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ameancow ,

To everyone else reading down here, lot of people also don't really get this same idea with visual impairment and other handicaps.

There are a lot of people who are legally blind, but that just means they can't make out things at certain distances, and these are why we need things like high-visibility curbs and street markers and large-type text options and other accessibility features that able-bodied people in a wide field of industries often forget about and just assume either people are blind and won't be using their products, or will have perfect vision. When really there are far more people who are considered deaf or blind who can still enjoy many of the same things as someone with fully faculties and just need a little extra help.

I am only typing this out because we seem to entering a strange time in the developed world where more and more people are withdrawing from the social contract and not extending compassion towards others, particularly those with special needs.

When I was little I thought the future would be a bright and remarkable place where people took care of each other, because those were the messages you see on PBS shows like Mr Rogers and Sesame Street. Turns out, a LOT of people didn't watch those shows.

ameancow ,

This post is literally about how hard it is to get a formal diagnosis. Nobody said they don’t want to do it.

This post is about a doctor who makes money from her personal brand, website, books and speaking tours, telling people that getting a formal diagnosis is so hard that why should you bother. And now that you're emotionally validated, why not visit her blog, store or youtube channel and subscribe?

I genuinely don't know if her material is good or not, I tend to lean towards it being pabulum and watered-down schlock like literally any speaking-tour psychologist without even reading it. But lets not make any mistake about what's being peddled here and why.

I don't really appreciate discouraging people from getting professional care and diagnosis just because you have convinced yourself that your impersonal motivational messages are as good as personalized and in-depth care that a professional can offer.

ameancow ,

Oh good, another doctor who thinks her own book, website, blog and youtube channel are an adequate substitute for professional, personalized care and diagnosis.

"It's really hard to get a diagnosis, so why even bother trying? Just like the video and hit the bell for notifications!"

ameancow ,

I’m going to immediately distrust the motives.

Additionally, the data is self-reported surveys with questions like "Have you ever been contacted by someone from a company or corporation?" and... yeah? This part shouldn't be surprising to any platform that allows private messages. And "Have you ever seen someone promoting a product?" and most people are going to either shrug or already have a strong opinion, it's not very scientific for actual data on the actual traffic from bots and corporate shills, more how the human users feel about the platform.

I would much rather see an independent investigation from a technical point-of-view, which tracks the comments and timing of user comments to determine how many are actually bots just quietly gaining karma with innocuous comments, or how many are just programmed to go to certain subreddits at certain times to push a narrative.

ameancow ,

I doubt they’d be able to beat Raul Julia or Anjelica Huston.

I feel like these two have always been Gomez and Morticia. Even the series was just a pale imitation.

ameancow ,

Overused characters who don't have a lot of range, it would basically be watching Depp and Ryder in a romance together with some funny dialogue.

Gomez and Morticia require a style of acting that calls back to early romance movies and is overplayed and over-the-top while remaining classical and debonaire and oozing with romance. I can't see that chemistry with Depp and Ryder.

ameancow , (edited )


Been job hunting in similar fields for a while and as a middle-aged person, I simply cannot get a callback from any of these companies, then when you actually visit them and see some of their workforce, you rarely see anyone over late-20's, and it's all these high-energy, eager-to-please, eager-to-work-for-recognitionbucks, fresh-outta-college kids who can be exploited and turned over rapidly.

I am job hunting because the previous company I managed was bought out, downsized, and all the senior employees making more than entry level wages were cut. This is happening everywhere.

More and more technology, overseas outsourcing options, and general service/gig systems for filling job openings has left companies treating workers as disposable as toilet paper.

This is because almost every business is now part of a huge chain of ownership, and the shareholders at the top, groups of very rich old white dudes, just gather together in their hooded cloaks and look at the bars and graphs every month and decide what investments are to be amputated, and which to be kept. Before going back to their private sex islands.

ameancow ,

Absolutely correct, I watched this happen to our tech team before I was also thrown in the chipper.

And it doesn't help that a lot of the young people trying to get into coding and tech fields are not what you would call titans of confidence and charisma, these are mostly introverted and thoughtful people who have studied most of their lives under the belief that meritocracy exists, and they can prove themselves in the business world by doing great work and being a good employee.

