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Viking_Hippie ,

Is there any sanity in Hamas’s calculus

I don't know about sanity, but it's very logical when you remember that Hamas is a terrorist group that sometimes governs rather than the other way around.

The genocide is pretty much the best thing that could happen to them. They may pretend to care about Palestinian lives, but in reality they only care about their own power and influence.

And how does a terrorist group gain power and influence? By radicalizing people to join.

What's more radicalizing than the myriad daily atrocities of a brutal apartheid regime supported by the most powerful countries in the world? Very little if anything.

Viking_Hippie ,

You should start a Lemmy community called NotAvocado about things that aren't avocado. I'd do it myself but I'm too lazy to find out how, let alone moderate it afterwards 😄

Viking_Hippie ,

Definitely an avocado.

Viking_Hippie ,

Nope. Hating the bigotry of people who have skin color or another trait in common with yourself does not equal hating yourself. Caucasity is not a trait inherent to all white people.

Contrary to the fantasies of bigots, white people are not one big team united against everyone else.

Viking_Hippie ,

It's not really a word

Since it's used to convey meaning using letters and people understand that meaning, it by any definition that matters IS a word.

Also it clearly implies something is inherent to "Caucasians"

No. "Particularly Caucasians" ≠ "all Caucasians".

I can't be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories

Good, because that would likely be punching down, unlike pointing out how audacious some white people are with their privilege.

but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?

No, they wouldn't be equivalent. Pointing out white privilege and criticizing those that wield it as both a sword and a shield is not the same as making fun of less privileged people or even white people who are aware of and don't exploit their privilege.

Viking_Hippie ,

It's not actually subjective. That's just how bigotry and privilege works 🤷

Viking_Hippie ,

So, racism bad, except against white people

Nope. Pointing out that someone is being racist isn't itself racist.

Viking_Hippie ,

Still not racism against white people.

Viking_Hippie ,

Tell that to the Republican demagogues (but I repeat myself)

Viking_Hippie ,

Nope. And Sisi knows it. That's the only reason why that awful dictator agreed to it in the first place.

He knows it won't sour his relationship with the fascist apartheid regime next door since it won't save any Palestinian lives, so it's pretty much just free brownie points for him and Biden.

Viking_Hippie ,

I'm not even sure why Biden even bothered because everyone already knows this.

Because a lot of people actually don't and will likely fall for this brazen PR stunt.

Viking_Hippie ,

It's despicable behavior like this that makes it really hard to convince people that it's only their fascist government that's atrocious and should be sanctioned.

They're really not making a good case for not being treated exactly like Apartheid South Africa and Putin's Russia..

Viking_Hippie ,

As a pacifist, I fucking hate this timeline 😮‍💨

Viking_Hippie ,

Which shouldn't be too much to ask for since everyone agrees that war is awful. Just not hard enough not to constantly make up excuses for why it's ok to keep murdering people.

Viking_Hippie ,

They're gonna ask Sunak to send him to Rwanda? 🤷

Viking_Hippie ,

I'm starting to think it's antisemitic to link the Jewish and Israel

It definitely is. There's few things more antisemitic than assuming that all Jews approve of the fascist government of an apartheid ethnostate committing genocide with impunity.

It's right up there with the Alex Jones "globalist" conspiracy theories.

Viking_Hippie ,

As an aside, an ethnostate's foreign minister's first name being the name of the country is too on the nose for most farcical fiction, let alone reality 🤦

Viking_Hippie ,

So pissed off at my government for deliberately making us the only Scandinavian country not to 🤬

Viking_Hippie ,

Those penguins are up to something. You can't trust someone who goes swimming in formal wear..

Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population ( )

None of the aid that has been unloaded from the temporary pier the US constructed off the coast of Gaza  has been delivered to the broader Palestinian population, as the US works with the UN and Israel to identify safe delivery routes inside the enclave, the Pentagon said on Tuesday....

Viking_Hippie ,

as the US works with the UN and Israel to identify safe delivery routes

That's your problem right there: Israel and the vigilantes they tip off are the ones making every route unsafe for the UN and all other aid workers and the US government are threatening anyone who points it out.

Viking_Hippie ,

I hope it's as soon as possible, extremely humiliating, and fatal.

Viking_Hippie ,

This is harmful misinformation that can literally lead to people dying from tobacco related disease.

Vaping, while definitely not healthy, is NOWHERE NEAR as unhealthy as smoking tobacco is. Especially when you do it as intended: temporarily for smoking cessation like I added decades to my life by doing.

I smoked for 18 years, the last 10 of which I tried every other smoking cessation method including prescription medicine and substance abuse therapy. They just didn't work for me.

Vaping did, though. In roughly 6 months I went from smoking a pack or two a day (depending on stress levels and alcohol intake) to neither smoking nor vaping at all and I haven't for over 3 years.

