@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar


@[email protected]

I hate Nazis

I hate Islamists

I hate Anti-Democratic People in general

I hate anime haters (like seriously why even)

I hate Antisemitism

I hate neo Leftists

I hate Terrorists

I hate dog shit on my sidewalk

I hate big Cars without necessity

I hate people that tolerate any of the above

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YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Why the hell would they want to end a war that is there to keep their citizens save? 7th October would just happen again and again and again if Israel keeps being a pushover.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Nobody gives a fuck, Iran is literally supplying terrorists and Russia with weapons, iran being shown their boundaries is really necessary soon.

Iran is the main driver of the middle east problems right now.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Rightfully so. Actually Nato and Ukraine would massively benefit when Israel shoots Iran into oblivion. However the possibility of nukes getting involved is there.

YourPrivatHater , (edited )
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Ok, but they might just need it the most and for the longest time?

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

I mean this war is obviously not stopping any time soon. The amount of rocket from hezbolla was enough to turn the border region into no mans land.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Thats great even outside of piracy, there is a gigantic influx of fake websites with very similar URLs

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Small reminder that there is no evidence that it was Israel and that it is not uncommon for hamas to target Civilians, medical personnel and journalists wich aren't from aljazeera.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

You are aware that Hamas literally uses fucking ambulances as transport and that such targets are valid according to the conventions. You are also aware that journalists where found to hold hostages? (https://nypost.com/2024/06/09/world-news/gaza-journalist-held-3-hostages-in-his-home-with-his-family-israeli-military-says/)

Those are valid targets. Oh and also hamas is often just killing or bombing people and saying it was Israel, see the hospital parking lot incident.

However i do agreed that Netanjahu belongs in front of a court. Just as every single hamas terrorist that isn't killed in this war, justice has to be served no matter how moraly right some of these crimes may seem to some

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

There is no denying that IDF did also commit crimes, its a war.

However its very clear that aljazeera journalists are the only ones allowed in Gaza by Hamas, they definitely work together and the case presented by the IDF regarding the journalist seems to be reasonable, even though not independently proven, wich will most likely not happen with more things in this war.

Overall, the concept of "valid targets" is bullshit. It is used to assuage our innate understanding that killing people -- particularly the young, the innocent, the defenseless, the elderly -- is WRONG. Israel has, in this particular war, extended the concept in a way that is clearly genocidal. Their target selection, as covered by 972, was wildly more vicious than their own historical limits on collateral damage. An anonymous Israeli intelligence officer called it "a mass assassination factory".

Thats where i don't agree, there are shit loads of valid targets everywhere and the validation of the targets is by the Geneva conventions. The claim of a genocide is just idiotic. And even when they kill massiv amounts of people, that doesn't mean those people aren't working with, for or are terrorists. Also, the "young" are a valid target as soon as they pick up a weapon.

But yes crime needs to be investigated independently and without bias.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar


Maybe read about the 20% rockets failing to even aim towards Israel and where they are fired from...

Oh and dead red cross makes good propaganda about the evil Israel obviously.

And where the hell did Israel say it wasn't Hamas? Source?

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yeah shure thats what i was saying! Shure!

Man you are just jumping to conclusions like life is a jump and run.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

This is the most reasonable approach, but as seen with the UN, wich as the sum of its parts failed to keep dictatorships out wich now basically control everything but the security Council and the ICJ, its a Utopist approach sadly. There cant be a peace unless Israel takes over Palestine and treats the people that live there now as equal (wich they do already btw, the myth about apartheid is BS there are many Arab Palestinians living in Israel and many went to work in Israel from gaza) but the problem with the surrounding terrorists is another problem.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yeah but that will not happen because the "sovereign nations" government is Hamas and they did attack Israel...

Hamas has the majority in Gaza and would get the majority in the other parts of the autonomous region Palestine in a election (wich is why the current government of this region is not doing elections)

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

This is the biggest BS i've read in a long time.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Thats not true Israel knows exactly what they want and are doing and about 2 million (gaza) aren't that many the remaining parts of Palestinia aren't that many people either. A takeover of much larger places has been done in history several times.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Israel doesn't want territorial gains but to get rid of terrorists that shoot their civilians. They invaded Egypt as well and are now on relatively good terms with their government.

