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aleph , avatar

Or the EMF generators they carry around with them in their pockets, A.K.A their phones.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

hasn’t Biden had a stutter from a very young age and struggled with it most of his life?

It hasn't apparently impacted his public speaking for most of his political career up until recently:

And even when not speaking during tonight's debate, he often looked totally bewildered.

People have been saying this for quite a while now despite the excuses from the Democrat establishment, but tonight there was no hiding the fact that the dude just looks unable to last another four years as president.

aleph , avatar

Being a narcissistic, bloviating despot is exactly what everyone expected of Trump. In fact, he came off rather well from the time constraints, muted mics, and the total lack of fact-checking because the format of the debate didn't expose his weaknesses like it did for Biden.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

It's quite a bit more complicated than that. Firstly, ultra-orthodox Jews (a.k.a Haredim) are mostly non-zionist. They also only make up roughly 33% of Israeli settlers.

Traditionally, the Haredim have voted for their own center-right Haredi parties, but a minority (especially the younger generation) are now drifting further rightward towards the nationalist Religious Zionist party of Ben Gvir and Smotrich that is particularly popular amongst the settlers. Despite this recent trend, though, the majority of Haredim remain Anti-Zionist.

It's this stance, combined with the facts that Haredi men have been able to avoid military service and have relied heavily on social security to fund their living costs, that has caused a lot of resentment towards them from the majority of Israeli society. As the article above notes, this removal of their military service exemption has overwhelming support amongst the general population.

But you're definitely right in saying that this throws a spanner in the works, albeit mostly for Netanyahu. His brittle coalition relies heavily on support from the two main Haredi parties in the Knesset. This new policy could backfire on him.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Important context: the synagogue in question was holding a real estate sale for land allegedly stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank.

Poster of Illegal real estate sale

Screencap of property being sold

This protest was not against Jews praying at a synagogue. This protest was not antisemitic. This was a protest against the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and against settlements that Biden's own administration considers illegal.

But I suppose the AP doesn't consider that relevant information.

aleph , avatar

Much as it was when the counter-protesters showed up at UCLA last month and attacked the protesters with pepper spray and sticks for hours while the police stood by and watched.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

I've been there and it's rough. The worst thing you can do is stay in bed and give in to the cycle of negativity, which will only make things worse. Try to get outside and spend time with friends and family as much as possible, even when you don't feel like it. Exercise can seem like the last thing you want to do, but it does help boost your endorphins and feel more positive.

I also had good results with using techniques Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which helps to assess negative thoughts and control them to a certain degree.

And if you need something stronger, speak to a medical professional. There are medications that can help.

Stay strong and don't give up.

aleph , avatar

Darks Souls 3, Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Skyrim.

I love RPGs but hate boss fights, for some reason. Once I feel I've done enough exploration and character development, I invariably lose all interest close to the last boss.

aleph , avatar

Not really, and I think that's because in many games I play primarily to experience the world, find new items, and generally explore. The story itself usually takes a back seat and is rarely the thing driving me forward.

One counterpoint to that, off the top of my head, is Journey, which I always play through to the end scene.

aleph , avatar

Hyrule motocross

sounds awesome, come to think of it. Better hurry back and finish it!
aleph , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, same. Getting past Guardians in BoTW required relying heavily on save scumming until I managed to get it right. Any fight that needed flurry rush was also always a disaster.

aleph , avatar

It was Sam’s first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man’s name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Or maybe someone convicted unfairly.

Or maybe victims of human trafficking.

Or maybe poor, desperate people from nearby countries who didn't know what they were signing up for.

You don't know, do you?

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Being glad that the other side suffering losses is one thing; dehumanizing enemy soldiers and gleefully celebrating their moment of annihilation is another.

aleph , avatar

Yeah, it's an interesting dichotomy and one that is quite typical of Thai culture, which many people don't realize is actually conservative in a quiet kind of way.

For years, LGBT+ people have been tolerated but still not fully accepted by mainstream society. So while LBGT+ people can be out in public and not get harassed like they do in other cultures, they still haven't had the same legal rights as CIS/straight people. This is why this new legislation is a great move forward in the right direction.

aleph , avatar

Big tech companies making vast profits off of users providing data for free instead of paying workers wages in exchange for manufacturing goods is only going to deepen the disparity of wealth in society.

What we desperately need is essentially a Digital Bill of Rights so that we can legally own our own data.

aleph , avatar

So basically don't interact with 99% of online platforms, then?

aleph , avatar

Private ownership ≠ capitalism. Monopoly is a critique of free market capitalism, which naturally leads to a concentration of wealth for those who hold all the assets. Giving people ownership of their own data would help redistribute that wealth in a more equitable way.

No, it won't fix the underlying problem of Capitalism, but it would at least be a step in the right direction.

aleph , avatar

The point of it is to redistribute wealth using the existing capitalist framework, which is a left-wing endeavour.

aleph , avatar

That's true, but it still doesn't change the fact that the FOSS ethos runs in direct conflict with the ideals of capitalism and private ownership, and libertarians are nothing if not fanboys of those things.

aleph , avatar

Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He previously blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination.

