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alekwithak ,

The new testament stories were written well over a hundred years after. That would be like someone today writing an account of the civil war based solely on stories.

alekwithak ,

Jokes on them, I drive recklessly as hell and in twenty years am at fault for zero accidents, while my wife hates driving with me and drives incredibly cautiously and has been at fault in accidents. Can the algorithm see past 'this person accelerates quicker therefore should have a higher premium" because otherwise I feel like the old system was working. It was frustrating to pay more as a young male driver, but I've proven myself and my abilities behind the wheel and wish to continue to pay accordingly.

alekwithak ,

Pick one

No. I'll admit my verbage could probably use some work, but oh well. Many traffic laws exist to fund police departments. I obey the laws that are grounded in reality. I've driven professionally and if 10000 hours of practice makes mastery then I've easily at least tripled that, easy. If you're imagining someone driving like a complete douche that's probably not me, as I'm extremely considerate of other drivers, having no faith in their abilities or perceptions. But I hate being in a car and when I'm driving I want it to end as quickly as possible so I will speed through a yellow if there's visibility both ways and no cross traffic and I will speed on empty highways and I will treat traffic lights like four-way stops if there's no one else on the road. Etc

alekwithak ,

Could you point out for me which behaviors are reckless, irresponsible, and chode like? I'm also dumb.

alekwithak ,


alekwithak ,

Oh, okay. Cool.

I'll reiterate the above examples are on empty roads, I don't take chances with other drivers. That being said there's no world where I'm wasting several minutes and gas just because a timer clicked off. I am a human being and while I respect machines and the intentions with which they were designed, machines hold no authority over me. And if it's weight based and you ride a motorcycle you literally have no other choice as the bike won't set it off. You can run the light or wait possibly hours for another vehicle to set it off for you. So if that makes me a chode then I guess I'm a big ol' tuna can.

alekwithak ,


alekwithak ,

Well just because it's on my schedule doesn't mean I'll get to it, anyway.

alekwithak ,

No I'm actually pretty sure I'm infallible. I went to Jerusalem recently and learned a great deal about myself.

alekwithak ,

Christianity and capitalism. If it doesn't make you feel guilty the Christians don't like it and if you can provide it to yourself for free the capitalists don't like it.

alekwithak ,

Turns out you're not supposed to feel tired after doing nothing, sleep 12 hours, then wake up tired..


alekwithak ,

We have TWO semi-pointy teeth. Two.

*Even Wikipedia agrees the bottom two are bullshit.

alekwithak ,

How is a blog a source? All you've given is anecdotal evidence. I have that too. Pandas, sharp teeth, claws, obligate herbivores. Gorillas, sharp teeth, big muscles, obligate herbivores.

I'm sure your sister is a fine veterinarian, and if we're going to get anecdotal I have a degree in biology and don't really care what opinion your sister has. I work for real medical doctors who are anti-vax. Someone's job doesn't make them sensible.

alekwithak ,

I also work in a data center, I can't take anything :(

alekwithak ,

Yep yep, same. Old droves get destroyed. My word that I'll wipe the drive is apparently not enough.

alekwithak , (edited )

How much energy is used by our current financial system? How much energy is consumed serving ads to every human on every platform every second of every day?? No one ever questions that totally necessary use of our limited resources 🙄

Edit: Didn't realize you guys like ads.and the federal reserve so much. That's gonna be a pretty major Yikes from me, Bros.

alekwithak , (edited )

That's quite a claim to make without a source?

*It's a wonder the rest of Lemmy hates this instance, y'all are insane.

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

alekwithak ,

One is a political party and one is a group of religious extremists?

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens ( )

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....

alekwithak ,

If Russia attacks the UK they've attacked NATO and all bets are off...

alekwithak ,

Pretty dumb. I thought this would be about lending libraries -_-

alekwithak ,

Subscriptions are just as predatory. I won't applaud them.

alekwithak ,

First they came for the TikTok, and I said nothing, for I wasn't a Tiktoker.

alekwithak ,

No one is ever concerned with how much energy is used to feed ads to the entire population of earth 24/7.

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