@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar


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VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

When you're fighting human, sure, but our mane probably evolved before we were our own greatest predator.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I want them to launch a Deck v2, Controller v2, and a new take on the Steam Machine simultaneously with a goal of knocking Xbox out of the market and replacing them as the third console. A new Steam Machine right now would play all of Xbox's exclusives on day one and some of Sony's.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

So you can send the robot back in time, obviously.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

The motion controls made the Wii version seem harder. Plug in a Gamecube controller and play with that and you'll smoke the AI and any wiimote players online.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Getting a gem was also the only way to save. Crash Bandicoot may be the only game series where each new game is easier than the one before it, and Crash 3 was still one of the most challenging games on the system.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I beat Halo 2 on legendary. I also refuse to attempt that again and haven't bothered playing legendary at all on any Halo in over a decade. Pretty sure my thumbs will not do that anymore.

TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it ( en.wikipedia.org )

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to...

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

People punish because we’re fucking animals, we feel jealousy and rage and bloodlust. An AI would not. It would do the cold calculations and see no potential benefit to harming anyone on that scale, at least not for those reasons.

That's a hell of a lot of assumptions about the thought processes of a being that doesn't exist. For all we know, emotions could arise as emergent behavior from simple directives, similar to how our own emotions are byproducts of base instincts. Even if we design it to be emotionless, which seems unlikely given that we've been aiming for human-like AIs for a while now, we don't know that it would stay that way.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Speaking of chess, you might be able to argue that some old RTS games are puzzle games when playing campaign, such as the first Command & Conquer. You often have very limited resources, the AI will do specific things at specific times or with specific triggers, and you're often given specific constraints, like a time limit or keeping a specific thing alive. In this case, though, it's mostly because the AI is so primitive that almost every action is scripted in advance for that specific map.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money was a proposed title back in the first movie. I'm personally hoping for Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money. Open with Lonestar and Dark Helmet on the Winnebago, then have them realize part way through the scene that they have no idea how they got there. Have them go on a search for a copy of Spaceballs 2 to figure out what the hell happened while dodging the plot of Spaceballs 3 to avoid spoilers.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Isn't he doing that right now at Amazon with a Warhammer 40k show?

VindictiveJudge , (edited )
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Nowadays I mostly think of it in regards to how much control you have over the hardware. If you can Ship of Theseus your way to a completely different machine with completely different specs, that's a PC to me. If you're stuck with what you paid for, then it's something else. A Mac Mini is not a PC in my book, but a Hackintosh is even though it's the same OS and general hardware architecture.

But that's just how I use the term.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I'm guessing a single release, and the game being used to show off the backwards compatibility features of the next system. Probably the usual 800p-900p 30fps on Switch and something higher when slotted into a Switch 2.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

The Wiimote worked with a pair of IR blasters to locate your screen. Joycons have no idea where your screen is. In that light, that they work as pointing devices at all is actually rather impressive.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Devs tend to go with simplified or cartoony graphics for legibility on the small integrated screen, but that's just an art style choice. Doesn't look too far off from Xenoblade 3, especially given polygons will be saved by not having to render a mile out. Or consider that Doom 2016 runs decently on the Switch.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Serial Experiments Lain is also great anime cyberpunk.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Boss Dimmadome

Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

That's about the extent of her French, though.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

It helps to think of your hair as essentially being a mane. Remember, lion manes also expose their forehead.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

The entire cyberpunk genre is about corporations destroying society and the planet for profit and is near-future sci-fi. Dune is about how human nature doesn't change, the same revolutions occurring again and again over thousands of years, with humans always being on the verge of self extinction and the only escape being to destroy civilization so hard that any conflict will always leave survivors that have had no contact with anyone else in millennia. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy presents a world where the entire universe is utter chaos, worlds can be destroyed by a clerical error, and cosmically powerful beings do random things for shits and giggles. Starship Troopers, Warhammer, and Starcraft depict humans becoming the bad guys at an interstellar scale.

So, no, sci-fi is not inherently hopeful.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar


What band or music group would you not have minded if they didn't have a certain band member? ( kbin.social )

My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole....

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

In case anyone doesn't know, he tried to murder his (now ex) wife. As in, towel stuffed down her throat, his hands around her neck, and screaming, "I'll kill you," when the cops got there. And someone dropped the charges, for some fucking reason.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

GNR is definitely one where I like the singing sometimes and hate it others. Strongly depends on the song.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

They had better call it Team Fortress 2 Episode 1.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Quantum entanglement communications also have fundamental problems that will likely render them effectively unusable. You need a key to decrypt anything you send, and the key has to travel no faster than c. It's impossible to tell the data from the noise without the key. Attempting to read the data or to change the data being sent also collapses the effect, which can only be fixed by bringing the two systems together. In short, you can only send a single packet of data and you can't use it without a key transmitted using traditional methods.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

The limit is c because you have to use cables, radio, or other traditional methods to send the key. The data in the entangled pair would also have to be set at the time the two devices are constructed, so that's not super useful. It might be useful for single use authentication, but that's about it.

