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Wes4Humanity ,

They hate themselves... It's all projection

What's the story you would write if you were an author?

A lot of people worldbuild when they daydream and have the bones of a story kicking around in their brain, but have to pay the bills and raise the kids etc so they never flesh it out and write it down. What's your story's premise? Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history, mystery, western, whatever genre.

Wes4Humanity ,

Over the next 100 years or so VR and haptic tech make it so people can become fully emersed in virtual reality. So pretty much everyone does. There are arguments on both sides, but eventually most people choose to live in their own world as a "god" with only VR interaction between one another. Everyone in VR stops having real kids, but thanks to AI improvements they can still have "kids". Technology eventually allows people to plug in permanently while their bodies are maintained by AI and robots systems. Eventually their bodies die, but their consciousness has been captured enough by the system that no one knows or notices when their VR friends bodies die in reality.

In the real world a very small segment of society refuses to join the VR universe and pledge to remain in the real world. Maybe there's some war in there because of this. Eventually though, the population of earth drops to maybe a few hundred thousand mostly wandering communal groups, while everyone else's consciousness is in VR systems. This is good for the planet.

After a few thousand years, the people in reality have multiplied and built a better more equitable world, but have completely forgotten about the people in VR, and the automated buildings containing the computers have become buried and lost to time. Until one day someone stumbles across one of these ruins and begins interacting with the VR people again despite a mythical belief system that such technology is all bad.

Some shit happens and there's a VR vs reality reckoning... Maybe some sort of Romeo and Juliet love story to keep it interesting.

Wes4Humanity ,

Huh, I wonder if any of those refugees they keep murdering might have been able to do some work?

Wes4Humanity ,

I think an easier solution would be to expand section 8. The government should have tons of housing units built, and then families can "pay them off" with section 8 funding. Right now section 8 money just goes to slumlords. Instead that money could go to the people who actually need it. This would increase housing supply, so prices would come back down, plus allow people to build equity and ownership in their home allowing them to start raising themselves out of poverty.

Wes4Humanity ,

This was vitamin D for me... When I finally got checked I was at a 6... The lowest you're supposed to go is like 40. I could hardly chew food I was so exhausted. Winter is still hard for me, but I take a crap load of vitamin D and it helps a bit

Wes4Humanity ,

Oof... Any chance of getting to a sunnier climate?

Wes4Humanity ,

All of Israel is occupied Palestinian land

Wes4Humanity ,

It's almost like Hamas is a puppet for Israel, designed to keep giving Israel an excuse to continue their genocide.

Wes4Humanity ,

Hey! That's the same reason I don't like Israel!

(I also don't like Hamas)

Wes4Humanity ,

Okay but seriously who's out there, wringing their hands, trying to figure out if they'll vote Trump or Biden? No one. If you're voting for Trump, there is absolutely nothing Biden (or Trump for that matter) could do to change your mind. All those centrist neolibs in the swing states are going to vote for Biden regardless, because there's no one else for them to vote for. The true "undecided voters" are undecided between showing up and just not showing up. And shit like this just pushes them closer to the not showing up position. Every time Biden panders to his already locked in centrist base, instead of trying to get progressives to show up for him, it should be considered a willful attempt to get Trump elected.

Wes4Humanity ,

Literally the same play that cost them the election the last time with Clinton.

Wes4Humanity ,

Assuming that's correct; instead of pretending they'll somehow magically all start understanding the "Trump threat" in the next 6 months, maybe Biden and the Dems should start actually giving them what they want. It's not even a big ask. Just don't do genocide. And definitely don't do genocide and then say it's not actual genocide. No one gives a fuck what you call it. Anyone with a conscience can see it's wrong.

Anything short of giving young people whatever it takes to get them to show up for Biden is basically supporting Trump for president.

Wes4Humanity ,

You're correct, pedophilia is a mental illness. A very tragic one since there is no hope and no cure. They can't even ask for help because everyone will automatically assume they are also child molesters. Which is what you're describing, but not all child molesters are pedophiles, and most pedophiles will never become child molesters... Like you said, some people just get off on exploiting the power dynamic and aren't necessarily sexually attracted to children. Those people are the real danger.

Wes4Humanity ,

93% of stocks are owned by just 10% of people... They own all the companies, and are diversified... They aren't really competing with each other in any meaningful way

Wes4Humanity ,

The reason the government is garbage is because most of them are working for the corporations. If we heavily regulated the corporations and made it so they couldn't interfere with politics, the government would be better... They'd actually be working for the people and our interests, like they're supposed to

The problem isn't government, it's corporate control of the government

Privatizing things will always cost more because then you need to account for profits as well. Publicly controlled=x cost, privately controlled=x costs+profit for the rich

Even the most corrupt government employee is only getting a pay check (no profits). They make their corruption money by colluding with corporations and rich people

Wes4Humanity ,

Also, coping strategies... When you get stressed, let her see you deal with it in a healthy way, so she'll learn how to deal with her own stress in a healthy way. If you don't have healthy coping strategies, get a therapist and learn some.

EXCLUSIVE: “You Have Been Warned”: Republican Senators Threaten the ICC Prosecutor over Possible Israel Arrest Warrants ( zeteo.com )

A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so....

Wes4Humanity ,

No no no... The laws they want to enforce only apply to not white people /s

Wes4Humanity ,

What really makes me apathetic and not want to bother voting is every time someone puts pressure on Biden to be better, they're met with bullshit like this instead of "yeah, your right, let's keep the pressure up so he'll be even better next time"... You know what REALLY turns people off? Being dismissed and not feeling heard or validated

Wes4Humanity ,

Probably not a great argument for getting people to vote... Let alone vote the way you'd like them to

Wes4Humanity ,

I worked for Bernie's campaign in '16, and I agree with this about some of his top staff... There were times where it legitimately seemed like they were deliberately screwing things up... And since a lot of them were establishment Dems who had previously worked for the likes of Hillary it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out they were.

I think the biggest reason he lost the primary was the Party shenanigans though. All the tricks we see the Republicans using now-a-days like voter purges and closing polling locations last minute are tricks they learned from Hillary's campaign and the DNC schills that control the state parties. And of course there was just straight up fraud in some places like Iowa.

As for his supporters, he actually got millions of young people to show up and vote in the primary who otherwise wouldn't have. Millions of whom almost certainly didn't show up to vote for Clinton, and likely wouldn't have thought twice about voting at all had it not been for Bernie. Had he been on the ballot millions of young people who didn't show up for Clinton would have shown up. I doubt anyone who voted for Clinton would have voted for Trump over Bernie, and I doubt they would have stayed home. The DNC flushed millions of new voters' votes down the toilet by forcing Clinton through.

Wes4Humanity ,

Anno online... Great game, got really into it, then realized it was on its way out... Sad times

Wes4Humanity ,

Bernie Sanders would be my first thought

Wes4Humanity ,

What if instead of a bunch of companies all at once, we just got a few million people to join a "strategic boycott club" or whatever we'd call it, and just go one company at a time, just for a month... Like, okay June 1st 100 million Americans say they are going to not buy anything from McDonald's for a month unless McDonald's immediately does xyz... I bet just the threat would tank their stocks. It's easier for the average person to just think about and execute on one thing at a time. Then once McDonald's gets the message, move on to the next company

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