I have no hole into which you can pigeon me. I'm unique. Just like everyone else.

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chevalier26 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Just found out that NT people have REAL habits that happen basically on autopilot. This is news to me.

What most NT people think of as a "habit" I think of as a "task," even if it is a part of my routine. For example, brushing and flossing my teeth is a part of my daily routine, but I have to make myself think about each action separately. I wouldn't call them habits because I literally remind myself to do them every night. It isn't automatic.

Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@joshsusser @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic

"completely meaningless, useless, and subject to change."

I'm trying to think of group activities that actually aren't pointless and not coming up with many. War, for sure. Performance/ entertainment. Schooling? Dancing as mating ritual?

Anyone want to chime in?

olena , to ActuallyAutistic group
@olena@mementomori.social avatar

“Don’t assume, ask” - is the approach I share. However, there are many people to whom asking seems like something rude and inappropriate. And those people would assume.
The thing is, I am one of those people that usually can’t be accurately assumed: if you’d think a person that does this and this would also do that, the one who likes this and this would hate that and so on - most probably, I’d not follow that pattern. For that very reason I’ve been called ‘eclectic’, or less politely - ‘messy’, ‘illogical’, and all sorts of weird - most of my life, and for that very reason some people are kinda afraid of me: they can’t predict because their assumptions aren’t correct.
In turn, for me it’s very frustrating/confusing to see that someone is offended by me asking directly instead of assuming because all I want is to avoid any misunderstanding and clarify things.
I feel like is quite an eclectic thing per se(due to some aspects looking from a certain point of view as opposite to those of ), so maybe that is the key to me being so, well, contradictory in eyes of other people.
I wonder, if that asking is just desire to have things clear and precise, or assuming/asking divide does not correspond to the NT/ND one


Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@olena @actuallyautistic

I pretty much only communicate verbally. Nonverbal communication is learned young, and the only communication I got for too many years was "fuck off and die", and it wasn't delivered gently. I now have what I call "hint blindness". I think hint blindness is common in the bullied, and all autistic people got bullied.

This is one of those things I can't sort the chicken from the egg as far as how I ended up this way. Autism, ADHD, and cPTSD all walk the same path.

NickEast , to reading group
@NickEast@geekdom.social avatar

I would recommend this book to anyone who has ever worked in IT. Especially, executives and managers.
Also, to anyone who has parents that are incompetent mosters (Incompemonsters TM) and need YOU to fix THEIR problems 😂

@reading @bookstodon @bookreviews


Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@NickEast @reading @bookstodon @bookreviews

One of my favorites. Coupeland's best, IMO.

Uair , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Uair@autistics.life avatar


Well, I've gotten maybe eight hours of broken crappy sleep in the past three days. I was just drifting off when my computer chimed. I said aloud, to an empty room, "I thought of that before I started dropping off, but I figured I'd give you guys the benefit of the doubt". Then i silenced my speakers and lay back down. Heart pounding and ears gonging, of course.

When I'm this tired I drift pretty quick and about five minutes later I was dropping off again when I got a knock on my door. 12:45 AM. It's some creepy biker dude from downstairs. Loves jesus and has a flyer about how any equal rights legislation for women is an attack on his manhood. Heavy drug user. He asked for a puff of my joint once, but I don't share devices. I don't want herpes. So I smoked half of it and gave him the second half. He took one puff, choked really bad, and threw it away. Much later, I was having a rough day and tried to buy a little weed off him. I offered him five bucks for half a gram, he tried to sell me a quarter gram or less, and when he insisted I sniff it it smelled like a cigarette butt. I wanted to hold it to see how dry but he clenched it in his fist and insisted I give him five bucks first. Dude's a fuckhead and knows I don't like him.

Now he's standing at my door shifting from foot to foot. I ask him what's up, he says nothing. Shifts around again. I ask what he needs. He asks to use my bathroom. I let him come in and piss. When he comes out I ask him what's up and he just repeats, "I don't know, I don't know" and walks out the door.

I'm sooo tired of this shit. I hope there are real people out there in my feed who are learning this shit goes on. The cops/ feds/ spook agencies run everyone in my building. The guy next door knocks on my wall as I drift off to sleep, too.

Please. Just fucking shoot me. I deserve an honorable bullet. Not this garbage death.

Uair OP ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar


I just wrote my first and last tweet. CC:

Y'all know trump is implanted, right? Obama's feds did it to him. It's pretty crude shit. They put something on his vagus nerve and in his adrenal glands, and probably a mic and monitor in a capped tooth.

