@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone cover

Admin of lemmy.blahaj.zone

I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at @ada or on matrix at @ada:chat.blahaj.zone

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might've been the one. I made two accounts, one on lemmy.world and another on sh.itjust.works, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not many. I don't like the fructosey sweet flavour of most fruit. So I love tomatoes, but not much else...

Maybe this thread will help me :)

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Can confirm


Image description: A screenshot from a birdpi, a device that identifies birds by their song, and catalogues their activity vs the time of day. The image shows a small amount of activity from a Barn Owl at 10pm and 1am. It also shows a very large volume of activity at 7am from crows, and other Australian birds

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

For what it's worth, I've got a second birdpi set up at my partners house, and there are kookaburras there! And lots of noisy miners too! Those birds really live up to their name, they are really noisy!

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

But they move in larger packs, and are more aggressive. No cat is safe from a flock of miners screeching at them!

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I assume so! If a bird expert can identify the bird from a given call, chances are, so can the bird pi (though not quite as accurately)

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It's been dealt with on our end, but as this community isn't hosted on blahaj.zone, I can't federate the removal. A community mod will still need to action it to federate the removal to other instances

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

"Around the World" by Daft Punk. The strangest thing is though, I don't use traditional playlists, but layered random smart play lists. I generate a list of 300 songs, by combining my 2, 3, 4 and 5 star playlists to give me a random selection of songs, but with my preferred ratio of 2:3:4:5 star rated music.

So the over representation of this song is just how statistics work and means nothing. If it wasn't that song, it would be some other song that has been played more than the others.

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Got me. Random for me!

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If I had to guess, it's because it's a click bait headline that offers nothing useful to people until they've committed to watching a video

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

"Try this..." where "this" is intentionally vague until you click on the link is standard clickbait tactics...

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yes you do, which they explicitly and deliberately make next to impossible to access through legitimate channels

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    A side effect of aging for me is that now I like olives.

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Of course. Otherwise they're just sparkling kalmatas...

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Not sure. I've recently moved over to photon though, as it's more feature rich than alexandrite, and almost as nice to look at

    ada , (edited )
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    So, the things I appreciate as an admin are

    a) Make sure you state whether it's simply a matter of breaking community rules, or whether it needs an admins attention. As it stands now, admins see all reports made for all communities on our instances, which can be a lot. I leave reports for communities that I don't moderate, but they then sit around until a moderator actions them. And the large incoming volume, plus the older ones hanging around can make it hard to tell at a glance which ones require an admins eyes.

    b) If it's not immediately obvious from the reported post, tell us where to find the context we need to see why the post is a problem. "Look at posters history" / "Will make sense if you read the previous post" etc.

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    It's helpful. The issue is the moderation with mass removal of content doesn't always federate in ways that are obvious. And it was worse with older versions of lemmy.

    Report it, and at least your instance admins can remove it from your instance

    ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services ( www.theguardian.com )

    *What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be...

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    "Has a future" in this context means "Streaming media without explicit ownership rights will continue to be here/relevant in to the future, unlike the idea of 'owning' digital media"

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Does this not address the federation issue that is causing some instances to fall ever further behind lemmy.world?

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


    How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

    To those from the Western hemisphere, it's always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the...

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Sitting at work, instead of being out taking photos of birds with my new camera and lens!

    Got permanent ban in r/LGBT and when i asked why I got a 3 day ban for promoting hate. ( lemmy.world )

    This was my conment on a post saying that pregnant people should always be used instead of pregnant women. My comment was under someone saying vitamins for pregnant women should say vitamins for pregnant people. I have a trans son and many trans friends. My comment was not promoting hate! Fucking reddit mods

    ada , (edited )
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I have a couple of married friends. Both trans guys. They tried to adopt, and their options for surrogacy all fell through. So one of them carried their daughter. He didn't want to do it, but they were out of other options, so he did.

    He wasn't "female whilst pregnant". He wasn't a mum, a mum to be, a pregnant woman, or any other term like that. He was a pregnant man, or when needed for clarity, a pregnant transgender man.

    I'd ban you too, in a heartbeat, if you brought any of that bullshit in to a trans or queer sub that I moderate.

    You having a trans kid doesn't give you permission to walk all over the voices and experiences of trans people trying to navigate pregnancy

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Maybe its regional or cultural but the FTM trans I know well wouldn't object to being referred to or lumped in with pregnant women on a general basis and if they did they are fully capable of correcting those refering to them with whatever term suits them.

    Cool. Whatever works for them.