And there is no so called ethnic cleansing.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yeah shure because Hamas isnt constantly firing rockets into Israel... If there is a defakto control how exactly would the 7th October have happened...

This is just idiotic.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yeah shure...

Israel has defakto 0 control over Gaza except for the borders normally. Everything inside is controlled by Hamas. And if you think otherwise you have never been there and you don't know anything about it.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

The civilians in Palestinia in general are victims, thats clear, but the reason they are is hamas and the narrative they propagate about the victim hood that got somehow transferred through generations just as their state as refugees would have according to them.

But yes the settlement thing is a shitshow, but nither side recognized the existence of the other and both claim the possession of the entire area, however, Israel clearly has more rights to it due to the fact that the people in Gaza and the other parts aren't the people that lived there before Israel, they are mostly the descendants of the Arabs that attacked Israel shortly after it was declared a state, with the intention of a genocide. The original Palestinians live in Israel (many of them btw killed on the 7th October pogrom/genocide attempt) and have the same rights as the Christians, jews and everyone else, Israel is a super diverse country with lots of immigrants from all over the world. The claims about apartheid by Hamas (supported by un) are absolutely outlandish and just not true.

Oh and... When you have terrorists as you neighborhood you gotta make shure they don't plot teroristic shit and remove the ones that do. That doesn't mean anything about control thats just trying to keep a never ending Forrest fire within certain boundaries.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

The UN while created with noble intentions certainly fell for the paradox of tolerance. They tolerate the dictatorships and human rights abusers because if they didn't they'd be much less empowered to take action against them, or worse they'd form their own competing UN made up of nations motivated to join them and you'd just end up with another NATO and Warsaw Pact for example. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Yes absolutely but the dictatorships and shitshow countries (china for example) keep growing in numbers, if this trend isn't reversed fast, UN fails as a whole and there is no saving.

It would be better in my opinion to have two options, democratic union and whatever the dictatorships do with each other, because the only thing that united them is being against democracy and Israel. UN, in my personal opinion, already failed as a whole and is beyond saving.

Ultimately the challenge comes down to how do you ultimately tame the leaders of the world who have absolute power. The founding fathers of the United States of America thought they had the solution with democracy and the many checks and balances they implemented into this new form of government they setup, but even that has its challenges and failures that they never could have forseen.

The big part of a government is, that it has power to enforce whatever it decides, UN gladly does not have any meaningful power, Israel would be gone by now otherwise.

The UN was the next experiment, trying to take the similar principles onto the world stage, and it's been less successful (but at least has had some successes)

Well those successes slowly but steadily crumble away, the most institutions have failed, WHO is doing its job only half assed (especially the making shure hospital aren't used as military bases) the human rights Council is majorly filled with people that think human rights are shit and only need to apply it when it fits against the west or Israel specifically, the General Assembly is almost the same. (fun fact, the day of the Russian attack on Ukraine the general assembly voted about condemning Israel for something... Again. Most resolutions are against Israel.)
Oh and the entire UNHWR wich is definitely more than partially responsible for hamas doing what they do.

UN isn't even a diplomatic forum anymore.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Uhhh autonomous regions that don't see themselves as part of a country and behave like that are obviously not treated like citizens... Thats not apartheid thats common sense. And Israel blockade of Gaza is 100% justified because hamas uses basically everything as weapon transport.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

No its not normal and people living in a country governed by terrorists are never free, be gay in the autonomous region and you get to choose between being thrown of a building or hung or something worse...

There is no such thing as freedom as long as there are terrorists and as long as most support them.

Oh and both Israel and the autonomous region do claim ownership of each others territory and by that the people, so. Yes. Its complicated.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

I meant the claim some people propagate about the apartheid within Israeli society, wich is propaganda. The claim that there is some sort of apartheid between Israeli and Palestinians is nothing to argue about, thats basically a fact, the reasons however are another thing.

