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Zink ,

That’s definitely the nice thing about YT music for me. Whatever random niche songs my son wants about games or characters, or ordinary popular music any of us listen to, are always on there. Plus we use regular YT all the time on several devices, so it is literally the only streaming service I pay for.

Zink ,

It’s like we’re circling back to those “extreme bass” CDs from the 90s.

Zink , (edited )

It just thinks you’re a garden variety redneck.

Zink ,

I’m glad I got caught up in the great exodus when they fucked over the 3rd party app devs. I’d read Reddit with Apollo, and it was mostly passive consumption of the posts and discussions being thrown out there by the faceless masses.

Here, it feels more like having actual discussions with real people, and I started actively participating right away. (Granted, this place isn’t impervious to bots and trolls, but for now it’s a smaller target at least)

Zink ,

People are certainly susceptible to Rosy Retrospection, but let’s not forget that 2023’s word of the year was enshittification for a reason!

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

Zink ,

Sounds like one of those rare cases where engineering and marketing might agree on something.

Zink ,

Have you tried Linux Mint yet?

I recently installed it on a Dell laptop (work) to dual boot, and it seemed pretty much as simple as installing windows.

I’m a daily Linux user and had been using other distros in VMs, but I still wanted to try it.

Zink ,

Yeah my first thought was that this looks like an extremely optimistic take drawn by somebody without the issue.

Even having plans AFTER work can mess things up.

Zink ,

Yeah, as if plenty of men wouldn’t have a baby with a rich woman if she was offering $100k/mo child support or some shit.

The numbers work differently if you swap the sexes like that, but the motivations don’t.

Zink ,

I’d venture a guess that his primary skill in life and business is pressuring other people so that he gets what he wants.

Zink ,

Have you also not seen enough to learn why the “just asking questions” justification isn’t super effective around here?

It’s used as thinly veiled cover for spreading malicious bullshit while pretending the speaker isn’t lying to their audience. I’m not accusing you of this, in fact I’m explaining it hoping that you’re genuine.

Zink ,
  • Elon with TSLA stock at 2023 levels, lol
Zink ,

You’ll have to spend some of those savings on industrial dehydrators though. It can be very difficult to get the texture of the powder right when you start grinding all willy nilly.

Zink ,

See also: working out

Zink ,

My ADHD brain has conditioned me to be very optimistic about what I’ll do tomorrow, or what I’ll do once I get home, lol.

Zink ,

To me this just looks like a typical day that started with the best of intentions.

Zink ,

Feels like a strange move, from an American who is used to seeing the EU do things that should put our government to shame.

Are they trying to get the US to join the EU? Lol

Zink ,

Oh nice. Does your system FINALLY provide enough addreses for every Planck volume in the observable universe? It’s been frickin amateur hour, this internet thing.

Zink ,

You know, just this week I saw the dermatologist again after several years. One of my medications makes me more susceptible to skin cancer and I needed a prescription related to a skin condition refilled.

So I needed to go more than most. I have plenty of other simple things I’ve been waiting months to do, but it IS possible to knock these things out.

Zink ,

Complains without solutions and distrusts legitimate experts, with a dash of “fuck other people.” So you’re just saying your FIL is a typical Republican.

Zink ,

Yeah, unfortunately many people seem to default to complaining about things while continuing to consume what they are fed. And not change anything, of course.

Zink ,

Honestly at this point I’ll be surprised if we DON’T see openly employer owned & operated towns for employees.

Future bootlickers be like “TheY pUt A rOoF oVer My HeAd!!”

Zink ,

It could just be the Centauri and their thrice damned mass drivers again.

Zink ,

At the end you have to throw in “I told you that bitch crazy!”

I don’t know if it’s my favorite Chris Rock line, but it’s definitely the one I quote the most.

Zink ,

Sure, with that attitude!

It can be even more fun to say it about a guy.

Zink ,

They are like a big coal-rolling tractor trailer rumbling past somebody on an e-bike and shaking their finger at you because you could be pedaling right now to save minuscule amounts of energy.

Telling others to conserve is free. They themselves conserving could potentially mean less money!

Zink ,

Oh yeah, those theater kids and their notorious disdain of LGBT and other marginalized groups.

Zink ,

Well no, I was just making a joke about the stereotype.

Zink ,

My employer has gone hard into agile, and not just for the software people.

Having my priorities for the next two weeks rather than guesstimating the next 18 months is so nice.