Meanwhile glance over at the sales side of the building and there are people there making six figures a year who do next to nothing but party and tell lewd jokes, but are absolutely invulnerable to layoffs and downsizing as long as they can talk to clients and joke about sports with the CEO.

The disillusionment around the business world is real and unsustainable.

ameancow ,

Every job I've had I've ended up becoming a liaison of sorts between the sales teams and the operational teams because I seem to be the Daywalker, who can walk between worlds and communicate with the techy nerds, take their issues to the loud sales assholes and make it all work.

It's not an enjoyable role but it always earned me high marks because nobody else can stomach it.

ameancow ,

Since the shareholders only care about 6-month projections, they will always choose a shitty, short-term successes with rushed products with patches later or promises of continued bugfixing, than spending more money and time to make something that users approve of and passes all requirements.

The shit is already running pretty deep.

ameancow ,

The economy is doing great.

For the people who manage and control the economy.

ameancow ,

If the people who needed to hear any of that the most could understand a word of it, they would probably be nodding along in agreement and ready to do their part to make changes.

Or they would just call you an "elitist commie" and go take out another payday loan.

ameancow , (edited )

The average progressive or even liberal in the US hates hearing this, but the vast, vast majority of Trumpers are actually "okay" people, and you would all get along splendidly in just about any other context.

The problem is though, they are dumb. Don't get me wrong or think I'm sticking up for them. I just have some amount of sympathy and pity because I grew up out in the boonies in Southwestern USA, I was raised conservative and only flipped in my 20's after seeing too much horror and war hurt people I cared about, and by extension, I learned to care for more than just the people I know.

A lot of people haven't learned that. We take for granted that empathy is a learned skill, and we expect others to have it on demand and we tend to resent those who don't exercise it. My take is that we're expecting people to exercise muscles they've never even stretched. These are people locked in communities that they will likely spend their whole lives in, often times decaying outskirts of America, rampant with drugs and alcohol abuse, stuck in low-wage jobs or jobs that demand them to spend every waking moment working. They have no time nor opportunity to learn how to incorporate "care" into their daily misery, much less political knowledge. Then someone like Trump comes along, someone they only hear clips of and hear their "news station" praise while simultaneously explaining that all their problems are because of people who "hate america" and are trying to destroy families with scaaary things like abortion and gender-fluidity. It makes sense if your brain is desperately looking for a story to explain why you're so unhappy. Which is how all our brains work.

We all have to remember that the worst people in the world are identical to us. We could have been born in their lives with their ignorance and tunnel vision, and all their feelings of fighting against a stacked-deck and hopelessness against change that will (supposedly) take away their only comforts in life.

I am getting really uncomfortable with the hate the left is directing at people who are simply dumb as fuck. Yes, they are dangerous, yes they are capable of doing better, and on top of that the only examples we SEE of this segment of America is the most horrific and malicious, the people storming the capitol or screaming at rallys or beating up protestors. They are the worst, but not necessarily the rule.

I had family members who were going to vote Trump and JUST needed to see the clips of him speaking that don't make it to Facebook news feeds to change their mind. Approach this from a place of education and compassion and you will all have better results.

Let's save our hate for the real evil, the grifters and pundits who are pied pipers for the ignorant. They are smart and know what they are doing and it's pure evil.

ameancow ,

They're already being grifted, they have already passed the first filter.

People sometimes wonder why scam emails and phone calls are so obvious, with mis-spellings, bad grammar and poor English. The thing is that they do this on purpose. Running a scam takes time and energy, you want to work marks that you know can be manipulated easily, and if someone can't determine that an email from "" isn't legit, they're VERY likely to buy the story that they have to send money via Western Union to some random address in Kazakhstan to get their share of the king's inheritance.

Being in maga is basically that. If you're wearing a red hat and waving flags and spouting off FOX news lines to anyone who will listen, you're a mark.

ameancow , (edited )

I have a gaming group that I regularly spend time with, they are about as diverse as you can possibly imagine. We have back-country gun-toting conservatives playing alongside college campus protesting trans girls, hispanic immigrants, US marines, housewives, people from China and Philippines, midwest American Christians and one extremely loving gay couple who do everything together.

