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TubularTittyFrog ,

because the rules only apply to bad people. good people don't need no rules!

TubularTittyFrog ,

My father was a great anti-role model.

I tried my hardest to not be like him and his shittiness.

Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs ( newatlas.com )

If you don't want a part of your body to get sore, then that part shouldn't be pushing against something that doesn't move along with it. That's the thinking behind the vabsRider bicycle saddle, the two sides of which pivot in time with your pedaling.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

A properly fitted bike saddle should not make you sore during normal use.

Most folks who ride a bike ride a crappy soft foam saddle that makes your butt sore after more than 10m of use.

Good saddles cost over $50+, most folks are buying entire bikes that cost about $100-200... on which the saddle costs $5-10.

TubularTittyFrog ,

you aren't supposed to sit on the saddle over bumps. you lift up your butt and use your knees/hips to as the suspension.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

vast majority of people do not care about having a 'setup'. they are bike bicycle nerds who will spend tons of time and money to get their 'bike fit' right. a proper bike setup is for people who spend $1000s on bikes, not your average consumer who spends under $500 and sees a bicycle as a toy.

they go to walmart, or a bike shop, buy the cheapest bike that looks cool, and ride it. and then stop riding it because it hurts their butt/back/wrists, or they just get bored of it.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

pretty much.

people who have it seem to be convinced everyone else has it. it's a cognitive bias. just like white folks think racism isn't real because they don't experience it.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

bingo. they require attention and effort and you might get something out of them..

social media... is designed to require neither... just like reality tv or candy crush... which are junk.

and same with food. a good meal requires attention and effort to make... cup o noodles requires almost none, but has very little nutritional value beyond hitting your salt and fat receptors.

TubularTittyFrog ,

less screen time.

train your brain to stop expecting the instant gratification that your phone brings you.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

ok, keep whining and making excuses for yourself i guess? jesus

if you are unhappy with yourself the only person who is going to fix it for you is you. but i guess you don't really care.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

if you're happy why are you complaining you want to change something about yourself?

If i don't like something about my life... I stop doing it. It is pretty simple. It takes effort and willpower, but in the end doing it is what matters.

TubularTittyFrog ,

reality is hostile and unforgiving... it doesn't care about your sentiments and wishes. it cares about your results.

true that most folks dont' want to acknowledge that and want to live in a hugbox of sentiment and positive intentions and be told they are great as they are. but that's not how we effect change in our lives... we simply have to go out of our comfort box and do it.

TubularTittyFrog ,

and then complain that you are poor and the 'man/system' is the one whose fault it is.

instead of just washing your own dishes.

‘What’s the Problem?’ Zelensky Challenges West Over Hesitations. ( www.nytimes.com )

With his army struggling to fend off fierce Russian advances all across the front, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine urged the United States and Europe to do more to defend his nation, dismissing fears of nuclear escalation and proposing that NATO planes shoot down Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace....

TubularTittyFrog ,

don't you understand, not letting yourself be genocided is violence.

and clearly russia is only doing genocide because tehy were FORCED. not like those bad israelis.

TubularTittyFrog ,

like most Trump voters, it's all about sounding cool and tough and being a complete idiot/pussy IRL

TubularTittyFrog ,

that's not fun and dramatic and clickbaity though

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

yeah. extremism seems to be the norm here. and you will be harassed and insulted and told your a POS if you even mildly disagree with the extremist narrative. most of the content seems to be angry leftism idealism that reads 'young idealist' who thinks ideological purity is the solution to problems and is incapable of acknowledging a complex and pragmatic approach to any issue at all. and generally people who are totally detached from the average person's perspective/experience, as per your windows comment.

it's just people being people. people don't like anyone who disagrees with them. it hurts their feelings. so they act out.

i will say at least the mods don't ban you for disagreement or injecting a dose of reality into a simplistic ideological narrative about the world... which is why i gave up on reddit.

TubularTittyFrog ,

irrational belief based on fantasy fuels people to action a lot more than rational belief based in reality.

because the former is exciting and meaningful, the latter is boring and mundane.

hence why the crazies tend to believe in cabal conspiracies of evil people whom they must fight against. whereas your average voter is like 'who do i want to have a beer with and make me feel like i'm doing better financially... i'll vote him'

TubularTittyFrog ,

the vast majority of nutbags with low key mental issues i meet are social media addicts who furiously want to bring their 'curated' image into the real world and force others to worship them.

the others nutbags are homeless folks.

TubularTittyFrog ,

yeah. the platforms aren't so bad in and of themselves, it's the engagement algorithms that turn everything to shit.

just like IG, YT, video/music stremaing etc. you could stumble upon random and interesting shit... now the algo is just trying to shove kendrick lamar and joe rogan at me none stop because that is what is 'popular' and whatever shitty movie that netflix is trying to promote.

browsing is dead and search is also mostly broken. you can't even effectively search for shit anymore.

the only place i can freely browse anymore is my local library. and discover lots of cool things. that experience on the internet is dead.

TubularTittyFrog ,

yes, yes, and yes.

and i no longer like any of those things.

TubularTittyFrog ,

So are internet comments are terrorism now?

Sad to see how quick lemmy is becoming reddit. I've already had lots of DMs from hateful angry folks with rage problems who take words on their web browser way too seriously.

and the dumbos who go around downvoting all your comments because of one they didn't like.

