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Zron ,

Blazing saddles was written with the golden rule of offensive comedy: don’t punch down or up, punch in all directions.

Zron ,

It’s having problems with its RCS system

The thrusters that turn the craft around and allow precise movement aren’t working properly, they barely got the thing to dock with the ISS.

Despite what nasa says publicly, I’m sure there’s a lot of internal debate about if it’s even safe to undock the thing from the station. If it loses orientation control while still close to the ISS, it could easily damage the station and kill people. That’s if some of the damaged thrusters aren’t the ones that allow the craft to go backwards, kind of important if you want to leave the station.

Zron ,

Right now nothing is leaking.

The leaks are only present when the fuel system is open or ready to fire

Zron ,

The US navy has almost as many aircraft as all of Russia.

The US Army has more aircraft than all of Russia.

The US Airforce has more aircraft than the US navy and army.

That’s just planes and helicopters.

If you think any of the countries you talked about are a serious threat to the US outside of nuclear war, then you’re sorely mistaken about how truly insane US defense spending is.

Zron ,

There’s already enough nukes on hair triggers to destroy modern civilization several times over.

We don’t need more nukes, so it’s extremely concerning that countries are spending so much money on building more.

It’s important to remember that every single day, the world is about 30 minutes away from nuclear annihilation. And that in about an hour, every major city on the planet could be an irradiated wasteland.

Zron ,

That’s why they made it a pin.

Sure you can sell an app on the App Store, but most people won’t pay more than 5 bucks for an app, and even that’s stretching it. And the subscription market is already over saturated. So how do you make a boatload of cash? Sell overpriced hardware that needs to be “upgraded” every year or 2 to use new features, and include a subscription to use the thing in the first place.

They wanted to pull an Apple and lock people into their hardware ecosystem. I guarantee there was a plan for them to release an AI phone in the next 5 years if this thing did well.

What they missed is Apple products are generally pleasant to use on a daily basis. From what everyone said, this thing was hot garbage and slow to respond to queries.

Zron ,

You want to know a better system?

What if each person had some kind of physical passkey that linked them to their money, and they used that to pay for food?

We could even have a bunch of security put around this passkey that makes it’s really easy to disable it if it gets lost or stolen.

As for shoplifting, what if we had some kind of societal system that levied punishments against people by providing a place where the victim and accused can show evidence for and against the infraction, and an impartial pool of people decides if they need to be punished or not.

Zron ,

They make it to five seconds?

My wife maybe watches the first 700 milliseconds before deciding if she’s going to watch a video.

TikTok has melted her already short attention span. We’re working on cutting down on it, but she’s truly addicted to social media in general.

Zron ,

Super Sweet

Tell me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is without telling me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is.

Zron ,

I think this is a regional thing, as you just made me doubt myself.

I’ve ordered car bombs here in the Midwest and it’s always been whiskey and a stout. I don’t know if I’d call anything with just coffee liqueur in it a “car bomb” that’s not a very strong drink.

A quick Wikipedia check says it can be either Irish cream or whiskey, and that the names are somewhat interchangeable.

Zron ,

Wow, you’re pleasant.

See, where I’m from, a carbomb is a cocktail made from beer and hard liquor. We’ve got Chicago carbombs/handshakes which is Malort and Old Style. I’ve even had a Mexican carbomb with tequila and Modelo.

Coffee liqueur and beer isn’t really a thing where I’m from, in the heart of corn country. So you’re the one drinking milk shakes at the bar as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe instead of being a dick to people because of where they happen to live, you could try to learn about cultural and regional differences.

Zron ,

Can’t say I’ve ever had the cream

Zron ,

Double down on the studio that takes 10 years to make a game, 1 years after their last game.

They’re not the brightest

Zron ,

Adding new and complicated aircraft to an industry of already overwhelmed and under trained private pilots?

This can only go the Florida way: with some dude, blasted on meth and bud light slamming one of these bad boys into the side of a resort.

