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Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” ( )

I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

VirtualOdour ,

It doesn't have to be storage, another option is building over capacity so it's winter output is sufficient then using the excess in summer months to perform useful work.

For example a desalination and pumping station at the mouth of the Arizona River, you can scale the pumping from a storage lake by the desalination plant to one or more of the upriver lakes raising their water levels to replace the water used for industry and agricultural.

Carbon capture and manufacture of e-fuels or similar is another great possibility, it can be scaled with energy production vastly reducing the cost of the process and allowing further transition from oil in areas which might otherwise be difficult.

E-chems are important because there's a few things which are vitally important to modern industry but currently produced fairly cheep as an oil by-product, if demand for oil derived fuel declines as we hope and production falls dramatically then the price of those chemicals would skyrocket - being able to transition into using sequestered carbon would save a lot of difficulty, and if it helps create a market for sequestered carbon it could help us start bring atmospheric co2 ppm down slowly.

VirtualOdour ,

I never understand these posts, I get the excuse of 'but it upsets putin' because he'll off course be annoyed when doing his morning lemmy scroll but I don't get the message.

Putin is not gay or trans, the problem with him isn't that he's secretly queer his psychological issues stem from him being hyper masculine and deeply hetero. I understand the picture from the perspective of a Russian putin hater who is also homophobic but I don't understand why I see it posted endlessly in more leftwing and progressive spaces

VirtualOdour ,

It is funny to see how wild people get when someone points out an article about China is bad or a headline is deceptive, if the article was about Ukraine or somewhere doing the same thing then then the only comment you'd see is 'bad headline!' followed by endless nuance.

A lot of people don't like their binary thinking and simplistic worldview tainted.

VirtualOdour ,

Putting the pieces in a puzzle is an action, sliding blocks is an action, moving in maze is an action, every game is action.

We wouldn't play a game that wasn't exciting or interesting to us so they're all adventures too. If there's more than one player or a time limit of any kind it's a race, we by definition are controlling a character and playing its role so everything is an RPG...

VirtualOdour ,

Looks like a cool benchmark program, I'll try and remember to give it a go before I swap out my cpu

VirtualOdour ,

All my favorite movies this year have been on youtube.

Most of them by Joel Haver.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah that would be a good story and support some preconceived notions but Mecca has always been incredibly hot, you can't just rewrite history to suit the message you want to send.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah and all the communist states are super ecologically friendly, oh no you don't belive they are communist do you? Handy.

But let's imagine a perfectly communist society, are workers all able to heat their house? Able to travel freely? Enjoy hobbies? If you answered yes to these then your either going to need magic or energy.

You can't just pretend capitalism is responsible for everything bad, unchecked consumption can happen in any system as can over production, ecological destruction, and all sorts of potential problems. I would love to transition to a decent type of communism but I'm not going to pretend it'll fix the climate on its own.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah this is basically the older generation vs video games, the one before that against movies, etc, etc...

As people age they resent the world changing, they assume everything different is bad because it's easier to accept than the thought of aging into irrelevance.

Lemmy is full of people knee-jerk hating anything new; social media, ai, and every new thing younger generations do. It's dumb but people are often so.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah it's funny because they give themselves away so easily by refusing to admit positive social and personal effects and magnifying absurd arhuments against.

Like the other reply I always see them push the genocide ones, of course if you get into details they freak out because the accusation is kinda stupid - lemmy by design couldn't do the thing they say Facebook should to have stopped the genocide so if you believe it's valid and use lemmy you'd be being super hypocritical - but of course they don't care, they're reaching for criticism not actually trying to understand it.

It's kinda scary really how little people care about reality, it's the same thing on Facebook with the boomer conspiracy stuf, phones bad, kids not manly, and all that stuff. They're not looking for truth or trying to make the world better, they're trying to find excuses to feel superior.

VirtualOdour ,

Part of the reason the right is doing so well is this sort of hyperbole from the left, we need to work on convincing people rather than drive them further into the arms of the right

VirtualOdour ,

People are answering what you asked but what you probably mean is in a 2d world where two antenna are perfectly in line with the transmitter will the first absorb some of the signal - yes it will, just like two wind turbines in a line it's absorbing the energy from the medium and using it to do work.