TubularTittyFrog ,

my experience is that people are idiots. no matter where you go irl or on the internet. and will willfully be offended at the slightest disagreement or hint that they wont' get their way.

'just go somewhere else!' - this is the same thinking that is the usa housing and immigration crisis. head in the sand nonsense, blaming other people, and then jerk yourself off about what a saint and divine patron of lemmy you are.

TubularTittyFrog ,

you made extra and left it in the pan for later

when i cook bacon i do the whole back and only eat a few slices and save the rest.

As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music?

As an example. I grew up in hip-hop but at a certain point I stopped listening to new people and realised recently that I’d slept on some bangers. Like Kendrick particularly, but even people like Juice WRLD and Xxxtentacion....

TubularTittyFrog ,

yeah, but what if the music i listen to isn't 'with it'? what will the kids thing of me? as an old?

TubularTittyFrog ,

no, because there is no such thing as universal happiness.

everyone's happiness is different, and often conflicting.

for example, my father's happiness would have been me playing football. I hated sports. hence, he hated me until he died for 'hurting him'.

TubularTittyFrog ,

yeah, but that's not how people work.

TubularTittyFrog ,

You have to active look and have fun.

Men who don't actively look don't get anything. It's part of the gender role stuff we're all subject to. Men are expected to approach and initiate.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

That's dating in general for most folks, apps or not. It takes a lot of time and investment and risk.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

This is good advice. The issue with modern dating is people treat other people like amazon products... they want a return/full refund over the stupidest most inconsequential shit and have 'requirements' that are often ridiculously rigid and superfluous. That and they want instant, zero effort gratification. During the early dates... if there is any awkwardness or imperfection... they believe this is intolerable. I've had dates make dinner for me and the dinner game out imperfect, but perfectly edible and good, and they harped on it so hard and broke up with me over it.

Not to mention the double standards. Sooo many people want someone who is better than them and meets standards that they don't meet.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Yeah, if you're an atheist in the rural south, you're not gonna have a good time.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

Interesting to whom?

A lot of us have interests and interesting lives, but unless those interests carrying social currency in your data demographic, they aren't going to make you attractive. e.g. I don't like travel very much, and it's the #1 thing women in my area are interested in, so it makes me very undesirable. They could care less about my interests in literature and art, because it isn't anything they can use to boast about to their girlfriends.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )


Plus a lot of very attractive people who get lots of attention have zero clue what it's like to be an average person who gets little to none. And they all think they 'are just average'. Or that other people should just 'make more of an effort'. Wealth has a lot to do with it too. Ask a welathy person for dating advice and they will just tell you go out and drop five figures out the latest fashionable designer outfits... which isn't viable for the person of an average wealth who is only spending like a grand or two a year on clothing.

Things are privileges because you don't know you have them. And pretty people are clueless about how they are treated and assume everyone else gets their level of interest.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

Yes. my major complaint in life is that most of my dates want to date a man who is a better version of themselves, but don't want to do the work to be that person themselves. They just seem to think they can absorb qualities via dating a better person or something, it's bizarre.

basically most of my relationships ended because she refused to do the work to improve her life, and wanted me to do it for the both of us.

TubularTittyFrog , (edited )

it's not mandatory to have a job or a car or a house.

but the vast majority of us want those things and a life without them is pretty shitty.

TubularTittyFrog ,

what good is empathy when there is moral outrage and shaming to indulge in?

we all know men aren't people. only women are people.

TubularTittyFrog ,

or she can just shove a knife in your neck while you are asleep.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Because his 'theories' are easy to understand for the layperson, and have become tropes in our narrative culture. Most people's understanding of freud is simple 'blame your parents for your problems.'

You do see a lot of Jung as well, but Jung's work is more abstract and out there and is often used symbolically, whereas Frued's is used literally and in sitcoms.

To fend off tourists, a town in Japan is building a big screen blocking the view of Mount Fuji ( apnews.com )

The neighborhood suddenly became a popular spot about two years ago, apparently after a photo taken in a particular angle showing Mount Fuji in the background of a local convenience store, became a social media sensation.

TubularTittyFrog ,

locals don't give a shit about 'views'. they just want to live their lives unimpeded by assholes and idiots

Do you practice self care?

Hello. Let's talk about self-care. Who practices self-care regularly? I've been making an absolute effort to practice self-care, and it's definitely improving my mood. I floss, meditate, do qigong, breathwork, etc. Yes, flossing is self-care, take care of yo teefs. What does everyone do for self-care? Bonus question: Where else...

TubularTittyFrog ,

I enjoy my life.

I refuse to use the BS marketing language of 'self-care' which covers everything from brushing my teeth and wiping my butt to a once in a lifetime two month trip to India. Self care is a horrid concept and the only people I know who use it are your typical narcissistic twits who think they are the center of the universe and everything that slightly upsets their egocentric worldviews as 'toxic'.

TubularTittyFrog ,

We used to call this being an average functional adult.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Is screaming racist and sexist remarks at strangers self care?

It helps my mood!

TubularTittyFrog ,

this assumes you don't wash your dick everytime you go to the bathroom

TubularTittyFrog ,

my siblings managed to keep their kids away from smartphones until 4th grade. And even that was a struggle.

sadly it just falls into the camp of 'everyone else is doing it'. and if your kid isn't they will be socially ostracized.

TubularTittyFrog ,

My city has great roads and schools.

We also have a high tax rate.

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