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Windex007 ,

Can I vote for obsfuscators not holding a language hostage?

Windex007 ,

Where I am the charging infrastructure is terrible and electricity prices are bad. I was considering a hybrid but I guess if it's no better I'll just grab a regular ICE

Windex007 ,

My opinion is that if you obsess about trying to co-opt the concept of "diagnosis" so that you can have a word for yourself when you're 0.1σ off the median, then that word exists, but it's just "narcissist".

Windex007 ,

I think if society is putting "normal" on a pedestal, admiring and adoring that "trait", that's what a narcissist will want to be viewed as, and would fight any statement suggesting the contrary.

In the last decade, I'd say that there have been plenty of examples of social media elevating and celebrating many neuro-divergent conditions. Autism, ADHD, Tourette's and DID.

I think that's awesome, and I love it, and I never want things to go back on this. My nephews are diagnosed by an actual doctor neurospicy and I'm like, overcome and overwhelmed with gratitude that they'll get to opportunity to grow up in a world of acceptance that I couldn't have dared to dream could exist when I was a kid.

But, this new reality has brought out the narcissists like flies to honey. Suddenly everyone was self diagnosing DID. The irony being that they don't have DID, but that it's a huge red flag for narcissism.

Windex007 ,

The real acronym for multiple personalities disorder. It spiked in popularity in 2021-22.

Windex007 ,

They really muddied the definition of "best" by trying to combine "cost to install" "incentives" "existing capacity" and "jobs in the industry"

‘We will be your human shields’: Why unions are showing up in force to support the U of T pro-Palestinian protest encampment ( )

Windex007 ,

I think it's significant in principle at least.

Part of the reason that the youth are so disillusioned is that nobody in the older generations show any interest in protecting them in any sense. From abstract things like the projected future climate in which they will live, or in the concrete immediate of swarms of police.

Intergenerational solidarity isn't something these students have really experienced.

Windex007 ,
Windex007 ,

I think the ask is to just pick a lane.

Nobody had a gun to his head demanding him to espouse his commitment to an unregulated free market. He made these broad statements of his own volition.

Now, when he's championing the exact opposite... What?

For people who believed, rightly or wrongly that he had any value-baded stances, they have to accept that they don't exist.

That's what these doofuses are upset about: that the xth richest person in the world is only out for themselves. There is no deeper truth.

Windex007 ,

Pretty much every country fired up their money printers to power through covid.

Here is Canada's money supply:


Every other country did the same thing. Although I think governments, companies, and individuals are stumbling through the shock of such an unprecedented injection of supply... Ultimately IMO this is a global "hangover" from covid money printing.

This is why I'm hesitant to over-attribute current economic conditions to things like "approaching limits of growth". To me, those are zebras. Unprecedented monetary supply manipulation are horses. When I hear hoofbeats, my first guess is the horses.

Windex007 ,

I don't think libertarians really see wage slavery as the worst thing.

I think the fundamental difference is that libertarians don't care about outcomes. Or, at least they don't think that they do as long as they have food in their stomach and a barrier against the cold.

In their minds, it's all about them not being compelled to partake in anything they don't want to. If that means starving, fine (so they say, and I'm very suspicious of this claim), but at least there was no authority over them.

Most sane people strike a balance between valuing good practical outcomes, and more abstract notions like liberty and justice.

Full authoritarians say that only outcomes are important, that abstract notions like freedom are impediments to the greatest good, and you end up with things like the USSR.

So you're right that there wouldn't be a minimum wage... But you're wrong to appeal to the concept of wage slavery because it presupposes a libertarian values satisfactory outcomes. They don't.

Honestly there is no talking down a libertarian without first convincing them their lives are worth more than some definition of liberty.

Windex007 ,

Yes, but I'd argue that capital has a more profound impact than "modern medicine".

There is a massive MASSIVE selection pressure against reproduction for if you can afford kids or not.

You can look around the world and see countries with amazing health outcomes, beyond anything our ancestors even a few generations back could have dreamed of...

... And yet these countries no longer even have children at a replacement rate.

I'm not saying medicine isn't a factor... Just saying that in terms of evolutionary pressure, capitalism is even greater a pressure.