Zron ,

I’ll bet 10 that there’s an instagram influencer who booked the flight 5 hours before as the passenger

Zron ,

Vlad took a swig of his “Coffee” at his station. His commander had said something about “make sure you use the drill launch codes during the test”

Vlad pondered the sticky note that had been on his work station since he got there. 2 lines of numbers written haphazardly on aging yellow paper loomed before him. Was it the top one that was real, or the bottom. Surely the drill code would be used more and should be on top. But the real code is more important, so it should be on top.

His radio chirped, and the angry voice of his commander squealed out. It was time.

He took a coin from his pocket and flipped it, tails, bottom code it is. He entered the numbers and hit the worn red button on his console.

As he heard the rumble of rocket engines from deep in the bunker, he knew his luck was as rotten as ever. He swigged his coffee one last time.

Zron ,

His arms randomly fall off while he’s walking.

Zron ,

You just gave me a nostalgia bomb of copying files on Win98/XP and watching the little files fly from one folder to the other for 5 minutes after the progress bar filled up.

I miss little animations like that, makes me wish there were more fun little things in OS UIs these days. Now everything is just a bar and a number.

Zron ,

It’s been a minute, man. I haven’t used WinXP since 2009

Zron ,

You managed to learn about block chain and the internet but not faking your own death and stealing an identity?

Zron ,

Game came out 8 years ago

How many mod authors are gonna come back years after the last patch to fix their mods?

Bethesda screwed over the modding community

Zron ,

Space travel is very expensive and NASA has a very small budget these days.

Back during the space race, NASA could afford to launch multiple missions per year. Now they can barely afford to maintain existing missions and are lucky to launch a major missions every few years. Which is why they’ve moved to buying space on commercial missions, as it’s cheaper to only pay for a spot on a rocket/craft than to pay for the whole thing.

NASA also has to justify its missions to congress. Sending rovers to mars and probes to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn have actual scientific interest and can answer questions about the formation of the solar system, and the viability of life off of earth.

Slingshotting something really fast sounds cool as fuck, but there’s not much data to be gathered there. We’ve also recently beaten the “fastest man made object” record with the Parker Solar Probe, as it’s currently whipping around the sun at ludicrous speeds while it collects data about the solar atmosphere and magnetic fields. It’s moving a lot faster than voyager ever did, as it needs an insane amount of speed to orbit so low to the sun. It’s actually much cheaper, fuel wise, to travel to Pluto than the sun.

So why waste billions of dollars to fling something out into deep space? We have barely even seen all
Of the celestial bodies in our own star system, and there’s not much to be learned about the empty vacuum beyond the sun. The only justifiable reason would be to send a probe to another star system entirely. But that probe alone would have to be the largest, most expensive space craft humanity has ever built. It would need to be able to power itself for centuries, have a communication system capable of sending data over interstellar distances, and likely need a way to autonomously harvest its own fuel, as there’s very little point in sending a probe screaming past Proxima Centauri and taking a few hazy pictures of planets as it goes. We’d want the probe to be able to stay in and explore the new star system, and the only way to do that is to have enough fuel to move around an entire system, or create more fuel as it goes. Something like that has never even been tried before, and the risk is high when you won’t know if it worked or not for a few hundred years.

Zron ,

The energy density of nuclear fuels is unparalleled.

Modern reactor designs are extremely safe and stable, the only downside is the cost.

The cost is so high because they are basically boutique projects. Having a standardized design with mass produced components would go a long way to making nuclear reactors more affordable.

Zron ,

SMRs are great for decentralization of the power grid.

Which makes the viability of renewables like wind and solar much more viable, as you can have the reactor for each mini grid throttle down based on current renewable yield, and throttle back up when the sun goes down or the wind stops.

It also means that issues like Texas had in the winter of 2021 would be a lot smaller in magnitude, as having one SMR and renewables go offline would only cause a local power outage, instead of entire cities suddenly being without heat or power.

Zron ,

All of those EV advancements were only in the passed 20 years.

The first electric vehicle was made well over 100 years ago. Until very recently they were considered wildly expensive and impractical.

You consider nuclear to me unnecessary and impractical because we’ve had the tech for 75 years and it’s still expensive. Yet nuclear tech is younger than EVs, and you discredit advancements because… reasons.

Your stance confuses me.

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