While we do have a few ground rules, more like courtesy guidelines, like no arguing about politics, it's not something I've ever had to enforce or moderate, and if you were to overhear the group on an average gaming night, you would think they are just the closest and tightest group of people who lift each other up, help each other out, laughing together and telling lewd jokes until they laugh so hard together that they wheeze.

This group has been the end-product of years of "distillation" in that the people who have issues with other people's identity or politics or can't set aside ego to have fun with people and make new friends, they just have naturally fallen by the wayside, so what's left is a group of people who are bound together by something much stronger than politics or ideology, and that's intelligence.

The one common thread that everyone left here has is that they are sharp, they like to talk through issues, they talk about ideas and science and sociology and relationships and enjoy the very simple act of trying to understand other people.

Curiosity about others will carry you through life far, far further than one might think.

ameancow ,

Sir, you've had enough and need to go home now.

ameancow ,

Then everyone clapped. I know because that boat was Albert Einstein.

You wouldn't know him, he goes to a different school in Canada.

ameancow , (edited )

I'm going to need your car keys, ma'am.

ameancow ,

They never really understood the Trolly Problem.

ameancow ,

This is exactly the kind of thing that comes from emotional isolation and a wrecked self-esteem and a lack of proper, loving people close to you in life.

In healthy environments, people who love each other share with each other a lot of things without it feeling like a burden to anyone and they support each other and know how to just listen and be available. And no, I don't know what that's like either, I am just sharing the legends and stories.

ameancow ,

There's a whole long LIST of things we can try long before settling on "first felon president."

  • First Woman President

  • First Openly Gay President

  • First Asian/Pacific Islander President

  • First Albino President

  • First Teenage President

  • First Werewolf President

  • First Teenage Werewolf President

  • First Robot President

  • First Robot Teenage Werewolf President

  • First Normal President

We could go on and on too.

ameancow ,

Drats, we were so close.

ameancow ,

I’m expecting a response in relation as to why i chose a cult.

This reminds me of one of those furries who always has to interject in any role playing situation that they're furries and their character is a furry despite nobody in the gaming session actually asking or encouraging that person.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

ameancow , (edited )

I can talk to something that's not human all day long, the question is does that thing have qualia? Does it experience? Do my words have even the most abstract meaning to it? Most animals experience even if they don't have language. What LLM's are, are simply mirrors. Very complicated mirrors.

It's fine, it's great, it's a step towards making actual intelligences that experience the world in some way. But don't get swept up in this extremely premature hype over something that only looks magical because you wildly overestimate and over-essentialize the human being. Lets have some fucking humility out there in tech-bro land, even just a little. You're not that special and the predictive text programs we're making are not worth the reverence people are giving them. Yet.

ameancow ,

It’s pretty insane how negative people are.

It's not negativity, it's reigning in unwarranted faith and adoration, this is a technology, a product that is largely being made by and for corporate mega-giants who are not going to steer this towards betterment of anyone or anything, just like every other technology, it will take decades or more for any of us to see this take the form of the life changing wonder that too many people are already seeing in it. If you can stop being impressed by how easy it is to mirror human traits back at us, you will let these companies know that you do NOT want advertising AI's in your fucking toaster.

You want the real thing? Then put some pressure where it belongs and don't be a hype-person for advertising platforms and plagiarism simulators.

ameancow ,

And you're going to be waiting a suspiciously long time before your life is tangibly, positively impacted by any of this. Nothing is changing for the better any time soon, and many things are going to get worse. The carrot will always be a few years away.

The worst part is I want it to succeed and live up to it's promises, but I am old enough to be smart enough to know that as a species, and I fucking cannot stress this enough, not that fucking special. We do the same sad shit over and over, this is tech promises that will change the world, but not soon enough to actually help because they want to make money from it. That's the hard truth, the real pill you and all the kids watching this shit are going to have to slowly... ever so slowly... swallow.

ameancow , (edited )

Maybe you should start actually figuring out how to use the tool instead of complaining about it in this echo chamber.

