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bassomitron ,

With the supreme Court overturning the Chevron decision last week, I'm not so sure that any federal regulatory bodies have much power anymore unless there's a specific law passed by Congress. That's what made that decision so dangerous, because the same applies to the FDA now regarding drugs and food.

bassomitron ,

Ackshually, being too close to high power radio frequencies isn't safe. I remember at one base I was stationed at in Afghanistan, there was a smoke spot we all used to take breaks at. For some reason, I started developing really bad headaches and feeling kind of nauseous. I figured I was just acclimating to the local climate or something. After a few weeks, I was up on our building installing one of our satcom dishes on top of it when I noticed something. Right on the other side of the fence of that smoke area, was a ~2m high powered dish pointing just above above where the smoke area was. I pointed this out to the Norwegians that ran the camp and the break area was promptly moved, lol.

But seriously, I do not understand the anti-5G nutters.

bassomitron ,

Yeesh, I didn't even know there were consumer grade WiFi transceivers that were strong enough to cover such a massive area. Was it a small farm or just a big property? That had to have been a pretty expensive WiFi system regardless. Did you use Ubiquiti directional access points or something?

I have a sister that runs a small family farm and she asked my brothers and me (3 of us have IT backgrounds/careers) for viable coverage solutions to their various livestock areas. We settled on just running copper to one barn from her house and broadcasting from there with a few repeaters equipped with trunk channels in order to maintain full duplex.

bassomitron ,

Afaik, it'll just use a cached login

bassomitron ,

Ah, I misunderstood. If there's no Internet during initial install, pretty sure it'll just default to using local. I'm not 100% certain, though, as I've not setup a totally offline install in a long time. I also haven't used any edition of Windows that wasn't at least Professional or Enterprise, so I'm guessing there's differences there as well for account management.

bassomitron ,

Yikes, that's ridiculous. Microsoft incompetence and greed at its finest.

bassomitron ,

Legitimate question, is Russia still able to get all the materials required to make nuclear ICBMs?

bassomitron ,

These companies don't care about combating bots. They don't even care they're directly enabling the rise of fascism across the globe. It's typical short sighted capitalistic greed that's driving their lust for higher and higher engagement to sell more and more ads. They simply don't think about that once fascism is fully in place, capitalism goes away and their companies are at the complete mercy of whatever dictator takes over. And since it's a global phenomenon, there will be no where for them to flee to.

bassomitron ,

Eh, Putin is primarily interested in taking over old USSR territory and restoring Russia to their former power. Even he isn't dumb enough to intentionally fire a bullet at a NATO member, as it would not go well in his favor. Sure, they have nukes, but a lot has changed in the last ~40 years. It isn't even certain his nukes could hit many of their critical targets before being shot down or have their guidance systems meddled with. I'm not sure he could even really rely on China backing him up, as they wouldn't see much value in going head to head with NATO. They're much more inclined towards the long term strategy that's been working quite well for them so far.

With that being said, I hope I'm not proven wrong. War is horrific and I truly wish for me and my offspring to never see the day another world war breaks out.

bassomitron ,

You can almost be certain other countries' intel agencies were watching the entire time.

andrew , to Selfhosted avatar

Netris: An open-source cloud gaming platform (GeForce NOW alternative) that can be self-hosted, integrates your Steam game library.


bassomitron ,

Is there a big advantage to using Moonlight/Sunshine vs the built-in Steam remote play feature? I regularly stream from my desktop to my Steam Deck without too many issues, although sometimes I get weird minor problems (e.g. Banishers Ghosts of New Eden will be noticeably darker, Elden Ring will get random "flashes" where the screen kind of blinks for a split second from time to time). These issues are hardly a big deal for me, so I'm more curious than seeking a true alternative.

bassomitron ,

I always said way back in the early 2000s that once corporations figured out the internet, it and society in general would be very screwed. Their early attempts at trying to make things go viral and create engagement were laughably bad. Then they hired a bunch of psychologists and sociologists, bought up everything, and the rest is history.