Viking_Hippie ,

Vaping isn't smoking. It's a smoking cessation method that involves no smoke or burning and contains no tobacco.

Viking_Hippie ,

That's literally the opposite of the truth.

Smoking tobacco is the world's number one lifestyle cause of premature deaths in general and cancer in particular.

Meanwhile, there's no credible evidence that vaping causes cancer at all, let alone at the extreme rate that tobacco smoking does.

Viking_Hippie ,

TL;DR: That article is absolute garbage.

It only makes it through one small paragraph (which is itself a vague lie) before its first specific and ridiculous lie: claiming that a hookah is an early form of vape 🤦

It then links to a 2019 study of mice that, in spite of setting out with a clear confirmation bias, admits that their results showed more cases of cancer-like cell behavior in the mice subjected to tobacco than the ones subjected to e-liquid.

Add to that the fact that they don't reveal their methodology (beyond the fact that they subjected the mice to their experiments for a full year, which is much longer than most people tend to vape when using it for smoking cessation) and that study is basically useless for proving the hypothesis.

The heavy metals inhalation they then go on to warn about is impossible in real life conditions as the heat required for that to happen simply cannot be achieved by the suction power any human can achieve and, even if you could somehow achieve that, you'd suffer severe burns causing you to stop immediately.

Viking_Hippie ,

If it can help people to quit smoking, I'm all for it.

That's literally what it was invented for and 90%+ of what it's used for today.

But I hope eventually they get to quit vaping too so they at least won't have any of the harmfull effects of those.

Again, that's all it was ever designed for.

Viking_Hippie ,

Is that 90%+ what you feel or can you provide a profound statistic for that

That 90% is admittedly going by memory of statistical analysis that I'm now unable to find amongst all the anti-vape misinformation and data that focuses only on how many vape and doesn't show the age distribution.

Anyways, here's some myths debunked by probably the most reliable and unbiased expert group to weigh in on vapes, the NHS.

This study reports about 20% of high school students using e cigarettes in 2020

That sounds ridiculously high. The highest I've seen for 2018 was 2.9%. There's no way it went from that to 20% in just two years.

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

The Cold War never ended, it just became multipolar and (usually) more subtle.

This is a completely unnecessary mask off moment for an administration that will do anything to avoid the leadership of a fascist apartheid regime seeing consequences for their many crimes against humanity.

Just like Reagan's alliance with Apartheid South Africa, Biden and his administration are clearly on the wrong side of history and, also just like with Reagan's support for the original Apartheid regime, the establishment press is likely going to sweep it under the proverbial rug once the apartheid regime is dismantled, if that ever happens.

Note in case of whataboutism: Yes, i know that a Trump administration would be just as bad if not worse (if that's even possible at this point, short of US boots on the ground in support of the Israeli apartheid regime) with regards to the ongoing genocide and would definitely be worse in just about every other way as well.

That the alternative is worse doesn't excuse the despicable behavior of the CURRENT administration, though.

Viking_Hippie ,

While they're at it, they should expel Hungary.

Orban's fascist regime and its love for Putin and the Trump cult is antithetical to the principles of peace and international cooperation that the EU is supposed to be about.

Viking_Hippie ,

That's not the same thing at all. In spite of recent elections, all three of those countries are still generally free societies currently occupied by fascist politicians.

They're liberal (in the original sense of the word, not the neoliberal ideology that started in the late 70s/early 80s and is now the main form of capitalism) systems currently captured by illiberal people who may lose power and influence come the next election.

Not so for Orban's Hungary. The entire Hungarian government apparatus is fascist in both form and function. Orban literally CAN'T be replaced since his party controls the mechanisms for doing so, just like his buddy Putin and his party in Russia.

Viking_Hippie ,


Viking_Hippie ,

without feeling assholes

Unless the right person asks nicely.

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

All this needs is some poutine, someone playing hockey, and a bunch of apologizing..

Viking_Hippie ,

And just like when Trump did it, this bullshit tariff war is going to hurt consumers of the products, not the demagogues conducting the war.

The big difference is that this time, the EU and other countries have joined in so more regular citizens also get to suffer for the chest thumping of powerful jerks 😮‍💨🤬

Viking_Hippie ,

“Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas,” said Biden in a statement. “We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

The ICC’s statement does not accuse Israeli and Hamas leaders of identical crimes, though there is some overlap.

Biden once again playing the role of useful idiot to appease his owner donors at AIPAC and similar lobbying arms of the fascist apartheid regime.

Surprising that Politico, who are usually supporting him to the point of abject servility, would illustrate his strawman so clearly, though..

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

Remember a week or two ago when Biden feigned (the correct kind of) outrage to save his election chances? I made a meme to commemorate it

Viking_Hippie ,

Guess they had a visiting editor from The Daily Beast in charge of headlines for a day 🤷

Viking_Hippie ,

Peppermint Candy Flower (Claytonia sibirica)

(Intentionally, in places where they're beneficial)

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