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OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions ( )

According to the latest reports, Windows 11 has made an independent choice by automatically turning on OneDrive folder backup for Desktop, Pictures, Documents, Music, and Video folders without your permission. This signifies that, whether you approve or not, everything is becoming coordinated with the cloud....

archomrade ,

It cannot be that profitable to have just a bunch of random data on their servers. I have so much junk and random bullshit on my drives, it would take a week of labor just to clean my shit well enough to use it for AI training and as soon as I got any notification about cloud space being full i'd turn syncing off - i sure as hell wouldn't fork over any money for a subscription. This is such a big bridge to burn, and the server overhead must be massive.... I just don't understand how they could possibly think this is a good business decision.

Idk, maybe i'm just too deep into privacy/FOSS/selfhosting headspace to see things clearly from the normal-consumer standpoint but I just do not understand this. I really wish someone would leek an internal conversation at one of these companies that explains the big-picture strategy with this move.

archomrade ,

I guess... I am still very skeptical the profit margin even if some people do end up paying for the storage. We're talking about petabytes on petabytes of data.... How many people need to pay a cloud subscription fee to pay for the overhead of the servers?

Idk. This is super suss to me but again, I am clearly not the target market for this service so maybe I don't have a firm grasp of the landscape.

archomrade ,

if you continue to try { thisBullshit(); } you are going to catch (theseHands)

This is the most beautiful thing I've read all year

archomrade ,

There's maybe two problems with this:

  • public housing is a part of the picture, and so are public libraries. The solution is certainly not to cut library spending just because there are homeless people using it
  • Thinking there being homeless people around is an issue that needs solving is itself pretty bigoted. Like, maybe you have a problem with people who haven't showered for a while? or people who use the library for personal activities because there are no better places for them to do them? But 'these people are a problem' itself becomes problematic because you've consolidated those qualities you find objectionable into a class of person, and that makes it really easy to forget/misplace/dismiss the humanity those people deserve.

It's a common attitude, so don't feel like i'm picking you out personally to scold. More people should be aware of how that attitude dehumanizes people experiencing shelter insecurity.

archomrade ,

People shit on China all the goddamn time here but they've done a prolific job becoming the tech and manufacturing leader in a handful of decades.

Blame it on tech espionage if you want but there's a reason the US is deadset on targeting Chinese imports, and it's hardly for any of the security reasons they might be tempted to claim it to be. The US is about to be left behind and it's noones fault but our own.

archomrade ,

Guess ill be trying my hand at building my own pfsense router

archomrade ,

This is the entire issue for me.

Privatizing what is otherwise public content, and then privatizing the models that are trained on that content and making me pay for having it regurgitated back at me.

I think AI would be really cool, IF:

  • it wasn't being shoved into every goddamn thing
  • it wasn't being used as justification to cut jobs
  • it was a open source project and wasn't being gatekept by capitalist interests
archomrade ,

Tinytina coyly laughing behind her hand actually made me angry

archomrade ,

I've never interacted with this comm but I'm following this saga with great interest

archomrade , (edited )

I think you basically need a private tracker for lidarr. The arr suite is mostly targeted toward collecting media of a particular quality and will sit on its hands if what it finds doesn't meet that standard

Music is also not well represented in the public indexers, so it's not surprising it doesn't always find what you're looking for

archomrade ,

BUT more money should be spent on renewables also.

If the US had been subsidizing renewable to the same degree as China instead of continuing to subsidize fossil fuels, we wouldn't be in a place to need to protect our renewable industry from their cheaper goods.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire problem is us not spending enough on renewables, not that China has 'undercut' anything

archomrade ,

My wife started giving me her electrolyte mix and feeding me sardines everyday and I can't tell you how much better I feel

It has magnesium in it, but I think it's the particular form of potassium in it that's hitting my deficiency. It tastes like potatoes and it's.... I guess it's not bad. Like drinking starch water.

Shout-out to my wife who i'd probably whither away and die without.

archomrade ,

YouTube started throwing playback errors for me this last week on pc (Firefox with ublock and pihole).