The legal autonomy of Palestinia would mean Israels acknowledgement of Palestinia as a country, wich should not happen, as it would likely cause even more problems. In my personal opinion Israel needs to take action and remove the autonomous region from the map, there is no working two state solution as it will always lead to problems. True peace will only be possible when integration happens and the terrorists are hunted down to extinction or until they only exist in prison forever.

This is also why i strongly condemn the acknowledgement of Palestinia, especially after 7th October. This only fuels the Hamas and Islamistic jihad recruitment massively "It works!" works wonders in such cases, thats why it should not work.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

I mean most of the hardcore islamists will either be killed as terrorists or flee the state Israel anyway (so likely about 50%). And in the end i can absolutely understand Israel regarding this goal. The goal is to keep their own citizens safe from the terrorism and from the antisemitism that is very big in the world. Israel got this territory from UK and they still have to fight for it. The entire region around Israeli borders is no mans land due to the very frequent bombardings from hamas and hezbolla. The Iron dome can only take out about 90% and the regions near border can't be protected due to the warning time (10 seconds at max) the region is completely evaluated in the month after 7th October over 10.000 rockets Rained on Israel. And the daily average is about 100 to 200 since.

No peace is possible as long as these terrorists are alive and i absolutely hope Israel ignores all the outside "criticism" regarding the military operation and just removes them now.

One thing is easy, terrorists need to be gone for peace.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar




I think you might need to read this i won't read your comment or open those links, your sources are very openly and clearly biased and known to be very antisemitic and to hate Israel. There is nothing to gain from them.

YourPrivatHater , (edited )
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Sources: aljazeera a known hamas sympathizing or straight up part of them media outlet, and a website called visualizing Palestinie, without any actual sources.



The official land given to Israel by UK is the blue part left. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_the_British_Mandate_for_Palestine

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

How dare you state the truth in our antisemitic arguments about how evil Israel is...

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Jewish voice for peace is a super left wing anti Israel organization.

New Arab is a shitshow. Also yeah shure the 10k rockets hamas fired from gaza after 7th had a 20% failure rate... They are usually fired from residential areas or sometimes from school/hospitals. So yeah shure many gaza children died. "OH SAVE THE CHILDREN!" they screamed as they murdered children from another religion/ethnicity...

HRW again, im not reading that, i cant even, ive blocked their domains in my DNS due to given reason provided.

Oh and yes i absolutely see a two state solution as absolutely impossible and borderline Antisemitic currently (after 7th October)

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Thats not what im saying, i live with many Muslims in my neighborhood they are nice, respectful and open people, but the terrorists in Gaza and around Israel take their own civilians hostage and do stuff to endanger them on purpose. Its not possible to fight them without casualtys and collateral damages. Also these people take their religion as excuse to try to commit genocide, repeatedly.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Thats not true for several reasons but im too tired to argue all of this.

One of those points is that the original Palestinian people are already part of Israel and currently only the Arab "Palestinians" are a problem. Maybe learn more about the conflict. But this goes for 99% of the people here, most here dont know shit about the conflict.

If peace in the region means driving those people away i think its justified, the jews have been on that side for the majority of history and still are, this conflict began because the Arab Palestinians tried to commit a actual genocide against the Israeli Jewish people.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Bro, i meant the attempted genocide right after Israel was founded.

And its not evil to some day have enough about being the scapegoat for everyone and a easy target. Si vis pacem para bellum

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Oh, I see. I don't know about genocide back then, it was really just various wars after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Some atrocities, but nothing into the thousand

Nah man they tried to kill all the jews in the first Arab Israeli war. They couldn't because Israel was supported by the most important players.

No, if your "enough" is just taking living space over the bones and ashes of others, you are commiting evil. There are other ways.

What place isnt a gigantic graveyard? All modern civilizations are built on graveyards and if it takes another one to have more peace for longer thats a thing that wouldn't be too bad.

This region in particular has probably seen more war in humanitys existence than most other places did. Why blame Israel for defending themselves? If your neighbors constantly throw trash into your garden you either throw them back or get the police involved. If your neighbor is a murderous psychopath you would buy a weapon to defend yourself, and you would use it when necessary. In that case, you killed someone for your living place.

