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akakunai ,

What part are you having trouble with?

akakunai ,

B-boner? Tf kinda noise is your boner making?

akakunai ,

This would make a ton of sense if your choice of Lemmy instance were not just that; a choice. It's not a characteristic innate to your being that you're born with or something.

You can choose to associate with whatever instance you want and swap it up with another account somewhere else if you want at any time (you can prob keep the same username if you want too).

akakunai , (edited )

I spent >10 years of my youth playing a sport competitively. I don't think I ever watched a professional game to completion. Unlike pretty much all my teammates, I just could not have cared less.

Play the sport myself? Fun, sure!
Watch someone else play? Uh, why?

I think it's great that people enjoy watching sports. I dunno why but it just bored the hell out of me.

akakunai ,

As of a few years ago at least, most Taiwanese people were in favour of keeping relations as they are and neither expanding nor severing Chinese relations from status quo. They already operate as their own country, so a push towards further separation is mostly only symbolic anyway and they don't want to provoke China and their current peace for a symbolic gesture. I think that by treating Taiwan as its own country but not identifying it as such, we are acting as most Taiwanese wish.

akakunai ,

Them's the small government folks for ya...

akakunai ,

You need context from the show to get this meme. This episode is a satire on how women who molest minors are treated differently and how some people are inclined to congratulate the molested instead of seeing them as victims.

It's not nice, and we need to view the attitude of situations like this being "nice" as messed up. Hence the meme.

akakunai ,

I really want to downvote this but I can't bring myself to do it.

akakunai ,

Yeah, last point is very true. I can already tell this girl is gonna have a good father regardless if he applies anything from this thread or not, given he cares enough and has the humility to ask.

akakunai ,

Just want to add that Mullvad DNS may have high latency depending on where you're browsing from, slowing down your browsing experience. Their public DNS servers are pretty sparse, unlike their VPN servers.

akakunai ,


Which Smarties?

there is only 1 correct answer...

Edit: Ah wait..."pure sugar" gives it away. Apologies but that was not the correct answer 🙃

akakunai ,

You're reminding me of when I was in my teens and discovered 1kg M&Ms bags on Amazon...I bought 3. I wonder how many years off my life that accounts for...

akakunai ,
  • weeks 🫣
akakunai ,

That's where you guys draw the line? With automated facial recognition vans, CCTV everywhere, among other things, the UK is certainly not a country that comes to mind when I think "civil liberties and privacy".

akakunai ,

I don't completely agree that anime Japanese is so different from real life Japanese. There is certainly some grammar used that, while correct Japanese, would very rarely be used in real speech. But for the most part, once you have a solid foundation of the language down, and anime or untranslated manga can become very good tools for learning. However, I would not use anime or manga for learning until you know enough to know what is out-of-place and should not be used in real life speech.

I feel as though using structured learning via textbook and—if possible—class (in person or online) is ideal until about early intermediate level. You can tell that there has been a lot of thought into what is taught when. After that, learning on your own becomes easy as you can easily identity what you don't know and what exactly you need to look up.

akakunai ,

I think that's also how you get to being able to think in another language too. When you're immersed in it, it seeps into your thought process.

In lots of Canada we have French immersion schools, where English-speaking kids who never encounter French outside of the classroom can become quite fluent in French by giving over half their instruction in French. With age and a few hours of exposure per day, it etches itself into the brain pretty well.

akakunai ,

I've found that when I watch something in another language with subtitles, I find myself going by what I heard, and using the subtitles to support or reinforce sections or words I didn't understand. I often end up disagreeing with how things are translated, or there is something said in the foreign language that can't simply be translated. In other words, I think using subtitles as reinforcement can be useful, whereas just reading every line and not thinking in the other language for yourself might not really be helping you much.

akakunai ,

I just got back from living in Japan recently, and the boiling-frog syndrome of Canadian rail is palpable. I once got to the train station ~90 seconds before the last train to my home city was to depart, and was able to run in and buy the fare all in time to be able to run to the platform just as the train was pulling in.

If you bought a ticket with a non-reserved seat, you can take any train (or combo of trains if transferring) at any time you want between your 2 selected stations. Only if you choose to get a reserved seat and miss that departure is that portion of the ticket price lost (you can always just take a non-reserved seat on the next departure or likely get some leniency if you ask for a new reserved seat on a subsequent departure). Plus, there are always large discounts available for commuter passes.

I don't expect that level of rail in Canada, even in the Quebec City-Windor corridor, but holy hell we're so far behind.

If You Hate Density, Maybe Don’t Live in A City (Oh the Urbanity!) ( www.youtube.com )

When you argue for housing reform to legalize denser development in our cities, you quickly learn that some people hate density. Like, really hate density, with visceral disgust and contempt for any development pattern that involves buildings being tall or close together.

akakunai ,

And get fucked if you cannot drive for one reason or another in a car-dependent city/sprawling amalgamated mess.

akakunai ,

Oh, we weren't talking abou...fuck I gotta get off the internet for a while.

akakunai ,

I don't really have anything to add, but thanks for writing this. It's quite insightful.

akakunai ,

No. But, if they were to I reckon if I'd have the dentist look at them and decide what to do then...rather than rip 'em all out preemptively.

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