It's not always so simple, it might spit some of if out too if it doesn't have anywhere else for it to go and it'll do this in a certain pattern which can, depending on the distance and arrangement ,increase the signal received by the second one. This and similar principles are why you see so many odd shapes for antenna designs such as the many bars on a TV antenna which make it more directional.

VirtualOdour ,

Usong your analogy i think Ops question was really if you have a stack of transparent solar panels will the panel below get less power and the answer is of course it will. If one antenna is behind another there will be a small reduction in the power of the signal reaching it, probably very small but with enough of them you could theoretically construct a faraday cage of sorts.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back ( )

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

VirtualOdour ,

Isn't that one of the things this does? It was in the advert wasn't it?

VirtualOdour ,

It's designed to give the big players a monopoly, seems bad for the majority of us

VirtualOdour ,

I honestly couldn't care less how many adverts they show me, they can have a constant stream of adverts the whole flight if it means that some shitty corporation is paying a portion of my travel coats.

People really need to grow up about stuff like this, if you don't want adverts then pay for a premium service - I'm poor, I'll accept the adverts.

VirtualOdour ,

OK but putting that aside can we agree his other point is totally valid, prople in this thread using it to attack all China or all chinese are absurd, awful, and immoral?

VirtualOdour ,

And you try don't get too close and inhale it

VirtualOdour ,

This really is the lemmy mentality summed up.

Yes you're smarter than Google and the only one who really understands ai... smh

VirtualOdour ,

Ai is already hugely useful and will continue to get more useful as the tech evolves. I know that change upsets you but the reality is you were not born at the highpoint of humanity or the endpoint of history.

It's going to make the world better for a lot of people just like the internet did despite the endless assertions that it was a gmick, scam, and mistake from people who were likely your age now when the internet was emerging.

The funniest thing to me is seeing this community which holds people like Aaron Swartz up as a hero demand the exact opposite of everything he believed in and fought for. Information wants to be free - you want to lock every piece in perpetual impenetrable copyright just to halt the development of tech.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah if only they were more like america and fighting endless wars in distant places

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah but the waymo ceo doesn't shitpost on Twitter so people here don't get front page hyped up stories every single time things aren't perfect

VirtualOdour ,

Demonstrate what you mean because it really sounds like you're describing what you feel should be true to justify your emotions about the bad Twitter man.

And to be clear, I mean link the documents you claim to have read and the parts of them you claim demonstrate this.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah and cars should have a system to stop idiots doing dumb things, best we have is a license so if it's good enough for cars without added safety features is good enough for them with

VirtualOdour ,

That's a very old article about even older opinions, now totally outdated as shown by statements like;

Almost five years on, Tesla still hasn't completed its autonomous road trip — no car company has even come close.

You're using unsubstantiated statements from the start of development which is totally different to what you claimed before being asked for a source.

Current development FSD has hit huge milestones which competitors have not.

VirtualOdour ,

They would rather ruin their beauty than share it, truly sums up humanity.

They could have made an effort to make somewhere nice that benefits everyone.

VirtualOdour ,

So the rich can buy up every good view and the stupid poors better not stink up the place by stopping to admire it?

VirtualOdour ,

Lemmy seems to love copyright now and walled gardens, they also hate all the companies doing great things with open source ai, etc. Plus there's never any community projects or anything constructive ever been suggested let alone ran here.

95% of the people here's political opinions are nothing but an aesthetic.

VirtualOdour ,

This is a conspiracy theory with no actual evidence

VirtualOdour ,

Because their navy won't risk going into unswept water so it'll reduce their active range, plus if they do its possible they'll hit a mine.

VirtualOdour ,

You're caught up in the argument and not paying attention to what the other person is saying.

Think of it this way, that carving might be totally accurate snd still not represent the whole story. It doesn't even really show that many people, I've worked jobs where for a few days there are hundreds of people it's very impressive and the photos always end up somewhere. This could just be intended to capture one key stage or big event, if it could be combining lots of things into one image to show 'there was a huge workforce' it's not a lie or deception but it's also not the whole story.

Brute force was part of how they did it but it certainly wasn't all of it, and most people who've never pulled a big rope don't really think about how hard it is - plus we take it for granted now but having rope that a hundred men can pull on is a feat of engineering in itself.

We know they used boats to transport them most the way, we know they used complex pullies and levers to get them into position, we know they used work teams and various other methods but none of those really solve all the questions which is why it's such an interesting subject to think about.