Oh and Israel didn't take shit, it was given to them by England after WW2 and as said, they constantly need to fight for what is rightfully theirs.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Ukraine is killing many Russians that are probably "good people" as well...

The argument makes no sense and im not going to take this any further.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Your entire account is what i would call a shit post.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Probably... Thats just bs.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yeah the promise to ignore all genocidal attempts, rocket barrages and what not. You are not just a clown, you are the entire fucking clown academy.

YourPrivatHater , (edited )
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

You are aware that you talk absolut mental diarrhea and make not a single coherent sentence in the above comment...

Oh and "THE CHILDREN!!!!!"

Im blocking you now, arguing with you is like trying to teach a wall to do a backflip.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Unironicaly thinking that there is a genocide even after the ICJ said there is none... Blocked you nazi.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Obviously, Gaza or Palestinia in general doesn't give out recognized papers. Its a autonomous region for a reason.

They wouldn't be allowed to enter any other country without said documents either.

There is no actual reason why it should ne otherwise.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Textbook Hamas propaganda. Absolut mental diarrhea and just misinformation.

Wow. Go away nazi.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar


YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Because they stay there thinking its their right. Thinking they deserve to destroy Israel.

Also, before hamas pulled off the 7th October shitshow Gaza and Palestine was relatively save and began to economicaly get on track.

Also most refugees are a very very small portion of the people from a area, most stay. Even in Mariupol Ukraine there are still people, even in actual warzones where the invading military (Russia) hunts civilians.

Right now they can't leave because of the terrorist attack, nobody wants those terrorists to get away into another country.

Why do jews still exist even after being literally hunted for most of history?

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

As a person with German ancestry i kindly don't care if you personally are against it. Israel is a state and being for the abolishment of Israel is antisemitism, even from Jewish people.

Maybe learn about the history of a place outside of the Islamnazi propaganda.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Maybe you should do a little research about why they don't go away and why nobody from outside takes them. And yes Hamas. Hamas is the root of problems. Btw, many gaza refugees live in Europe... And they despise most people still in gaza saying "these are the people responsible for all of the deaths, its not Israel shooting civilians left and right, its not Israelis going into "Palestine" with the IDF and spitting on dead people or killing them" this is a direct quote from one of the people i work with, he is a refuge from gaza, and he said that going out is not hard (was, currently it definitely is) and that they are allowed to leave into Israel when they want to move away.

Most don't want to go, it would be admitting defeat after almost 70 years of trying to get rid of Israel.

Shure Israel is blocking the entrys and exits now and was strictly regulating before. Iran already sends hamas weapons through tunnels, don't need the terrorists to leave and regroup outside of gaza for a attack on Israel. Don't need more Iranian weapons in Gaza, especially not even more Rockets.

You people argue that Israel should let a region with majority support for a terrorist organization, especially their genocide attacks, do whatever they want.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-over-70-palestinians-still-maintain-hamas-correct-to-commit-oct-7-atrocities/ *

https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-poll-shows-palestinian-support-hamas-still-high-despite-mounting-death-toll *

(* same poll different sources)

The insanity is beyond reason.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Cause lemmy is apparently filled with antisemitic people. At least i don't have to worry about karma BS.

Neo-Leftism is a term i could use for this.

YourPrivatHater ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Yes but they aren't being starved on purpose, Israel isn't targeting the civilians, that would be super counterproductive for them as more people would join the terrorists. Also Israel, contrary to popular belief does not have enough material to waste it on civilians. They fight a four front war against the Palestinian terrorists, the ones from Lebanon(hezbolla), the ones from the Egyptian border (hezbolla) and whatever Iran is currently plotting.

There is food getting into Gaza, its not enough for everyone, hut they try. They have to keep themselves save first however, you can't help anyone when you are dead. Nato is even airlifting supplys into Gaza where its not possible to get trucks with food.

The narrative being pushed by hamas is "Israel kills all our people with bombs and starves the children" this is textbook recruitment propaganda. They celebrate every single dead jew btw.

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