I was able to get around it by opening links in a container tab without being signed in. New container for each link

archomrade ,

Withholding support is direct action.

archomrade ,

It's the same as threatening a union strike to force concessions for collective bargaining.

The strike isn't the goal, but being willing to do it gives you power to negotiate.

archomrade ,

Hilary lost because she chose to alienate her progressive caucus and run a campaign focused on her opponent instead of her own policies.

Now that you mention it that does sound familiar. Biden should have the benefit of hindsight.

archomrade ,

A strike means things stop. A protest vote means things go backwards

Think of everything leading up to the election as the strike, and the company going bankrupt from the strike as the result of the election.

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

archomrade ,

Maybe it's because my schema for torrents is dichotomous with licensed uses, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.

Is the distinction you're making here between your proposed 'licensed private tracker' and something like a subscription-based catalogue (à la Audible) simply the way it's distributed (in this case a centralized vs peer-to-peer)?

I like the idea of distributed media networks, but I really doubt any copyright owner would go for a distribution network that they don't have any level of control over. The idea of an 'officially licensed private torrent tracker' seems incompatible with how that industry works.

I'd happily pay for an unlicensed private torrent tracker, though.

archomrade ,

Data should be socialized and machine learning algorithms should be nationalized for public use.

archomrade ,

This is still a problem with US based platforms, though.

I would think people of the fediverse of all places would feel strongly about allowing users to control their own curation rather than allowing private companies to dictate what individual users see.

archomrade ,

I don't think the source of propaganda is relevant to the distinction being made by the precedent. If TikTok can be considered propaganda, then so can Facebook or Twitter or Instagram because they all utilize algorithms subject to the control or manipulation by their owners.

archomrade ,

The same can be said of any us based social media company.

Idk this just feels like red scare propaganda

archomrade , (edited )

Pretty sure they are referencing a publicly available interview

edit: wild to me that people are downvoting a comment providing an additional source, but whatever I guess

archomrade ,

I'm not making a comparison between china and the us, I'm simply pointing out that banning chinese control over social media doesn't address the vulnerability of social media being manipulated against users by other parties.

If you have a problem with china owning a social media platform because they could potentially scew public perception through manipulative practices, then I would imagine the core of the issue isn't chinese ownership but the manipulative potential of social media algorithms generally.

I think most people would much prefer more transparent practices and user choice, such as what federated social media protocols provide. We shouldn't simply ban the one we fear, we should regulate them all so that users have more choice and control themselves.

archomrade ,

I think it just got hyper-politicized and segregated along political lines during the reddit migration.

You can pretty well predict the comment sentiment based on how the topic relates to political discourse. It's not surprising that a liberal-dominated instance would view TikTok through a political lense, even if it's super disappointing.

Other privacy-focused instances might see this less politically but has become centered around liberal politics.

archomrade ,

This has to be the greatest troll I've ever seen or else I'm a filthy commie.

archomrade ,

Between 1907 and 1937, over 30 U.S. states passed compulsory sterilization.

Woops, wrong thread.

archomrade ,

At a certain point you have to wonder what the value of liberal democracy is if it can't help but be compelled into materially supporting genocide.

archomrade OP ,

Yup, I ended up frankensteining a nas from various craigslist parts (i actually found a low-power business-class server motherboard that has worked out well for the purpose). Had to get a SAS HBA card and a couple SFF-8087 cables to do the job right, and I grabbed an old gaming case from the 2010's to hold it all, but it was relatively seamless. I had one of the drives go out already, but luckily I had it in a raid configuration with parity so it was just a matter of swapping out the drives and rebuilding.

It's been fun and rewarding, for sure! I'm glad I didn't sell them like these other dweebs told me to lol

archomrade ,

Apparently it's app only, which can't easily be adblocked

archomrade ,

We're ~ 5 degrees from mass crop failure and famine, and that's pretty well documented.

"Billions of people having crappier lives" is a weird way of describing starvation.

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