@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


@[email protected]

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.


Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Already did, unfortunately. There was a time when she was inescapable in fandom circles. Mlpol people are the most punchable persons to have ever existed.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

John Cena school would be great.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar
VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

The chick, in this context.

The Boto-cor-de-rosa, or river dolphin, is a real animal

But the cryptid of the same name is a river dolphin that is actually a shapeshifting trickster, who will turn himself into an attractive man (often depicted wearing a fancy hat to cover the blowhole atop his head) and seduce and bang women.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Running from ac to AC like its cover in a warzone.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Getting your masturbatory material from pornhub is for normies. Real degenerates are home free on account of the relative obscurity of our sources.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

As a left winger myself...

.... I'm not sure Foss is inherently left wing. Inherently anti authoritarian for sure, but I can totally see a libertarian type making a pro-FOSS argument from a capitalistic-individualistic and it being rather sensible. (Aaaaas long as we ignore the ways it'd contradict other beliefs right wing liberals tend to hold, but yknow. Compartmentalisation is a human superpower)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Why would I, a right wing libertarian, lend my time to developing a piece of software that I am unable to make a profit from? I have no motive.

Because you do stand to gain regardless. "I have my code on the source of <major FOSS project every tech guy has heard of>" is like. Amazing portfolio material for any job interview. I had a friend get a job in the games industry (though they regret it to this day because the game industry sucks--) with nothing on his resumé except for a smattering of mods for popular games.

Any pro-capitalist person with a functioning brain will acknowledge the role of non-monetary "Profits" in every human relationship, yanno?

A list of ROM torrent link

So in light of the recent Rom site shutting down, Here is the torrent link for all the NES roms I could find. Rom hack included. It's not much, but it's honest work nonetheless. I will try and find as many ROM torrent link as possible for seeding to help preservation of games...

VinesNFluff , (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Seems we had a similar idea --

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (850 MiB):


Super NES (2,03 GiB):


GameBoy+GBC (570 MiB):


Sega Master System (91,7 MiB):


Currently seeding all these.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just... Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it's fucked.

But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Me getting some serious allergies ever since I came to visit my (pregnant) sister

Praying it IS just allergies and not an infection

And it has gotten bad. Y'know when there's mucus down in your lungs? Yea.

AND she lives in a small town, so the bronchitis pump I use won't be here until tomorrow as it has to be ordered from the big city.

(Kill me)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Depends what country you're in

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

In my country it is decriminalised unless you're doing it at a very large scale and charging money, so I'm home free.

My ISP does block most torrent trackers -- But changing DNS providers is enough to get around that.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Plus they could announce the rebrand by replacing the weird dog chewing on a brush with the same weird dog lifting weights

Hitting the GIM.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Brushes with bellpeppers attached to them

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I always circle back around to SRB2. It has been beautiful to watch it grow over the decades.

VinesNFluff OP ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Yeah I have gamemode and use it.

But I see.

VinesNFluff OP , (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It might? I don't use exclusive fullscreen ever. :P I'm too ADHD for that. I always have chat windows on my second screen and am constantly tabbing out on load screen and shit.

VinesNFluff OP ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Ooooo fancy. Noted, will attempt.

VinesNFluff OP ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Unfortunately Wayland breaks Inkscape and GIMP and even caused Firefox to be unstable for me.

So like

Thanks but no thanks?

Maybe in 5 years. Let it stay in the oven for a bit longer.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Glad I'm not the only one who went "... Like the music?"

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Aw yisss, someone else using SUSE

I tried a lot of different distros, but SUSE's YaST tools are the shit. No distro has anything quite like them.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I feel like a lot of the reason people are hesitant to hop into Linux is because of how everything that goes "under the hood" requires a bunch of terminal commands and text file changes.

Ironic, then, that I learned how to Linux the hard way -- In distros that expected exactly that from me. I cut my teeth in Arch and its siblings and sure, I can do that.

But it'S SO MUCH FASTER AND EASIER to just click a few buttons and then shit just works. YaST is bliss.

Like. DUDE. I don't have to edit some files and then clench my asshole for 55 seconds while rebooting when I change a few entries in Grub.

And Zypper actually CHECKS what processes are running and what packages you're installing, and actually tells you if you do or don't need a reboot, instead of a blanket "hmmmm we updated, should probably reboot but idfk, that's your problem now" which is what both apt and pacman gave me.

Quality of Life, it's really underrated.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Does posting exclude texting to group chats?

Cuz I tend to do a lot of that. Don't really do social media (this barely counts), prefer to spend time with a select few gay nerds.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Imagine 8chan, but instead of nazis they are left-wing.

The worst assholes you'll ever see, but this time they have a class conscience, which makes them 1% better, but still utterly insufferable.

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

If they are short do you use "Short <king/queen/sovereign>" instead?

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Because "hehehe penis" is more fun than an actual understanding of psychology.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I hope this becomes popular enough that a lot of major distros start adopting it as a default

Specifically because I want to see turbo-weirdos talk about how higher-quality cursors are "bloat" or "against KISS" for the next 10 years. 💀

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

If none of my predictions come true, I made some peeps laugh and that's enough

If they do I get to call back to this post and pretend I'm smart (I am not)

Either way, it's a net positive.

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