As someone who actually has used most of these applications and has to learn how to keep up with it for my own professional reasons, I am speaking from a place of education that this isn't going to help as many of us as it supposedly is helping you. Nothing you write can make me feel positive about the immediate future.

I know the tech will transform our society, I know it will change everything. I'm not disputing that.

I'm disputing the absolute fucking adoration and hype that you and others are gushing all over this tech like it's daddy's big fat knob that has to be lubricated constantly. It's disgusting because right now it's all hype and bullshit and exaggeration. It's making everything worse. We're a LONG fucking way from transforming humanity for the better with this, that goal is far further away and on the other side of a lot worse hardships that people are cowardly dodging, and none of this is going into helping the people who need the help the most in our world.

It's so very yay and happy that it makes you feel important at work using shortcuts. I'm sure that you feel special being able to be lazier at work. Yippee. Now please fix the internet while we wait for things to get as good as you're promising. Please, fix it. It's getting worse every second with slop we didn't ask for. I'm sure with all your shortcuts you can do the work of a team to solve this mess.

ameancow ,

Yeah also stopped there.

The commenter above was making that very point, that it's so worthless to give us financial advice and knowledge of the economy when a large portion of Americans are scraping together their last nickels to pay their water bills or their electric bills and not always both. Most people don't have a savings that can withstand a minor home emergency or health problem, investing or saving with intention is almost impossible for millions of people.

The funniest part here is that the commenter got a lecture about the economy anyway.

ameancow ,

I hope you understand that was just a word that politicians slapped onto the idea of empathy and kindness because it goes against an agenda, right?

You're doing exactly what people with agendas wanted, which is blanketing everything from just not being racist all the way through the micro-issues you will never be concerned with, under one, giant, dismissive label.

It's anti-intellectualism, they want you to stop thinking and be less concerned with things. Be a machine, drink your beer and consume your walmart. Don't care or be compassionate or ask for others to be treated with respect. That's all [insert bogeyman word that changes every decade].

Don't adopt other people's terms mindlessly, think for yourself.

ameancow ,

People scared of being kind to others are scared of doing it wrong and being embarrassed.

Yeah there are deeper issues at work but a large, large percentage of comfortable people raging against equality and equity are far more concerned about mis-gendering someone and getting laughed at, or mispronouncing a foreign word, or not understanding an accent, and getting publicly humiliated for it.

If this seems like a really childish motivation to create an entire movement to push back on healthy initiatives for people to be good to each other, then yes, you are right, it is childish and most people are children. Think back on the last time you saw a toddler performatively act angry and throw a fit when they get chastised and you will understand the entirety of the conservative pushback against progressive social movements.

ameancow ,

If you can make it work with one other person and have a fulfilling, understanding and well-communicated relationship that gives you both a feeling of reward and healthy challenge to achieving goals for both of you, you have accomplished one of the most challenging aspects of life. It's very hard to share and open your life with another person, that person also has to be on-board with the same goals and plans. It can take a lifetime to really fine-tune a good monogamous relationship to the point that you're both functioning smoothly with each other.

And if you can do this with TWO other people, and those people ALSO can do this, that's not just an accomplishment, that's a sign you should probably buy some lottery tickets, or you're actually the protagonist in a generic anime or manga and you don't need to worry about the girls because some kind of space monster is probably going to try to kill you.

ameancow ,

I would say most people look at the prospect of poly relationships in terms of monogamous relationships, and yeah I would expect there to be a wildly different dynamic in play for making it work with more than one partner, particularly under the same roof.

Most people look at relationships in terms of some very rigid ideals that were set millenia ago, and even though our society is changing at a breakneck speed, we're all still pining for the romance taught to us in movies and stories written centuries ago.

I think there is still a real place for traditional relationships, they are wonderful actually, but I think if we're to learn anything from people exploring multiple partner relationships, it would be that your relationship can look like a lot of different things, and no one pattern is perfect for everyone. What matters is you're with someone or people who make you happy and not longing for something else.

ameancow , (edited )

I thought about that for a bit as I typed that out, and even though the social details of modern relationship standards were for the most part similar in male/female dynamic a couple centuries ago, the roots of how and why we preserve a lot of the gendered dichotomy originated in the much further past, and I tend to side with the theory that our feminine/masculine binary started somewhere around agriculture when there were actual tasks that needed to be divided, and the systems that resulted from those survival needs.