Windex007 , (edited )

Yeah, how dare he omit the amendment which permits electors from the district of Columbia!

I think the previous authour is suggesting that if this offering omits not 2, but sequentially from 11-27 inclusive (aka, everything ratified after 1791) that this isn't "cherry picking". A line was drawn, reasonable or not, and that's the line.

On the other hand, reporting and headlining 2 specific amendments, implies that they were specifically hand-picked (dare I say it, "cherry-picked") to maximize outrage. Because let's face it, nobody gives a fuck about how many electoral votes DC gets.

It might even read, to some readers, that maybe these were the ONLY two amendments removed. Even though that's not true.

Now, see, this is the BRILLIANCE in it. Trump can ARGUE that it was an arbitrary line. And people like me might say "it wasn't cherry picked per amendment, because it's consistently applied by ratification date", and argue that for him.

But let's get real. It's no coincidence the line was drawn where it was. It's telling that "prohibiting disallowing the vote based on sex" (19th amendment) or race (15th) and maybe most ominously "limiting presidential terms to 2" (22nd) are all after the 10th. It's also kinda telling of where the media sees its barrier for rage inducing material (sorry POC, Trump toasting your rights to vote doesn't make the cut. We don't gauge this as something people will get upset about)

They had to get the 2nd amendment in there. The 10th is about states rights. Republicans are generally onboard w/ the first 10. The rest are pretty "woke".

So, it turns into an argument around semantics. Perfect. Plausible deniability.

Edit: revised after pointed out that the cutoff was the 10th, not the 11th as my original post stated.

Windex007 ,

This is the level of nuance I heard from the TEA Party discussing their paychecks.

Windex007 ,

I want a Nice Cage move where he steals the constitution but everyone is super pedantic any time someone refers to the stolen artifact as the constitution.

I don't know if it'd be a better bit if HE always calls it the constitution and everyone else (including some backwoods "Deliverance" type character) is just like "... ackshully... I may not be too good on book learnin' but that'm thar document ain't no constitution cuz' it don't reference no democratically ratified amendments", driving Nic to freak the fuck out...

Or if everyone else calls it the constitution and Nic is the one constantly telling people it isn't actually, eventually freaking out.

Windex007 ,

Compliance fines come out of a different budget so who cares

Windex007 ,

For the reasons you listed, among many even more fundamental ones, the would never pass, and if it did, it's unenforceable.

It's not to fire up the conservative base. It's to fire you up.

It's just bait to shape their strawman "screeching liberal" archetype. They want pictures of blue haired college LGBTQ folks frothing at the mouth, chanting "death to Republicans"

That's all the Republicans do. It's all they've done for 40 years. They're never FOR anything they're just AGAINST the ENEMY. Sometimes they get one dropped into their laps like on 9/11. Sometimes they gotta make their own. Communists. Immigrants.

At this point, they're even happy to create their own out of queer college liberals. They were NEVER EVER going to vote R anyway. They know they can stir a REE out of them with legislation like this and then use the response as fodder for "America used to be strong and now it's full of soyboy cucks."

The arrogance of the Democrats is that they think Republican politicians are just stupid. Some are, but like if they're so dumb, why haven't the Dems been able to get more than 8 years? If your opponent is borderline mentally impaired, but you're neck in neck in what is absolutely a competition of wits, what HARD reality are you failing to accept?

You want to know how to defuse the strategy? Don't take the bait. It'd be one thing if it was in any way real. It isn't. Don't take the clickbait. Don't feed the trolls. Don't let someone take a picture of anyone with blue hair having a meltdown.

Windex007 ,

You believe this legislation is being put forward with the intention for it to be codified into law?

Windex007 ,

Roe v. Wade is a supreme Court ruling, not a law. And what happened was the supreme court changed. This isn't comparable at all.

Again, this isn't real, at all. For like 100 reasons.

Get mad at the real ones, there are certainly enough REAL ones to get mad at that deserve yours (and everyone's) attention. This is noise. A smoke screen. It's bait.