Zink ,

The day after tomorrow is appointment day for me. All four ADHD days have aligned in sequence, as it was written. I forget where.

Zink ,

Imagine caring about the suffering of others for no good reason.

Zink ,

It’s so dumb, but this I’d the same base that was excited about Mexico paying for the wall.

Zink ,

Once I learned about Linux Mint, I saw no reason to ever use Ubuntu. It has pretty much all the Ubuntu benefits, without canonical controversy, in an even more “just give me a fully featured desktop OS” package.

And like others have posted, I’m not shitting on Ubuntu or its use. If you like it, no need to mess with what works. It’s still Linux. It’s all good. I just never was a user of it, so I jumped straight to Mint for my last install.

Zink ,

Maybe he started with 5 or 10 billion dollars left in the company!

Zink ,

These two joKes just had me laughing unKontrollably at my phone.

Zink ,

Who is brave enough to ride the LCC centrifuge?! It’s EXTREEEEEEEeeeeee______ 💥

Zink ,

It only took a couple decades for that whole greedy evil movement to dictate such big decisions.

Zink ,

As a large language model, I expect you to use the search function. Asshole.

Zink ,

I have one you should love. And by that I mean hate.

Over a decade ago I was installing some equipment I designed, training the operators, etc. There were electrical and software components to the system, and it was used to test products coming out of final assembly.

The very first thing that happened was the operator taking the stapled-together stack of detailed instructions I gave them, dropping it on the work bench, and using it as a mouse pad to start aimlessly clicking around.

Zink ,

I don’t read it that way. It’s more like you must admit the unfortunate truth that there are monsters all around us. I don’t perceive that threat myself because it doesn’t happen to me, but I hear a pretty genuine and consistent message from women, both trans and cis.

That seems a lot easier to accept. And I think the point is that if you can’t accept even that much, that raises questions about your motives and/or awareness.

It’s kind of an anti generalization stance. It’s the position against the generalization that women overreact and don’t have anything to fear from random men.

Zink ,

Of course I could see them put real life Cruella de Vil on the ticket.

The pussy hunter and the puppy slayer join forces at last!

Zink ,

I don’t know if that’s a rule of thumb or not, but it certainly makes sense.

First, the world of reliability runs on data and math. Lots of statistics, of course.

And second, aircraft are over-engineered for safety margins on top of safety margins. The test data might say you need a part that’s X thickness of aluminum in order to be 99% sure to never fail in the field. So let’s just make it 3X thickness to be safe!

So from that standpoint, back to back failures should pretty much always draw a bunch of attention in this industry.

Zink ,

Sup, fellow XCHWM here. My first thought was to agree and say something about how people’s right to exist and live the life that is normal to them doesn’t depend on anybody understanding or approving it. And assuming it’s peaceful and all that. You know, decent human stuff.

But then I reread your last line and got saddened by imagining the mental state of JKR. Imagine you are not just rich, but an adored famous artist, an American Dream success story, and doubly mega fucking rich to the point that you could just walk around giving random people life-changing amounts of money all day while funding other big amazing shit… and your mind is distracted by anger and fear towards the existence of other people you don’t even know. And now your famous name is attached to that awful attribute.

Zink ,

Irrelevant from the American perspective! People all over the world have access to the American dream!

/s for me. I capitalized it for extra snark. Totally not /s for others in this country though.

Zink ,

A couple decades ago I worked at a place that did power generation turbine controls.

One thing I worked on was a redundant sync check for connecting turbines to the grid. A turbine has to be brought up to speed, about 3600rpm in the US, before being connected to the grid. The sine wave coming out of the generator needs to match the sine wave on the grid.

If they are mismatched when the huge breaker closes, it’s not a shock or fire hazard, it’s an explosion hazard.

Zink ,

The orbital one sounds interesting. That’s a lot of energy, and it could do a lot of damage, but it seems very stable if left untouched.

My gut suspicion is that with something more safe/stable, you would also be dealing with a low quality/potency source and/or low efficiency.

Zink ,

I guess in my head I was implying that it was energy humans store for other humans to use at grid scale. When I said "of any kind” I guess that’s not what I meant, lol.

So in my line of thinking, you’re right about e.g. using the sun to heat a rock. But if we use the sun to heat something for electricity generation, or we heat some medium for energy storage, I bet that will be pretty potent.

Besides, past the small scale into the smallEST scale, it’s all just energy anyway, man. 😎

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