing until you finally stab yourself to death.

bastion ,

I do what I can to give my animals a good life. Mostly, that means keeping them protected and giving them a lot of space.

I definitely hate factory farming. It's a cancer, and allows people to eat meat without processing death. ..and so, in soft ways that have hard consequences, they look away from death, and look away from any conflict -or only enough to decry it, and complain that someone should do something about it. But that mentality pervades everything they do.

Thanks for contributing to the ultimate destruction of factory farming. You have my respect.

bastion ,

Not "especially", but "specifically" POW. I don't agree about their worthlessness, but even if I did, it's POW that's shitting on the environment, not other systems.

bastion ,

Well said. Solid facts.

bastion ,

I do say that with certainty. And I didn't claim that proof of stake has no environmental impact - it just doesn't have more impact than, for example, a web server.

If I start a carbon-neutral wing of an oil company, of course it doesn't make an oil company carbon-neutral. However, that doesn't impact the real value of other companies that actually are carbon neutral.

Similarly, Ethereum is, by far, not a "green" tech, and their usage of proof of stake can easily and reasonably be called greenwashing if they don't also severely limit the usage of POW.

Proof of Stake, though, is not a power-hungry tech, period. And it is a means for crypto to become, overall, a nominal energy user. There are other chains out there (cardano, algorand, nano, and many others) that don't use PoW and that use reasonable amounts of energy.

I appreciate your passion for the environment. But misrepresentation does not help your case, though misrepresentation may help those your fight.

bastion ,

Love the love, hate the hate. It's a good default.

bastion ,

Why are people always so dualistic in their categorizations?! What if I want to be able to afford rent and fuck monsters?!

bastion ,

Not true! She ate a monkey yesterday. ..and she grabbed it before she ate it.

bastion ,

You're thinking of laws in terms of obedience. Law is about agreed-upon structure (sometimes functional, often dysfunctional).

Enforcement is about obedience, and comes up when people don't go along with the agreed-upon structure. When the structure is made poorly, enforcement has harmful consequences.


  • food stamps (law)
  • no stealing (law)
  • preventing theft or multiple-subscription to food stamps (enforcement)
  • the wilderness act (law)
  • suing the government for not following the wilderness act (enforcement)

Law and enforcement are closely linked, but definitely distinct.

They have the authority to create structure (pass laws) regarding foreign powers operating within the States. So they pass laws (create structure) that state the agreed-upon structure, and enable that structure to be enforced.

bastion ,

Except we do have that power. There's reasonable national security risk, and your lack of understanding of the dynamics involved doesn't make them nebulous to others.

In any case, if you don't like it, vote with your life choices. If it's not that important, well..'s not that important.

bastion ,

You do have a right to be alive, if you can gather the food to put in your mouth and get shelter (in most climates), and defend yourself from predators.

'Earning a living' is just some way people can do that. But you still need to defend against the predators.

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