Bruh. tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

aleph , avatar

I've defended in the past when people have blamed the entire instance for the actions of a solitary, overzealous moderator, but this genuinely concerns me:

This must have been action taken at the instance admin level, considering all those communities have different moderators.

Is there any way to probe the modlog to see which account it was?

aleph , avatar

Hybrid engines have been around for quite some time, though, and they can be just as reliable as ICEs.

On the other hand, the weakness of EVs right now isn't just the charging infrastructure - it's the batteries. They're big, heavy, and very expensive to replace. This is especially true given all the new electric pickups/SUVs coming onto the market in the US. Battery tech needs to mature a while longer, IMO.

aleph , avatar

Meh, who cares about performance benchmarks for phones?

I'm much more interested to see how power efficient Tensor 4 is, and whether or not they've fixed the connectivity issues.

aleph , avatar

I though G4 was supposed to bring a big improvement to the modem, or is that going to be G5?

aleph , avatar

Right, but these new benchmarks don't speak to that, do they?

aleph , avatar

Possibly, lol. Although going from Samsung's to their own completely custom silicon will be the best chance of seeing some actual improvements.

aleph , avatar

Mastodon has a major engagement problem and I'm not sure why.

It has significantly more users than Lemmy but also manages to feel a lot less social, somehow.

aleph , avatar

I'd be interested in buying a Nothing phone if they weren't all so huge.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

I'm not defending Biden, but the view that Trump would be any less prepared to keep sending Israel weapons is utterly baseless. He wouldn't even pretend to care about the Palestinians, for one thing.

aleph , avatar

And the award for the dumbest take of the thread goes to ∆

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Furiosa has a few major challenges up against it, really:

  • Its running time is longer than the average Blockbuster
  • it's R rated and violent
  • Mad Max is a fairly niche IP to begin with
  • It's a backstory for a secondary (albeit important) character from Fury Road
  • People are feeling the pinch financially right now

Having Tom Hardy playing Max as the main character might have bumped the opening weekend Box Office a bit, but not hugely IMO.

aleph , avatar

And completely free of ads, microtransactions, and locked content of any description.

aleph , avatar

I use FLAC for long-term storage, 256kbps Ogg when transcoding for mobile devices.

Opus is the best lossy codec in terms of efficiency, but many devices/apps don't properly support it.

aleph , avatar

Why are we giving this odious little twerp the oxygen of publicity?

aleph , avatar

I find that lemmy has less of an echo chamber, but the average political stance is a lot more left-ish than reddit.

This is true once you've blocked Lemmygrad and Hexbear, which are as much echo chambers as r/The_Donald ever was.

aleph , avatar

You're fine as long as you don't decide to jump in and offer a contrary opinion.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

I still wouldn't call it "precise" in the slightest.

Even assuming that this ratio remains constant after the remaining 10,000 unidentified bodies are accounted for, men of fighting age only account for 40% of those being killed and not all of those will be actual Hamas fighters.

NorthWestWind , to Showerthoughts avatar

Philosophy is just applied existential crisis


aleph , avatar

That's true if you're only talking about what was once called 'natural philosophy', but there are still many areas where philosophy and physics don't really overlap - ethics, epistemology, aesthetics, language, existentialism, etc.

aleph , avatar

Except Debian is neither interesting nor innovative.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

It's probably worth mentioning that an "arranged marriage" can mean anything from when two families agree to marry off their children without their children's consent, to when families play match-maker and set their children up on dates but their children get the final say.

In India, for example, you get both, with the former being more common in conservative, rural areas and the latter more common in urban and middle-class areas. So it's not a one-size-fits-all situation.

As to why it persists? Practicality, I suppose. If you want to get married, it helps if you filter out all the people who aren't serious about settling down.
Plus it's not like love marriages have a superb success rate, given how common divorce is nowadays.

aleph , avatar

Yup. How long have we been waiting for graphene batteries to revolutionize technology? About a decade now?

aleph , avatar
aleph , avatar

Sony only have themselves to blame for the collapse of their mobile division. Everyone and their dog has been saying for years that Xperia phones are too expensive and lack innovation.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Since you're on EndeavourOS, I suggest using btrfs-assistant instead of timeshift, since it was created by one of the devs and offers more functionality with snapper. Just create a new profile for your root partition and then configure how often you want it to take snapshots.

You can also install snap-pac so that you get OpenSUSE-like automatic snapshots everytime pacman executes a install/remove/update command.

aleph , avatar

Out of interest, hsve you heard/read much about VanillaOS and their AB partition system, and if so what do you make of that compared to Fedora Atomic?

aleph , avatar

Online Accounts only supports Outlook mail at the moment, so it's not a Onedriver replacement yet.

aleph , avatar

That's how it goes all too often with these settlements, sadly. Remember when Fox News got to settle with Dominion over the fact that they knowingly pushed election fraud claims that they privately knew to be false? They just paid their fine and went right back to business as usual.

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