Windex007 ,

Are you saying that the reason the Dems aren't trouncing the Republicans at every turn is because they won't flat out lie to their voters?

And, if so, do you feel that the Dems have been honest about Gaza, and the way they have characterized the campus protests?

I'm not saying "both parties are equally bad", I'm just saying that many of the justifications that Dems give for why the "mentality inferior Republicans" regularly beat them are really more of soothing stories than well-considered fact.

My whole thesis is that they're not stupid. They're dangerous. There IS method behind the madness, and this fairy tale we tell ourselves that they're stupid is harmful to Democratic chances, because if they're "just stupid" then you don't see the plan and methodology... And if you can't see the plan and methodology then you can't develop an effective response to it.

So, I'm telling you what it is, and asking you to just think critically about things for even 1 second after you hear them and instead of throwing up your hands and wailing, ask basic questions like "why? Who is the audience? What response do they expect, and from who? How does that further their cause?" This particular example is easy-mode.

Windex007 ,

It was working for a while for the guy. He was paralyzed from the neck down and he was able to use it to play some lame game like LoL or something.

Windex007 ,

"The gains" in your quote (when taken in a fuller context) is referring to number of jobs added. It's not related to the average hourly wage.

Windex007 ,

If I were US law enforcement reading this story, I'd have a sudden urge to make sure Joe Exotic was still in his cell.

Windex007 , (edited )

Rex Murphy was literally a member of the Liberal Party, running for office himself twice.


I have fond memories of some really great content from him on CBC radio in the 00s.

The vitriol in the comments here did prompt me to look at what he's been doing for the last (checks watch...) 20 years... Sigh... And yeah... It's not good.

Sorry that this is how you chose to go out, Rex. Genuinely.

Windex007 ,

I didn't really understand how much people hate oil until today.

Windex007 ,
Windex007 ,

I'm not sure of this exact interaction, but either chatGPT3.5 of 4.

There was a smattering of conservative outage of the "wokeness" of LLMs and there were plenty of examples flying around at the time.

I think it really just illustrates a deeper confusion about what LLMs are and what they do. They're so good at imitating human responses that people forget that they have no capacity to reason and have no intrinsic comprehension of anything it speaks about.

Went to look for the first time in a while...didn't even take me 10 minutes to find an obvious bot. ( )

All it does is respond to the title. sometimes that works out for it....sometimes its horrible. Just a tiny bit down, check the old school cool. down in the comment graveyard is another number name one doing the exact same thing.

Windex007 ,

I don't think I've ever seen such a well written recipe for boiling frogs.

Windex007 ,

I don't think it's been the case that there has been a backslide, though. Win 11 marketshare peaked, then declined, and then 10 increased.

Windex007 ,

I'm in love with these foghorn leghorn memes and I hope they never stop

Windex007 ,

Federal law states the punishment is a bare bottom spanking.


Windex007 ,

I mean, ops comment history is there for the reading.

Windex007 ,

When I was in high school there was a barely perceptible quake that occurred the moment I whipped out my donger at a urinal.

I'm not saying it was the cause, I'm just saying the events coincided exactly and that our northern AB town had never before and never since registered seismic activity.

Windex007 ,

It was 20 years ago and I'm still talking about it even when nobody is asking so ya

Windex007 ,

Bike pedalled by who? Honestly, as a daily user of bike lanes, the spandex clad Lance Armstrong's are by far the fucking worst.

Windex007 ,


This argument is only a "gotcha" if it was permissible use, but it wasn't, even before CDs.

Windex007 ,

for whatever reason

Flashy sleek shit gets invested in.

Outside of business specifically oriented towards people with accessibility issues, the energy just doesn't translate into VC.

Companies who do try to shoehorn it in when products are more mature usually have:

  1. A codebase with a frustrating amount of refactoring in order to retroactively get things in line.

  2. Development inertia where it's seen as a low value activity among developers and product owners

  3. Lack of clear guidance/tools/processes to QA new work

  4. Lack of will to retroactively identify the breadth and scope of changes you even want to make

There is no mystery. It's not going to get you sexy VC money at the beginning, and then it's bizarrely more work than you'd think once your project is sufficiently large.

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