I know because they practiced on me.

Now fuck off.

I'm thinking the only thing I can do to get out of this nightmare is precipitate his idiots attacking.I know the secret service are eager for a rematch.They've got some cool shit they showed me when I was in DC trying to get some civil rights.

Seriously--I saw a post today about how it's not going to be a big showdown and go back to normal, but america will become an asymmetric warzone like we used to do to dozens of countries a year.I didn't chime in then, but that poster doesn't have a grasp of the power of Big Data.I guaranfuckingteee the Biden admin knows to several decimal places who's actually dangerous and who isn't.Hell, I bet they've got half their firing pins filed down by now.

It's gonna be a short war.

I need to get it over with.

This life is impossible.

Can I come down off my cross now?Give me a drone, I'll happily fight on our side.I've been optimized for combat all my life.It's everything else at which I suck.Thanks, nixon/ kissinger/ reagan/ bush1&2. Clinton authorized taking me out. Trump tried to have me paralyzed. Obama had my fiancee raped in a parking lot. Fuck all of 'em.

It still remains to be seen whether being decent is worth it. It may be right that if you don't hate and rape and cause harm, you will be driven out of society, silenced, and tortured to death. We're at the FO stage of people who crime, but not criming doesn't seem to be an improvement. I was supposed to be a useful monster for the right wing like the rest of my family, but chose not to. Free will, baby.

I deserve an honorable bullet if you can't let a decent person model free will in public.

Don't make me do it some horrible way.

Uair OP ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar



Well, it looks like I have confirmation they really do want me alive. There are three big trucks including a cherry picker outside my window just in case I slash my wrists.

Of course, they could always come knock on my door and talk to me, but I'm a public works project as well. They use me to practice on. What the hell. I hope they brought something to read.

I'm really tired of this.

Come knock up if you guys get hungry. I have good teevee in here. And books.

autism101 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@autism101@mstdn.social avatar

Do you have any clothing routines? I own eight gray plain t-shirts with no tags which I love. I often will just wear them over and over again.


Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@AutisticDoctorStruggles @autism101 @actuallyautistic

Is a "black band shirt" a tube top? My autistic ass can't think the words "tube top" without this popping up.


Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@VulcanTourist @everythingalsocan @autism101 @actuallyautistic

Kinda random, but:

Boring people talk about events.

Average people talk about each other.

interesting people talk about ideas.

chevalier26 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Somehow got into an argument earlier about fractions with my parents, especially the fraction 15/16. I said that 7.5/8 is the same thing as 15/16, because they can be converted to each other by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by 2.

My mom basically said, no, that's not right because it's not a "proper fraction" which doesn't make sense to me. The math checks out, and numerators can have decimal integers. Is there something I'm missing?

Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@servelan @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic

I'm pretty sure language is math. The rules of grammar are a logical, mathematical construct.

Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar
Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@wakame @ndvirons @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic

I say that only autistic people actually communicate in language. Normal people hear something akin to the bleating of livestock, and modulate their words whether they want to antagonize or soothe. I find this absurdly frustrating, especially since they never even tell me that's what they're doing. I call it, "throwing my words in the garbage".

Kurt Vonnegut said the content of almost all human conversation is, "I'm alive and so are you."

18+ Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar
Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@Havoc_online @punishmenthurts @servelan @ndvirons @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic

I think you just proved the whole point of the thread :)

dramypsyd , to ActuallyAutistic group
@dramypsyd@ohai.social avatar

Dating while autistic problems 🤣


Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@arcadetoken @dramypsyd @actuallyautistic

I'm guessing it means "screw"?

I, too, have been known to get all frustrated. "Just watch the damn movie! It's one of my favorites. Not junk. It deserves your respect!"

Uair ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

@arcadetoken @dramypsyd @actuallyautistic

My fiancee broke my balls over the "it deserves your respect" line for years.

The movie was Homegrown, 1998, an awesome one that I found on the shelf at Blockbuster. It's a lighthearted film noir about a field of pot with an ensemble cast that went straight to video. Best movie nobody saw.

full film:

18+ Uair , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Uair@autistics.life avatar

I don't post on that site, so I will here.

Dude misses a couple ginormous points. Nik Kristoff has always been a right wing apologist. The other point is one that always gets me, that the US ranks 187th out of 250 nations in population density. The whole argument that we can't support more people is absurd. We have the resources to take care of a billion more, easy, at a great standard of living. The "immigration crisis" has always been a bald-faced lie.


wiki on population density:

18+ Uair OP ,
@Uair@autistics.life avatar
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