    But it's worth being aware that as you're not trans yourself, the whole "I have trans friends who are ok with this behaviour many trans people feel is problematic" just sounds like the same excuses bigots have used over the years. "I have black/trans/female friends who are ok with <insert problematic topic>".

    Secondly, even if you are accurately representing their perspective, no one is taking away anyones right to identify with whatever terms best work for them. The issue is not pushing terms on to others who don't want them.

    Your friends can identify with pregnant women all they like, but it becomes an issue when trans men who don't share that stance get told that they're the problem

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    And this is why you were banned. You posted bullshit. And when trans people explain why it's a problem, you tell them that no, actually, they're wrong, and that you, the person who isn't trans, knows how they should feel.

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Like 3/4 of programs will never remember their size and position, so you have to make a never ending list of kwin window rules, which then end up affecting other windows you don’t want to

    That's Wayland specific isn't it? X11 behaves a lot better in that regard

    ada Mod ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    blahaj.zone, lemmy.blahaj.zone and chat.blahaj.zone

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Folk is a gender neutral alternative to guys/girls etc. It's used where you might use a term like that, not where you'd use "people"

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    It was never really a thing in my experience.

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Does it have smart playlists that can combine other playlists?

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Now, if you tell me it's subsonic compatible and I can use that smartlist feature with subsonic music as a source, I'll have found my new music player :)

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    So so close, but it doesn't import my ratings and play counts through arsenic, only the raw music, which means none of my playlists will work

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Sounds like the Blood Bowl commentator team

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Any 196 mods, new or old that are on Matrix, please let me know. We have a matrix mod bot that will help deal with spam attacks that we can set you up with.

    ada Mod ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    "The first thing that jumps to your mind isn't always what you truly think. Sometimes, it's just what you've been trained to think. What matters, is what you do next"

    I grew up in a really racist, queerphobic environment, and that comment really helped me by letting me give myself space to undo the bigoted indoctrination I had been taught, without getting trapped in guilt and self disgust whenever one of the racist or bigoted things I was raised with jumped in to my mind.

    It let me recognise the bigoted thought as something I was trained to think, rather than being what I actually believe, and by recognising it, I could disempower the thought, and start to unlearn it

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    The responses in this thread highlight my point. If you don't have explicit rules to stop that shit in its tracks (which you don't), you aren't queer friendly, because queer folk can't exist there without being told that transphobia is fine actually, as long as you like the person doing it.

    I love Mastodon and ActivityPub. But I think Nostr is going to win. Here's why.

    Mastodon is a great platform. I have an account there, and I have been using it as a twitter replacement for several months. I have been using nostr for around two months. I have also read fairly deeply into how Mastodon and Nostr work. I think nostr is better. Here's why....

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    In mastodon, your instance can stop you from seeing content from other instances and ban users from other instances. While this moderation might be nice sometimes, I’d rather it be opt-in than mandatory. Nostr relays don’t have this power. Likewise, Mastodon instances can stop their followers from following you. Nostr doesn’t allow this.

    This is exactly why I won't use Nostr. What you're describing here isn't ideal for many folk that are part of marginalised groups. When each individual has to individually block every bigot only after being exposed to their bigotry, then the vulnerable folk don't hang around. This is doubly the case when there is nothing stopping the bigots from just creating another account after burning their first one.

    One question that fediverse needs to solve is: how are we going to fund hosting costs for instances and more broadly, development?

    This is also something that activitypub communities do better, because they are communities not relays.

    ada ,
    @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    In Nostr, each relay can set its own policies. Relays can and do establish policies for acceptable behaviours.

    Sure, but it's still each relay admin playing whack a mole with bigots as they pop up with new accounts.

    On AP, because identities are tied to instances, the instance admin can kick the bigot and they're gone for everyone, before many folk ever see it. And if there is an instance with admins that don't deal with bigots, the admins can defederate from the entire instance.

    Nostr doesn't give you any of those options. An instance is just a generic relay. No community, no differentiation, no protection for vulnerable folk. Which is fine if your goal is "free speech" but not so good if you're a member of a vulnerable minority just trying to connect with people/communities without having to be super on guard.

    I left twitter to get away from an environment like that. I'm not going to head back to a federated version of the same thing

    The fact is, hosting online discussion forums gets costly quickly, especially if you want them to be reliable.

    Absolutely. I admin several AP instances, including the one I'm posting from now. We have crowd funding to help, but we are still out of pocket running it, but that's fine, because the reason we run it is for the whole community aspect I've been talking about.

    I have zero interest in paying out of pocket to run a generic relay that will probably end up being used by the very people I'm trying to avoid.

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