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TootSweet ,

Well, yeah. It's OpenSea. That's like saying "76% of videos on Pornhub are porn."

TootSweet ,

From the content of this thread, I'm betting there's a lot of selection bias going on. The ones who don't scroll past. The ones who do post.

And I'll follow that pattern. I still live with my mother. Never moved out. Live in the same house I was raised in. But my mother was never really financially stable. My grandmother with whom my mother and I lived... well, she managed to keep us housed and fed with credit card debt, which honestly worked out very well.

Anyway, I was kindof the only person who really made much of an income in my household and have been financially supporting my parents for decades now. (Though my grandmother passed on a few years back and left me a life insurance policy.)

I'm 37 now.

TootSweet ,

Wait, for real?

On the chance that you're serious, this should tell you way more than you'd ever want to know about furries. (And if you aren't sated by the time you're finished reading that article, there's a link to the page "Furry Convention" in the first paragraph.)

TootSweet ,

Don't post the Down The Rabbit Hole documentary on Furries. Don't post the Down The Rabbit Hole documentary on Furries. Don't post...

Dammit, I posted it.

(I'm sorry SavvyWolf... For everyone here, that documentary doesn't paint an entirely representative picture of the furry community as a whole.)

TootSweet , (edited )

Bitcoin. I mined some (might've even been on my CPU at the time) back when it was easy to mine it. Not a ton, but enough that now I have to explain that despite thinking blockchain is just straight up a scam, I do have some Bitcoin in a wallet on my hard drive somewhere. (That I've never done anything with.)

TootSweet , (edited )

Yup. I can. I have around 1/20 of a Bitcoin, so the amount I have should be worth about $3,000 USD (unless the price has crashed since I started writing this post. 😈)

Cashing it in would make me feel dirty. It's basically just handing the bag to the next bagholder. (Though, I'm not really a baholder per se. I'm not really invested to speak of. The only investment I made to get this Bitcoin is to leave my computer on for like a month or less.) Feeding the ponzi monster, as it were.

But then again, it's $3,000.

As much as I hate myself for admitting it, the possibility that the price will climb a little higher is probably part of why I didn't trade it for real money back in late 2021 when the price of a Bitcoin was so high.

But, yeah, you're probably right I should just sell it. Maybe I'll just make whoever I sell it to promise they're not giving me next month's rent or their kids' college fund. Lol.

Edit: Ok. You've inspired me to make a post asking other crypto-skeptics what I should do with it.

TootSweet ,

You've heard this, haven't you?

It's more... "up-beat" than what you posted, but the vibe isn't 100% dissimilar.

TootSweet ,

I think that's just how every Rust developer learns Rust.

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  • TootSweet ,

    Never have I acquired a bit of head canon so quickly and permanently.

    TootSweet ,

    Nope. But that's also not as big a deal as a lot of folks make it.

    Also, he's far from the only important(?) historical(?) figure we can't prove ever existed.

    TootSweet ,

    I was about to make the joke "welp, nothing but raw meat is," but honestly I've heard of people eating that way (and I don't mean fresh meat, I mean just Walmart steaks or whatever) and advocate for that kind of diet to others. And that's a great way to end up with brain worms or some shit.

    TootSweet ,
    TootSweet ,

    Great question! Not really my area of expertise, but probably there are at least a couple of possible avenues. One is decompilation and/or disassembly and static analysis. (Basically use automated tools to reconstruct the original source code as best it can and then read that imperfect reconstruction of the source code to figure out what it does.) Another is isolating it ("air gap" -- no network or connectivity to anything you care about) so you're sure it can't do any damage and running it with tools that record/report everything it does. (On Linux, one could use strace and/or GDB. On Mac, dtrace. Not sure what the equivalent is for Windows programs running on Windows.)

    Actually, I guess another option could be to set up an isolated system, record a whole bunch of information about it before running the .exe then after running the .exe, examine it to see what you can find on the filesystem or in the registry or in RAM or whatever that might have changed. It wouldn't catch everything, though. Like if it made a network connection or something but didn't actually change anything on the filesystem, it might not leave any traces.

    Whatever the case, it'd probably require some specialized tools and expertise. But it'd be an interesting project.

    TootSweet ,

    And everything freezes for like 3 seconds while it churns through that process. Lol.

    TootSweet ,

    I have 21 tabs open right now, including this one. That's on my personal machine. Don't ask how many I have open on my work machine that I haven't rebooted in a few weeks.

    TootSweet ,

    Reddit used to be a pretty cool thing. And it still has a lot of good information. But I always feel dirty when I do resort to searching Reddit for information.

    Aaron Swartz would be appalled.

    TootSweet ,

    Doesn't that require a much higher temperature than most beds would be able to safely achieve.

    I had to take the screen off of a Pixel not terribly long ago to replace the battery. I used a heat gun and I remember it requiring a temperature of like... 240C° or some such? And when I'm printing PLA, my printer bed only gets to 60C°. (Not saying it couldn't go higher, but 240C° seems way higher than 60C°.)

    TootSweet ,

    What I've used for this purpose is one of these. And I can attest that 60C° is nowhere near high enough to set that kind of thing for purposes of getting a Google Pixel 3a off safely.

    But I bet ThetaDev is right that a flat plate heater can work just as well when set to lower temperatures because they heat the whole screen at one time.

    TootSweet ,

    There's not much to do except try to stay in my house and not engage with the outside world any more than I have to for four years.

    It's also not like the Democrats are going to reign Trump in in any significant way. (Don't get me wrong. I'm voting for Biden, I just don't expect much.)

    Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

    I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

    TootSweet ,

    "They go low, we go high." Translated "they break the rules and try to overthrow the government, we roll over and beg for more."

