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What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

Zorque ,

Hey now! Some are probably Russian/Chinese troll farms!

Zorque ,

But gatekeeping mental health is totally okay.

Just because their issues aren't as clinical as yours doesn't mean they're not also struggling.

In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing?

With the lastest news of AI layoffs, I'm struggling to understand how the idea of a career still holds. If careers themselves effectively become gambles like lottery tickets, how do we maintain drive and hopes in the longterm endgame of our struggles?...

Zorque ,

Someone's never had a depressive episode.

Zorque ,

I'd imagine they pass overhead in a similar way to that total solar eclipses do.

Zorque ,

Is everything completely black and white for you?

The system isn't perfect, especially where we prioritize punishing people over rehabilitation. Would you rather punish everyone equally, emphasizing that if people are going to risk the legal implications (which, based on legal systems the world over, people are going to do) they might as well just go for the real thing anyways?

You don't have to accept it as morally acceptable, but you don't have to treat them as completely equivalent either.

There's gradations of questionable activity. Especially when there's no real victims involved. Treating everything exactly the same is, frankly speaking, insane. Its like having one punishment for all illegal behavior. Murder someone? Death penalty. Rob them? Straight to the electric chair. Jaywalking? Better believe you're getting the needle.

Zorque ,

So... its just a claim they're making and you're hoping it has actual backing.

Zorque ,

But you didn't say you had proof with your comment, you said it was probable. Basically saying its common sense that its proven.

Why are you getting aggressive about actually having to provide proof about something when saying its obvious?

Also, that seems to imply that locking up people for AI offenses would then encourage truly reprehensible behavior by linking them with those who already engage in it.

Almost like lumping people together as one big group, instead of having levels of grey area, means people are more likely to just go all in instead of sticking to something more morally defensible.

Zorque ,

Everything is 99% grey area. If someone tells you something is completely black and white you should be suspicious of their motives.

Zorque ,

Because that's how capitalism works. The goal is to make as much money as possible as fast as possible, which is harder to do when you have competition.

The myth of the "free market" is a way to distract people from the reality of a capital based system. The haves all want to be have-mores, and they will take from the needs to accomplish it.

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  • Zorque ,

    Poorly organized socialized healthcare, sure.

    Zorque ,

    As opposed to private Healthcare where they're guaranteed to screw you over.

    Zorque ,

    The players make the game. It's not a one or the other thing.

    Zorque ,

    There'd be alternatives if people didn't give up before ever looking for them.

    Zorque ,

    So... in reading the article, it seems he suggest the government is using religion to manipulate people into forgetting about all the aliens they're hiding.

    So, not so much with the sanity.

    Zorque ,


    Zorque ,

    I doubt very much adblockers are to blame for that. They're a convenient excuse for those trying to squeeze as much money as possible from their users... but they would have gone that route no matter what. It's just the nature of the economic system we live in.

    Zorque ,

    He also does put money into trying to fix the city. Gotham is canonically cursed like five times over. No matter how much cash you mainline into the city it's not going to get better.

    Zorque ,

    I'm sure they can churn out a bunch more half-finished board game and game show adaptations.

    Zorque ,

    Every technology has the potential to be abused. This isn't even at the top of the worst offenders.

    4 months durability for an $800 phone!

    My old $200 Motorola G9 Power phone lasted almost 4 years with only very minor scratches. Obviously in that period I have dropped it a few times getting out of the car, where the phone sometimes work itself out of my pant pocket while I drive, and then it slips out when I get out of the car. But no problem on my previous phones,...

    Zorque ,

    PS: I don’t use condoms for my phones, if they need that for daily use, it’s an obvious design flaw!!!

    You don't use a condom because you know you'll get a girl pregnant, you do it on the slim possibility. There's always going to be outliers, and refusing to prepare for the possibility because it's remote is playing with fire. It's asking for a worst case scenario when the preventative measures are so very easy out of pure arrogant principle.

    Zorque ,

    More importantly, the system we all accept (willingly or not) requires that people be employed to survive.

    It's not a matter of wanting to be employed, as needing to be employed.

    Zorque ,

    Maybe they have one of the shitty adblockers for some reason.

    Zorque ,

    He didn't, he bought in to a company that was already set on doing it.

    Zorque ,

    A company is more than its most visible members. There were likely plenty of competent people in the hierarchy that were there before Musk and were able to continue that trend of competency until Musk decided he needed to control more and more of the intricacies of the company.

    The difference isnt what he was doing before to make things run smoothly so much as what he wasn't... that being getting in the way. He was a glorified PR guy. Which he was great at. Running a tech and manufacturing company? Not so much.

    Zorque ,

    Inflation is great to keep the stock market afloat. That's about its only redeeming quality. The reason that most economists like inflation is the false premise that people will stop spending money if money starts increasing in value... but the vast majority of people are going to spend their money one way or another, cause they can't just stop buying food or paying for rent... and they're not going to skip out on what little fun they can have because it might be a little cheaper later.

    Deflation is bad for the rich. Because it means their non-monetary assets are suddenly worth less.

    Zorque ,

    Just because you can't solve everything all on your own doesn't mean you're effectively powerless.

    What does make you powerless is refusing to act because you have to be part of a crowd to help, instead of some lone avenging angel who can solve everything with a snap of their fingers.

    Zorque ,

    Your comment seemed awfully opinionated for not trying to make a point.

    Zorque ,

    That's because your side is just you.

    Zorque ,

    Imagine thinking there's only one solution.

    Zorque ,

    That obviously being the only other choice, of course.

    Zorque ,

    They literally made an either or declaration of their own...

    Zorque ,

    It is like No Man's Sky in that most people who weren't fanatical about saying it had a huge turn around stopped caring about it after a year or so.

    r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( )

    I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

    Zorque ,

    One can assume, yes. But that's not especially scientific, is it? What's the point of the research if you can't look at the methodology?

    Someone else defended the post from people saying "well d'uh" by saying we need to corroborate our theories and not just assume they're correct. Kind of hard to do when research is hidden behind paywalls.

    Zorque ,

    There is no one key word. They all kind of intermingle to explain the whole idea. Picking and choosing which word you feel most comfortably explains your own opinion doesn't make it right.

    Zorque ,

    The free market is propaganda to trick people into thinking capitalism is somehow ethically solvent.

    Zorque ,

    Fixing the issue doesn't line the pockets of investors. People aren't going to stop going to the hospital, so why fix it?

    Zorque ,

    A women wrote an article about how women are afraid of the possibility of male strangers attacking them, comparing it being stuck in the woods with the bear.

    And, as is tradition, instead of actually reading the article a bunch people took it to mean that she would literally rather be attacked by a bear rather than a man.

    Zorque ,

    "Folk" is pretentious in your mind? I would think the opposite were more true. Having "folksy charm" means you're more grounded and personable when describing someone you find to be outside the norm.

    Zorque ,

    And of course the land couldn't be used for anything else... like natural ecosystems.

    Just because land exists doesn't mean it needs to be pillaged to feed our desires.

    Zorque ,

    Because corporations make things based on the demand of those individual people. They don't exist in a vacuum. And they're not going to change because someone on the internet rants about them. Their only incentive is profit

    Zorque ,

    Haven't iPhones had service lives far past most other phones? The used market for iPhones is huge compared to Android.

    Zorque ,

    Wait a second... that's more than two words!

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