Since we don't need people managing the crops and defending the babies from cave bears while other groups go out to hunt or do war, a lot of the ideas we have about who "should" do what in relationships isn't a survival imperative anymore, but we still cling to a lot of the values that developed during those millenia.

ameancow ,

Based on the blacklists that one has to fire up before browsing just about any large anime/erotica site, I am guessing that these "laws" are not enforced, because they are flimsy laws to begin with. Reading the stipulations for what constitutes a crime is just a hotbed for getting an entire case tossed out of court. I doubt any prosecutors would lean hard on possession of art unless it was being used in another crime.

ameancow ,

Shame reddit didn’t have the same amount of people jump ship like when everyone left Digg 4.0.

I am predicting the same outcome but it will be much slower, reddit will "evolve" into a different kind of platform, with likely more emphasis on promoted content. The reason the "MSN home page" model is copied everywhere is because it generates money and requires far less involvement and maintainence. Reddit haaaaaates their community, they would be so, so happy if they could roll the whole thing back to before people could comment.

But they know that a lot of traffic comes from the engagement, so in order to better manage the community they are bringing in everyone's favorite new buzzword techbro solution to all problems... AI. They have partnered with Google on using Reddit as a training platform for next generation AI models so we will likely see more and more submissions from users who look like people and talk like people, but are actually tools for advertising and pushing agendas. It will be slow enough that the platform holds a strong number of users but it will decline as users flood to other new AI-driven platforms.

It's going to be AI slop all the way down, in all directions.

ameancow ,

I will legit assist in organizing a mass reddit-gobbledygook raid as this platform grows.

ameancow ,

I've now been sent on a strange and depressing journey back to 1996 and I don't want to be here anymore.

ameancow ,

He's David Fucking Copperfield, nobody at all is surprised, his entire being just oozes creep energy and entitled douchiness.

ameancow ,

I'm going to adopt that as head-canon and spread it as facts.

ameancow ,

I have a feeling Copperfield is no stranger to making cocaine disappear.

ameancow ,

The people to attack in this mess are the fishing boats and the other yachts that are actually impacting the habits and habitats of the whales, the very last thing we want to do here is gnash and hate on each other.

Unless you hate the whales and everything they represent, in which case the door is over there. Our silly boaty time fun is recreation, our recreation is not more important than other sapient life on this fucking planet.

ameancow ,

It's beginning to look like everyone has them, they just cause problems when their native environment is so toxic that they're forced to try to burrow their way out.

ameancow ,

I have not met a single Harry Potterfan in my generation or previous who have anything good to say about Rowling. Most people who loved the series still love it and don't give a shit what derailed in the mind of the person who made it.

It's one of the more profound Death of the Author moments in modern media. And I think it's great, take away her only claim to fame,adopt it and let the fans run wild with it, I'm sure her money alone will make her endlessly happy for the rest of her life.

ameancow ,

Death of the Author is a term specifically to describe this kind of situation and not literal, the author has "died" from the work they created, meaning they are no longer required to keep the work alive also.

If JK's ideology and disgusting rhetoric makes you unable to enjoy the work or if you can't lose yourself because it, that's absolutely understandable, and yes there are LOT better works of fiction out there, I don't like HP very much, but I do get how delightful it is for kids who discovered it when they could connect to it.

The thing everyone here needs to keep aware of though, is that the vast majority of great people who are deeply steeped in the fandom, they are not to blamed for Rowling and her success and fortune, NOR WILL PROTESTING OR SHAMING FANS DO ANYTHING. There have been a lot of naive and performative ideas of protesting HP merchandise and games and media, and shaming the people who consume it, the only thing that does is bring more attention to JK's "cause" and makes people who should be allies infight and makes progressive minded folks divided.

We're not denting JK's pocketbook, it's impossible at this point, we're not sending a message by being angry at her, we're not going to impact her in any way unless we start ignoring her. She's a fucking narcissist and she feeds on the contention she's created.

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