Don't think of entanglement as being like one object in two spots. Think of it like identical twins. One twin getting a hair cut does nothing to the other twin's hair. Similarly, altering a property of one entangled particle does nothing to the other and actually means they are no longer entangled or identical.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

No problem. I was pretty disappointed when I learned all the sci-fi writers were getting it wrong. Though, to be fair, it really should be called something else.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I wouldn't put Face the Music on the same level as Excellent Adventure, but I liked it as much as Bogus Journey. Alex Winter got back into the role of Bill so easily it was almost concerning.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

"I know it's not your nude, but it's a nude and that's what you were looking for, right?"

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar
VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I actually like having lights on the keyboard. Mostly because I can find rarely used keys in the dark.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I tried explaining to a nice elderly woman that the person texting her asking to buy Steam cards wasn't actually Jason Momoa, but she couldn't be convinced. Fortunately, the manager at that store forbid anyone from selling her any gift cards of any kind.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Eternal actually made my hands hurt. Still haven't gotten very far in it. Having to constantly cycle weapons, jump, dash, and do precision shooting, often all at the same time, was murder on my hands.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Battle for Naboo actually had an official PC version all the way back in 2001. No idea if it works on modern PCs, though.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

According to the video, game logic is still opperating at 20hz and the GPU uses frame interpolation to tripple the FPS.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

We're only post-scarcity for certain things in certain geopolitical regions, and even then, logistics of distributing those things is a problem. Computers, for example, will always be scarce in their current form because the raw materials to build them are naturally scarce, can only be extracted so fast, and have a limited ability to be recycled. We have a shit-ton of them, but they're still scarce.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

To be fair, if there's one thing I've learned it's that shitty people make great music. No idea why that is, but it's weirdly consistent.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I kind of wonder if time might be infinite in both directions, just because having a definitive beginning or end would seem to violate the conservation of matter and energy.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Or he could have had an excellent product and kept the complaints in the same way people nowadays with excellent products show off the idiot one star reviews.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, that's just the earliest known written complaint. And since the city was already two thousand years old at the time, the odds of there having been more are very high.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Caesar was like that, too. Citizens couldn't pathfind if their life depended on it, and it sometimes did.

VindictiveJudge , (edited )
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

That reminds me of how shipping hard drives full of data is technically faster than downloading over the internet. Technically true, but almost always a poor choice in practice.

VindictiveJudge , (edited )
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I really liked the Steam Controller, but the lack of a right stick was sometimes an issue. Being able to switch between mouse-like and joystick-like input in certain games on the fly was important and not always easy to set up. No issues with the stick itself going bad, but the rubber cap on the stick for both the ones I bought was worn smooth pretty fast. In shooters, I generally had a harder time tracking targets with the touch pad, but an easier time snapping to targets. Quick headshots were easier than with a stick, but sustained full auto fire was oddly tricky. Touch pad makes it shockingly good for N64 emulation since you can put A and B on the ABXY buttons and then the C buttons on the pad without the weirdness of having 'buttons' on a stick that you have to resort to with other controllers. The touch pad is also useful for DS emulation. Dual stage triggers also came in handy way more than I expected them to. Really neat, and I'll definitely try a v2 if they ever make one, but it's a pretty divisive device and there's a steep learning curve to using the pad to aim.

Tried a Razer Wolverine Pro Ultimate, and I loved the extra buttons, but stick drift was a serious problem. Four back buttons and two extra shoulder buttons meant my thumbs almost never left the sticks. The controller was basically unusable after a point, though, and I really didn't feel like spending that much on another one. Steam also wouldn't recognize the extra buttons, so I had to use Razer's proprietary app to configure it, which wasn't great.

Was gifted a Dualsense Edge and it's so far been really nice. Haven't had much use for the touchpad yet, but that's mostly because of the games I've been playing. Sticks are pretty cheaply replaceable, but I haven't had any issues with them after about a year of heavy use. Steam also recognizes all the extra buttons and lets me map them all I want, unlike the Wolverine. Battery life is much worse than a standard Dualsense, though. Apparently they cut into the battery area to make room for the removable stick units. That battery life issue is my only problem so far, however. Well, that, and I doubt I would have paid $200 for it. Again, it was a gift.

What I would really like to see is a controller with six face buttons, similar to how the original Xbox controllers or even the N64 controller have them. I wouldn't always use the extra buttons, but there are times when they'd really come in handy.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

It was old Assassin's Creed games that made me appreciate the triggers. The A button on right trigger second stage made parkour much better.

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I'm American and have no idea what a conker is unless it's having a bad fur day.

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