bassomitron ,

This has nothing to do with their newer malfunctioning planes. The 777 has been in service for over 30 years at this point.

bassomitron ,

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a mixture of the two. It's kind of like if you surround yourself with criminals regularly, you're more likely to become one yourself. Not to say it's a 100% given, just more probable.

bassomitron ,

I'm not hoping anything, haha wtf? The comment above me asked if it was a proven statement or common sense and I said I wouldn't be surprised if it's both. I felt confident that if I googled it, there would more than likely be studies backing up a common sense statement like that, as I've read in the past how sending innocent people or people who committed minor misdemeanors to prison has influenced them negatively to commit crimes they might not have otherwise.

And look at that, there are academic articles that do back it up:

Negative Social Environment

Who we’re around can influence who we are. Just being in a high-crime neighborhood can increase our chances of turning to crime ourselves.4 But being in the presence of criminals is not the only way our environment can affect our behaviors. Research reveals that simply living in poverty increases our likelihood of being incarcerated. When we’re having trouble making ends meet, we’re under intense stress and more likely to resort to crime.

Time in prison can actually make someone more likely to commit crime — by further exposing them to all sorts of criminal elements.

Etc, etc.

Turns out that your dominant social group and environment influences your behavior, what a shocking statement.

bassomitron ,

Because it's a casual discussion, I think it's obnoxious when people constantly demand sources to be cited in online comments section when they could easily look it up themselves. This isn't some academic or formal setting.

And I disagree, only the second source mentioned prisons explicitly. The first source mentions social environments as well. So it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Additionally, even if you consider the second source, that source mentions punishment reforms to prevent that undesirable side effect from occuring.

I find it ironic that you criticized me for not citing sources and then didn't read the sources. But, whatever. Typical social media comments section moment.

bassomitron ,

Again, in casual conversation where no one was really debating, it's obnoxious. When you're talking to friends in real life and they say something, do you request sources from them? No, because it'd be rude and annoying. If you were debating them in earnest and you both disagreed on something, sure, that would be expected.

But that wasn't the case here, the initial statement was common sense: If pedophiles are allowed to meet up and trade AI generated child sex abuse material, would that cause some of them to be more likely to commit crimes against real kids? And I think the answer is pretty obvious. The more you hang around people who agree with you, the more an echo chamber is cultivated. It's like an alcoholic going into a bar without anyone there to support them in staying sober.

Anyway, it's your opinion to think asking for sources from strangers in casual conversation is okay, and it's mine to say it can be annoying in a lot of circumstances. We all have the Internet at our fingertips, look it up in the future if you're unsure of someone's assertion.

bassomitron ,

Not entirely true in my anecdotal experience. Most of the original deniers I know personally now say that climate change is real, just that it's not man-made and there's nothing we can do about it. I remember around a few years ago I even convinced my boss that climate change is in fact real (he couldn't come up with a valid reason to explain picture and video evidence), but he refuses to accept humans are causing it. It's still equally frustrating, nonetheless.

bassomitron ,

Right, I was just pointing out that there are plenty who do believe in climate change, but are still missing/refusing to see the underlying cause and support reform.

bassomitron ,

Nobody can be excited for anything. Whether or not it's possible in even the next century or two, I still think it's awesome that there are dreamers out there trying to make at least a solid theoretical plan on how to accomplish stuff like this. I also think people are discounting the exponential rate of knowledge we accumulate every generation. It might be awhile, but unless society collapses, I wouldn't be surprised if we have interstellar propulsion like this in the next couple centuries. Hell, I expect to see a thriving commercial space industry in the next 50-some-odd years within our solar system.

bassomitron ,

That would be Russia, is my guess:

The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance, prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.

bassomitron ,

What if it's tied to your new identity? But idk, starting your whole library over from scratch... Better hope that insurance payout is nice.