And yes I know people get silly and talk about aliens or magic acoustic whistles or whatever but that's not what the person you were talking to was doing, things like wet sand and forgotten infrastructure are realistic and logical ideas.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah people really forget how recent an invention good rope is, It's not like they could just order a few hundred meters on ebay. Making all that rope would probably be more effort and expense than a lot of the stuff that people write of as too complex for them to have considered, like temporary canals or raise and drop sledding.

VirtualOdour , (edited )

Imagine coming all the way to a planet light years away and making them awe inspiring monuments just for them to say 'yeah that's easy we could do that, in fact we did! We made this!'

Honestly though their fault for using their galaxy age tech to build something about as complex as your average bronze age civ...

[Jesus people, this is a joke as made obvious by the punchline about them building to a bronze age level - you guys really need to work on reading comprehension, it's such an important life skill]

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah I don't think anyone believed that for a while now, that was just what people trying to base their world view on the Bible wanted to be true... exodus didn't happen either and Egypt doesn't seem to have had many Jewish slaves.

VirtualOdour ,

Nestle is a private company and buying up everyone's water to sell back to them is their choice

Private companies shouldn't get to do whatever they like.

I agree shadow banning should be illegal, along with various other policies which can cause psychological and material damage.

VirtualOdour ,

It will but a shadow ban plays perfectly into their conspiratorial victim complex

VirtualOdour ,

Seriously, risking charges just to lash out at a billionaire by attacking someone using their product is absolutely crazy. It's unhinged even without the risk of charges, especially of all the things to attack an electric vehicle - do people not remember how we'd dog on the manchildren that did similar things to prius?

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah it's funny the hate they get on here, every single person I know that's been in a tesla on FSD has said it'd brilliant, there are endless videos of people in love with their cybertrucks that show in detail why they like it. But no, 'i saw one go past and could just tell it was low quality'

Personally it's not for me, it's too big and intense even if I could afford it, it's not a disaster though and if people like it then it's good because they're the people that'd probably have a massive ICE truck instead. I honestly think the people hating on it are reaching into cope territory, scratching them because they're desperate to make them fail like they predicted.

It's just another product on the market, people should hype up good alternatives and help them grow if they want to 'fight elon'

VirtualOdour ,

I agree, give me enough information so I know if it's worth reading the article

VirtualOdour ,

So your argument is that their stated aims were a lie and speeches claimed to be from notable figures in the movement were fabricated after the fact? Further that their violent actions should have been overlooked and if they had been there would be no corruption in the world today?

Surely you can see how that argument is about as credible as flat earth?

I don't understand why people think they can just rewrite history to suit their needs.

VirtualOdour ,

You want me to give you a history lesson? Funny that when you wanted people to believe an inversion of the history everyone knows you didn't see any need for sources but now you expect me to meticulously demonstrate every word? and yes we all know it'll never be enough...

It doesn't matter though because you're not serious about what you're saying and literally no one would belive your nonsense.

VirtualOdour ,

OK, when I hear fruit i think of apple first, does this mean oranges aren't fruit? I don't get what you're trying to say?

VirtualOdour ,

My family know I love them, why don't you stay hydrated and take regular breaks from the screen!

Might help you not take things so personally

VirtualOdour ,

You sent a message to which responded. I don't understand what is so difficult for you about this

VirtualOdour ,

What is your point here? You sent a message on a public forum which I responded to as is to be expected by the nature of the platform. I demonstrated that your opinion was wrong, to this you had no argument beside insults and are now obsessing over nothing

VirtualOdour ,

One is for the person you sent it to to reply to, the other is open for anyone to reply to.

Saying that me proving you wrong didn't count because you didn't address the post solely to me makes no sense. Defend your argument or accept I demonstrated you are wrong, this weird attempt at lawyerimg who's allowed to respond to your public posts is convincing no one.

VirtualOdour ,

How did you debunk anything? You've made spurious allegations that don't even make sense but you didn't even make any arguments? The only thing you're arguing is that it's somehow wrong for me to have responded to your message because it was in the form of a post not a dm which in your mind means people shouldn't be allowed to demonstrate you're wrong or something.

VirtualOdour ,

You haven't debunked anything at all, you simply made baseless allegations of white supremacy without even trying to justify them.

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