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Xantar ,

There's also a correlation with the sounds of said swearwords. Which tent to be more sharp and concussive. That's why "Fuck that shit" feels better than "Damn this mess"

Xantar , (edited )

If my previous consciousness coexisted: Support my young shitbrain self in the tough times he's going through and become the best supporter anyone could ever want...or maybe that already happened and that's why I'm constantly being sidetracked.

Xantar , (edited )

Knowledge is power to make money to get more power.

Xantar ,

I'd argue 70 hours is a pretty high tolerance for boredom then.

Xantar ,

Idk maybe it's just me but I feel like people give Bethesda a little too much unwarranted goodwill, and I don't get why.

Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?

I'm thinking the animals would easily defeat us, since trying to get all 8 billion+ humans to agree on a plan of attack would be a near-impossible task. By the time we'd be done trying to coordinate a plan, I figure the lions and cheetahs would have already devoured us, not to mention the larger animals like the elephants....

Xantar ,

TIL vegetables have intentions

Xantar ,

I knew beets were up to no good.

Xantar ,

It can be about jerking off if you want it to.

Also yeah me too.

Xantar ,

Hypoallergenic means less-allergenic not zero. In principle nothing is zero allergenic, not even water.

Xantar ,

Make Mario my desktop background and stay protected forever by the holy power of Nintendo's lawyers.

Xantar ,

Structured chaos is key

Xantar ,

You look at the dishes, comprehend how you would do them if you did, build a plan, then put it in the back of your mind and go about your day.

Xantar , (edited )

When you really think about it, chaos is the natural order tendency of the universe, entropy and all that. Ergo, order is against nature.

Xantar , (edited )

"understand people's minds" ---> "be less likely to manipulate"

Alright I'm not expert enough in manipulation, but isn't the whole idea that you understand how people think so you can trick them more efficiently ?

Besides, the AI doesn't "think" about manipulating, it just does what its programming/training tells it to do, no ?

Xantar ,

I'm just quoting the recap.

Xantar ,

Thanks for the notice

Xantar OP ,

Speaking of work, do you guys ever start a new work project with full focus, then if for some reason you're ahead of schedule, you lose it all, until you're late and sometimes too late ?

It happens often and makes me feel incompetent in a position I know I'm capable.

Xantar ,

The singularity. Just to say hi to Roko's Basilisk.

Xantar ,

This is gonna sound silly, but feeding the local birds is really therapeutical. For the span of a moment it's not about you, it's about the simplicity of feeding an animal you don't know, that will likely not care if you come back. No strings attached.

I used to wonder why old people do that, now I get it. It just feels nice.

A word of advice though if you plan on doing that, look up what you should and should not feed wild animals. Bread is supposedly terrible for ducks. And crows will go crazy about peanuts. Funny to see them crack them open too.

Xantar ,

I fail to see the path you took to OPs garden.

Xantar ,

"You merely adopted piracy, I was born in it, molded by it"

Xantar ,

Moral is dependent on the time and the place. What was morally justified yesterday might be offensive tomorrow.

For example: Adolf Hitler could have been a moral genius in regards to eugenics whereas Martin Luther King would have been a moral idiot.

Xantar ,

Didn't know the game, I'll check it out, thanks 👍

I Am Able To Change My Race, Right?

This is from my last post, many people disagreed with my belief. Since people are able to identify and claim whatever they want to be. I am now a trans white. I do not consider nor identify myself as an African-American woman anymore. I don’t feel comfortable in my skin. I don’t believe this was my right race at birth. So I...

Xantar ,

Hey you again, I was just thinking I hadn't seen you for about...30minutes. impressive, I'm curious how long until you delete that post like every other xD

Nice seeing you again, take care. 🤙

Xantar , (edited )

I have a few pocket lints and a bubblegum wrapper. Do you reckon that will be sufficient?

I Just Don’t See Trans Women As Women

I just can’t wrap my head around it. They want to be called and seen woman, but they have to get bottom surgery. Take hormone pills, all these excessive stuff to be a woman. They don’t have menstrual cycles nor can they carry a child. Why can’t they just be happy being a male and just wear feminine clothes? Like a femboy...

Xantar ,

Good news for everyone is, your belief or approval is not required.

drops the mic

Hey it's you again. What a coincidence. Hi :)

Don't delete your post too fast this time.

Xantar ,

I for one, find it entertaining. For the rest, I think you just put yourself into this situation. Reaping, sowing, Actions consequences, all that.

Xantar ,

It is simple, you can't care about everything. Pick your battles. The burden of the world is not fit for one person to carry. Besides, once you feel outraged, what happens ? Nothing. Then you get desensitized. It's a survival mechanism to stay sane in a world where we have less and less power to handle more and more problems.

Xantar ,

Ah yes, privilege...tell me about it. Everyone is against it but we all strive to achieve it. What hypocrisy.

It's rich of you to talk so high and mighty, but what has your protest done so far ? People who can really make a change don't care and laugh amused while you waste your days in the street.

If people back in the french revolution only protested we'd still be starving and working the fields. Thankfully for us they didn't really have any other option back then.

The real change is not from outrage and protest, it's from a demonstration of force. But that shit takes organization and motivation and energy and time, and. Nobody has any of that.

Knowledge is burden, and you're trying to convince me to know more and torture myself so you don't feel so bad about knowing too much. It has nothing to do with helping others.

Xantar ,

Daily commute and sleep deprivation that derives from it is mind numbing. The only reason leaders want people to work at the office is so they don't pay for empty offices.

Want people to innovate ? Give them free time to do research on a subject your company could benefit from.

Want people to meet with their teams ? Organize team activities once in a while. Everyone will benefit and be happier for it.

Xantar ,

I've been told that originally Asus was called Pegasus. But they shortened it to be listed higher in alphabetical order lists.

Guess they're trying to 😎 bring back the Peg.

Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail?

It’s actually sick, they already get a light sentence and also getting protected by the justice system while the victim they violated is heavily traumatized, probably for life. And what’s crazier is it’s happening more, I’m seeing it daily now every time I scroll, there’s another case. Just a few days ago a middle aged...

Xantar ,

I don't need to feel the rape of my closest friend for it to affect me deeply even when it had happened so long before we met. So I'll call pass on your hasty judgment, thank you very much.

I could try to imagine why someone would stalk, but you'd probably say I'm finding them an excuse, so I'll also pass on trying.

And this is how you lose the sympathy and protection of those who could help you against creeps.

Xantar ,

On the contrary, they needed a friend to confide in more than anything. And it helped.

Xantar ,

There comes a point in your trauma where you feel you only have the option to dig your heels deeper because otherwise you'd feel all that fighting was for nothing and you'd lose control.

Don't let that feeling blind you and justify acting like a piece of human garbage for your own sake, that's probably how the monsters you hate justify their own behaviours.

Xantar ,

The reason for this is because it works a lot better than ad hoc justice which is too reliant on variables like who was there that day.

Not to mention emotions. Which is inherently biased.

Xantar ,

That's how you interpret it, but I couldn't care less about those people. On the other hand I care that the justice system is solid, and removing bricks on the wall just because we feel a certain way about that specific brick just weakens the wall.

Xantar , (edited )

Become me a waterbender. Or wolverine.

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