    TootSweet ,

    Just an FYI: what you're trying to do is illegal. But it shouldn't be and for what it's worth, you have my blessing.

    TootSweet ,

    You know, I pulled a "dumb american" move and assumed OP was in the U.S. I'll stand by the claim that what OP's trying to do is illegal in the U.S. and write the rest of this comment under the assumption that OP is in the U.S.

    I suppose I'm also assuming OP doesn't have any special license to the content on the DVDs in question. But I'll assume they're talking about commercially available Hollywood movies for purposes of this comment.

    Also, IANAL, and this isn't legal advice.

    But, the "backup copy" provision applies only to "computer programs", not to movies, audio recordings, novels, etc.

    Also, the backup copy provision isn't considered part of "fair use". Fair use is in 17 USC § 107. The backup copy provision is in 17 USC § 117. Whatever the case, nothing in what OP said indicates that anything they're trying to do is for purposes of "criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching ..., scholarship, or research".

    Beyond that, DVDs have DRM. And the DMCA makes it a felony to "circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title". Basically, aside from a couple of provisions that don't apply here, its a felony to circumvent DRM.

    Whether OP owns the physical media isn't relevant to any of the above.

    It's fucked, but that's how it is.

    TootSweet ,

    Put AI in the title of anything and rubes will donate clicks.

    TootSweet ,

    Jerboa. Because it's fully open source and it's the first one I installed and I have yet to have enough of a problem with it to look for alternatives. (The left-right swipe features are... not a good thing, but they're not bad enough to make me want to switch.)

    TootSweet ,

    Yes! I didn't even think to check until now. Thank you, kind stranger!

    What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

    It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

    TootSweet OP ,

    Yes! That's a good one.

    Once place I've heard this take on punctuation mentioned is in Eric Raymond's (version of) the Hacker Jargon File.

    (I just realized when I included a link in the above sentence, I included the word "in" to make it clear I was not referring to the whole Hacker Jargon File, but rather a specific part in it.)

    TootSweet ,

    I never understood the Sieve of Eratosthenes until this meme.

    TootSweet ,

    They'd put heroin in baby formula if it was cheap and they could get away with it.

    TootSweet ,

    Only thing that's guaranteed is that you'll never actually get to the sexy goblin.

    How do you build complex shapes? ( )

    I've made a large number of custom prints, and all of them were created using TinkerCad. It's an amazing toolkit, stupid easy to use but versatile. That is ... until something needs a tiny adjustment somewhere. That's when I feel it would've been neat to use parametric CAD instead....

    TootSweet ,

    I model exclusively with OpenSCAD and a shit ton of math. (Full disclosure, for some of the most absolutely complex things I've done, I've written Go code to generate OpenSCAD code. But it's not often that I need that.) And I make some pretty complex things. I'm currently working off-and-on on a 3d-printable mechanical keyboard, for instance.

    OpenSCAD, in case you don't know, is a straight up programming language for doing CAD. It doesn't even provide you the option to adjust anything with the mouse.

    It's hardcore, but it does the job.

    TootSweet ,

    I'm a huge fan of Creality printers. If I were starting over today and didn't have my eye on any specific bell or whistle, I'd probably get a Creality Ender 3 V3 or Ender 3 V3 SE. The Ender 3 Pro and Ender 3 V2 Neo I have now are great. Very reliable and easy to maintain.

    One bell/whistle I'd 100% pay extra for is autoleveling. (A z probe rather than a z endstop.) My Ender 3 Pro came with an endstop rather than a probe. As soon as I got the V2 Neo that does have a z-probe I immediately decided to upgrade my Ender 3 Pro with a z-probe. With just the endstop, I had constant issues getting the first layer to adhere, especially if I was printing something that used a significant portion of the bed.

    TootSweet ,

    If you've got time to stack dice, you've got time to take notes.

    TootSweet ,

    Won't someone think of the landlords.

    I hope the "/s" is superfluous here, but:


    TootSweet ,

    There's going to be an article one of these days in Business Insider or something saying "employees increasingly establishing secret outside-of-the-company communication channels and sharing trade secrets over them." And then the companies are going to get all pissy about "muh trade secritssssss" and issue nagging emails to the whole company not to set up Discords to evade their employee monitoring solution that they pay a gorillion dollars a year for. And because it was the CEO's idea, he can't just back down and admit it was wrong. He has to keep doubling down.

    Meme format of Principle Skinner from The Simpsons reflecting in the first panel "Am I so out of touch?" and in the second panel saying "No, it's the employees who are wrong."

    TootSweet ,

    Of those three steps, step 2 is the illegal one. (Assuming we're talking about music and not software.) Even if you never do step 3.

    (Not saying things should be that way. Nor that it's not difficult to enforce. Only that as the laws are today, even ripping a music CD to your hard drive without any intention to share the audio files or resell the CD, even if you never listen to the tracks from your computer, the act of making that "copy" infringes copyright.)

    Edit: Oh, and I should mention this is the case for U.S. copyright. No idea about any other countries.

    TootSweet ,

    This is like the wholesome flipside of prepperism.

    TootSweet ,

    I remember something my first DM did.

    Player: Ok. I'll open the door.

    DM: You're turning the doorknob?

    Player: Wait. Never mind. I'll search first.

    DM: Too late. Which direction do you turn the doorknob?

    Player: Sweating. Um... clockwise?

    DM: And which hand do you turn the doorknob with?

    Player: Ri-... Left.

    DM: And do you push or pull the door?

    Player: Push...

    DM: The door swings open.

    The entire table was dead silent for a full 30 seconds. Nothing ever happened. Or if it did, we never made the connection to the door.

    That DM was a joker. Lol.

    TootSweet ,

    What did they cover their rocks with before paper?

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