bassomitron ,

That's such a good point I hadn't considered. This stuff would've absolutely fucked up the plumbing in most places. Not to mention the sewage treatment facility's filters having to deal with all that debris.

bassomitron ,

Isn't windows 11 doing that now? I only use it at work and I think only Home Editions are affected.

bassomitron ,

Oh damn, I didn't realize this was out of EA. I impulse purchased it a couple years ago and it felt pretty lackluster, but I recognized it had a lot of potential so I shelved it rather than refund. Looks like they've added a ton of content and gameplay changes, so I'll definitely check it out again. Hopefully they implement native controller support, as it seems like a perfect candidate for Steam Deck (yes, I know about Steam Input configs, but those are sometimes pretty hacky and don't feel all that great in a lot of games).

bassomitron ,

I'm super jealous. Whenever we decom servers at work, we're required to fill out paperwork and provide proof that all HDDs and SSDs were properly destroyed (i.e. rendered completely unusable and wiped) and turned in to our disposal department. The servers themselves also have to be handed over to them. I'm not sure what they do with the servers, but I'm guessing they either repurpose them as emergency replacements for other sites that have hardware failures or they bulk sell them at auctions or something.

bassomitron ,

Our SSDs just have to be wiped but we still have to document and provide proof they were wiped and turned in. HDDs and tapes are a different story and a pain in the ass, though.

bassomitron ,

I'd add that local charities will know their communities far better than outside organizations. The locals will likely trust them to a much higher degree versus foreigners. As a result, there's likely to be less waste as communities will be less likely (obviously not a given) to steal/hoard from themselves versus simply taking resources from outsiders who they have no connection/relationship with.

Of course there are exceptions, particularly for those communities that have been so damaged and are so desperate that this approach isn't likely to succeed. I'm not a international aid expert though, just my two cents.

bassomitron ,

You underestimate the PRC's capabilities. There's a reason their cyber warfare capabilities are considered to be among the best if not the best in the world. They did the same thing to the US's Office of Personnel Management databases back in the early 2010s. It's pretty ingenious, as it allows them to know who everyone works for, how much they get paid, and other useful intel. Additionally, if you ever waged a war, hacking the government's finance office so soldiers aren't getting paid would be incredibly effective at demoralizing troops and hurting their effectiveness (e.g. soldiers are stressed/distracted about family at home losing their house, not being able to buy food/pay other bills, etc).

bassomitron ,

That's a deep rabbit hole (no pun intended). I know it's blasphemy to mention the other site around here, but check out the r/locallama subreddit. It covers more models than just LLaMA. There are literally thousands of variations at this point, so preferences are quite subjective based on your use case and your best bet is just to begin researching on your own for your intended purposes and available resources. Huggingface is the main model repository, as well.

bassomitron ,

Yeah, the pirate could easily be the lynchpin that brought them together.

bassomitron ,

It's partly because of Top Gun and some other recent pop culture occurrence I can't recall off the top of my head. But yeah, I know several people at work who recently started doing it as well, and one of them mentioned that as their inspiration. I'm guessing a few started bc of that and more followed suit, because why not or something.

bassomitron , (edited )

You'd be surprised. Just Google it, there are tons of pop magazines and websites that discuss it and how it was trending on TikTok for awhile after the movie came out. And just to add, most fads begin with celebrities/influencers starting them across the various age demographics.

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped ( )

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...

bassomitron ,

They don't want to get rid of the cartels. The DEA has a vested interest in staying relevant, as it's part of the whole law enforcement industrial complex. Hell, one of the deadliest cartels' soldiers were previously trained by American special forces back in the day ( ). Guess who trained Taliban? You got it, the US. Who trained many of the guerrillas that would turn into tyrants in South America? Correctomondo, the US once again. We love to destabilize regions for corporate interests.

bassomitron ,

The academic paper system has been in trouble for decades. But man, the last 10-20 years seems to have reached such an abysmal state that even the general public is hearing about it more and more with news like this, along with the university scandals last year.

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